Press #1 For English?

AMERICAN English.....order "bangers and mash" and the waitress is gonna just stare at ya.

Probably because, if she doesn't recognize that dish, it's because it's not on the menu.

No, it's because we don't call sausages "bangers" or mashed potatoes "mash"....


British style sausage and mashed potatoes are listed as "bangers and mash" on menus in many places in America.

Maybe you need to get out more.
If the OP knew anything about American history, he'd know that Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Puerto Rico where all Spanish before they became part of the United States. Having Spanish as our second language is part of our American heritage. It is not due to the recent migrations from Latin America.

I'll gladly BURY you in any American history history test .....

If the OP knew anything about American history, he'd know that Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Puerto Rico where all Spanish before they became part of the United States. Having Spanish as our second language is part of our American heritage. It is not due to the recent migrations from Latin America.

....speak English or get out.

Read the Bill of Rights or get out.
Some people here whine about pressing #2 for Spanish, but do they ever contact the PRIVATE BUSINESS offering that option to their customers? Or do they realize how stupid it would sound to say some of this silly shit out loud?
If the OP knew anything about American history, he'd know that Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Puerto Rico where all Spanish before they became part of the United States. Having Spanish as our second language is part of our American heritage. It is not due to the recent migrations from Latin America.

I'll gladly BURY you in any American history history test and have lived through the wetback invasion for the last 40 years in Arizona. Mehico lost the states they once claimed by losing a war with us...tough shit, no do-overs, no "second languages"....speak English or get out.

So once a country has taken land from another country, the people who have lived on that land are to be persecuted? To not be allowed to speak their native language? To have their culture wiped out?

You propose that we American persecute the Spanish speaking people in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Puerto Rico in the same way that the British persecuted the Irish? To destroy their books, to make speaking their native language illegal, to obliterate their culture? To do to the American Spanish culture what the British did to the Gaelic culture?

One of the greatest crimes ever committed, yet you propose that we Anglo Americans do that to our Spanish fellow countrymen?

I'm embarrassed for my country to think that you are an American!
Maybe pressing 1 requires more strength than some of these whiners can muster.

Or maybe pressing 1 indicates a decay of our culture. How about 1 for Spanish, 2 for Arabic, 3 for Polish, 4 for Hungarian, 5 for Chinese, 6 for Japanese, 7for German, 8 for French...............

Not really profitable to employ CSRs who speak languages you are unlikely to encounter on a regular basis. My company employs people who can caption in Spanish because we get a lot of calls that are in Spanish. Other languages come up, but they're fairly rare and not worth the expense.

...Every other group of people learned our language.

Immigrants today are learning English just like those who came before them.
Maybe pressing 1 requires more strength than some of these whiners can muster.

Or maybe pressing 1 indicates a decay of our culture. How about 1 for Spanish, 2 for Arabic, 3 for Polish, 4 for Hungarian, 5 for Chinese, 6 for Japanese, 7for German, 8 for French...............

Not really profitable to employ CSRs who speak languages you are unlikely to encounter on a regular basis. My company employs people who can caption in Spanish because we get a lot of calls that are in Spanish. Other languages come up, but they're fairly rare and not worth the expense.

...Every other group of people learned our language.

As immigrants today are doing, only faster.
We are talking illegal aliens here to be specific, and NO, they aren't acclimating. And you don't need the internet to see that. Just open your eyes.
Most phone systems don't actually require you to press anything for English. They automatically assume you want English, but offer you the option of pressing a button for Spanish.


Is it? I caption telephone calls for the hearing-impaired. I listen to about 200 phone calls a day, and almost half of them are to businesses with some sort of answering system. I don't know that I've ever heard one ask people to press a button for English. How many average, everyday telephone calls do YOU listen to every day?

Also, the majority of the Spanish signs and messages I encounter belong to private businesses, not the government (although all government signs and messages I encounter DO offer the Spanish option, this is true). It's really no one's place to tell private businesses how to operate in this regard.

Government does little else than tell private business how to operate. Those businesses catering to illegals need to be fined for enabling the invaders in a criminal enterprise.

1) So you figure because government already meddles far too much in private enterprise, that makes it okay for YOU to use it to meddle to YOUR liking?

2) Who said anything about ILLEGALS?

You don't see signs in English and French outside of the resorts in Mexico because tourists don't usually go into the other areas much. With good reason, I might add.

Thanks for proving my point....if you want to get robbed, raped, murdered, vacation in Mehico.

Not really sure how that was your point, but whatever makes you feel good about yourself, I guess.
AMERICAN English.....order "bangers and mash" and the waitress is gonna just stare at ya.

Probably because, if she doesn't recognize that dish, it's because it's not on the menu.

No, it's because we don't call sausages "bangers" or mashed potatoes "mash"....


No, it's because not very many restaurants in the US serve sausage and mashed potatoes, at least not that I've seen. I believe I've only ever seen it at restaurants serving British pub-style food, and they DID call it "bangers and mash".

