President Trump's New Ad

Oh, and it just got worse. We didn't bother to buy more vaccine from Pfizer for no particular reason....and now they are booked through JUNE of 2021 as other countries have stepped up and purchased their stock.

Trump administration pushes back on report that it declined to buy more Pfizer vaccine doses

The White House is pushing back on a New York Times report that it had the opportunity to buy far more doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine this summer but declined, meaning Pfizer might not be able to provide more than the initial deal until June.

Trump's incompetence is the gift that keeps on killing.
He has been a HUGE SUCCESS on Covid (started by Obama). Trump reduced the US death rate 90% since April from a variety of excellent procedures >>

Obama started COVID?

What the fuck? And just in case you try to edit after the fact and claim you never posted that......


Again, THIS is what comes from watching NewsMax and OAN?
Holy shit dude.

That was an article from OCTOBER. When our total deaths was only 220,000. You get that more people have died since then, with our death toll being 290,000? And as more people die, the deaths per 1 milllion climbs, yes?

And as of December 8th, our total dead was 290,000

View attachment 426437

And our deaths per 1 million at 878.

View attachment 426438

Who would quote a fixed article about the pandemic from a month and a half ago and assume that NONE of the numbers had changed?

Again, holy shit.

Thank you for demonstrating the absolutely garbage reasoning that comes from being an avid OAN or NewMax viewer.
HA HA. The numbers change because somebody WANTS them to be changed and they change in accordance with how MUCH they want them to be changed and for specific reasons (make trump look bad) you DUPE.

Notice that after the scores of reports of false reporting of Covid deaths, there were no changes made REDUCING the numbers (as they should have been). Gee, I wonder why. Duh! And it wasn't an "article". It was the weekly reporting from the CDC.

Thank you for demonstrating the absolutely garbage "reasoning" that comes from being an avid CNN and NBC viewer.
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Obama started COVID?

What the fuck?
Information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media typically don't know that. He funded the Wuhan lab in 2015. Source of the deliberate man-made virus.

Absolute blithering nonsense. The US responses has been a disaster. Out of the 220 countries we have stats for, the US has the 209th worst response as measured in deaths per 1 million.

For total cases, our response has been dead last.

For total deaths, our response has been dead last.

We currently have 875 dead per 1 million.
With Mexico, which is also doing horribly (just not as horribly as the US) has only 850 per 1 million.

Our response has been a train wreck, an international embarasment that has left the world PITYING us. Americans are currently banned from flying to most countries on earth due to our ineptitude.

We're currently losing about a 911s worth of people every 24 to 36 hours, with our number of deaths skyrocketing.

View attachment 426433

We're now doing worse than we did in the Spring Surge of April and May.

We have a horrible problem. Hospitalization rates are at an all time high. We're very close to filling our ICU bed capacity in many major cities, including LA and El Paso.

And its only getting worse.

Anyone telling you the US is doing 'great' is dangerous, willfully blind.
Oh, no. I was right. You were tragically wrong. Let me demonstrate:

I just posted the US per capita death rate (671 per million) in Post # 212. It's the correct number, and doesn't need comment from a jerk who's engaging in harrassment by following me around on the forum.

Holy shit dude.

That was an article from OCTOBER. When our total deaths was only 220,000. You get that more people have died since then, with our death toll being 290,000? And as more people die, the deaths per 1 milllion climbs, yes?

And as of December 8th, our total dead was 290,000

View attachment 426437

And our deaths per 1 million at 878.

View attachment 426438

Who would quote a fixed article about the pandemic from a month and a half ago and assume that NONE of the numbers had changed?

Again, holy shit.

Thank you for demonstrating the absolutely garbage reasoning that comes from being an avid OAN or NewMax viewer.
HA HA. The numbers change because somebody WANTS them to be changed and they change in accordance with how MUCH they want them to be changed and for specific reasons (make trump look bad) you DUPE. just don't know how stats work.

Who would quote a fixed article about the pandemic from a month and a half ago and assume that NONE of the numbers had changed?

You're literally citing a COVID article from a month and a half ago and insisting that that is the death rate TODAY. That that is the number of dead TODAY.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Again, our death total is 290,000 as of today. And our deaths per 1 million at 878. Tragically ahead of Mexico....and worse than all but 10 countries on the planet. With the US response being an absolute train wreck.

Out of 220 countries, our response is 209th worst in deaths per 1 million.

Out of 220 countries, the US total deaths is the single highest.

Out of 220 countries, the US total cases is the single highest.

And rather than update your stats from a month and a half ago, you aggressively cling to your ignorance.

Again, holy shit dude.
Information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media typically don't know that. He funded the Wuhan lab in 2015. Source of the deliberate man-made virus.

Ah shit, dude. You're one of the Plandemic dipshits?

Want to round off the the conspiracy trifecta and tell about how 'they' don't want us to know the Earth is flat?

This lady has been debunked 8 ways from Sunday, with study after study of COVID demonstrating it has none of the markers of a man made virus.

Nor can she back up any of her claims about the virus being man made. Nor has her claims been peer reviewed.

"The report, Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route,10presents a theory about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 but offers contradictory and inaccurate information that does not support their argument. As the report has not been submitted to a scientific peer-reviewed publication, which would provide the expert scrutiny expected by the scientific community and the larger public, we aim to provide an objective analysis of details included in the report, as would be customary in a peer-review process"

You're the most gullible fuck I've ever met.
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Ah shit, dude. You're one of the Plandemic dipshits?

Want to round off the the conspiracy trifecta and tell about how 'they' don't want us to know the Earth is flat?

This lady has been debunked 8 ways from Sunday, with study after study of COVID demonstrating it has none of the markers of a man made virus.

Nor can she back up any of her claims about the virus being man made. Nor has her claims been peer reviewed.

"The report, Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route,10presents a theory about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 but offers contradictory and inaccurate information that does not support their argument. As the report has not been submitted to a scientific peer-reviewed publication, which would provide the expert scrutiny expected by the scientific community and the larger public, we aim to provide an objective analysis of details included in the report, as would be customary in a peer-review process"

You're the most gullible fuck I've ever met.
Debunked in your dupe media, duping you to think she is debunked. Another of the left's favorite, cute little catchwords > "debunked". Right up there with conspiracy theory, white supremacist, racist, etc. These lamebrains toss out out one of their leftist sources, and actually thing it's going to carry weight. The last guy cited CNN. Pheeew!

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