President Trump's New Ad

LOL Put Trump's face on that old woman!
He's a scared old woman, Trump is.
THAT would be realistic, because everyone hates Trump!
So what would be your answer to police defunding and removal of 911 dispatching to police ? Suppose that home invader was coming in YOUR door ?
Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
So next time a Democrat is elected we just tear shit up and say their fault. Got it.

Ya fuck.

According to your blob; the leader is responsible. Perhaps study what your lord and master thinks shit brains>
So the mayors and governors of these shit-holes are responsible?
Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
So next time a Democrat is elected we just tear shit up and say their fault. Got it.

Ya fuck.

According to your blob; the leader is responsible. Perhaps study what your lord and master thinks shit brains>
So the mayors and governors of these shit-holes are responsible?
Your blob is the leader. And he’s failing.
Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
So next time a Democrat is elected we just tear shit up and say their fault. Got it.

Ya fuck.

According to your blob; the leader is responsible. Perhaps study what your lord and master thinks shit brains>
So the mayors and governors of these shit-holes are responsible?
Your blob is the leader. And he’s failing.

He is not the leader of the democrat garbage dumps that allow this to happen.

People are escaping the democrat governance in spades as we speak.
Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
So next time a Democrat is elected we just tear shit up and say their fault. Got it.

Ya fuck.

According to your blob; the leader is responsible. Perhaps study what your lord and master thinks shit brains>
So the mayors and governors of these shit-holes are responsible?
Your blob is the leader. And he’s failing.
So the mayor of Portland is not a leader? Is Trump responsible for everything that happens at every level of government?

You realize, of course, that you just made it obvious that you're a total imbecile.
Bud, they don't care about Americans, only the mighty corporations matter to them. Why do ewe think they got their government handsome fast.
How duped you are. The left has been peddling that line for 60 years or more. If it were true, all the accomplishments that Trump accomplished, which benefit ALL AMERICANS wouldn't have happened.

I can see they've got YOU programmed.

And if it were true, Trump wouldn't have enacted the tariffs on China, which are harmful to "the mighty corporations" (American), located in China.

What has Trump done that benefitted "ALL AMERICANS"? Trump has done much which has harmed all Americans but all of his "benefits" have accrued to the wealthiest Americans. Trump has accelerated the rate of transfer of the wealth of America to the top 10% of the wealthiest Americans and corporations.

Trump's tax cuts destabilized the economy, and that destabilization has accelerated the collapse of the US economy during the pandemic - something that is not happening in the rest of the first world.

Highest rates of unemployment in history. Highest rates of debt in history. Worst racial unrest since the 1960's. Worst death from a pandemic in the world, and worst since the 1918 Spanish Flu. Most corrupt Administration in US history.

I see a President who goes golfing while tens of thousands of Americans are dying, and Trump just doesn't care. That's the very definition of "evil".

When Trump was elected, the USA had a healthy economy, peace, prosperity, and an optimistic attitude about the years ahead. 4 years later the country is wracked with disease, which Trump ignores, death, which Trump denies, and debt, which Trump dismisses. Trump goes golfing while thousands of Americans line up for food banks. It is what it is.

Trump says that if Democrats are elected, they will "undo" everything that he has done, but what has he done, other than destroy everything Barrack Obama did. In the middle of a global pandemic, Trump is going to the Supreme Court to have the Affordable Care Act declared "unconstitutional".

While 150,000 American businesses have closed their doors forever, Amazon, Apple, FaceBook and Microsoft have become larger and more powerful. Wall Street and the stock market are reacting to the wealth increasing at the top, and main street is reacting to what is happening to the 80% of Americans who don't own stocks.

If the "Democra
Mayors and governors are not in charge of a national emergency. That’s the President’s job.

If Trump was doing the job, he’d be dealing with all of this stuff instead of hiding in the bunker watching TV.
They are in charge of their cities and their states. They allow criminals to commit crime - rioting, looting, arson, blocking traffic, attacking Trump supporters, and now even murder. This has been going on for years. They need to be removed from power and be jailed.

