President's Obama & Hollande visit Monticello

do you have posters of Rush in speedos hanging on your bedroom wall Ed? either produce what i asked you to produce or do what you do best....go sit under that poster with his show on and your pecker in your sure seem to love that fucker a lot....
YOU are projecting in your cultish defense of your MessiahRushie by ridiculing me, exactly as your MessiahRushie programmed you to do!

The fact is, you MUGGED yourself and are still here only because as a card carrying DittoTard you are too dishonest to honor your word and leave for good!!! :eusa_liar:

July 23, 2010
RUSH: Ridicule is the single greatest rapier. Ridicule is the single best way to embarrass somebody and get other people laughing at them. Whatever you do, do not be defensive. Don't let them set the agenda. Don't let them let you always be reacting or responding to what they do. Be on offense. Be assertive. Be confident. If they say something you disagree with, laugh at them

so you respond with more you are not a fan of the show Ed,you have everyone answer me a question Ed.....did you do one of the 3 things i asked you to do?....yes or no? say i am a fan of your messia....prove should be easy to come up with one of those 3 items,right?....i sure as hell dont have to prove you are....
Already proved it with your OWN proof!

Why are you still here??????? :confused:
YOU are projecting in your cultish defense of your MessiahRushie by ridiculing me, exactly as your MessiahRushie programmed you to do!

The fact is, you MUGGED yourself and are still here only because as a card carrying DittoTard you are too dishonest to honor your word and leave for good!!! :eusa_liar:

July 23, 2010
RUSH: Ridicule is the single greatest rapier. Ridicule is the single best way to embarrass somebody and get other people laughing at them. Whatever you do, do not be defensive. Don't let them set the agenda. Don't let them let you always be reacting or responding to what they do. Be on offense. Be assertive. Be confident. If they say something you disagree with, laugh at them

so you respond with more you are not a fan of the show Ed,you have everyone answer me a question Ed.....did you do one of the 3 things i asked you to do?....yes or no? say i am a fan of your messia....prove should be easy to come up with one of those 3 items,right?....i sure as hell dont have to prove you are....
Already proved it with your OWN proof!

Why are you still here??????? :confused:

yes or no Ed.....did you produce just one of the 3 things i asked for?.....because you cant, you will just keep acting like the jerk you are and keep dancing....hey why dont you give me another quote from your idle....
so you respond with more you are not a fan of the show Ed,you have everyone answer me a question Ed.....did you do one of the 3 things i asked you to do?....yes or no? say i am a fan of your messia....prove should be easy to come up with one of those 3 items,right?....i sure as hell dont have to prove you are....
Already proved it with your OWN proof!

Why are you still here??????? :confused:

yes or no Ed.....did you produce just one of the 3 things i asked for?.....because you cant, you will just keep acting like the jerk you are and keep dancing....hey why dont you give me another quote from your idle....
Man up and leave!
Meanwhile that whirring sound that so distracted the chief Frog was nothing to worry about. Just Jefferson spinning in his grave at the thought of the comedy being enacted at the old homestead.
Already proved it with your OWN proof!

Why are you still here??????? :confused:

yes or no Ed.....did you produce just one of the 3 things i asked for?.....because you cant, you will just keep acting like the jerk you are and keep dancing....hey why dont you give me another quote from your idle....
Man up and leave!

was that the Rush Limbough 2 step?.....Rush im sure is proud of one of his dick suckers not being able to prove something they said.....give me another quote Rushboy....
YOU are projecting in your cultish defense of your MessiahRushie by ridiculing me, exactly as your MessiahRushie programmed you to do!

The fact is, you MUGGED yourself and are still here only because as a card carrying DittoTard you are too dishonest to honor your word and leave for good!!! :eusa_liar:

July 23, 2010
RUSH: Ridicule is the single greatest rapier. Ridicule is the single best way to embarrass somebody and get other people laughing at them. Whatever you do, do not be defensive. Don't let them set the agenda. Don't let them let you always be reacting or responding to what they do. Be on offense. Be assertive. Be confident. If they say something you disagree with, laugh at them

so you respond with more you are not a fan of the show Ed,you have everyone answer me a question Ed.....did you do one of the 3 things i asked you to do?....yes or no? say i am a fan of your messia....prove should be easy to come up with one of those 3 items,right?....i sure as hell dont have to prove you are....
Already proved it with your OWN proof!

