President's Obama & Hollande visit Monticello

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA

Obama, French President Honor Thomas Jefferson - NBC News
Obama called Jefferson, who served as U.S. envoy to France before becoming president, "a Francophile through and through."

"I also wish to confirm that this bond that unites us through Jefferson, these bonds are sustained over time, because he represents values and principles, freedom, human dignity, rights," Hollande said through a translator after the leaders toured Monticello in Charlottesville, Va.
I wonder if Al Gore has figured out who the busts portrayed?

[ame=]Rush Limbaugh-Gore at Monticello - YouTube[/ame]
Obama: 'That's the Good Thing as a President, I Can Do Whatever I Want'

Obama visits Monticello with the French president and makes this comment when he decides to see something that's supposedly off limits.
Okay, some are going to say this is taking political dislike to an extreme. It was only a minor thing during a visit to a historical site.

But, my question is – is this a sign of his mentality as chief executive? Is it a further example of his statement that if Congress doesn't do it, he'll do it on his own? At what point does this stray from his oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States”?

Read the article @ Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want' | The Weekly Standard and judge for yourself.

I wonder if Al Gore has figured out who the busts portrayed?

Rush Limbaugh-Gore at Monticello - YouTube
Well you certainly haven't figured out yet that your MessiahRushie lied to you about Gore!!!

If you paid attention, Gore named the left flank bust as "Franklin" without any help from the curator. You can't hear it because you are easily brainwashed. Gore says one word "Franklin" talking over the curator saying "Washington on the extreme."

When Gore ends his pan at the left flank bust with his arm extended he starts to lower his arm. He then immediately raises it again but only enough to bring his pointing finger above his shoulder as he says "Franklin." As Gore was panning his shoulder was blocked from the camera's view by Tipper's head, but just before Gore names the bust while pointing to it, Tipper moves her head out of the way, down and to the left, allowing the camera to see Gore's pointing finger as he names the left flank bust "Franklin."

Like I have said before, it is just too boring for your MessiahRushie to lie to such gullible suckers like you, so he only gets his jollies by lying to you only by giving you the very evidence he is lying on a silver platter. He literally MOCKS suckers like you with his lies!
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I wonder if Al Gore has figured out who the busts portrayed?

Rush Limbaugh-Gore at Monticello - YouTube
Well you certainly haven't figured out yet that your MessiahRushie lied to you about Gore!!!

If you paid attention, Gore named the left flank bust as "Franklin" without any help from the curator. You can't hear it because you are easily brainwashed. Gore says one word "Franklin" talking over the curator saying "Washington on the extreme."

When Gore ends his pan at the left flank bust with his arm extended he starts to lower his arm. He then immediately raises it again but only enough to bring his pointing finger above his shoulder as he says "Franklin." As Gore was panning his shoulder was blocked from the camera's view by Tipper's head, but just before Gore names the bust while pointing to it, Tipper moves her head out of the way, down and to the left, allowing the camera to see Gore's pointing finger as he names the left flank bust "Franklin."

Like I have said before, it is just too boring for your MessiahRushie to lie to such gullible suckers like you, so he only gets his jollies by lying to you only by giving you the very evidence he is lying on a silver platter. He literally MOCKS suckers like you with his lies!
If anyone is wondering why Frankie brought up this more than 20 year old event, it's because his MessiahRushie opened his show with it today and the DittoTards are programmed to parrot whatever he says.

BTW, there was no bust of Jefferson, it was Jefferson's house. Porky calls Gore stupid and yet Porky can't tell the difference between a house and a bust!!! :asshole:

February 11, 2014
RUSH: Gore didn't even know where he was when he went to Monticello. Remember that? Algore is in there, some foreign dignitary, Algore and Clinton are in there and they're taking a tour of Monticello, and Gore's trying to act smart and everything, and he points to a bust, a figurine bust up on a shelf, and asks the curator very intelligently (imitating Gore), "And who is that?" "Oh, that's Benjamin Franklin."
"Oh, yes, yes, I recognize the long hippie hair. Yeah, Benjamin Franklin." Or was it Thomas Jefferson? He didn't know Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.
I wonder if Al Gore has figured out who the busts portrayed?

Rush Limbaugh-Gore at Monticello - YouTube
Well you certainly haven't figured out yet that your MessiahRushie lied to you about Gore!!!

If you paid attention, Gore named the left flank bust as "Franklin" without any help from the curator. You can't hear it because you are easily brainwashed. Gore says one word "Franklin" talking over the curator saying "Washington on the extreme."

When Gore ends his pan at the left flank bust with his arm extended he starts to lower his arm. He then immediately raises it again but only enough to bring his pointing finger above his shoulder as he says "Franklin." As Gore was panning his shoulder was blocked from the camera's view by Tipper's head, but just before Gore names the bust while pointing to it, Tipper moves her head out of the way, down and to the left, allowing the camera to see Gore's pointing finger as he names the left flank bust "Franklin."

Like I have said before, it is just too boring for your MessiahRushie to lie to such gullible suckers like you, so he only gets his jollies by lying to you only by giving you the very evidence he is lying on a silver platter. He literally MOCKS suckers like you with his lies!
If anyone is wondering why Frankie brought up this more than 20 year old event, it's because his MessiahRushie opened his show with it today and the DittoTards are programmed to parrot whatever he says.

