Press #1 For English?

Why the hell did we ever allow that? Given that our new President and Homeland Security chief are tossing out the invaders in record numbers, how about we make it even more difficult for those still here to get by? I say get rid of all the bilingual signs and phone messages....GONE. Go to Mehico and see how many signs you see in English or Frog.....hint: outside the resorts, zero. Why? Because they don't want us there. Let border-jumpers Pedro and Rosita figure out what the hell is going on here in English.. or get out. Who's with me?


Most phone systems don't actually require you to press anything for English. They automatically assume you want English, but offer you the option of pressing a button for Spanish.

Also, the majority of the Spanish signs and messages I encounter belong to private businesses, not the government (although all government signs and messages I encounter DO offer the Spanish option, this is true). It's really no one's place to tell private businesses how to operate in this regard.

You don't see signs in English and French outside of the resorts in Mexico because tourists don't usually go into the other areas much. With good reason, I might add.
Correct, it won't, because we elected a President that's going to cleanse this country of those people changing our language and way of life.

It won't because English is the dominant language and all indications are that it will remain so. You need to stop and reflect on how closely your words and attitude mirror those like the Nazis and the Stalinists. Fear and paranoia are primitive responses by primitive individuals.

Wanting to keep our country's language is Nazi and Stalinist?

"Da glorious leader will cleanse the fatherland of the impure!".

Isn't a cornerstone of Liberalism to cleanse the Motherland of Whitey?

I don't think so, but you'll have to ask a liberal.

Well, you seem to be rooting for cleansing Whitey from the Motherland, regardless of political orientation.
Why the hell did we ever allow that? ... I say get rid of all the bilingual signs and phone messages....GONE. ...

"Allow"? Who the fuck is not going to "allow" private businesses to pander to whatever customer base they choose?

"customer base"? Who the fuck cares about people who are broke and don't belong here?

Presumably, those businesses do. And who are you to tell them they have to do otherwise? Unless you're on the board of directors, it's really none of your business.
I never felt put out having to press "1" for English, but calling customer service and then having somebody in India answer is another story.

Or calling tech support and getting someone with an Asian accent so thick you could cut it with a knife. They may be brilliant and have all the answers to my problems. I have no idea, since I can't understand a damn thing they're saying.

As someone with a hearing impairment, I've always considered the incessant use of heavily-accented phone workers to be a hostile act toward the hearing-disabled. And this new thing some call centers do where they refuse to transfer you to an American agent if you request it is just a furtherance of that hostility.
Correct, I don't............... YET. But if we allow this problem to grow, it will get that way.

Calm down, it won't. Stop being such a Nancy.

Correct, it won't, because we elected a President that's going to cleanse this country of those people changing our language and way of life.

It won't because English is the dominant language and all indications are that it will remain so. You need to stop and reflect on how closely your words and attitude mirror those like the Nazis and the Stalinists. Fear and paranoia are primitive responses by primitive individuals.

Wanting to keep our country's language is Nazi and Stalinist?

"Da glorious leader will cleanse the fatherland of the impure!" sure as fuck is. Pretty much fucking textbook.

English will remain the dominant language in the US (and increasingly, the world) and no one will force your feeble little brain to learn another language if you don't want to, so calm the fuck down.

I am calmed down. This is a discussion forum, not a fist fight.

We allow one million immigrants in our country a year. One of the reasons we have that limitation is so those people can assimilate into American society--not try to change it.'s changing now, so that tells us we are doing something wrong. It's time for more limitations.
Maybe pressing 1 requires more strength than some of these whiners can muster.

Or maybe pressing 1 indicates a decay of our culture. How about 1 for Spanish, 2 for Arabic, 3 for Polish, 4 for Hungarian, 5 for Chinese, 6 for Japanese, 7for German, 8 for French...............

Not really profitable to employ CSRs who speak languages you are unlikely to encounter on a regular basis. My company employs people who can caption in Spanish because we get a lot of calls that are in Spanish. Other languages come up, but they're fairly rare and not worth the expense.
It won't because English is the dominant language and all indications are that it will remain so. You need to stop and reflect on how closely your words and attitude mirror those like the Nazis and the Stalinists. Fear and paranoia are primitive responses by primitive individuals.

Wanting to keep our country's language is Nazi and Stalinist?

"Da glorious leader will cleanse the fatherland of the impure!".

Isn't a cornerstone of Liberalism to cleanse the Motherland of Whitey?

I don't think so, but you'll have to ask a liberal.

Well, you seem to be rooting for cleansing Whitey from the Motherland, regardless of political orientation.

That is your absurd misperception, adolphjoseph.
Maybe pressing 1 requires more strength than some of these whiners can muster.

Or maybe pressing 1 indicates a decay of our culture. How about 1 for Spanish, 2 for Arabic, 3 for Polish, 4 for Hungarian, 5 for Chinese, 6 for Japanese, 7for German, 8 for French...............

Not really profitable to employ CSRs who speak languages you are unlikely to encounter on a regular basis. My company employs people who can caption in Spanish because we get a lot of calls that are in Spanish. Other languages come up, but they're fairly rare and not worth the expense.

That's my point exactly. We never had to have employees speak any other language except English until Spanish speaking people started to flood our country. Every other group of people learned our language.
... One of the reasons we have that limitation is so those people can assimilate into American society--not try to change it.'s changing now, so that tells us we are doing something wrong. ....