People who voted for these "Summer of Love" lunatics, need to re-examine their politics.

They're working on it but the police unions are powerful, and "limited immunity" is keeping these criminals from being prosecuted. George Floyd's killer was a 17 time offender, who had previously shot and killed another suspect, and yet there he was, out on the streets, driving around with the authority of his police badge, to beat, abuse and even murder again, with impunity.

You're right - this tsunami of police brutality which is costing the taxpayers of cities over 100,000 people, over $250 million in taxpayer funded settlements every year for the past 5 years. This has been going on for years and NOTHING has been done, and it's long past time to end it.

Now I know why Ronald Reagan refused to condemn the apartheid state of South Africa. It's because Reagan envisioned a similar fate for American minorities, and successive reforms to policing, zero tolerance, and a "war on drugs", has enabled to generations of Republicans to steadily jail and strip black and brown men of their right to vote, all the while decrying the black children growing up without fathers.

Under the Republican Party's well organized program of voter suppression, gerrymandering, and outright lying about the left by right wing preachers who long to codify their religious bans on gays, non-Christians, and their right to discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, and/or religion.

They want to strip women's right to make decisions about her own life and body. They want non-whites to accept white male rule of the country, regardless of what a disaster the Republican Party has been to the nation as a whole. Are you better off than you were when Ronald Reagan was elected?

Working families in the USA are waking up to the fact that they are not going to achieve the same level of financial security that the Boomer Generation was able to achieve, and that's because Republican policies have now directed 80% of the income and wealth of America to the top 20% of the wealthiest individuals and corporations. It was less than 50% when Reagan was elected.

Three major economic crashes, each raising the unemployment rate over 6%, and supressing worker wages for years thereafter, have left 40% of working Americans dependent on government handouts, and now Trump wants to cancel the employment taxes which fund Social Security and Medicare.

The rest of the first world, where the top 20% only received 50% of the wealth and income of our nations, or less, aren't watching low income black and brown people die in this pandemic, or face unemployment, or die at the hands of the police state created by Republican policies.

Twice now the Democrats have had to rebuild the American economy after the Republican economic policies crashed it utterly. This time, there is no going back to the way it was before. There has to be an end to the military industrial complex, and a move from a cowboy economy to a conserver economy. People first.
Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
So next time a Democrat is elected we just tear shit up and say their fault. Got it.

Ya fuck.

According to your blob; the leader is responsible. Perhaps study what your lord and master thinks shit brains>
So the mayors and governors of these shit-holes are responsible?
Your blob is the leader. And he’s failing.

He is not the leader of the democrat garbage dumps that allow this to happen.

People are escaping the democrat governance in spades as we speak.

It's not "democratic governance" that has caused the problems.
Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
So next time a Democrat is elected we just tear shit up and say their fault. Got it.

Ya fuck.

According to your blob; the leader is responsible. Perhaps study what your lord and master thinks shit brains>
So the mayors and governors of these shit-holes are responsible?
Your blob is the leader. And he’s failing.

He is not the leader of the democrat garbage dumps that allow this to happen.

People are escaping the democrat governance in spades as we speak.

It's not "democratic governance" that has caused the problems.
It sure as hell is.
LOL Put Trump's face on that old woman!
He's a scared old woman, Trump is.
THAT would be realistic, because everyone hates Trump!

Not surprised to see that a leftist can not identify gender correctly.

The God-Emperor is the best American president in history. Once again tells it like it is, you have nothing to add.

Do you understand irony, troll boi?
Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
So next time a Democrat is elected we just tear shit up and say their fault. Got it.

Ya fuck.

According to your blob; the leader is responsible. Perhaps study what your lord and master thinks shit brains>
So the mayors and governors of these shit-holes are responsible?
Your blob is the leader. And he’s failing.

He is not the leader of the democrat garbage dumps that allow this to happen.

