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President Trump’s First 100 Days by Scott 'Dilbert' Adams

Markets are going up up!

Stock market today: News, data and summary - MSN Money

Compare to when Obama was in office. :badgrin:
Markets are going up up!

Stock market today: News, data and summary - MSN Money

Compare to when Obama was in office. :badgrin:
right, and remember how the left kept bragging on how the Market went up during the Obama 8 year recession? yet they never mention how many Trillions were printed up to make it look like it went up? and it was BORROWED? :iagree:
Remember Obama's First 100 days? losing about 700,000 jobs a month (thanks to him!) and didnt the DOW crash to about 3000?

No the DOW crashed under W, and the job losses are W's as well. I love how conservatives take NO responsibility whatsover for W's total screw over of the US economy.

And now the OP is making excuses for the orange-faced clown's dismal first 100 days.

First 100 days of Barack Obama's presidency - Wikipedia

In Obama's first 100 days, he passed and signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and his Stimulus Package was passed on January 29th, 2009 - showing that moment he was Inaugurated he was prepared with legislation that was ready to be implemented. He expanded the S-CHIP program to provide coverage for 4 million working families, and passed a budget resolution for the ACA.

Trump pulled out of TPP, and had his stolen SC nomination approved. The only thing Trump has done since taking office is cancel environmental and worker protections. And bomb and threaten other nations.

What a LOSER!

(thanks to him!) and didnt the DOW crash to about 3000?

The Market went up 140% under Obama's tenure......Sorry.....LOL

After bottoming out under W.

Is it all-time high for the markets today?

It's going to take some time and a lot of hard work to undo 40 years of US government mistakes.

He's trying, that's all I ask.
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Remember Obama's First 100 days? losing about 700,000 jobs a month (thanks to him!) and didnt the DOW crash to about 3000?

No the DOW crashed under W, and the job losses are W's as well. I love how conservatives take NO responsibility whatsover for W's total screw over of the US economy.

And now the OP is making excuses for the orange-faced clown's dismal first 100 days.

First 100 days of Barack Obama's presidency - Wikipedia

In Obama's first 100 days, he passed and signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and his Stimulus Package was passed on January 29th, 2009 - showing that moment he was Inaugurated he was prepared with legislation that was ready to be implemented. He expanded the S-CHIP program to provide coverage for 4 million working families, and passed a budget resolution for the ACA.

Trump pulled out of TPP, and had his stolen SC nomination approved. The only thing Trump has done since taking office is cancel environmental and worker protections. And bomb and threaten other nations.

What a LOSER!

(thanks to him!) and didnt the DOW crash to about 3000?

The Market went up 140% under Obama's tenure......Sorry.....LOL

After bottoming out under W.

Is it all-time high for the markets today?

It's going to take some time and a lot of hard work to undo 40 years of US government mistakes.

He's trying, that's all I ask.
And how many times did the DOW hit 20,000 under Obama?
I think Trump has done alright in his first 100 days. But when Scott Adams asks, "Where is the control case for Trump’s first 100 days?" as with any president it is more about promises made and promises kept. I also question his generalizations such as:

"Tax reform will probably be slower than we want, but most observers expect something good to come of it."
I'm not sure about his polling of observers. I expect the plan will be the typical GOP plan of reducing and./or eliminating the tax on wealth in return for tossing crumbs at the tax on labor. Conservatives will be for it, liberals against it. Think I'll do well by it but won't lose any sleep over it one way or the other.
This buffoon couldnt make a rational thought if it was written down for him.
To bad that he isnt the dictator you would like to have.. That is why we have a system of checks and balances. That, howver, escapes you. River Rock.

Do you need to have someone shove his comments in your face, as to what he would do on day one.
Selective memory again by a teabagger.

Hell,it takes longer than three months to get settled in a new house.
And you morons seem to think this country's ills can be repaired in the same amount of time?

Maybe if your moronic activist judges stopped blocking him at every turn when they know damn good and well that their shit wont stand up in a real court of law.
Trump made some disastrous mustakes. He vastly underestimated the viciousness of the democrats. He made a terrible mistake in expecting some level of honesty.

How very, very "true".......Just look at how Trump readily showed his tax returns....as promised; how Trump lets folks access the WH visiting logs; how Trump allows access to whomever he meets in his Mar-A Lago complex (where he recently added the membership fee to $200K....just to show how he is a man of the people.)

Yes, you're correct, Trump honesty is a paragon for all of us to follow.....LOL
"Trump signed a bunch of executive orders. You might not like them, but that’s more about you, not about his job performance."

