(President) Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I see no reason we need to keep on "protecting" nations that are wealthy and fully capable of protecting themselves.
Or protecting countries from their customers. Germany buys gas from Russia.

The Ukraine delivers gas from Russia to the European Union. But this service of the Ukraine is damned risky and expensive and the Ukraine is additionally not a member of the European Union. This was a reason to bring gas directly from Russia to Germany too - specially because the democratic situation is in lots of countries in the East of Europe not as stable as it should be. We could give for example even the Ukraine Russian gas, if necessary to do so. The project bis now nearly finished. And West-Germany made during the whole cold war business with Russia too.

The greatest problem of president Trump is called in the German language "Vertragstreue" - "contract compliance", what is only a pale translation of this word. The only contract with Native Americans, which was never broken from the whites in the USA was made with German seddlers and is still active.

In international politics decisions are not able to depend on persons. The Iran for example fulfilled the nuclear treaty it made. Trump did not accept it. Same with the "Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces" 'deal' with Russia. Trump took care that the situation in Europe will be much more dangerous. Now he likes to get money for. This idiot should be imprisoned. He's not a businessman - he's a criminal. Nothing what he say make sense nor is this man a reliable partner for anyone. The damages he had done in the image of the USA worldwide are a catastrope not only for the USA but for the complete western world.

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That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

And you guys don't think he's on Putin's Payroll?
That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I agree. I’ve been stationed in Germany for many years. The Germans are not grateful for us being here, and it’s expensive as fuck to live here. We should move all of our forces to Poland and Romania where they want us, they are willing to pay us too.
That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I agree. I’ve been stationed in Germany for many years. The Germans are not grateful for us being here, and it’s expensive as fuck to live here. We should move all of our forces to Poland and Romania where they want us, they are willing to pay us too.

Grateful? What for heavens sake do you speak about, idiot? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Otherwise you would be grateful.

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That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I agree. I’ve been stationed in Germany for many years. The Germans are not grateful for us being here, and it’s expensive as fuck to live here. We should move all of our forces to Poland and Romania where they want us, they are willing to pay us too.

Grateful? What for heavens sake do you speak about, idiot? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Otherwise you would be grateful.

Learn to speak English.
That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I agree. I’ve been stationed in Germany for many years. The Germans are not grateful for us being here, and it’s expensive as fuck to live here. We should move all of our forces to Poland and Romania where they want us, they are willing to pay us too.

Grateful? What for heavens sake do you speak about, idiot? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Otherwise you would be grateful.

I was in Germany in the early 80's. I never had a problem getting along with Germans my own age but the big towns used to have riots demanding that the Americans leave. I was in a station consisting of 13 people, radio communications. We had 80 rounds of ammo locked in a safe. We had no way of defending ourselves if attacked. There was no point to us being there.
That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I agree. I’ve been stationed in Germany for many years. The Germans are not grateful for us being here, and it’s expensive as fuck to live here. We should move all of our forces to Poland and Romania where they want us, they are willing to pay us too.

Grateful? What for heavens sake do you speak about, idiot? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Otherwise you would be grateful.

I was in Germany in the early 80's.

... 480? 580? 680? 780? 880? 980? 1080? 1180? 1280? 1380? 1480? 1580? 1680? 1780? 1880? 1980? ...

I never had a problem getting along with Germans my own age but the big towns used to have riots


demanding that the Americans leave.

Soviet propaganda found sometimes useful idiots in the western world too. But you confused the words "demonstration" and "riot". Even useful idiots have the right to say what others think from which they think it are their own thoughts.

I was in a station consisting of 13 people, radio communications.

My god. Wonderful. We liked the american radio much. Often I thought about in the last years how we could reanimate the good old RIAS Berlin. "Here speaks RIAS Berlin - a free voice of the free world". I love this slogan very much. This is my Berlin.

We had 80 rounds of ammo locked in a safe. We had no way of defending ourselves if attacked. There was no point to us being there.

No one liked to attack our US-soldiers in the 80ies of the last century. Only some terrorists caused some little problems - the most famous names in this context was the "Baader-Meinhof-Gang". By the way: they had learned their terroristic business from the Palestinian Arabs and were supported from the Soviets once. But the US-army was not in the center of their terror. As far as I know they never had attacked US-soldiers.

They were by the way pretty good terrorist. I remember in this context for example an assassination attempt, where they killed someone with an iron plate, which they shot into a driving armoured car. The car was nearly like butter for this plate. Without using any computer they timed the explosion, which moved the plate, so exactly, that the driver survived and the passenger and his body guards were killed. Yea - the wonderful good old times, where even the terrorists were better than the godless idiots of today.

