Press #1 For English?

Again, this is MY thread....

No, it's not. Now, address the topic. I say getting all bent out of shape over pressing a button is hysterical nonsense. I also say that private businesses can cater to whatever customers they choose.

...we are getting too many Spanish speaking immigrants here and they can't assimilate. ...

Yes they can and they are.

They are? Then why the need to press 1 or have bilingual signs for them? Apparently you are not paying attention to this problem; either that, or trying to make believe it's not happening.

You've never spent a considerable amount of time in a non-English speaking country, have you?

No, but I don't know what that would have to do with the discussion at hand.
I'm guessing they know perfectly well that the poor idiot stuck taking that dumb call would just politely inform them that they have many customers who prefer to use Spanish, and they aren't going to alienate them just to satisfy some dipshit's xenophobia.

BINGO! I'm now a "xenophobe" for wanting our way of life protected.....look up the word,'ll see yourself in your own (cracked) mirror.
Some people here whine about pressing #2 for Spanish, but do they ever contact the PRIVATE BUSINESS offering that option to their customers? Or do they realize how stupid it would sound to say some of this silly shit out loud?

I've said it out loud before. I was at my bank and complained about it. Unfortunately the guy I complained to was apparently a Spanish speaking immigrant, but I didn't care. The customer at the window next to me looked at me and said "I couldn't agree more."
Maybe pressing 1 requires more strength than some of these whiners can muster.

Or maybe pressing 1 indicates a decay of our culture. How about 1 for Spanish, 2 for Arabic, 3 for Polish, 4 for Hungarian, 5 for Chinese, 6 for Japanese, 7for German, 8 for French...............

Not really profitable to employ CSRs who speak languages you are unlikely to encounter on a regular basis. My company employs people who can caption in Spanish because we get a lot of calls that are in Spanish. Other languages come up, but they're fairly rare and not worth the expense.

...Every other group of people learned our language.

Immigrants today are learning English just like those who came before them.

Then why did we not cater to those that came before them and we have to now?

One of our customers has a lot of Puerto Ricans working there. The guy that usually loads me got bumped by somebody that had more seniority. The guy was barely understandable. He also had trouble understanding what I was saying to him. He was working in shipping on probationary terms.

He didn't last long. Not only could he not speak English very well, he was totally illiterate to boot, so they couldn't give him the job since it requires English writing skills.

When the regular guy got his position back, he told me what happened. So I asked how long the guy has been in the states? He told me 20 years.
No, it's not. Now, address the topic. I say getting all bent out of shape over pressing a button is hysterical nonsense. I also say that private businesses can cater to whatever customers they choose.

...we are getting too many Spanish speaking immigrants here and they can't assimilate. ...

Yes they can and they are.

They are? Then why the need to press 1 or have bilingual signs for them? Apparently you are not paying attention to this problem; either that, or trying to make believe it's not happening.

You've never spent a considerable amount of time in a non-English speaking country, have you?

No, but I don't know what that would have to do with the discussion at hand.

You might understand how illogical some of your conclusions are. Private companies offering services in other languages is not (of course, says the average 10-year-old) "proof" that anyone using those services has rejected the English language and assimilation in general. If a customer can speak English, but that is not their first language, they might appreciate it when a company offers services in their first language. They might then begin to build loyalty to that company or brand. If a third generation immigrant who speaks only English 99% of the time is shopping with her grandmother who still feels somewhat intimidated by using English, that family might choose that business that offers language services over another. Since it's not such a huge expense to arrange and does absolutely no harm to English-only speaking customers (it does NOT do any harm to them), then why wouldn't a company maximize their potential profit? The fact that many companies did not pick up on this cheap and effective marketing approach a hundred years ago does NOT "prove" anything about the relative language skills of customers before the implementation of such policies. I don't know how someone can have such a fundamental inability to understand the simplest logic.
I'm guessing they know perfectly well that the poor idiot stuck taking that dumb call would just politely inform them that they have many customers who prefer to use Spanish, and they aren't going to alienate them just to satisfy some dipshit's xenophobia.

BINGO! I'm now a "xenophobe" for wanting our way of life protected.........

No way of life is being endangered by anything discussed here, drama queen.
Some people here whine about pressing #2 for Spanish, but do they ever contact the PRIVATE BUSINESS offering that option to their customers? Or do they realize how stupid it would sound to say some of this silly shit out loud?

I've said it out loud before. I was at my bank and complained about it. .....

Maybe pressing 1 requires more strength than some of these whiners can muster.