Why are you still here??????? :confused:

good question
so you respond with more you are not a fan of the show Ed,you have everyone answer me a question Ed.....did you do one of the 3 things i asked you to do?....yes or no? say i am a fan of your messia....prove should be easy to come up with one of those 3 items,right?....i sure as hell dont have to prove you are....
Already proved it with your OWN proof!

Why are you still here??????? :confused:

good question

hey "Dottie"....if you are too chickenshit to talk to me directly....dont get involved...
Overcome, no doubt, by hatred for what one incompetent, inexperienced oaf has done to destroy this nation. Without regard to race, colour, or being of the religion of a big-time bigot or, indeed, any religion or lack thereof at all.
I'm not sure it was wise for a black American President to be praising the 3rd President, given his status as a slaveowner and his sexually-charged master-slave relationships, etc.

After all, Liberals will go out of their way to denigrate Confederate leadership; not so much for seceding, but for defending slavery.

And we are talking about multiple Founding Fathers and Presidents who not only defended slavery but own large numbers of slaves themselves.

Why is there no Liberal War upon such figures as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison... as well as those beyond the realm of Founding Fathers who also held slaves... such as James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Polk, and Zachary Taylor, and, surprisingly, Ulysses S. Grant (although Grant freed his slaves upon passage of the 13th Amendment, before his Presidency began).

I'm not quite certain, in retrospect, and armchair quarterbacking, that praising slaveholding Thomas Jefferson in such a way was the best possible move for a black President - but that's just me.

And Jefferson recognized that the slavery issue was going to bring much bloodshed and agony to this nation. He was an extremely complex man, in a period that changed the world. And he was one of the primary drivers of that change. His ideals, which he could not live up to, have insprired generations of people worldwide since that period. I can think of no other nation so fortunate to have leaders like Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Adams, and Madison at such a critical time in the formation of the nation.
Monticello's cool but 40 bucks a pop for a ticket is a bit steep. Most beautiful scenery you'll ever see though

The cost of a modest dinner for two, to walk where a man that truly changed the world walked, and to see his life, in both it's granduer and warts.

The homes of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe within 30 miles of each other. Very beautiful!:clap2:
Overcome, no doubt, by hatred for what one incompetent, inexperienced oaf has done to destroy this nation. Without regard to race, colour, or being of the religion of a big-time bigot or, indeed, any religion or lack thereof at all.

Oh shut up, you silly bigot.

I guess I should apologize for the "oaf" part. There are some clean, decent oafs out there who might well be offended at being cast with the one bad apple.....
Every American should visit Monticello and Mount Vernon to appreciate the greatness of our founding fathers. They were men, with the foibles of men of that period, yet they rose above those foibles, and established ideals and a nation that still inspires us. And, by visit, I don't mean a quick walkthrough. A day at each place, taken with meditation and prior reading of both men's philosophies and accomplishments in their lives.
Monticello's cool but 40 bucks a pop for a ticket is a bit steep. Most beautiful scenery you'll ever see though

The cost of a modest dinner for two, to walk where a man that truly changed the world walked, and to see his life, in both it's granduer and warts.

The homes of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe within 30 miles of each other. Very beautiful!:clap2:

Yes, Madison and Jefferson within site of each other. And Monroe, in Fredricksburg, is also one of the great battles of the Civil War.
Obama: 'That's the Good Thing as a President, I Can Do Whatever I Want'

Obama visits Monticello with the French president and makes this comment when he decides to see something that's supposedly off limits.
Okay, some are going to say this is taking political dislike to an extreme. It was only a minor thing during a visit to a historical site.

But, my question is – is this a sign of his mentality as chief executive? Is it a further example of his statement that if Congress doesn't do it, he'll do it on his own? At what point does this stray from his oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States”?

Read the article @ Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want' | The Weekly Standard and judge for yourself.



It was a joke.

Had it been said by George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan, you'd folks would be laughing at the shoot from the hip, tell it like it is, cowboy attitude of the President.


Actually, it came out at the same time he again violated the law you support, yet you just shrug your shoulders. I guess you bought into the hype that he is the messiah.
Overcome, no doubt, by hatred for what one incompetent, inexperienced oaf has done to destroy this nation. Without regard to race, colour, or being of the religion of a big-time bigot or, indeed, any religion or lack thereof at all.

Oh shut up, you silly bigot.

he's one of the biggest blowhards on this board. His gums are always flapping but he never says anything worth hearing.

Back to topic. Our proud, African American, Two-term, President's State dinner :) Table Chatter: Hollande Dines at White House - NBC News

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