Even though he hated when Obama did it.

"Trump got a qualified Supreme Court judge, albeit the hard way."

You know who else was qualified? Merrick Garland. He was a casualty of playing politics.

If international relations are better, Sweden, Australia and Germany have all been bewildered by how he has acted.

As far as putting economics above the environment and justifying that, we are already the richest country in the world. If one of the roles of the federal government is to protect people, then that includes regulations to insure people breathe clean air and corporations don't pollute.

Trump being slow to fill a lot of positions may not impact my life, but he isn't doing his job either like he should be.

Also, Nunes even said during his press conference that Obama wiretapping Trump did not happen.
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That's your response? Really? Instead of just debating after I took the time to disagree on some of the points you made?
"Trump signed a bunch of executive orders. You might not like them, but that’s more about you, not about his job performance."

Even though he hated when Obama did it.

"Trump got a qualified Supreme Court judge, albeit the hard way."

You know who else was qualified? Merrick Garland. He was a casualty of playing politics.

If international relations are better, Sweden, Australia and Germany have all been bewildered by how he has acted.

As far as putting economics above the environment and justifying that, we are already the richest country in the world. If one of the roles of the federal government is to protect people, then that includes regulations to insure people breathe clean air and corporations don't pollute.

Trump being slow to fill a lot of positions may not impact my life, but he isn't doing his job either like he should be.

Also, Nunes even said during his press conference that Obama wiretapping Trump did not happen.
View attachment 123410

That's your response? Really? Instead of just debating after I took the time to disagree on some of the points you made?
Who can debate people who protest because someone you didn't vote for got elected or protest because you think you are denied the use of science?
Pretty much dead on.

Everyone observing politics seems to agree on two things about a president’s first 100 days in office:

1. 100 days is a meaningless, arbitrary marker for a president’s performance that is likely to be more misleading than useful.


2. Let’s treat it like it is important! Reeeeeeee!

The thing that fascinates me the most about this situation is that the so-called “pro-science” people are giving Trump low grades for his first 100 days.

Allow me to connect some dots.

In science, you don’t have much of an experiment unless you have a control case for comparison. For example, you can’t know if a drug helped with a particular disease unless you study the people who didn’t take the drug at the same time as those who did.

But the pro-science people forget this concept when thinking about politics. Where is the control case for Trump’s first 100 days?

Is it George Washington’s first 100 days?

Is it Jimmy Carter’s first 100 days?

And which prior president came to office in 2017 with identical problems and the most polarized political environment in history?

And just how long is it supposed to take to revise Obamacare? Do we compare it to the time Abe Lincoln repealed and replaced Obamacare? Or how about the time those other presidents repealed and replaced Obamacare in the year 2017?

I saw an article in Politico that is too dumb to link to, saying it is objectively true that Trump has had a bad first 100 days. This is a perfect example of what I call the “two movies on one screen effect.” I’m almost certain that many Trump supporters would say these facts are objectively true too:

Economic confidence is up.

Trump signed a bunch of executive orders. You might not like them, but that’s more about you, not about his job performance.

China is putting the screws on North Korea (finally)

Trump erased the “puppet of Putin” charge by prudent application of Tomahawk missiles. That’s an accomplishment, even if you don’t like it.

Trump erased the “Trump is Hitler” hallucination that the Clinton side spray-painted onto him during the election. (That’s a big deal.)

Trump got a qualified Supreme Court judge, albeit the hard way.

Healthcare is moving along briskly from the first plan that was terrible to something that is approaching feasible. That’s progress, not failure.

Tax reform will probably be slower than we want, but most observers expect something good to come of it.

International relations look fine. The only awkward relationship is with Putin, and that’s the awkward relationship Trump’s detractors want.

Illegal immigration is way down because of Trump’s persuasion.

Now let’s look at the things President Trump did wrong in his first 100 days:

You can criticize Trump’s actions against women’s reproductive rights, both on the topic of Planned Parenthood funding and his Supreme Court pick. But calling those things failures or successes depends on your political views, not on Trump’s job performance.

I think you could make an objective case against Trump for putting economics above the environment. But you’d have to ignore the fact that a stronger economy almost always puts you in a better position to keep the environment clean. (Trump says that.) You don’t see clean air and water in poor countries.

President Trump reversed a bunch of campaign statements from impractical positions to more practical ones. Is that failure?

President Trump said a bunch of things that did not pass the fact-checking, surprising literally no one. And as usual, none of it mattered in any way except that it made us focus on whatever topic he wanted us to focus on.