Culture is always changing. That is the nature of culture. Immigrants today are assimilating even faster than those who came before them. Calm down.
Maybe pressing 1 requires more strength than some of these whiners can muster.

Or maybe pressing 1 indicates a decay of our culture. How about 1 for Spanish, 2 for Arabic, 3 for Polish, 4 for Hungarian, 5 for Chinese, 6 for Japanese, 7for German, 8 for French...............

Not really profitable to employ CSRs who speak languages you are unlikely to encounter on a regular basis. My company employs people who can caption in Spanish because we get a lot of calls that are in Spanish. Other languages come up, but they're fairly rare and not worth the expense.

That's my point exactly. We never had to have employees speak any other language except English until Spanish speaking people started to flood our country. Every other group of people learned our language.

Well, there's also the fact that a lot of businesses now do business outside the US as well, and their customer service call centers get calls from other places.

I really think it's a multi-part issue. I'm certainly not a fan of indiscriminate immigration without regard to the overall well-being of the US, and I'm adamantly opposed to illegal immigration under any circumstances. I don't especially want the government spending huge amounts of tax money pandering to people who deliberately choose not to assimilate, but I recognize that there's a (much smaller than currently) need to provide some assistance in that area. On the subject of private businesses, I am firmly in favor of letting them do whatever they think is most effective in this area for the prosperity of their business.
Unko once fantasized he had had me banned off the board, yet another sad mistaken delusion of his.

That's what he's trying to do with me....trolls my thread and when I react begs a mod for a ban. Claims he's a history teacher which explains why kids in public schools either don't know any history or have some bizarre version like we see from him....what a creepshow.
Most phone systems don't actually require you to press anything for English. They automatically assume you want English, but offer you the option of pressing a button for Spanish.


Also, the majority of the Spanish signs and messages I encounter belong to private businesses, not the government (although all government signs and messages I encounter DO offer the Spanish option, this is true). It's really no one's place to tell private businesses how to operate in this regard.

Government does little else than tell private business how to operate. Those businesses catering to illegals need to be fined for enabling the invaders in a criminal enterprise.

You don't see signs in English and French outside of the resorts in Mexico because tourists don't usually go into the other areas much. With good reason, I might add.

Thanks for proving my point....if you want to get robbed, raped, murdered, vacation in Mehico.
Why the hell did we ever allow that? Given that our new President and Homeland Security chief are tossing out the invaders in record numbers, how about we make it even more difficult for those still here to get by? I say get rid of all the bilingual signs and phone messages....GONE. Go to Mehico and see how many signs you see in English or Frog.....hint: outside the resorts, zero. Why? Because they don't want us there. Let border-jumpers Pedro and Rosita figure out what the hell is going on here in English.. or get out. Who's with me?


If the OP knew anything about American history, he'd know that Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Puerto Rico where all Spanish before they became part of the United States. Having Spanish as our second language is part of our American heritage. It is not due to the recent migrations from Latin America.
If the OP knew anything about American history, he'd know that Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Puerto Rico where all Spanish before they became part of the United States. Having Spanish as our second language is part of our American heritage. It is not due to the recent migrations from Latin America.

I'll gladly BURY you in any American history history test and have lived through the wetback invasion for the last 40 years in Arizona. Mehico lost the states they once claimed by losing a war with us...tough shit, no do-overs, no "second languages"....speak English or get out.
I never felt put out having to press "1" for English, but calling customer service and then having somebody in India answer is another story.

Truly, I don't care whether the customer service rep is in India. I care mostly that their elocution is clear and precise enough that I can understand them.

Having traveled the world, I can tell you that of all the various English speakers, the ones I have the most trouble understanding are some of the ones in the UK. Among Indians who speak English, merely asking them to speak more slowly -- because it's impossible for me to hear more rapidly -- solves the problem of their accent. [1] In contrast, that just isn't the case with some of the accents I've encountered in the UK for they aren't speaking all that rapidly to begin with. I once encountered some Cajuns in Louisiana. I had no friggin' idea of what they were saying.

If I'm honest, I have more problems understanding people not because their English elocution is poor, but because their diction is. The former doesn't necessarily result in inaccurately communicated ideas, vagueness and ambiguity, whereas the latter invariably does, except when the listener is a good mind reader, which I am not.

  1. My firm has an Indian subsidiary. I've worked with those folks often enough that over time I've become somewhat accustomed to the accent. Nonetheless, at times, I come by a colleague who speaks so quickly that I must ask them to slow down.
Maybe pressing 1 requires more strength than some of these whiners can muster.

Or maybe pressing 1 indicates a decay of our culture. How about 1 for Spanish, 2 for Arabic, 3 for Polish, 4 for Hungarian, 5 for Chinese, 6 for Japanese, 7for German, 8 for French...............

Not really profitable to employ CSRs who speak languages you are unlikely to encounter on a regular basis. My company employs people who can caption in Spanish because we get a lot of calls that are in Spanish. Other languages come up, but they're fairly rare and not worth the expense.

...Every other group of people learned our language.

As immigrants today are doing, only faster.
Unko once fantasized he had had me banned off the board, yet another sad mistaken delusion of his.

That's what he's trying to do with me....trolls my thread and when I react begs a mod for a ban. Claims he's a history teacher which explains why kids in public schools either don't know any history or have some bizarre version like we see from him....what a creepshow.

What "bizarre version" are you referring to?

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