Press #1 For English?

What has Mexico done in the past 30 years in intellectual development, in comparison to Poland?

Poland has 38 million people, Mexico has 127 million people.

Poland had in the 20th century millions killed in WW1, WW2, and then Soviet oppression, and what about Mexico?

So, why should Poland produce more intellectual developments than Mexico?

Here's a list of some Polish intellectual developments in the past 30 years, and what about Mexico?
I'd love to see a list of Mexican intellectual developments like this in the past 30 years?

New Polish recipe for ultra short pulse lasers.

Incredible recipe for ultra-short laser pulses - it works! | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland

New Polish invention of chitosan aerogels, which are used for growing various tissues, including human tissue.

The invention of Kraków scientists can help transplantology | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland

New Polish invention of the first ever Electric Polymer laser.

Pioneering polymer laser developed by Polish scientists | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland

New Polish first ever hand graft surgery on an adult.


New Polish anti-bacteria 3D printing method.

Silesian scientists have developed an antibacterial material for 3D printing | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland

Polish company Zortrax invented the first 3D printing device used to operate on veins.

Zortrax 3D Printer Used to Improve Varicose Vein Removal Procedure

Pole behind Natural Killer cells to treat cancer.

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Polish first bee pollinator robot.

Poland: Scientists create robot bee to pollinate crops

Polish invention first ever 3D printing wind turbine generator.

Polish Solaris Bus, behind hybrid bus technology.

Solaris Bus & Coach - Wikipedia

Polish type 1 Diabetes vaccine.

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Polish first device used to detect alcohol before leaving the car.

New Laser Device May Be A Drunk Driver's Worst Nightmare | The Huffington Post

Polish first bike with virtually no chain, the Izzy Bike.

Bicycle without a chain among Polish inventions appreciated abroad | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland

Polish first cheap, mass produced Graphene Machine.

Polish scientists develop revolutionary graphene machine

Polish company Ammono makes the best Gallium Nitride in the World, used in blue laser manufacturing.

Polish scientists develop revolutionary graphene machine

Polish company Vigo Systems produced the Infared Sensors used on the Mars Curiosity Rover.

The World’s Best Gallium Nitride

Polish Sylwester Porowski pioneered Blue Lasers, which he made the best Blue Lasers of the pioneers.

Sylwester Porowski - Polish Academy of Sciences

Polish Paczynski's invention of Microlensing to dIscover more planets, and stars.

Bohdan Paczynski (1940 - 2007) | American Astronomical Society

Polish Nikoderm Poplawski behind the theory that every Black Hole contains another Universe.ławsk

Polish Aleksander Wolszczan's discovery of the first Pulsar planets, and planets outside of the Solar System.

Aleksander Wolszczan - Wikipedia

Polish Maciej Stachowiak behind many computer software applications.

Maciej Stachowiak - Wikipedia

Polish video games like the Witcher the best selling video game of 2015.

Note there were other high selling Polish video games like Dead Island, Dying Light, Call of Juarez, and Hatred.

The Witcher 3 is This Year's Best Selling Game So Far

Polish first emergency face transplant surgery.

Polish man receives first ‘emergency’ face transplant

Polish first surgery that used cells to save paralyzed man.

A paralyzed man walks again after miracle surgery

Polish first augmented cardiac surgery.

It's Polish the first cardiac surgery with augmented reality

Europe's best cardiac physician award to a Pole.

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Europe's #2 best coders awarded to Poland.
best coders in the world by country - Bing images

Polish wins in the IBM Battle of the Brains contest.

IBM w Polsce International Collegiate Programming Contest

Polish win in a World coding competition.

Polish team wins world coding championships with the fastest AI-driven virtual car

Polish wins in Google Code Jam.

Google Code Jam - Wikipedia

Polish wins at the University Rover Challenge.

Polish win at the Google Online Marketing Challenge.

Polish win best World building.

Polish win at the Robot Challenge extravaganza.

Polish win at the International Mathematical Competition.

Polish success in cinema.

List of Polish Academy Award winners and nominees - Wikipedia
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When did this thread become Mexico vs. Poland? Highjack much?

Well, if Mexicans are equal to Poles, surely you can post 3 X the Mexican intellectual achievements of the past 30 years as I have for Poles, because there's over 3X more Mexicans in Mexico, than Poles in Poland.

If Mexicans aren't equal, why should we support them to come here?
They just need to add another button to their automated attendant. Then they can get a real feel for their customers.

Press one for english, press two for spanish and press three for fuck you I'm shopping somewhere else. Press four for yes I'm all about the PC, SJW shit and will wait to be informed of what language I need to speak.
European and most Asian immigrants had a skill or trade...they were barbers, shoe makers, bartenders, etc. ...

Also not true.

Hey troll....everybody knows you're a miserable old fraud who has no friends here or IRL....welcome to being on IGNORE.

Nice emoting, I'll tell my friends about it. Now then, the FACT is that during periods of high European immigration to America, most were unskilled. One of the chief complaints of your know-nothing predecessors was that "these filthy immigrants are taking our jobs!" Then, as now, they were referring to unskilled manual labor jobs.

Poles, and Irish were oppressed, and colonized, while Southern Italians came from rural regions of Southern Italy where they weren't invested very well, and where the Italian state unified late, and neglected the Southern regions.

However, it's been awhile since Mexico was oppressed, and colonized, actually it's been nearly 200 years.

Ireland was oppressed, and colonized until about 100 years ago, and has become wealthy by even European standards.

Poland was oppressed, and under defacto colonization until about 30 years ago, and has become wealthier than Mexico, even though Mexico had a per capita income GDP twice as high as Poland in 1990, now Poland's per capita income is about 1/3rd higher than Mexico.

So, it seems even Poland's moving up fine, unlike Mexico.