President Trump’s staff and advisors are reportedly doing a lot of in-fighting for influence. But that sounds more like a healthy situation than a Trump-is-dictator situation. It would be worse if there were no differences of opinion in the group.

President Trump has been slow to fill lots of government positions. But has any of that mattered to your life? I haven’t noticed, personally. Was the Secretary of Whatever supposed to come over and mow my lawn?

President Trump did not release his tax returns, so we imagine there are problems there.

President Trump incorrectly claimed that his staff had been “wiretapped.” It turns out that they were only legally surveilled in an indirect way. Which only sounds different to his critics.

Generally speaking, the criticisms of President Trump’s first 100 days (and in general) are based on imaginary stuff:

Imagined problems on his tax returns.

Imagined blackmail by Russia.

Imagined poor performance based on imagining a control case of another imaginary president doing the same job at the same time, but doing it faster.

Imaginary belief that doing things you prefer he not do is similar to not being competent.

Imagined staff problems that are bigger than they are.

Imagined nuclear holocaust that happens because of Trump’s imaginary insanity.

Imagined problems caused by his ignoring of facts that don’t matter.

Imagined future climate calamity. (They could be right, but for now it is imaginary because complex models have a bad track record.)

Scott Adams' Blog
100 days is a meaningless, arbitrary marker for a president’s performance that is likely to more misleading than useful.

However so that may or may not be, it's clearly not what Trump thought about it...That is until his 100 day mark neared and it became obvious to him that very little of note in his "100 Day Contract with the American Voter" would be accomplished. Indeed, Trump specifically asserted, "On November 8th, Americans will be voting for this 100-day plan to restore prosperity to our economy, security to our communities, and honesty to our government.


So, to the if one construes the notion of the "100 days" as a bar for marking presidential achievement, one can just add it to the list things done and said by Trump that are, as "Dilbert" puts it, "meaningless, arbitrary" and "more misleading than useful."

BTW, one'll recall that contracts are binding only on the people who sign them. Trump clearly signed his "Contract with the American Voter."
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Pretty much dead on.

Everyone observing politics seems to agree on two things about a president’s first 100 days in office:

1. 100 days is a meaningless, arbitrary marker for a president’s performance that is likely to be more misleading than useful.


2. Let’s treat it like it is important! Reeeeeeee!

The thing that fascinates me the most about this situation is that the so-called “pro-science” people are giving Trump low grades for his first 100 days.

Allow me to connect some dots.

In science, you don’t have much of an experiment unless you have a control case for comparison. For example, you can’t know if a drug helped with a particular disease unless you study the people who didn’t take the drug at the same time as those who did.

But the pro-science people forget this concept when thinking about politics. Where is the control case for Trump’s first 100 days?

Is it George Washington’s first 100 days?

Is it Jimmy Carter’s first 100 days?

And which prior president came to office in 2017 with identical problems and the most polarized political environment in history?

And just how long is it supposed to take to revise Obamacare? Do we compare it to the time Abe Lincoln repealed and replaced Obamacare? Or how about the time those other presidents repealed and replaced Obamacare in the year 2017?

I saw an article in Politico that is too dumb to link to, saying it is objectively true that Trump has had a bad first 100 days. This is a perfect example of what I call the “two movies on one screen effect.” I’m almost certain that many Trump supporters would say these facts are objectively true too:

Economic confidence is up.

Trump signed a bunch of executive orders. You might not like them, but that’s more about you, not about his job performance.

China is putting the screws on North Korea (finally)

Trump erased the “puppet of Putin” charge by prudent application of Tomahawk missiles. That’s an accomplishment, even if you don’t like it.

Trump erased the “Trump is Hitler” hallucination that the Clinton side spray-painted onto him during the election. (That’s a big deal.)

Trump got a qualified Supreme Court judge, albeit the hard way.

Healthcare is moving along briskly from the first plan that was terrible to something that is approaching feasible. That’s progress, not failure.

Tax reform will probably be slower than we want, but most observers expect something good to come of it.

International relations look fine. The only awkward relationship is with Putin, and that’s the awkward relationship Trump’s detractors want.

Illegal immigration is way down because of Trump’s persuasion.

Now let’s look at the things President Trump did wrong in his first 100 days:

You can criticize Trump’s actions against women’s reproductive rights, both on the topic of Planned Parenthood funding and his Supreme Court pick. But calling those things failures or successes depends on your political views, not on Trump’s job performance.

