President Trump's New Ad

Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?

So you'd support Trump going in heavy and shutting this shit down?
What do you think your leftist heros would say about that?
They're already demanding trump remove the scary guys in camo from their cities.
Is that the way to fix it? Or will
It make things worse? Trump policy usually makes things worse. When did republicans start supporting sending out federal agents?
Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?
It's happening on the watch of Democrat mayors and governors, in their jurisdictions. American people aren't going to be snowed by Democrats trying to blame everything on Trump.

Mayors and governors are not in charge of a national emergency. That’s the President’s job.

If Trump was doing the job, he’d be dealing with all of this stuff instead of hiding in the bunker watching TV.

Then why do they keep telling Trump not to send in the feds?
Black people and Communists are coming to rob, rape, and kill white Christian people. Only Trump can save America.
3 new miles of border wall and Mexico aint paid and is not paying for shit. tRump lied to ewe while shitting in your mouth and ewe love it.

I refuted that jibberish in the post you quoted. This often happens with programmed Democrat robots.

PS - the wall isn't fully built yet. Do you pay your plumber or electrician before they finish the job ?
We will build a beautiful wall at the border out of concrete and Mexico will pay for it. Yup not happening.
1. Wall IS being built. CNN didn't tell you ?

2. Mexico has already paid for it, they have been forced to take action against caravans moving through Mexico, and handle asylum seekers there as well. Costing them a small fortune. Trump is also taking action against Mexico's $30 Billion/year remittances.

3 new miles of border wall and Mexico aint paid and is not paying for shit. tRump lied to ewe while shitting in your mouth and ewe love it.

Mexico paid to stop the caravans, so they helped. Still wondering when I'm going to save $2500 a year on insurance. A lie that actually affected millions of lives. You still spitting Obama's spittle out of your mouth?

Still waiting for my beautiful health care replacement. Something that effects every American. And nope still waiting on that check from Mexico!
He got rid of the mandate, anyway if obamacare was so good why would anyone want to change it?

tRump said he was going to repeal and replace it with something much better. Did he lie? Now he says he will have a new healthcare bill in place in 2 weeks. Wanna bet on that?
Lol, obama lied multiple times about obamacare and you swallowed every one of them. You have no credibility to say anything about Trump.

Where oh where is that beautiful replacement that is going to cover all Americans? Ewe swallow all tRump 's shit and beg for more.

He will do it in his next 4 years.

Lol, not a chance, he can't peel himself away from Fox and Friends long enough to accomplish anything.
He has accomplished alot so far.

Like the wall Mexico isn't paying for and health care for every American. Do you mean like that?
He has done more for minorities the your negro did.

Like a knee to the neck?

Try again.
We will build a beautiful wall at the border out of concrete and Mexico will pay for it. Yup not happening.
1. Wall IS being built. CNN didn't tell you ?

2. Mexico has already paid for it, they have been forced to take action against caravans moving through Mexico, and handle asylum seekers there as well. Costing them a small fortune. Trump is also taking action against Mexico's $30 Billion/year remittances.

3 new miles of border wall and Mexico aint paid and is not paying for shit. tRump lied to ewe while shitting in your mouth and ewe love it.


Try again.

If you want a test you can get a test. ($200 w/o insurance)
We are the envy of the world on COVID. (NOT)
We have the lowest mortality rate. (we are 3rd highest)
Here, not that hard to find: Trump Lies
That looks more like YOU lying, or more likely, falling prey to the standard trump-bash fake news of the liberal OMISSION media.

1. Thousands of people have gotten tested here in Florida, while sitting in their cars, all for FREE.

2. We ARE the envy of the world. We have ventilators for all our people, and have so many ,that we are now exporting them. We also have a continually decreasing death rate, since March. CNN didn't tell you ?

3. There are dozens of "sources"claiming to have the numbers on mortality rate of Covid. These numbers vary greatly, but are similarly high among ones known to be opposed to President Trump. Blaming him for the pandemic has become the Democrats' latest mind game, and #1 campaign "issue". Ho hum.

Most recent report I saw from Centers for Disease Control (, showed a steady decrease of US death from March to now, with US having lowest mortality rate. And why wouldn't we ? We have superior health care, and ventilators for everyone that needs one.