Or maybe pressing 1 indicates a decay of our culture. How about 1 for Spanish, 2 for Arabic, 3 for Polish, 4 for Hungarian, 5 for Chinese, 6 for Japanese, 7for German, 8 for French...............

Not really profitable to employ CSRs who speak languages you are unlikely to encounter on a regular basis. My company employs people who can caption in Spanish because we get a lot of calls that are in Spanish. Other languages come up, but they're fairly rare and not worth the expense.

...Every other group of people learned our language.

Immigrants today are learning English just like those who came before them.


Who said you "have to"?

One of our customers has a lot of Puerto Ricans working there. The guy that usually loads me got bumped by somebody that had more seniority. The guy was barely understandable. He also had trouble understanding what I was saying to him. He was working in shipping on probationary terms.

He didn't last long. .....

Then what are you bitching about? Sounds like it worked out just as you would want.
Is it? I caption telephone calls for the hearing-impaired. I listen to about 200 phone calls a day, and almost half of them are to businesses with some sort of answering system. I don't know that I've ever heard one ask people to press a button for English. How many average, everyday telephone calls do YOU listen to every day?

Enough to know you're an elitist cubicle idiot without a clue about what's happening around you.

In other words, you have shit except your assumptions and personal attacks.

. . . And we're done.
In other words, you have shit except your assumptions and personal attacks.

. . . And we're done.

"we're done?" You're dumping me?

I guess I'll have to find a way to go on somehow....who knows.....maybe it's for the best.

Again, this is MY thread....

No, it's not. Now, address the topic. I say getting all bent out of shape over pressing a button is hysterical nonsense. I also say that private businesses can cater to whatever customers they choose.

...we are getting too many Spanish speaking immigrants here and they can't assimilate. ...

Yes they can and they are.

They are? Then why the need to press 1 or have bilingual signs for them? Apparently you are not paying attention to this problem; either that, or trying to make believe it's not happening.

You've never spent a considerable amount of time in a non-English speaking country, have you?
Unko-san is conflicted on this. He alternately praises or glosses over illegal Hispanic aliens failure to acclimate. According to him, you are a racist for noticing Spanish only speakers failure to acclimate, or alternatively, Spanish only speakers are adding to our culture. He's a big fan of Japanese culture, I have to remind him Japan has strict rules on immigrants, learning Japanese is a major sticking point. Japanese people are smart, and they don't value bilingualism or illegal aliens as much as they do preserving their culture.
And, they have never had a Muslim terrorist attack on their home soil, either. Funny thing about all that.
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FYI, I am not "conflicted" at all. I happen to be more informed and familiar with all this than anyone I've seen posting on this thread.

Spanish-speaking immigrants today (and other immigrants, of course) are assimilating and acquiring English as those before them did. Failure to recognize this FACT, even after the copious evidence I have provided for the uninformed, is not necessarily racist of course, just stubbornly ignorant. That the stubbornly ignorant are frequently also racist is a coincidence, I suppose.
By the way, second language acquisition is highly valued in Japan, and foreign language instruction there begins much earlier and is taken more seriously than here. There are several daily television programs dedicated to helping children and adults to improve their English. In all major cities you can purchase 4-5 daily newspapers in English. There is no mass hysteria over this.
By the way, second language acquisition is highly valued in Japan, and foreign language instruction there begins much earlier and is taken more seriously than here. There are several daily television programs dedicated to helping children and adults to improve their English. In all major cities you can purchase 4-5 daily newspapers in English. There is no mass hysteria over this.
Yeah, right, unko-san.
Unko-san is conflicted on this. He alternately praises or glosses over illegal Hispanic aliens failure to acclimate. According to him, you are a racist for noticing Spanish only speakers failure to acclimate, or alternatively, Spanish only speakers are adding to our culture. He's a big fan of Japanese culture, I have to remind him Japan has strict rules on immigrants, learning Japanese is a major sticking point. Japanese people are smart, and they don't value bilingualism or illegal aliens as much as they do preserving their culture.
And, they have never had a Muslim terrorist attack on their home soil, either. Funny thing about all that.

He's all animated about this thread for some reason....probably to get us both banned somehow during his troll-fest. He even told me this wasn't my thread which gives you an idea as to his mental-state.
By the way, second language acquisition is highly valued in Japan, and foreign language instruction there begins much earlier and is taken more seriously than here. There are several daily television programs dedicated to helping children and adults to improve their English. In all major cities you can purchase 4-5 daily newspapers in English. There is no mass hysteria over this.
Yeah, right, unk....

Yes, it is right.
And yet Japan still HAS strict rules on rules on immigration and expects it's immigrants to speak Japanese within it's borders. は or is it いいえ ?

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