President Walker 2016

Who should Walker pick as his running mate in 2016?

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Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.

All of this in Summer 2015, without any actual campaigning on Walker's part yet.

Please, remain over-confident.
I dont know why we even have elections. We should just ask Statistheilhitler, resident know-it-all, what the results will be and just go with that.
Of course she would. I am sure you are looking at a McGovern style blow out, right?
No. But Hillary will sail easily over 370 EV.

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You said 400 earlier.

By next summer, you'll be down to 280!
BY next summer with any luck he will have killed himself in embarassment over how poorly Hillary is doing. And then he'll probably deny saying anything like that.

If I were a betting man, I'd still bet on Hillary. However, I think it's going to be tighter than those on the Left believe.
That would be a mistake.
Hillary is old and shopworn. She brings no excitement to the race, and nothing new. She is out of touch and poll tested on every issue. One of the issues with Romney is his advisors wouldnt let him be him. Hillary is that in spades.
The GOP offers a field of bright new young candidates with actual accomplishments. Even the press is not giving Hillary a free pass.

It cost Romney the election when he was caught on tape being him. lol
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.

All of this in Summer 2015, without any actual campaigning on Walker's part yet.

Please, remain over-confident.
He announced a couple days ago and since then Trump just surpass bush and Walker is still where Walker is. What are we possibly going to learn or what is he going to possibly say that's going to win everyone over. It's okay though. This is the time that you should fall in love with your candidate but when he loses it's time to fall in line and vote for whoever the GOP tells you they're going to run. Your opinion matters very little as you will vote for whoever they tell you to vote for. So they're just looking to see who is most collectible and that certainly isn't Scott Walker. And never will be
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.

All of this in Summer 2015, without any actual campaigning on Walker's part yet.

Please, remain over-confident.
He announced a couple days ago and since then Trump just surpass bush and Walker is still where Walker is. What are we possibly going to learn or what is he going to possibly say that's going to win everyone over. It's okay though. This is the time that you should fall in love with your candidate but when he loses it's time to fall in line and vote for whoever the GOP tells you they're going to run. Your opinion matters very little as you will vote for whoever they tell you to vote for. So they're just looking to see who is most collectible and that certainly isn't Scott Walker. And never will be

Funny, a sheep calling other people sheep.
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.
Keep in mind how many Polls the GOP will throw at us showing us that it's close between Hillary and whoever they run and the reality is your numbers are right she's going to beat any of them by at least five or ten points but they can hope. Their hope is that it's as close as 2000 so they can steal another election
No. But Hillary will sail easily over 370 EV.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You said 400 earlier.

By next summer, you'll be down to 280!
BY next summer with any luck he will have killed himself in embarassment over how poorly Hillary is doing. And then he'll probably deny saying anything like that.

If I were a betting man, I'd still bet on Hillary. However, I think it's going to be tighter than those on the Left believe.
That would be a mistake.
Hillary is old and shopworn. She brings no excitement to the race, and nothing new. She is out of touch and poll tested on every issue. One of the issues with Romney is his advisors wouldnt let him be him. Hillary is that in spades.
The GOP offers a field of bright new young candidates with actual accomplishments. Even the press is not giving Hillary a free pass.

It cost Romney the election when he was caught on tape being him. lol
People hate the truth, true.
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.
Keep in mind how many Polls the GOP will throw at us showing us that it's close between Hillary and whoever they run and the reality is your numbers are right she's going to beat any of them by at least five or ten points but they can hope. Their hope is that it's as close as 2000 so they can steal another election
Sez the guy who thinks we're talking about Snow White and 7 Dwarfs.
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.
Keep in mind how many Polls the GOP will throw at us showing us that it's close between Hillary and whoever they run and the reality is your numbers are right she's going to beat any of them by at least five or ten points but they can hope. Their hope is that it's as close as 2000 so they can steal another election

So what flavor of Kool-Aid is your favorite?
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.

All of this in Summer 2015, without any actual campaigning on Walker's part yet.

Please, remain over-confident.
He announced a couple days ago and since then Trump just surpass bush and Walker is still where Walker is. What are we possibly going to learn or what is he going to possibly say that's going to win everyone over. It's okay though. This is the time that you should fall in love with your candidate but when he loses it's time to fall in line and vote for whoever the GOP tells you they're going to run. Your opinion matters very little as you will vote for whoever they tell you to vote for. So they're just looking to see who is most collectible and that certainly isn't Scott Walker. And never will be

Funny, a sheep calling other people sheep.
At least you guys are finally admitting who the sheep herders are. Its not poor people its not unions and its not Greeks. On one side of your mouth you say the Democrats are corrupted with money too then on the other side you say class warfare doesn't exist and that we're just haters were jealous of the rich. Well which is it? Do the Rich own our government and our country or are we socialists who just complaining? Make up your goddamn mind. If rich people get to influence our politicians that's the problem right there. But as a Republican you'll talk yourself out of being responsible for the corruption even though you defend it and support it and vote for it
You said 400 earlier.

By next summer, you'll be down to 280!
BY next summer with any luck he will have killed himself in embarassment over how poorly Hillary is doing. And then he'll probably deny saying anything like that.

If I were a betting man, I'd still bet on Hillary. However, I think it's going to be tighter than those on the Left believe.
That would be a mistake.
Hillary is old and shopworn. She brings no excitement to the race, and nothing new. She is out of touch and poll tested on every issue. One of the issues with Romney is his advisors wouldnt let him be him. Hillary is that in spades.
The GOP offers a field of bright new young candidates with actual accomplishments. Even the press is not giving Hillary a free pass.