Here are some of the cdc mortality numbers from February 2020 to now >>

The rest of the world isn't testing because NOBODY IS GETTING SICK WHERE I LIVE. We had our first case the same day YOU did.

1. The rest of the world is getting tested AND TREATED for free. Americans leave hospital owing hundreds of thousands of dolllars. In Canada, I didn't even have to leave my house to be tested. If I called they sent a testing van in to my HOUSE to test me for free, and I got the test results right away too. No waiting for a week like the USA.


3. YOU DO NOT AND HAVE NEVER HAD THE LOWEST MORTALITY RATE IN THE WORLD. Trump is playing with the numbers. You have the MOST deaths in the world. You have the 10th highest death rate in the world in deaths per thousand, and you're rising in the standings, not falling.

Trump is being shown doctored data that ELIMINATES many countries from the data that are doing better than the USA. There are 215 countries in the World coronavirus tracking system, and the USA leads in disease and death.

You don't have enough hospital staff or beds to deal with this crisis. And people are dying from the crud at home.



You can tested for free ya dumb cvnt.
We will build a beautiful wall at the border out of concrete and Mexico will pay for it. Yup not happening.
1. Wall IS being built. CNN didn't tell you ?

2. Mexico has already paid for it, they have been forced to take action against caravans moving through Mexico, and handle asylum seekers there as well. Costing them a small fortune. Trump is also taking action against Mexico's $30 Billion/year remittances.

3 new miles of border wall and Mexico aint paid and is not paying for shit. tRump lied to ewe while shitting in your mouth and ewe love it.

Mexico paid to stop the caravans, so they helped. Still wondering when I'm going to save $2500 a year on insurance. A lie that actually affected millions of lives. You still spitting Obama's spittle out of your mouth?

Still waiting for my beautiful health care replacement. Something that effects every American. And nope still waiting on that check from Mexico!
He got rid of the mandate, anyway if obamacare was so good why would anyone want to change it?

tRump said he was going to repeal and replace it with something much better. Did he lie? Now he says he will have a new healthcare bill in place in 2 weeks. Wanna bet on that?
Lol, obama lied multiple times about obamacare and you swallowed every one of them. You have no credibility to say anything about Trump.

Where oh where is that beautiful replacement that is going to cover all Americans? Ewe swallow all tRump 's shit and beg for more.

He will do it in his next 4 years.

Lol, not a chance, he can't peel himself away from Fox and Friends long enough to accomplish anything.
He has accomplished alot so far.

Like the wall Mexico isn't paying for and health care for every American. Do you mean like that?
He has done more for minorities the your negro did.

Like a knee to the neck?

That would be the police in your liberal shitholes.
And who hired those police...liberals.
The rest of the world isn't testing because NOBODY IS GETTING SICK WHERE I LIVE. We had our first case the same day YOU did.

1. The rest of the world is getting tested AND TREATED for free. Americans leave hospital owing hundreds of thousands of dolllars. In Canada, I didn't even have to leave my house to be tested. If I called they sent a testing van in to my HOUSE to test me for free, and I got the test results right away too. No waiting for a week like the USA.


3. YOU DO NOT AND HAVE NEVER HAD THE LOWEST MORTALITY RATE IN THE WORLD. Trump is playing with the numbers. You have the MOST deaths in the world. You have the 10th highest death rate in the world in deaths per thousand, and you're rising in the standings, not falling.

Trump is being shown doctored data that ELIMINATES many countries from the data that are doing better than the USA. There are 215 countries in the World coronavirus tracking system, and the USA leads in disease and death.

You don't have enough hospital staff or beds to deal with this crisis. And people are dying from the crud at home.


As I just told you, thousands of Americans are getting tested for free, and they're not waiting for a week. You're being brainwashed by your liberal fake news. I'm not surprised. And I gave you a link for his too.

Testing however is a joke, You can get tested today, show negative, and tomorrow you get the virus. You would have to be tested every day.

We in the US ARE the envy of the world. That's why so many people try to come here, and even risk their lives to do it. Nobody is doing that to get into that ice pond where you live. Need any ventiltors ? We've got'm.

