Press #1 For English?

Again, immigrants today are assimilating just as those before them did.

Okay, if you really believe that, then you support us getting rid of bilingual signs, phone operators, and voting ballots, right?????

Doesn't matter to me. You go tell private businesses what they can and can't do and they will tell you to fuck off. Then you can talk to government lawyers about due process and equal protection.

The only reason businesses cater to these losers is because they came here and didn't learn the language. They never had to do that with any other group of people. .....

Is it that you really don't understand logic, or are you completely hostile to it?
Why the hell did we ever allow that? Given that our new President and Homeland Security chief are tossing out the invaders in record numbers, how about we make it even more difficult for those still here to get by? I say get rid of all the bilingual signs and phone messages....GONE. Go to Mehico and see how many signs you see in English or Frog.....hint: outside the resorts, zero. Why? Because they don't want us there. Let border-jumpers Pedro and Rosita figure out what the hell is going on here in English.. or get out. Who's with me?

USA has no official language.... Thus, press 1 for english, stays.
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European and most Asian immigrants had a skill or trade...they were barbers, shoe makers, bartenders, etc. ...

Also not true.

Hey troll....everybody knows you're a miserable old fraud who has no friends here or IRL....welcome to being on IGNORE.

Nice emoting, I'll tell my friends about it. Now then, the FACT is that during periods of high European immigration to America, most were unskilled. One of the chief complaints of your know-nothing predecessors was that "these filthy immigrants are taking our jobs!" Then, as now, they were referring to unskilled manual labor jobs.
No need to panic. English is the dominant language of the United States and will remain so. At the same time, a great many languages have always been spoken in America and always will be.
European and most Asian immigrants had a skill or trade...they were barbers, shoe makers, bartenders, etc. ...

Also not true.

Hey troll....everybody knows you're a miserable old fraud who has no friends here or IRL....welcome to being on IGNORE.

Nice emoting, I'll tell my friends about it. Now then, the FACT is that during periods of high European immigration to America, most were unskilled. One of the chief complaints of your know-nothing predecessors was that "these filthy immigrants are taking our jobs!" Then, as now, they were referring to unskilled manual labor jobs.

Poles, and Irish were oppressed, and colonized, while Southern Italians came from rural regions of Southern Italy where they weren't invested very well, and where the Italian state unified late, and neglected the Southern regions.

However, it's been awhile since Mexico was oppressed, and colonized, actually it's been nearly 200 years.

Ireland was oppressed, and colonized until about 100 years ago, and has become wealthy by even European standards.

Poland was oppressed, and under defacto colonization until about 30 years ago, and has become wealthier than Mexico, even though Mexico had a per capita income GDP twice as high as Poland in 1990, now Poland's per capita income is about 1/3rd higher than Mexico.

So, it seems even Poland's moving up fine, unlike Mexico.

Of course despite Poland experiencing much worse oppression events in the 20th century than Mexico, Poland still has much higher intellectual development than Mexico, Poland's IQ scores, PISA scores, literacy rates etc. are average, to even the high end of Europe.

Poland was even rated #2 in Europe just behind Russia in software developers, Poland of course has a recent history of faring very well in intellectual competitions like Google Code Jam, the IBM Battle of the Brains contest, the University Rover Challenge, the Google Online Marketing Challenge, and so forth.

What are Mexico's intellectual credentials, in comparison?
I'm unqualified to notice foreigners who's English didn't improve one iota? ...

That's correct.

Wow, you really are desperate to try and support your points. HTF can anybody not notice if somebody's English didn't improve? A deaf person could almost tell.

How many hours did you spend evaluating them? By what measures? What rubric did you use to compare the data you carefully collected previously with the next evaluation? What training in language acquisition do you have that informed your findings? What control group did you compare the findings with? Who reviewed your research and results?

Noticing somebody didn't improve on their language skills is like not being able to smell a cake being baked in an oven. You don't need a computer to figure that one out.

So, the answer is: NONE.

And the answer remains: NONE.
Sadly, some people are so married to their fears and assumptions (and you-know-what) that they will fall down with their fingers in their ears, kicking and screaming, rather than learn something. Many people need to cling to some romanticized notions of the past in order to justify their prejudices and false assumptions in the present. Nonetheless, the facts are what the facts are. It just so happens that I am pretty well informed on the reality of the past (20+years teaching History), and work and live with the reality of this topic - everyday - in the present. I might not know much, but I sure as hell know about this. Note that real experience does NOT mean scowling from behind the curtains. Of course, the kicking and screaming will continue by those who are as addicted to their false assumptions as a crack whore is to, well, you know...

And just to save some dope the time, NO I do NOT support illegal immigration. I have made this clear hundreds of times here.


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