But congratulations. You've made the spectacularly brilliant point that British people have different slang than Americans do. Whatever.
Some people here whine about pressing #2 for Spanish, but do they ever contact the PRIVATE BUSINESS offering that option to their customers? Or do they realize how stupid it would sound to say some of this silly shit out loud?

I'm guessing they know perfectly well that the poor idiot stuck taking that dumb call would just politely inform them that they have many customers who prefer to use Spanish, and they aren't going to alienate them just to satisfy some dipshit's xenophobia.
... One of the reasons we have that limitation is so those people can assimilate into American society--not try to change it.'s changing now, so that tells us we are doing something wrong. ....

Culture is always changing. That is the nature of culture. Immigrants today are assimilating even faster than those who came before them. Calm down.

I wouldn't call nearly 30% of Texas speaking Spanish, as a great assimilation achievement.

Languages of Texas - Wikipedia

The official language of Texas is American English. Around two-thirds of Texas residents speak solely English at home, while another 29.10% speak Spanish.[1] Throughout the history of Texas, English and Spanish have at one time or another been the primary dominant languages used by government officials.
Maybe pressing 1 requires more strength than some of these whiners can muster.

Or maybe pressing 1 indicates a decay of our culture. How about 1 for Spanish, 2 for Arabic, 3 for Polish, 4 for Hungarian, 5 for Chinese, 6 for Japanese, 7for German, 8 for French...............

Not really profitable to employ CSRs who speak languages you are unlikely to encounter on a regular basis. My company employs people who can caption in Spanish because we get a lot of calls that are in Spanish. Other languages come up, but they're fairly rare and not worth the expense.

...Every other group of people learned our language.

As immigrants today are doing, only faster.
We are talking illegal aliens here to be specific, ....

No we're not.
Again, not the topic of the thread.

Again, this is MY thread....

No, it's not. Now, address the topic. I say getting all bent out of shape over pressing a button is hysterical nonsense. I also say that private businesses can cater to whatever customers they choose.

...we are getting too many Spanish speaking immigrants here and they can't assimilate. ...

Yes they can and they are.

They are? Then why the need to press 1 or have bilingual signs for them? Apparently you are not paying attention to this problem; either that, or trying to make believe it's not happening.

You've never spent a considerable amount of time in a non-English speaking country, have you?
... One of the reasons we have that limitation is so those people can assimilate into American society--not try to change it.'s changing now, so that tells us we are doing something wrong. ....

Culture is always changing. That is the nature of culture. Immigrants today are assimilating even faster than those who came before them. Calm down.

I wouldn't call nearly 30% of Texas speaking Spanish, as a great assimilation achievement.

Languages of Texas - Wikipedia

The official language of Texas is American English. Around two-thirds of Texas residents speak solely English at home, while another 29.10% speak Spanish.[1] Throughout the history of Texas, English and Spanish have at one time or another been the primary dominant languages used by government officials.

Yes, but how many of those people who speak Spanish ALSO speak English, even if it's not their primary language at home? It's not like learning English pushes the knowledge of other languages out of your head.
... One of the reasons we have that limitation is so those people can assimilate into American society--not try to change it.'s changing now, so that tells us we are doing something wrong. ....

Culture is always changing. That is the nature of culture. Immigrants today are assimilating even faster than those who came before them. Calm down.

I wouldn't call nearly 30% of Texas speaking Spanish, as a great assimilation achievement.

Languages of Texas - Wikipedia

The official language of Texas is American English. Around two-thirds of Texas residents speak solely English at home, while another 29.10% speak Spanish.[1] Throughout the history of Texas, English and Spanish have at one time or another been the primary dominant languages used by government officials.

Yes, but how many of those people who speak Spanish ALSO speak English, even if it's not their primary language at home? It's not like learning English pushes the knowledge of other languages out of your head.

None the less it represents a festering fifth column.
Is it? I caption telephone calls for the hearing-impaired. I listen to about 200 phone calls a day, and almost half of them are to businesses with some sort of answering system. I don't know that I've ever heard one ask people to press a button for English. How many average, everyday telephone calls do YOU listen to every day?

Enough to know you're an elitist cubicle idiot without a clue about what's happening around you.
Why the hell did we ever allow that? Given that our new President and Homeland Security chief are tossing out the invaders in record numbers, how about we make it even more difficult for those still here to get by? I say get rid of all the bilingual signs and phone messages....GONE. Go to Mehico and see how many signs you see in English or Frog.....hint: outside the resorts, zero. Why? Because they don't want us there. Let border-jumpers Pedro and Rosita figure out what the hell is going on here in English.. or get out. Who's with me?

Why? Companies want to make all the money they can, that's why.
Why the hell did we ever allow that? Given that our new President and Homeland Security chief are tossing out the invaders in record numbers, how about we make it even more difficult for those still here to get by? I say get rid of all the bilingual signs and phone messages....GONE. Go to Mehico and see how many signs you see in English or Frog.....hint: outside the resorts, zero. Why? Because they don't want us there. Let border-jumpers Pedro and Rosita figure out what the hell is going on here in English.. or get out. Who's with me?

Why? Companies want to make all the money they can, that's why.

Not much of a business plan to piss off affluent whites to cater to indigent wetbacks.

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