Your information on death rate is simply FALSE! I gave you the mortality rates in the CDC link in post # 51, so you have no excuse to be posting the BULLSHIT that you are.
US Mortality rates have steadily dropped from 16,941 in mid April to only 336 on July 18. YOU LIE!

All the BS you're posting here, is what your leftist BS media machine is churning out to you, and you fall for it. I gave you a link to an official CDC website, their numbers clear as daylight. You provided nothing but your laughable HOT AIR IN BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. Aren't we thrilled ?

Amazing that this violence is happening on Trump's watch....and he's saying Joe is going to actually do less?

So you'd support Trump going in heavy and shutting this shit down?
What do you think your leftist heros would say about that?
They're already demanding trump remove the scary guys in camo from their cities.
Is that the way to fix it? Or will
It make things worse? Trump policy usually makes things worse. When did republicans start supporting sending out federal agents?

Jesus dude!
You really need to pay attention. Who do you think those scary guys in the camo were that were told leave by your lefist mayor?
Really,what do you expect Trump to do when he doesnt have the support of the mayors and governors of those cities?
Be specific.
3 new miles of border wall and Mexico aint paid and is not paying for shit. tRump lied to ewe while shitting in your mouth and ewe love it.

I refuted that jibberish in the post you quoted. This often happens with programmed Democrat robots.

PS - the wall isn't fully built yet. Do you pay your plumber or electrician before they finish the job ?

It is never getting built and Mexico is never paying for it ewe are stupid.
We will build a beautiful wall at the border out of concrete and Mexico will pay for it. Yup not happening.
1. Wall IS being built. CNN didn't tell you ?

2. Mexico has already paid for it, they have been forced to take action against caravans moving through Mexico, and handle asylum seekers there as well. Costing them a small fortune. Trump is also taking action against Mexico's $30 Billion/year remittances.

3 new miles of border wall and Mexico aint paid and is not paying for shit. tRump lied to ewe while shitting in your mouth and ewe love it.

Mexico paid to stop the caravans, so they helped. Still wondering when I'm going to save $2500 a year on insurance. A lie that actually affected millions of lives. You still spitting Obama's spittle out of your mouth?

Still waiting for my beautiful health care replacement. Something that effects every American. And nope still waiting on that check from Mexico!
He got rid of the mandate, anyway if obamacare was so good why would anyone want to change it?

tRump said he was going to repeal and replace it with something much better. Did he lie? Now he says he will have a new healthcare bill in place in 2 weeks. Wanna bet on that?
Lol, obama lied multiple times about obamacare and you swallowed every one of them. You have no credibility to say anything about Trump.

Where oh where is that beautiful replacement that is going to cover all Americans? Ewe swallow all tRump 's shit and beg for more.

He will do it in his next 4 years.

Lol, not a chance, he can't peel himself away from Fox and Friends long enough to accomplish anything.
He has accomplished alot so far.

Like the wall Mexico isn't paying for and health care for every American. Do you mean like that?
He has done more for minorities the your negro did.

Like a knee to the neck?
View attachment 365696
Try again.

Yes your typical tRumptard.
We will build a beautiful wall at the border out of concrete and Mexico will pay for it. Yup not happening.
1. Wall IS being built. CNN didn't tell you ?

2. Mexico has already paid for it, they have been forced to take action against caravans moving through Mexico, and handle asylum seekers there as well. Costing them a small fortune. Trump is also taking action against Mexico's $30 Billion/year remittances.

3 new miles of border wall and Mexico aint paid and is not paying for shit. tRump lied to ewe while shitting in your mouth and ewe love it.


Try again.

It is never going to happen. And he never really gave a shit about it. But he knew the poorly educated (typical tRumptard) did. He is playing ewe.
We will build a beautiful wall at the border out of concrete and Mexico will pay for it. Yup not happening.
1. Wall IS being built. CNN didn't tell you ?

2. Mexico has already paid for it, they have been forced to take action against caravans moving through Mexico, and handle asylum seekers there as well. Costing them a small fortune. Trump is also taking action against Mexico's $30 Billion/year remittances.

3 new miles of border wall and Mexico aint paid and is not paying for shit. tRump lied to ewe while shitting in your mouth and ewe love it.