People are escaping the democrat governance in spades as we speak.

It's not "democratic governance" that has caused the problems.

The blob said the leader is responsible. He’s the leader. So he is responsible. Solely responsible? No.
Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
So next time a Democrat is elected we just tear shit up and say their fault. Got it.

Ya fuck.

According to your blob; the leader is responsible. Perhaps study what your lord and master thinks shit brains>
So the mayors and governors of these shit-holes are responsible?
Your blob is the leader. And he’s failing.

He is not the leader of the democrat garbage dumps that allow this to happen.

People are escaping the democrat governance in spades as we speak.

It's not "democratic governance" that has caused the problems.

The blob said the leader is responsible. He’s the leader. So he is responsible. Solely responsible? No.
You're doubling down on stupid.
They're working on it but the police unions are powerful, and "limited immunity" is keeping these criminals from being prosecuted. George Floyd's killer was a 17 time offender, who had previously shot and killed another suspect, and yet there he was, out on the streets, driving around with the authority of his police badge, to beat, abuse and even murder again, with impunity.

You're right - this tsunami of police brutality which is costing the taxpayers of cities over 100,000 people, over $250 million in taxpayer funded settlements every year for the past 5 years. This has been going on for years and NOTHING has been done, and it's long past time to end it.

Now I know why Ronald Reagan refused to condemn the apartheid state of South Africa. It's because Reagan envisioned a similar fate for American minorities, and successive reforms to policing, zero tolerance, and a "war on drugs", has enabled to generations of Republicans to steadily jail and strip black and brown men of their right to vote, all the while decrying the black children growing up without fathers.

Under the Republican Party's well organized program of voter suppression, gerrymandering, and outright lying about the left by right wing preachers who long to codify their religious bans on gays, non-Christians, and their right to discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, and/or religion.

They want to strip women's right to make decisions about her own life and body. They want non-whites to accept white male rule of the country, regardless of what a disaster the Republican Party has been to the nation as a whole. Are you better off than you were when Ronald Reagan was elected?

Working families in the USA are waking up to the fact that they are not going to achieve the same level of financial security that the Boomer Generation was able to achieve, and that's because Republican policies have now directed 80% of the income and wealth of America to the top 20% of the wealthiest individuals and corporations. It was less than 50% when Reagan was elected.

Three major economic crashes, each raising the unemployment rate over 6%, and supressing worker wages for years thereafter, have left 40% of working Americans dependent on government handouts, and now Trump wants to cancel the employment taxes which fund Social Security and Medicare.

The rest of the first world, where the top 20% only received 50% of the wealth and income of our nations, or less, aren't watching low income black and brown people die in this pandemic, or face unemployment, or die at the hands of the police state created by Republican policies.

Twice now the Democrats have had to rebuild the American economy after the Republican economic policies crashed it utterly. This time, there is no going back to the way it was before. There has to be an end to the military industrial complex, and a move from a cowboy economy to a conserver economy. People first.
All you've done with that long, pitiful demonstration of leftist duping is show how leftist DUPED you are. For 40 years, I was a leftist, and used to say the same things you're saying now. I voted for every lefty candidate for president from McGovern to Obama (in 2008). It took a long time, but I shook off the brainwashing.

YEAH, I know all about your lines about the top 20%, and the top 10%, and the top 1%, and the top this and the top that. I read "The Rich & the Super Rich" by Ferdinand Lundberg way back in 1968. I also read "The Power Elite" by C. Wright Mills in 1961. I also read "Who Rules America ?", by Eugene Domhoff, in 1967, as well as his first spinoff book in 1983 "Who Rules America, Now ?" I didn't bother reading Domhoff's more recent Who Rules America books (2009, 2013, 2013, & 2017), because by that time I had grown to a higher level of understanding (which you seem to still be bogged down in the mud of left propaganda). You think that we on the right don't know about the class divisions ? You think we're unaware of the inequitable wealth scenarios ? I knew it firmly and clearly, perhaps before you were born.