It cost Romney the election when he was caught on tape being him. lol
People hate the truth, true.

And did the GOP learn from the mistake, that you can't tell half of the country to go fuck themselves? No, no they did not. :D
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.
Keep in mind how many Polls the GOP will throw at us showing us that it's close between Hillary and whoever they run and the reality is your numbers are right she's going to beat any of them by at least five or ten points but they can hope. Their hope is that it's as close as 2000 so they can steal another election

So what flavor of Kool-Aid is your favorite?
Looks to me like trumps week in the spotlight is over. This week it looks like Scott Walker is the flavor of the day. Who is the next after Walker? This ain't my first rodeo dummy
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.

All of this in Summer 2015, without any actual campaigning on Walker's part yet.

Please, remain over-confident.
He announced a couple days ago and since then Trump just surpass bush and Walker is still where Walker is. What are we possibly going to learn or what is he going to possibly say that's going to win everyone over. It's okay though. This is the time that you should fall in love with your candidate but when he loses it's time to fall in line and vote for whoever the GOP tells you they're going to run. Your opinion matters very little as you will vote for whoever they tell you to vote for. So they're just looking to see who is most collectible and that certainly isn't Scott Walker. And never will be

Funny, a sheep calling other people sheep.
Not all sheep are as equally dumb. At least I vote for the party that gives a sheep a bone every once in awhile. You're a sheep who votes for the sheepsheep herders because you believe you can't do without them that they know best whats for you and that without them controlling you you would die. And the problem with your sheep herders is that they've forgotten they need us too.

Never forget you are a sheep. At least I know what I am. And one day if I ever become a sheep herder I'm still going to take care of my sheep just like I did before I became rich because I'm not a greedy selfish bastard
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.

All of this in Summer 2015, without any actual campaigning on Walker's part yet.

Please, remain over-confident.
He announced a couple days ago and since then Trump just surpass bush and Walker is still where Walker is. What are we possibly going to learn or what is he going to possibly say that's going to win everyone over. It's okay though. This is the time that you should fall in love with your candidate but when he loses it's time to fall in line and vote for whoever the GOP tells you they're going to run. Your opinion matters very little as you will vote for whoever they tell you to vote for. So they're just looking to see who is most collectible and that certainly isn't Scott Walker. And never will be

Funny, a sheep calling other people sheep.
At least you guys are finally admitting who the sheep herders are. Its not poor people its not unions and its not Greeks. On one side of your mouth you say the Democrats are corrupted with money too then on the other side you say class warfare doesn't exist and that we're just haters were jealous of the rich. Well which is it? Do the Rich own our government and our country or are we socialists who just complaining? Make up your goddamn mind. If rich people get to influence our politicians that's the problem right there. But as a Republican you'll talk yourself out of being responsible for the corruption even though you defend it and support it and vote for it

Actually I was just calling you an unimaginative follower, but considering the screed you just posted as a non-response, I have to take the unimaginative part back.
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.
Keep in mind how many Polls the GOP will throw at us showing us that it's close between Hillary and whoever they run and the reality is your numbers are right she's going to beat any of them by at least five or ten points but they can hope. Their hope is that it's as close as 2000 so they can steal another election

So what flavor of Kool-Aid is your favorite?
Looks to me like trumps week in the spotlight is over. This week it looks like Scott Walker is the flavor of the day. Who is the next after Walker? This ain't my first rodeo dummy

It's called the primary process.
Walker is within the top 3 of the most serious candidates. Were he to be nominated, he would lose to Hillary by at least 9 points, when all is said and done. There have already been SEVEN Hillary vs. Walker matchups in Wisconsin, ever since it was quite apparent that he would be planning to run. She beats him in his home state by between 8.5 and 13 points. She beats him in North Carolina by between 2 and 9 points - Walker only wins in one extreme RW poll with a verifiable Right-Wing bias. She beats him in Ohio by 7. She beats him in Florida by between 10 and 16 points. She beats him in Virginia by 5 and 7 points. Walker IS competitive in Iowa. He does better in Iowa than in his home-state.

Yes, please nominate Scott Walker.

All of this in Summer 2015, without any actual campaigning on Walker's part yet.

Please, remain over-confident.

I agree. It's a year too early.
1 Most Americans do not know who Walker is
2. Walker lacks the charisma to stand out in a crowd
3. Walker is doomed
Problem for Walker is nobody knows who he is, he lacks charisma to stand out in a crowd of 15 candidates and risks getting lost in the shuffle

I don't see any issue that makes him stand out

Yeah, because Hillary has charisma.

Are you fricken kidding us?

99% of the voters know who Hillary is
Maybe 25% recognize Walker
Problem for Walker is nobody knows who he is, he lacks charisma to stand out in a crowd of 15 candidates and risks getting lost in the shuffle

I don't see any issue that makes him stand out

Yeah, because Hillary has charisma.

Are you fricken kidding us?

99% of the voters know who Hillary is
Maybe 25% recognize Walker

Name recognition is all she's got. The more the voters see of her, the less they like her. That's why she's always hiding from the press.
1 Most Americans do not know who Walker is
2. Walker lacks the charisma to stand out in a crowd
3. Walker is doomed

Keep thinking that.
Why would anyone think otherwise?

Look..... Your leading candidate is Donald Fucking Trump
It shows what it takes to impress Republicans What does Walker have to make him stand out in a crowded field?

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