I think you could make an objective case against Trump for putting economics above the environment. But you’d have to ignore the fact that a stronger economy almost always puts you in a better position to keep the environment clean. (Trump says that.) You don’t see clean air and water in poor countries.

President Trump reversed a bunch of campaign statements from impractical positions to more practical ones. Is that failure?

President Trump said a bunch of things that did not pass the fact-checking, surprising literally no one. And as usual, none of it mattered in any way except that it made us focus on whatever topic he wanted us to focus on.

President Trump’s staff and advisors are reportedly doing a lot of in-fighting for influence. But that sounds more like a healthy situation than a Trump-is-dictator situation. It would be worse if there were no differences of opinion in the group.

President Trump has been slow to fill lots of government positions. But has any of that mattered to your life? I haven’t noticed, personally. Was the Secretary of Whatever supposed to come over and mow my lawn?

President Trump did not release his tax returns, so we imagine there are problems there.

President Trump incorrectly claimed that his staff had been “wiretapped.” It turns out that they were only legally surveilled in an indirect way. Which only sounds different to his critics.

Generally speaking, the criticisms of President Trump’s first 100 days (and in general) are based on imaginary stuff:

Imagined problems on his tax returns.

Imagined blackmail by Russia.

Imagined poor performance based on imagining a control case of another imaginary president doing the same job at the same time, but doing it faster.

Imaginary belief that doing things you prefer he not do is similar to not being competent.

Imagined staff problems that are bigger than they are.

Imagined nuclear holocaust that happens because of Trump’s imaginary insanity.

Imagined problems caused by his ignoring of facts that don’t matter.

Imagined future climate calamity. (They could be right, but for now it is imaginary because complex models have a bad track record.)

Scott Adams' Blog
100 days is a meaningless, arbitrary marker for a president’s performance that is likely to more misleading than useful.

However so that may or may not be, it's clearly not what Trump thought about it...That is until his 100 day mark neared and it became obvious to him that very little of note in his "100 Day Contract with the American Voter" Indeed, Trump specifically asserted, "On November 8th, Americans will be voting for this 100-day plan to restore prosperity to our economy, security to our communities, and honesty to our government.


So, to the if one construes the notion of the "100 days" as a bar for marking presidential achievement, one can just add it to the list things done and said by Trump that are, as "Dilbert" puts it, "meaningless, arbitrary" and "more misleading than useful."

BTW, one'll recall that contracts are binding only on the people who sign them. Trump clearly signed his "Contract with the American Voter."
All but two accomplished.
Dow will hit 71,100 at the current rate since the election in his FIRST TERM.

DOW has risen 10% since trump's swearing in..........Thanks to the Obama economic recovery......Trump, you need to raise it 130 % MORE to match Obama's gains........LOL
Remember Obama's First 100 days? losing about 700,000 jobs a month (thanks to him!) and didnt the DOW crash to about 3000?

No the DOW crashed under W, and the job losses are W's as well. I love how conservatives take NO responsibility whatsover for W's total screw over of the US economy.

And now the OP is making excuses for the orange-faced clown's dismal first 100 days.

First 100 days of Barack Obama's presidency - Wikipedia

In Obama's first 100 days, he passed and signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and his Stimulus Package was passed on January 29th, 2009 - showing that moment he was Inaugurated he was prepared with legislation that was ready to be implemented. He expanded the S-CHIP program to provide coverage for 4 million working families, and passed a budget resolution for the ACA.

Trump pulled out of TPP, and had his stolen SC nomination approved. The only thing Trump has done since taking office is cancel environmental and worker protections. And bomb and threaten other nations.

What a LOSER!
Economy always crashes under a Democrat Congress, always prospers under a Republican Congress. Always.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.
Dow will hit 71,100 at the current rate since the election in his FIRST TERM.

DOW has risen 10% since trump's swearing in..........Thanks to the Obama economic recovery......Trump, you need to raise it 130 % MORE to match Obama's gains........LOL
Dow will be over 71,000 in 4 years at the current rate since the people learned Trump defeated leftardism.
Remember Obama's First 100 days? losing about 700,000 jobs a month (thanks to him!) and didnt the DOW crash to about 3000?

No the DOW crashed under W, and the job losses are W's as well. I love how conservatives take NO responsibility whatsover for W's total screw over of the US economy.

And now the OP is making excuses for the orange-faced clown's dismal first 100 days.

First 100 days of Barack Obama's presidency - Wikipedia

In Obama's first 100 days, he passed and signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and his Stimulus Package was passed on January 29th, 2009 - showing that moment he was Inaugurated he was prepared with legislation that was ready to be implemented. He expanded the S-CHIP program to provide coverage for 4 million working families, and passed a budget resolution for the ACA.