BTW, there was no bust of Jefferson, it was Jefferson's house. Porky calls Gore stupid and yet Porky can't tell the difference between a house and a bust!!! :asshole:

February 11, 2014
RUSH: Gore didn't even know where he was when he went to Monticello. Remember that? Algore is in there, some foreign dignitary, Algore and Clinton are in there and they're taking a tour of Monticello, and Gore's trying to act smart and everything, and he points to a bust, a figurine bust up on a shelf, and asks the curator very intelligently (imitating Gore), "And who is that?" "Oh, that's Benjamin Franklin."
"Oh, yes, yes, I recognize the long hippie hair. Yeah, Benjamin Franklin." Or was it Thomas Jefferson? He didn't know Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.

did Rush send you one of his coffee mugs yet for being such a great supporter of the show?....
Well you certainly haven't figured out yet that your MessiahRushie lied to you about Gore!!!

If you paid attention, Gore named the left flank bust as "Franklin" without any help from the curator. You can't hear it because you are easily brainwashed. Gore says one word "Franklin" talking over the curator saying "Washington on the extreme."

When Gore ends his pan at the left flank bust with his arm extended he starts to lower his arm. He then immediately raises it again but only enough to bring his pointing finger above his shoulder as he says "Franklin." As Gore was panning his shoulder was blocked from the camera's view by Tipper's head, but just before Gore names the bust while pointing to it, Tipper moves her head out of the way, down and to the left, allowing the camera to see Gore's pointing finger as he names the left flank bust "Franklin."

Like I have said before, it is just too boring for your MessiahRushie to lie to such gullible suckers like you, so he only gets his jollies by lying to you only by giving you the very evidence he is lying on a silver platter. He literally MOCKS suckers like you with his lies!
If anyone is wondering why Frankie brought up this more than 20 year old event, it's because his MessiahRushie opened his show with it today and the DittoTards are programmed to parrot whatever he says.

BTW, there was no bust of Jefferson, it was Jefferson's house. Porky calls Gore stupid and yet Porky can't tell the difference between a house and a bust!!! :asshole:

February 11, 2014
RUSH: Gore didn't even know where he was when he went to Monticello. Remember that? Algore is in there, some foreign dignitary, Algore and Clinton are in there and they're taking a tour of Monticello, and Gore's trying to act smart and everything, and he points to a bust, a figurine bust up on a shelf, and asks the curator very intelligently (imitating Gore), "And who is that?" "Oh, that's Benjamin Franklin."
"Oh, yes, yes, I recognize the long hippie hair. Yeah, Benjamin Franklin." Or was it Thomas Jefferson? He didn't know Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.

did Rush send you one of his coffee mugs yet for being such a great supporter of the show?....
If you think my posts support your MessiahRushie, then you are truly a DittoTard!

Now Frankie pays Porky for his lies, are you that stupid too?
did Rush send you one of his coffee mugs yet for being such a great supporter of the show?....

He does that?

Wow, is that how you got that wonderful collection?

i dont quote Rush like Ed does every other fucking the way how do you know about his Mug collection?...are you yet another guy who listens to the jerk but yet will deny it?........
If anyone is wondering why Frankie brought up this more than 20 year old event, it's because his MessiahRushie opened his show with it today and the DittoTards are programmed to parrot whatever he says.

BTW, there was no bust of Jefferson, it was Jefferson's house. Porky calls Gore stupid and yet Porky can't tell the difference between a house and a bust!!! :asshole:

February 11, 2014
RUSH: Gore didn't even know where he was when he went to Monticello. Remember that? Algore is in there, some foreign dignitary, Algore and Clinton are in there and they're taking a tour of Monticello, and Gore's trying to act smart and everything, and he points to a bust, a figurine bust up on a shelf, and asks the curator very intelligently (imitating Gore), "And who is that?" "Oh, that's Benjamin Franklin."
"Oh, yes, yes, I recognize the long hippie hair. Yeah, Benjamin Franklin." Or was it Thomas Jefferson? He didn't know Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.

did Rush send you one of his coffee mugs yet for being such a great supporter of the show?....
If you think my posts support your MessiahRushie, then you are truly a DittoTard!

Now Frankie pays Porky for his lies, are you that stupid too?
ill tell you what show a post of mine quoting Rush....or saying i listen to the guy.....or even supporting something the fucker said and i will ban myself from here for a are you willing to say the same thing?....let me know....
I've been there several times and to imagine the idiot man-child, naked emperor, soiling the place with his profound ineptness and hate of America makes me want to wretch.
I'm not sure it was wise for a black American President to be praising the 3rd President, given his status as a slaveowner and his sexually-charged master-slave relationships, etc.

After all, Liberals will go out of their way to denigrate Confederate leadership; not so much for seceding, but for defending slavery.

And we are talking about multiple Founding Fathers and Presidents who not only defended slavery but own large numbers of slaves themselves.

Why is there no Liberal War upon such figures as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison... as well as those beyond the realm of Founding Fathers who also held slaves... such as James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Polk, and Zachary Taylor, and, surprisingly, Ulysses S. Grant (although Grant freed his slaves upon passage of the 13th Amendment, before his Presidency began).

I'm not quite certain, in retrospect, and armchair quarterbacking, that praising slaveholding Thomas Jefferson in such a way was the best possible move for a black President - but that's just me.
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Alas a president who thinks of General Jubilation T. Cornpone as a personal hero......
I didn't think anybody else even remembered that old skit from that dumb ol' Lil Abner movie...

Now you've gone and done it...

[ame=]Lil Abner - Jubilation T Cornpone - YouTube[/ame]

I'm soooooo embarrassed...
did Rush send you one of his coffee mugs yet for being such a great supporter of the show?....

He does that?

Wow, is that how you got that wonderful collection?

i dont quote Rush like Ed does every other fucking the way how do you know about his Mug collection?...are you yet another guy who listens to the jerk but yet will deny it?........
YOU were the one who first brought up your MessiahRushie's mug collection!!!!
Doesn't that make YOU the jerk who listens to Porky and then deny it?!!!?

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