But life isn't as simple as a small bunch of people have too much money. Yeah, maybe the super rich get off easier than they should with Trump;s economy. But what you're overlooking (or maybe have never had any clue about to begin with), is that as the super rich gain, so does the poor, and so does the lower middle class.

So if some millionaires' incomes triple so what, if my $20,000/year income doubles. That's all I need be concerned with. And that is what is happening now.

So let's go through your way off base post step by step.

1. Oh, they're working on it, are they ? Well, it looks like in New York, Chicago, and Portland, there are still riots going on, as Democrat mayors keep handcuffing the police (shown in detail on conservative TV, covered up and reported as peaceful protest on liberal TV).

2. Limited immunity is a necessity if you want to have a police force at all. First, without it, recruitment would drop to zero. Secondly,current forces wold also drop severely as cops would view their job as dangerous to them, which is exactly what's happening now, as New York cops are quitting in droves.

3. The killing George Floyd ( a criminal who would still be alive, if he had not been engaging in crime) was a very isolated event (there is no tsunami of police brutality :rolleyes:), among millions of proper police events, It was magnified by BLM, and their masters in the Democratic Party, to hysterical proportions, for one reason. To advance the agenda of the left, and unseat Donald Trump. In so doing, the left in America, has shown their insatiable and deranged hunger for power, and the depths (rioting, looting, arson, physical attacks, etc) that they are willing to stoop, to attain it.

4. I would be willing to bet that the $250 million/year in settlements you speak of, is due much less to any improprities of police, than it is to just stupid capitulating to minorities' loud hollers, so as to avoid being called a racist (Example: the settlements in the Central Park 5 case) Also, whatever relatively small amount of money that could reasonably be attributed to legitimate cases of police brutality, is a drop in the bucket compared with the taxpayer money lost due to illegitimate cases against police and security personnel, which the list is endless (Eleanor Bumpers, Michael Stewart, Lemrick Nelson, Michael Brown, Kiko Garcia, Edmund Perry, Marion Barry, George Zimmerman, the Howard Beach Case, Michael Slager, the Baltimore 6, Danroy Henry, etc, etc)

5. Blaming racism against Reagan is very lame. What racism possibly could be blamed on him is racism AGAINST WHITES, for allowing illegal, racist Affirmative Action racial discrimination to continue.

6. If the Republican Party were engaging in voter suppression, as they should, they would be demanding an enacting a voter suppression of millions of illegal aliens, by requiring proof of citizenship to vote (still not required in any state)

7. The right to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, SHOULD be legal as was proposed in California to keep gays (sex perverts) out of schools in teaching positions. BTW, it was Ronald Reagan who wrongly helped to defeat that proposal.

8. A "women's right to make decisions about her own life and body" is NOT just about that alone. It also involves the right to life of the person being born. Ask some people now in their 30's and 40's whose parents considered an abortion of them, but decided against it, how they feel about the idea of them being killed.

9. Where in the world do you get the idea that Republicans "want non-whites to accept white male rule of the country" ? That is so absurd I have to laugh at it. Must be part of the goofy things being peddled by the continuous fake news BS of the leftist MEDIA. Just a few days ago, I just posted pictures of 6 blacks who I would be happy to have as POTUS.

10. In the 60's, 99% of the country's wealth went to the top 1%. Some other researchers had it as 99.5%.

11. I have no idea what these 3 economic crashes are you are yammering about but the 2020 crash (now overcome with record highs in the stock market), was brought about by Democrat/China collusion to unleash the coronavirus on America just to break up Trump's great economy, and reduce his chances for re-election.

12. Notice how (as typical of the left) you refer to "worker wages", as opposed to AMERICANS worker wages. That's because the left accepts people from the whole world as being legitimate workers in the US economy, including millions of low wage migrants (most illegal). You wanna talk wage suppression, do you ? Nothing even comes close to the wage suppression (+ outright job theft) coming from the millions of illegal aliens that Democrats routinely import, propose amnesty for, and give sanctuary to. The Democratic Party is the worst enemy that the AMERICAN worker ever had, just by this one factor alone.

