Presidential Elections coming up. Seems the GOP is in full panic mode.



Based on the GOP's own study, if they are to win any presidential elections, they have to outreach to minorities. Gays, blacks and Hispanics. So, how is that going?

I have the feeling if I talk about the GOP and gays, the thread will be moved. We already know that discussion on what the Republicans think of gays will end in Republicans feeling attacked. It's their own special kind of "political correctness".

Then there is the "Trump" who is now a declared candidate. If the debate were held today, he would be among the GOP elite. One of the "Top Tier" candidates that get to be in the GOP presidential debates. We already know what he thinks of Hispanics. That they are rapists. Now Republicans will say, "But he only meant a few, not all of them". Does that make any difference? After such a blanket statement? Seems we'll see.

And the GOP candidates not being able to admit Krazy Killer Kid did anything racist and sending many tens of thousands of dollars to Zimmerman for his defense after he chased and stalked and shot a black kid armed with only Skittles?

Worse, the GOP base is feeling that business is turning on them. Business wants immigrants here and the GOP base doesn't.

Will the GOP be able to stop themselves from self destruction and get help from minorities?
Based on the GOP's own study, if they are to win any presidential elections, they have to outreach to minorities. Gays, blacks and Hispanics. So, how is that going?

I have the feeling if I talk about the GOP and gays, the thread will be moved. We already know that discussion on what the Republicans think of gays will end in Republicans feeling attacked. It's their own special kind of "political correctness".

Then there is the "Trump" who is now a declared candidate. If the debate were held today, he would be among the GOP elite. One of the "Top Tier" candidates that get to be in the GOP presidential debates. We already know what he thinks of Hispanics. That they are rapists. Now Republicans will say, "But he only meant a few, not all of them". Does that make any difference? After such a blanket statement? Seems we'll see.

And the GOP candidates not being able to admit Krazy Killer Kid did anything racist and sending many tens of thousands of dollars to Zimmerman for his defense after he chased and stalked and shot a black kid armed with only Skittles?

Worse, the GOP base is feeling that business is turning on them. Business wants immigrants here and the GOP base doesn't.

Will the GOP be able to stop themselves from self destruction and get help from minorities?

Will the GOP be able to stop themselves from self destruction and get help from minorities?

If minorities want to stick with a party that wants to keep them dependent on government fine...screw them...
These minorities?

Based on the GOP's own study, if they are to win any presidential elections, they have to outreach to minorities. Gays, blacks and Hispanics. So, how is that going?

I have the feeling if I talk about the GOP and gays, the thread will be moved. We already know that discussion on what the Republicans think of gays will end in Republicans feeling attacked. It's their own special kind of "political correctness".

Then there is the "Trump" who is now a declared candidate. If the debate were held today, he would be among the GOP elite. One of the "Top Tier" candidates that get to be in the GOP presidential debates. We already know what he thinks of Hispanics. That they are rapists. Now Republicans will say, "But he only meant a few, not all of them". Does that make any difference? After such a blanket statement? Seems we'll see.

And the GOP candidates not being able to admit Krazy Killer Kid did anything racist and sending many tens of thousands of dollars to Zimmerman for his defense after he chased and stalked and shot a black kid armed with only Skittles?

Worse, the GOP base is feeling that business is turning on them. Business wants immigrants here and the GOP base doesn't.

Will the GOP be able to stop themselves from self destruction and get help from minorities?

Will the GOP be able to stop themselves from self destruction and get help from minorities?

If minorities want to stick with a party that wants to keep them dependent on government fine...screw them...

Right, screw em. The GOP doesn't need their votes anyway..........oh wait.
Based on the GOP's own study, if they are to win any presidential elections, they have to outreach to minorities. Gays, blacks and Hispanics. So, how is that going?

I have the feeling if I talk about the GOP and gays, the thread will be moved. We already know that discussion on what the Republicans think of gays will end in Republicans feeling attacked. It's their own special kind of "political correctness".

Then there is the "Trump" who is now a declared candidate. If the debate were held today, he would be among the GOP elite. One of the "Top Tier" candidates that get to be in the GOP presidential debates. We already know what he thinks of Hispanics. That they are rapists. Now Republicans will say, "But he only meant a few, not all of them". Does that make any difference? After such a blanket statement? Seems we'll see.

And the GOP candidates not being able to admit Krazy Killer Kid did anything racist and sending many tens of thousands of dollars to Zimmerman for his defense after he chased and stalked and shot a black kid armed with only Skittles?

Worse, the GOP base is feeling that business is turning on them. Business wants immigrants here and the GOP base doesn't.

Will the GOP be able to stop themselves from self destruction and get help from minorities?

Will the GOP be able to stop themselves from self destruction and get help from minorities?

If minorities want to stick with a party that wants to keep them dependent on government fine...screw them...
Who are more dependent than the GOP base?
Based on the GOP's own study, if they are to win any presidential elections, they have to outreach to minorities. Gays, blacks and Hispanics. So, how is that going?

I have the feeling if I talk about the GOP and gays, the thread will be moved. We already know that discussion on what the Republicans think of gays will end in Republicans feeling attacked. It's their own special kind of "political correctness".

