President Walker 2016

Who should Walker pick as his running mate in 2016?

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I know Trump has been gaining popularity lately but at this point in the race I'm gonna stick with Walker for a lot of reasons. But assuming he gets the nomination (which I believe he will), who should he pick as his running mate? Who would you choose for Walker?
Why is he in 3rd or WORSE? Is it because he's divisive and was recalled?
I know Trump has been gaining popularity lately but at this point in the race I'm gonna stick with Walker for a lot of reasons. But assuming he gets the nomination (which I believe he will), who should he pick as his running mate? Who would you choose for Walker?

What probability do you estimate that Walker will get the nomination?
walker may very well not carry his own state in a high turnout. He did try to block the open records law in wisconsin but got called on it. I like Kasich much better than walker. Once he attacked the UW system, and wants to help billionaires use tax money to fund a new arena for the bucks, he lost my support.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Hillary would beat walker in Wisconsin
Of course she would. I am sure you are looking at a McGovern style blow out, right?
No. But Hillary will sail easily over 370 EV.

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You said 400 earlier.

By next summer, you'll be down to 280!
BY next summer with any luck he will have killed himself in embarassment over how poorly Hillary is doing. And then he'll probably deny saying anything like that.
walker may very well not carry his own state in a high turnout. He did try to block the open records law in wisconsin but got called on it. I like Kasich much better than walker. Once he attacked the UW system, and wants to help billionaires use tax money to fund a new arena for the bucks, he lost my support.
Sure. The very people who voted for him in increasing numbers from his election, to recall, to re-election will suddenly decide they dont want him. Right. Yeah.
No, in fact Walker will carry the whole midwest and probably Pennsylvania as well. I look for a Reagan landslide as the Democrats are pretty much out of ideas, out of candidates, and out of steam.
I know Trump has been gaining popularity lately but at this point in the race I'm gonna stick with Walker for a lot of reasons. But assuming he gets the nomination (which I believe he will), who should he pick as his running mate? Who would you choose for Walker?
Why is he in 3rd or WORSE? Is it because he's divisive and was recalled?
Your profound ignorance continues to amaze me. Look up the Scott Walker recall election and tell me how it turned out.
I still think that its going to to Be Rubio/Kasich. Conservatives are five times more intelligent that democrats, they will be looking for the ticket that will win most of the crucial states. Nothing against Walker, i think the world of him, but the 2016 race will be a fight for the hispanic vote. Rubio will eat away from the votes Obama got.
I don't see Rubio getting the nomination.
I still think that its going to to Be Rubio/Kasich. Conservatives are five times more intelligent that democrats, they will be looking for the ticket that will win most of the crucial states. Nothing against Walker, i think the world of him, but the 2016 race will be a fight for the hispanic vote. Rubio will eat away from the votes Obama got.
I don't see Rubio getting the nomination.
I never figured out his appeal, to be honest. Then again, I never knew what the big deal about Obama was either.
I still think that its going to to Be Rubio/Kasich. Conservatives are five times more intelligent that democrats, they will be looking for the ticket that will win most of the crucial states. Nothing against Walker, i think the world of him, but the 2016 race will be a fight for the hispanic vote. Rubio will eat away from the votes Obama got.
I don't see Rubio getting the nomination.
I never figured out his appeal, to be honest. Then again, I never knew what the big deal about Obama was either.
He looks like a kid.
Rubio kasich makes sense over walker who couldnt cut it in securing a college degree.
Rubio kasich makes sense over walker who couldnt cut it in securing a college degree.
I get that you don't like Walker, but the poll isn't asking who you like or who you think will be the nominee, it's asking who Walker (assuming he gets the nomination) should pick as a running mate.
Rubio kasich makes sense over walker who couldnt cut it in securing a college degree.
I get that you don't like Walker, but the poll isn't asking who you like or who you think will be the nominee, it's asking who Walker (assuming he gets the nomination) should pick as a running mate.
You're talking to someone who bought the line about higher taxes helping schools. He is a complete idiot. The business with the college degree just seals it.
The issue of taxes doesnt have any affect on my vote. Nor do any social issues that people who want less gov't hypocritically take stands on. Not having a degree says something. Only an idiot would not see that.
I know Trump has been gaining popularity lately but at this point in the race I'm gonna stick with Walker for a lot of reasons. But assuming he gets the nomination (which I believe he will), who should he pick as his running mate? Who would you choose for Walker?
Why is he in 3rd or WORSE? Is it because he's divisive and was recalled?
Your profound ignorance continues to amaze me. Look up the Scott Walker recall election and tell me how it turned out.
Then why is he 3rd or WORSE in the polls? We all know who scott Walker is. No one loves him like so many Americans love Obama or hillary.

He's just one of 15. Maybe he's not in the bottom 8 but he's not in the top 2.
I know Trump has been gaining popularity lately but at this point in the race I'm gonna stick with Walker for a lot of reasons. But assuming he gets the nomination (which I believe he will), who should he pick as his running mate? Who would you choose for Walker?

What probability do you estimate that Walker will get the nomination?
I base it on a several things. His policies, his experience, his track record, as well as his personality. He seems like someone you can relate to. He's disarming and makes persuasive arguments. He can win people over, doesn't seem like an extremist, even tempered and doesn't have a lot of baggage. I think he will pull in a lot of independents as well as the Republican base, not to mention libertarians. He's definitely presidential material.
Problem for Walker is nobody knows who he is, he lacks charisma to stand out in a crowd of 15 candidates and risks getting lost in the shuffle

I don't see any issue that makes him stand out

Yeah, because Hillary has charisma.

Are you fricken kidding us?
I know Trump has been gaining popularity lately but at this point in the race I'm gonna stick with Walker for a lot of reasons. But assuming he gets the nomination (which I believe he will), who should he pick as his running mate? Who would you choose for Walker?
Why is he in 3rd or WORSE? Is it because he's divisive and was recalled?
Your profound ignorance continues to amaze me. Look up the Scott Walker recall election and tell me how it turned out.
Then why is he 3rd or WORSE in the polls? We all know who scott Walker is. No one loves him like so many Americans love Obama or hillary.

He's just one of 15. Maybe he's not in the bottom 8 but he's not in the top 2.
He only announced his candidacy yesterday, but of course you wouldn't know that.

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