Trump pulled out of TPP, and had his stolen SC nomination approved. The only thing Trump has done since taking office is cancel environmental and worker protections. And bomb and threaten other nations.

What a LOSER!
Economy always crashes under a Democrat Congress, always prospers under a Republican Congress. Always.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.
I have to teach you how to use google too?
Remember Obama's First 100 days? losing about 700,000 jobs a month (thanks to him!) and didnt the DOW crash to about 3000?

No the DOW crashed under W, and the job losses are W's as well. I love how conservatives take NO responsibility whatsover for W's total screw over of the US economy.

And now the OP is making excuses for the orange-faced clown's dismal first 100 days.

First 100 days of Barack Obama's presidency - Wikipedia

In Obama's first 100 days, he passed and signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and his Stimulus Package was passed on January 29th, 2009 - showing that moment he was Inaugurated he was prepared with legislation that was ready to be implemented. He expanded the S-CHIP program to provide coverage for 4 million working families, and passed a budget resolution for the ACA.

Trump pulled out of TPP, and had his stolen SC nomination approved. The only thing Trump has done since taking office is cancel environmental and worker protections. And bomb and threaten other nations.

What a LOSER!
Economy always crashes under a Democrat Congress, always prospers under a Republican Congress. Always.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.
I have to teach you how to use google too?


Now that you've failed to do anything in the first 100 days you now determine that it's meaningless. It's like when a bully takes your lunch money and you say you didn't like the schools taco casserole anyway.
DOW began skyrocketing election night, Supreme Court filled, consumer confidence skyrocketing, China going after NK, and he has you leftists in a constant state of tizzy. 3 years, 9 months of more fun ahead.
The Dow went up 12,000 points under Obama :thup:
Slowest economic recovery in US history - owned by Obama.
Mr. Trump's solution is to take credit for "improved performance" by no longer requiring a "smog check".
The last hope for the angry psychotic left is to use their minions in the MSM to try to split the republican party with non stop meaningless drivel disguised as news. Once the Trump administration gets up and running the democrat party becomes a redundant obstructionist speed bump in the political arena.
They are even claiming Trump is bad because he "split the GOP"
Now that you've failed to do anything in the first 100 days you now determine that it's meaningless. It's like when a bully takes your lunch money and you say you didn't like the schools taco casserole anyway.
DOW began skyrocketing election night, Supreme Court filled, consumer confidence skyrocketing, China going after NK, and he has you leftists in a constant state of tizzy. 3 years, 9 months of more fun ahead.
The Dow went up 12,000 points under Obama :thup:
Slowest economic recovery in US history - owned by Obama.
Mr. Trump's solution is to take credit for "improved performance" by no longer requiring a "smog check".
For doing nothing he sure has you snowflakes foaming at the mouth.
Pretty much dead on.

Everyone observing politics seems to agree on two things about a president’s first 100 days in office:

1. 100 days is a meaningless, arbitrary marker for a president’s performance that is likely to be more misleading than useful.
Classic sour grapes. Just classic. Right out of Aesop.

Trump promised all kinds of accomplishments in his first 100 days. He bragged and bragged and bragged about all the great, important, terrific things he was going to do.

And now he's reneged on almost all of them, and you just sit there and take it as he says, "Those grapes are probably sour anyway."

He's counting on you goldfish and your short term memories to forget his colossal failure to keep his promises.


What follows is my 100-day action plan to Make America Great Again.

The bolding was by Trump.

Read Trump's 100 day MAGA plan. He has failed to achieve the vast majority of his contract.
16 of the 18 listed were completed, dufus.

Show me the Middle Class Tax Relief and Simplification Act.

Show me the End the Offshoring Act.

Show me the American Energy and Infrastructure Act.

Show me the School Choice and Education Opportunity Act.

Show me the Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Show me the Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act.

Show me the End Illegal Immigration Act.

Show me the Restoring Community Safety Act.

Show me the Restoring National Security Act.

Show me the Clean Up Corruption in Washington Act.

"I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator." Nope. Didn't happen.
Oh hum.

Trump to Order Oil Drilling Study Off California Coast, Sources Say

Trump signs executive order on H1B visa review — The Indian Panorama

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As Trump Readies Sweeping Tax Reform, School Choice Experts Argue Merits of Federal Tax Credit Scholarships

Shall we continue? :dance:
Nothing but social plans instead of the fine capital plans, he should have.

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