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That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I agree. I’ve been stationed in Germany for many years. The Germans are not grateful for us being here, and it’s expensive as fuck to live here. We should move all of our forces to Poland and Romania where they want us, they are willing to pay us too.

Grateful? What for heavens sake do you speak about, idiot? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Otherwise you would be grateful.

Learn to speak English.

Why? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Donald Trump - the master of the lies - makes everyone to a liar.

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The US government is under the control of the bombmakers and spends more on war than the rest of the world. Why should other countries subsidise this ?
The US government is under the control of the bombmakers and spends more on war than the rest of the world. Why should other countries subsidise this ?
Because they don't?
There are better things to spend our taxes on.
Sure, tribute for example.

Since you're a fag of limited intellect:
2a: a payment by one ruler or nation to another in acknowledgment of submission or as the price of protectionalso : the tax levied for such a payment
b(1): an excessive tax, rental, or tariff imposed by a government, sovereign, lord, or landlord
(2): an exorbitant charge levied by a person or group having the power of coercion
c: the liability to pay tribute

Definition of TRIBUTE
The US government is under the control of the bombmakers and spends more on war than the rest of the world. Why should other countries subsidise this ?
Because they don't?
There are better things to spend our taxes on.

Exactly. We (=Germany) agreed with Barack Obama (and never with Donald Trump) to double our military budget up to the year 2025. The problem now is not to waste money - that's easy and our politicians are very experienced in wasting money too. The real problem is not many men like to go to our army. Short description: We (our army) is able to do wars Mo-Fr from 8 o'clock AM to 5 o'clock PM - that's three hours a day (8-5=3) how a Chinese speaking US-American AI found out. And in this three hours we have breakfast, then a light meal, afterwards follows lunch and coffee time - and because the Brits make a Brexit - what a Russian speaking Chinese AI from the USA told them to do - we have also to drink additionally tea now, because otherwisee the economy of India is collapting, what Al Qaida told us and what we verified by a voice call to the Tuareg in Africa.

Because of all this stress our young men prefer to climb without oxygen mask at the mountains in the Himmalaya or they film sharks while wales eat them and spit them out again or they are on their dream time journey in the Australian outback, where they eat something what only the NI (natural Intelligence) of Aborigenes knows.

And what is the result of all this now? Not enough men for our army, no increasing military budgets, no war against Russia, which we would win this time, no nuclear answer of the Russian losers to the USA and Europe and not the death of hundreds of millions of people and/or not a nuclear overkill of the whole world, if the USA would had the time to answer the Russians with nukes, before they were dust. But think positive! In this case the nuclear winter will force the current man made climate change not to cause a global warming. We are save. Thanks Trump.

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That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I agree. I’ve been stationed in Germany for many years. The Germans are not grateful for us being here, and it’s expensive as fuck to live here. We should move all of our forces to Poland and Romania where they want us, they are willing to pay us too.

Grateful? What for heavens sake do you speak about, idiot? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Otherwise you would be grateful.

Learn to speak English.

Why? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Donald Trump - the master of the lies - makes everyone to a liar.

I’ve been in Germany many years, since you can’t read.
That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I agree. I’ve been stationed in Germany for many years. The Germans are not grateful for us being here, and it’s expensive as fuck to live here. We should move all of our forces to Poland and Romania where they want us, they are willing to pay us too.

Grateful? What for heavens sake do you speak about, idiot? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Otherwise you would be grateful.

Learn to speak English.

Why? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Donald Trump - the master of the lies - makes everyone to a liar.

I’ve been in Germany many years, since you can’t read.

As a poor lonesome racist?

That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I agree. I’ve been stationed in Germany for many years. The Germans are not grateful for us being here, and it’s expensive as fuck to live here. We should move all of our forces to Poland and Romania where they want us, they are willing to pay us too.

Grateful? What for heavens sake do you speak about, idiot? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Otherwise you would be grateful.

I was in Germany in the early 80's.

... 480? 580? 680? 780? 880? 980? 1080? 1180? 1280? 1380? 1480? 1580? 1680? 1780? 1880? 1980? ...

I never had a problem getting along with Germans my own age but the big towns used to have riots


demanding that the Americans leave.

Soviet propaganda found sometimes useful idiots in the western world too. But you confused the words "demonstration" and "riot". Even useful idiots have the right to say what others think from which they think it are their own thoughts.
I call flipping over military vans a riot.

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