Of course despite Poland experiencing much worse oppression events in the 20th century than Mexico, Poland still has much higher intellectual development than Mexico, Poland's IQ scores, PISA scores, literacy rates etc. are average, to even the high end of Europe.

Poland was even rated #2 in Europe just behind Russia in software developers, Poland of course has a recent history of faring very well in intellectual competitions like Google Code Jam, the IBM Battle of the Brains contest, the University Rover Challenge, the Google Online Marketing Challenge, and so forth.

What are Mexico's intellectual credentials, in comparison?

Cleaning toilets. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
No need to panic. English is the dominant language of the United States and will remain so. At the same time, a great many languages have always been spoken in America and always will be.

Correct, within their own circles, and there's nothing wrong with that. Spreading nationwide like cancer, big problem with that.
No need to panic. English is the dominant language of the United States and will remain so. At the same time, a great many languages have always been spoken in America and always will be.
True but at the same time people were expected to speak english here. Now it's a bit different in that we are coddling them when they don't. I think speaking the language of the land you are coming to should be one of the basic requirements for immigration.
Again, immigrants today are assimilating just as those before them did.

Okay, if you really believe that, then you support us getting rid of bilingual signs, phone operators, and voting ballots, right?????

Doesn't matter to me. You go tell private businesses what they can and can't do and they will tell you to fuck off. Then you can talk to government lawyers about due process and equal protection.

The only reason businesses cater to these losers is because they came here and didn't learn the language. They never had to do that with any other group of people. .....

Is it that you really don't understand logic, or are you completely hostile to it?

We have to start speaking Spanish now and we never had to speak any other language because of any other group of immigrants? I call that totally logical.
No need to panic. English is the dominant language of the United States and will remain so. At the same time, a great many languages have always been spoken in America and always will be.
True but at the same time people were expected to speak english here. Now it's a bit different in that we are coddling them when they don't. I think speaking the language of the land you are coming to should be one of the basic requirements for immigration.

A friend of mine wanted to take his vacation in Germany because he is of German descent. He didn't know a lick of German but wanted to learn all he could about the language to make it easier to communicate with the people there.

He took some classes, bought some CDs for his computer, and even a book or two. He studied for months just to take a two week vacation in Germany.

I'd be willing to bet he put in more time and effort for his two week vacation than many immigrants who moved here to work and live. He said he had no problem communicating with the German people; they understood and responded to everything he said. For some of the more complicated words, some of the folks there knew English enough to help him out. But no problems whatsoever.

I think that if you are so lazy that you won't take the time to learn a language of a country, just STF out of it then.
Again, not the topic of the thread.

Again, this is MY thread, there are 15 stars beside it, and now you're mouthing off about it's "topic" after you've trolled it for two days with your idiotic little snarks. Report this post to a mod like you have at least two others ya sick fuck.
Again, not the topic of the thread.

Again, this is MY thread, there are 15 stars beside it, and now you're mouthing off about it's "topic" after you've trolled it for two days with your idiotic little snarks. Report this post to a mod like you have at least two others ya sick fuck.

He started talking about unskilled workers from Europe, while true, a lot of them came from regions of Europe that were colonized, and oppressed.

It's been a long time since Mexico was colonized, and oppressed, they've had plenty of time to adjust, no?

But, it seems Mexicans aren't as productive...
When did this thread become Mexico vs. Poland? Highjack much?

Well, if Mexicans are equal to Poles....

Again, not the topic of the thread.

Do you think all Human ethnic groups are equal, even though there's tons of evidence saying otherwise?

Go start a pro-nazi thread if you want to. Stop trolling this one.

Racialism pre-dates Nazism.

Many of the best, and brightest even held racialist views, including Darwin, Carl Linnaeus, Herbert Spencer, Francis Galton, Voltaire, Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, Christoph Meiners, and Georges Cuvier,
Again, immigrants today are assimilating just as those before them did.

Okay, if you really believe that, then you support us getting rid of bilingual signs, phone operators, and voting ballots, right?????

Doesn't matter to me. You go tell private businesses what they can and can't do and they will tell you to fuck off. Then you can talk to government lawyers about due process and equal protection.

The only reason businesses cater to these losers is because they came here and didn't learn the language. They never had to do that with any other group of people. .....

Is it that you really don't understand logic, or are you completely hostile to it?

We have to start speaking Spanish now ....

No, you don't. There are many benefits to learning other languages, but no one is forcing you. Immigrants today, as in generations past, know they DO need to learn English.
Again, not the topic of the thread.

Again, this is MY thread....

No, it's not. Now, address the topic. I say getting all bent out of shape over pressing a button is hysterical nonsense. I also say that private businesses can cater to whatever customers they choose.

Correct, they can. But the problem appears that we are getting too many Spanish speaking immigrants here and they can't assimilate. We need to cut them off and bring in other races of people who will assimilate. That would solve the problem for everybody.
When did this thread become Mexico vs. Poland? Highjack much?

Well, if Mexicans are equal to Poles....

Again, not the topic of the thread.

Do you think all Human ethnic groups are equal, even though there's tons of evidence saying otherwise?

Go start a pro-nazi thread if you want to. Stop trolling this one.

Racialism pre-dates Nazism.

Many of the best, and brightest even held racialist views, including Darwin, Carl Linnaeus, Herbert Spencer, Francis Galton, Voltaire, Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, Christoph Meiners, and Georges Cuvier,

Go start your thread, nazitroll.
Again, not the topic of the thread.

Again, this is MY thread....

No, it's not. Now, address the topic. I say getting all bent out of shape over pressing a button is hysterical nonsense. I also say that private businesses can cater to whatever customers they choose.

...we are getting too many Spanish speaking immigrants here and they can't assimilate. ...

Yes they can and they are.

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