Press #1 For English?

My boss, was a refugee from communist Hungary. Fled a legitimate threat, communism. A Magyar, I can respect. But Mexicans? Just sneaking in here because they can get away with it? I have No respect for Mexicans, none.
Again, immigrants today are assimilating just as those before them did.
My boss, was a refugee from communist Hungary. Fled a legitimate threat, communism. A Magyar, I can respect. But Mexicans? Just sneaking in here because they can get away with it? I have No respect for Mexicans, none.

"I hate X people! I hate them! They are all terrible!"

"But oh no, I'm not a bigot! How could you say that?"
Just like immigrants today. And like immigrants today, they did NOT abandon their sense of being Polish.

Outside of our community, they did abandon their language and culture.

Wrong. In fact, immigrants today are assimilating to English and American culture faster than those of yesteryear.

Then why no bilingual signs on doors in yesteryear? Why no options except English in yesteryear that we have today?

In the Polish neighborhood there were many signs in Polish on shops and restaurants, just like in the Italian neighborhood or the Portuguese neighborhood or Chinatown, or Germantown, etc. There were newspapers and magazines and information on important matters to the community in many languages.




No, as per the topic, nobody had to press 1 to speak their own language. ....

Want to think about that one again for a minute?
You are unqualified to make the determination.

I'm unqualified to notice foreigners who's English didn't improve one iota? ...

That's correct.

Wow, you really are desperate to try and support your points. HTF can anybody not notice if somebody's English didn't improve? A deaf person could almost tell.

How many hours did you spend evaluating them? By what measures? What rubric did you use to compare the data you carefully collected previously with the next evaluation? What training in language acquisition do you have that informed your findings? What control group did you compare the findings with? Who reviewed your research and results?

Noticing somebody didn't improve on their language skills is like not being able to smell a cake being baked in an oven. You don't need a computer to figure that one out.

So, the answer is: NONE.
Hmm. That explains nothing. It takes my breath away people argue something like this, blows me away. Unko we are all speaking English here. Notice that?
Some people insist their fears and paranoia reflect reality rather than their own weakness. This does not change reality.

As more Latino kids speak only English, parents worry about chatting with grandma
"Allow"? Who the fuck is not going to "allow" private businesses to pander to whatever customer base they choose?

"customer base"? Who the fuck cares about people who are broke and don't belong here?
But didn't they take jobs away? There's got to be an income.

And you're attitudes are exactly like those of your American predecessors. Did they complain about Yiddish theater and newspapers? Did they say that the knife wielding Italian or the rowdy drunken Irishman or the swarthy Greek were ruining American culture?

You bet they complained! And they were as wrong as you are today. It's amazing how the behavior stays consistent given all the other changes.

C'est le guerre!

The Italians nor the Irish tried to turn our country into a bilingual nation. You didn't see signs written in Italian, you didn't have ballots printed in Italian or any other language. Today, thanks to these invaders, that has all changed.
Take a good look at the signage. Pay attention to Yeshevahs and delis and tailor shops. Pay attention to barber shops and grocery stores and butcher shops.

The Hasidim Jews have done a particularly bad job at assimilating to America.

Examples include a Jew saying he lives in Jew land not America.
Yiddish signs calling for gender segregation.

See videos below.

Yeah. And then there's those damn Amish.

But those few examples should not taint the overwhelming immigrant population.
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Tom Horn called today's immigrants 'human livestock'. Yet he complains about that livestock taking jobs away from American workers. Hanging drywall or laying block or wiring a building or building a highway isn't work for livestock.

If you don't live in the southwest or Kali you're not seeing the typical illegal that we see. We in southern and central Arizona get them fresh from the Mehican and central American interior. They're of little use other than to lift/carry things or dig a hole. The ones with some skills aren't hanging around a Home Depot whistling at guys in trucks for a day job. By the time they get into the midwest and east, they've been in the US awhile and aren't standing with their mouths open staring at Americans. And BTW, they've been dispersed quite effectively throughout the US....that can't happen by accident...that's a coordinated effort by somebody....I wonder who it could be?
If you're looking for an example, look to the Irish. Or maybe the Italians. Or the Scots, Germans and Poles.

Every immigrant group eventually spreads out.
Again, immigrants today are assimilating just as those before them did.

Okay, if you really believe that, then you support us getting rid of bilingual signs, phone operators, and voting ballots, right?????

Doesn't matter to me. You go tell private businesses what they can and can't do and they will tell you to fuck off. Then you can talk to government lawyers about due process and equal protection.
Unko once fantasized he had had me banned off the board, yet another sad mistaken delusion of his. Like that self same fantasy of his that illegal aliens from Mexico are being victimized, I have to wonder what fantasy world he lives in?
Unko: I am like that character from "Grapes rapes of wrath" , Tom Joad, we oppose the likes of YOU . Stop taking things out of context, and worry about the facts.
Again, immigrants today are assimilating just as those before them did.

Okay, if you really believe that, then you support us getting rid of bilingual signs, phone operators, and voting ballots, right?????

Doesn't matter to me. You go tell private businesses what they can and can't do and they will tell you to fuck off. Then you can talk to government lawyers about due process and equal protection.

What does due process and equal protection have to do with it? The only reason businesses cater to these losers is because they came here and didn't learn the language. They never had to do that with any other group of people. Watch the show COPS sometime when they feature Arizona, Texas or California. The cops can't even communicate with the criminals or witnesses. They have to bring in a Spanish speaking cop to get the job done.

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