Then there is the "Trump" who is now a declared candidate. If the debate were held today, he would be among the GOP elite. One of the "Top Tier" candidates that get to be in the GOP presidential debates. We already know what he thinks of Hispanics. That they are rapists. Now Republicans will say, "But he only meant a few, not all of them". Does that make any difference? After such a blanket statement? Seems we'll see.

And the GOP candidates not being able to admit Krazy Killer Kid did anything racist and sending many tens of thousands of dollars to Zimmerman for his defense after he chased and stalked and shot a black kid armed with only Skittles?

Worse, the GOP base is feeling that business is turning on them. Business wants immigrants here and the GOP base doesn't.

Will the GOP be able to stop themselves from self destruction and get help from minorities?

Will the GOP be able to stop themselves from self destruction and get help from minorities?

If minorities want to stick with a party that wants to keep them dependent on government fine...screw them...

Right, screw em. The GOP doesn't need their votes anyway..........oh wait.
That's the funny part. They just assume all whites vote GOP. But it's only the GOP that's nearly all white.
Only thing in full panic mode is your asshole, trying to figure out how to survive that big load of shit you're so full of.

I couldn't agree more. He's an asshole and always has been.

All he ever does is try to tell everyone how low the GOP is and how great the Dems are.

Your right. He's so full of shit the commode would overflow. Look out commode. LOL

Lots of clucking from two bird brains who don't dare answer RDean's questions....because they can't.
Only thing in full panic mode is your asshole, trying to figure out how to survive that big load of shit you're so full of.

I couldn't agree more. He's an asshole and always has been.

All he ever does is try to tell everyone how low the GOP is and how great the Dems are.

Your right. He's so full of shit the commode would overflow. Look out commode. LOL

Lots of clucking from two bird brains who don't dare answer RDean's questions....because they can't.

No. Because his questions aren't worth answering because he's a biased moron just like you.

Cluck Cluck moron. LMAO
Is this another Rderp prediction like the sequester was going to hurt the Republicans in 2014?
Graphs mean nothing to me cuz any idiot can make them in 5 minutes.

If Hillary is the democrat candidate, no matter how much the media try to protect her,she has so much dirt I think it's the libs who will stay home this round.

If they don't, they should and I sure would hate to be a Dem on election day if Hilary is the Dem candidate for POTUS.
Yep. Yep, his usual 'the sky is falling over the gop'. All one has to do is click on threads he has made to see it is the same meme over and over which contains little reality. I really believe he is hoping to convince himself.
Is this another Rderp prediction like the sequester was going to hurt the Republicans in 2014?
Yep. Yep, his usual 'the sky is falling over the gop'. All one has to do is click on threads he has made to see it is the same meme over and over which contains little reality. I really believe he is hoping to convince himself.
Is this another Rderp prediction like the sequester was going to hurt the Republicans in 2014?
He totally lost me when he claims to own a house across from Wrigley field in Chicago, no fucking way, I know Wrigleyville...

He lies like a SOB, he couldn't even afford the property tax in that upscale neighborhood.
There is only like 30 houses that surrounds Wrigley field, been to the Cubs games 100s of times.
Romney won as many whites votes as Reagan, the problem is the Democrat racist party of division is pulling in votes of color with their hateful rhetoric. It's all they have. All Republicans need to do is speak the truth, many are waking up to the game, especially those sweeping floors after losing their jobs under obamanomics.
Is this another Rderp prediction like the sequester was going to hurt the Republicans in 2014?
The sequester hurt the nation, which it did. I don't remember ever saying anything about it hurting the GOP.
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There is only like 30 houses that surrounds Wrigley field, been to the Cubs games 100s of times.
Actually, only about 30 that face Wrigley Field with nothing in between north and west. Behind those houses are many more houses. On the south side, there is a Starbucks, a 7-11 and stores selling Cubs stuff. On the east side, on Clark, there are nothing but sports bars. My house is behind one of those bars. It's nice because I have three parking spots and charge $25 to $45 dollars a game per car over 82 games plus concerts. It more than pays my property tax. I have cards printed out and most of the time, I don't even need to go stand out in the street. People call and reserve a spot. I just have to go out back, make sure they only use one space when they park and collect the money, cash only.
Romney won as many whites votes as Reagan, the problem is the Democrat racist party of division is pulling in votes of color with their hateful rhetoric. It's all they have. All Republicans need to do is speak the truth, many are waking up to the game, especially those sweeping floors after losing their jobs under obamanomics.
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. But it's the Democrats who represent all the races, various religions and the non religious who are racist? You might want to rethink that. Consider who the Confederates are.
Republicans are panicking, coming from a party the best they have is Hillary. Lol
Republicans are panicking, coming from a party the best they have is Hillary. Lol
Top lawyer, former governor first lady, former white house first lady, former Senator, former Sec. of State. Worked to bring health care to all Americans but was defeated by "let them die" Republicans.
She is the most qualified candidate in my lifetime.

The GOP only has crazies. Worse, they can't even name a single GOP policy that helped the majority of Americans in the past few decades.

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