Mexico paid to stop the caravans, so they helped. Still wondering when I'm going to save $2500 a year on insurance. A lie that actually affected millions of lives. You still spitting Obama's spittle out of your mouth?

Still waiting for my beautiful health care replacement. Something that effects every American. And nope still waiting on that check from Mexico!
He got rid of the mandate, anyway if obamacare was so good why would anyone want to change it?

tRump said he was going to repeal and replace it with something much better. Did he lie? Now he says he will have a new healthcare bill in place in 2 weeks. Wanna bet on that?
Lol, obama lied multiple times about obamacare and you swallowed every one of them. You have no credibility to say anything about Trump.

Where oh where is that beautiful replacement that is going to cover all Americans? Ewe swallow all tRump 's shit and beg for more.

He will do it in his next 4 years.

Lol, not a chance, he can't peel himself away from Fox and Friends long enough to accomplish anything.
He has accomplished alot so far.

Like the wall Mexico isn't paying for and health care for every American. Do you mean like that?
He has done more for minorities the your negro did.

Like a knee to the neck?

That would be the police in your liberal shitholes.
And who hired those police...liberals.

Ewe do know 80% of police are RethugiKKKons don"t ewe.
Then why do they keep telling Trump not to send in the feds?
It's because the filthy, dirty Democrat politicians are just as guilty as the rioters, looters, occupiers, traffic blockers themselves. They fully support all this hate-America carnage. Remember Jerky Jenny in Seattle referring to the CHOP zone as "Summer of Love " ?...and "Block party" ?

This is why Dunce DeBlasio in New York is defunding his police. He's one of them, and so is Bad Boy Biden, who is on video twice, calling for defunding police.

It is never going to happen. And he never really gave a shit about it. But he knew the poorly educated (typical tRumptard) did. He is playing ewe.
IT's BEEN happening all this year. You are who us being played, by your liberal fake media.
We will build a beautiful wall at the border out of concrete and Mexico will pay for it. Yup not happening.
1. Wall IS being built. CNN didn't tell you ?

2. Mexico has already paid for it, they have been forced to take action against caravans moving through Mexico, and handle asylum seekers there as well. Costing them a small fortune. Trump is also taking action against Mexico's $30 Billion/year remittances.

3 new miles of border wall and Mexico aint paid and is not paying for shit. tRump lied to ewe while shitting in your mouth and ewe love it.


Try again.

It is never going to happen. And he never really gave a shit about it. But he knew the poorly educated (typical tRumptard) did. He is playing ewe.

Cant read eh?
There's classes for that.
We will build a beautiful wall at the border out of concrete and Mexico will pay for it. Yup not happening.
1. Wall IS being built. CNN didn't tell you ?

2. Mexico has already paid for it, they have been forced to take action against caravans moving through Mexico, and handle asylum seekers there as well. Costing them a small fortune. Trump is also taking action against Mexico's $30 Billion/year remittances.

3 new miles of border wall and Mexico aint paid and is not paying for shit. tRump lied to ewe while shitting in your mouth and ewe love it.

Mexico paid to stop the caravans, so they helped. Still wondering when I'm going to save $2500 a year on insurance. A lie that actually affected millions of lives. You still spitting Obama's spittle out of your mouth?

Still waiting for my beautiful health care replacement. Something that effects every American. And nope still waiting on that check from Mexico!
He got rid of the mandate, anyway if obamacare was so good why would anyone want to change it?

tRump said he was going to repeal and replace it with something much better. Did he lie? Now he says he will have a new healthcare bill in place in 2 weeks. Wanna bet on that?
Lol, obama lied multiple times about obamacare and you swallowed every one of them. You have no credibility to say anything about Trump.

Where oh where is that beautiful replacement that is going to cover all Americans? Ewe swallow all tRump 's shit and beg for more.

He will do it in his next 4 years.

Lol, not a chance, he can't peel himself away from Fox and Friends long enough to accomplish anything.
He has accomplished alot so far.

Like the wall Mexico isn't paying for and health care for every American. Do you mean like that?
He has done more for minorities the your negro did.

Like a knee to the neck?

That would be the police in your liberal shitholes.
And who hired those police...liberals.

Ewe do know 80% of police are RethugiKKKons don"t ewe.

Chauvin is a democrat....oops.

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