13. Cutting the payroll tax is an idea that is in it infancy. Nothing clear has been proposed, and certainly nothing close to anything concrete as to what effects (if any) wold be with Social Security and Medicare. Believe me, as a retired person whose primary income is from Social Security, I would be the first in line to scream bloody murder, if my Social Security income were to be cut even one dollar, but nothing is established in that direction as yet to warrant comment or criticism.

14. Your statement that "rest of the first world, where the top 20% only received 50% of the wealth and income of our nations, or less, aren't watching low income black and brown people die in this pandemic, or face unemployment" is simply FALSE, and ridiculous. Every country has been hit woith the coronoavirus, and many in the forst world have a higher per capita death rate than the US. In fact, the US death rate is relatively LOW compared to the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden et al. I just posted the link on that a few days ago.

15. I don't know what you could be referring to with this >> "Twice now the Democrats have had to rebuild the American economy after the Republican economic policies crashed it utterly. "
Wow. Has the leftist media ever got you duped/programmed. The truth is exactly the opposite of that. Another thing I just posted yesterday was the big GDP V graph. showing Obama's sinking GDPs of his last 2 years in office, followed by Trump's rising GDPs in his first years, where Republicans (led by Trump) rebuilt the American economy, after the Obama-demcirat economic policies crashed it utterly.

Here is that graph again. >>


Also note that the Obama-friendly BEA (filled with Obama appointees from 2009-2016) have been routinely cooking the books on these graphs, consistently boosting Obama's numbers, while lowering Trump's. The correct numbers were 0.1 % GDP growth in last quarter of 2015, and 4.2% GDP growth in 2nd quarter of 2018.

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Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
It's happening on the watch of Democrat mayors and governors, in their jurisdictions. American people aren't going to be snowed by Democrats trying to blame everything on Trump.

Mayors and governors are not in charge of a national emergency. That’s the President’s job.

If Trump was doing the job, he’d be dealing with all of this stuff instead of hiding in the bunker watching TV.

He wants to send in the National Guard but the left throws a big stink about that too. The left are imbeciles.
Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
It's happening on the watch of Democrat mayors and governors, in their jurisdictions. American people aren't going to be snowed by Democrats trying to blame everything on Trump.

Mayors and governors are not in charge of a national emergency. That’s the President’s job.

If Trump was doing the job, he’d be dealing with all of this stuff instead of hiding in the bunker watching TV.

He wants to send in the National Guard but the left throws a big stink about that too. The left are imbeciles.
President Trump should let the Communist domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM turn all the Communist Democratic run cities into Detroit. They wont vote for President Trump anyway and it makes for great political campaign ads.
Trump is being shown doctored data that ELIMINATES many countries from the data that are doing better than the USA. There are 215 countries in the World coronavirus tracking system, and the USA leads in disease and death.

If you dimwit Democrats would get on board with treatments that may help. Hydroxychloquine helps high risk people with COVID with treated early, but the left in the US continues to push this false narrative that it is dangerous and ineffective because they don't want Trump to get credit nor do they want this pandemic to end until Nov.

Countries using hydroxychloroquine have low coronavirus fatality rate compared to countries that don't, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons says | Tech News | Startups News
He wants to send in the National Guard but the left throws a big stink about that too. The left are imbeciles.

As someone who has actually SERVED in the National Guard, that's actually a pretty awful idea.

Do you know how much civil disturbance training your average National Guardsman gets? Maybe one day a year. That's it.

If you dimwit Democrats would get on board with treatments that may help. Hydroxychloquine helps high risk people with COVID with treated early, but the left in the US continues to push this false narrative that it is dangerous and ineffective because they don't want Trump to get credit nor do they want this pandemic to end until Nov.

Wow.. that's a lot of crazy talk.


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