Press #1 For English?

I am drowning in a sea of Spanish. Years ago nobody spoke Spanish, even Mexicans immigrants were ashamed of that. Now illegals are part of this new wave anschluss, It's not working.
Tom Horn called today's immigrants 'human livestock'. Yet he complains about that livestock taking jobs away from American workers. Hanging drywall or laying block or wiring a building or building a highway isn't work for livestock.

If you don't live in the southwest or Kali you're not seeing the typical illegal that we see. We in southern and central Arizona get them fresh from the Mehican and central American interior. They're of little use other than to lift/carry things or dig a hole. The ones with some skills aren't hanging around a Home Depot whistling at guys in trucks for a day job. By the time they get into the midwest and east, they've been in the US awhile and aren't standing with their mouths open staring at Americans. And BTW, they've been dispersed quite effectively throughout the US....that can't happen by accident...that's a coordinated effort by somebody....I wonder who it could be?
To tell you the truth, I don't want Mexicans to assimilate, anyways.

Why should I want people from a unequal culture to start breeding their way into our White American culture?
Why not?

Assimilation is the antithesis of nationalism, it supports destruction of ethnic heritage.

Assimilating those from an inferior background, how will that bring us forward?
My uncle used to say a Mexican is like a cue ball....the harder you hit them the better their English gets. Before the PC police jump me, it's true that some of them understand English a lot better than they want you to think they do. Like I said before, in the last ten years we've seen the rise of "la raza", a movement that believes WE are the invaders and the border states are occupied territory.
Years ago, I flew into Cali, got a rent a car. I visited family in California. Stanislaus county California, I was gassing up my rent a car, and some messican in a ford f 150 pulls into a handicapped parking space blaring loud mariachi music .. and some white Cali white male guy in the same gas station rolls his eyes and other wise dosen't do SHIT. This is the EFFECT Messican have. Because you don't want to actually do something and offend people, god for-fend!
..... They didn't send their money back to their home country ....

Many of them did exactly that.

No, they didn't. Back then, there was little left over to send home. ...........

Yes they did. Western Union started in the 1850s, and other means of remittance were used. Just like today, immigrants worked very hard and lived in those crappy, crowded conditions to squeeze every penny for just such purposes. Stop substituting your imagination for history.

Wrong. Europeans didn't believe in credit. .....

Nonsense. Europeans believed in credit just fine. One reason why 90% of Polish immigrants moved to Polish neighborhoods was for the support that comes with it. Polish immigrants often came from the poorest parts of Europe and lacked the financial resources to qualify for loans from many banks. However, these same Polish immigrants were renown for their frugality, and were thus considered a good risk by smaller banks that did cater to lower-income populations. The Polish-American Credit Bank is still in operation today. So, um, you are yet again full of crap.
..... They didn't send their money back to their home country ....

Many of them did exactly that.

No, they didn't. Back then, there was little left over to send home. ...........

Yes they did. Western Union started in the 1850s, and other means of remittance were used. Just like today, immigrants worked very hard and lived in those crappy, crowded conditions to squeeze every penny for just such purposes. Stop substituting your imagination for history.

Wrong. Europeans didn't believe in credit. .....

Nonsense. Europeans believed in credit just fine. One reason why 90% of Polish immigrants moved to Polish neighborhoods was for the support that comes with it. Polish immigrants often came from the poorest parts of Europe and lacked the financial resources to qualify for loans from many banks. However, these same Polish immigrants were renown for their frugality, and were thus considered a good risk by smaller banks that did cater to lower-income populations. The Polish-American Credit Bank is still in operation today. So, um, you are yet again full of crap.

No, you are. I just Googled the Polish American Credit Bank and came up with no hits. You're making it all up.

That's not to say there were some Polish who did take credit, but those were very few and far between.

The European culture was if you don't have to have it, don't borrow to get it. Most back in the 60's didn't believe in paying somebody to borrow money. Banks back then didn't have uniform regulations as they do today. Some gave loans without a credit check because the bank manager made the calls--not corporate.

The point is that Europeans didn't have the money to send back home. They (as you pointed out) saved every dime they could. As my post pointed out, billions of American dollars cross the Mexican border every single year.
Still speaking English here, habla espanol? Nada? Me either. Why does the DMV let Spanish only speakers stand in booths marked only ONE PER PERSON stand three at a time? They are soo special. Not only are they above the law, but English speaking Americans aren't supposed to notice? We Notice.
We have about 20,000 people in the Brewster School district zone, and we have literally a dozen places that serve Pizza within our Brewster school district.

When I went to Sarasota Florida, the whole suburbs of maybe 300,000 didn't even have this many places that served Pizza.

Could it have some thing to do with Brewster being about 30% Italian, and Sarasota's suburbs being less than 5% Italian?

Please. Pizza places are everywhere in the US. You don't have to be Italian to enjoy a good pizza. Chinese restaurants are also very popular. We have dozens of them in our area, but I don't know of any Chinese that live here.

I haven't seen so many Pizza places per person in other parts of the country I've been to.

Besides, If Italians never came to the USA, it's very unlikely Pizza would have taken off much.

I don't think so. At least here in the Cleveland area, Italian restaurants have been around since I was a kid. But Italian restaurants, Chinese restaurants, Mexican restaurants don't change our culture. Our Chinese restaurants have people from China operating them. I don't have to speak Chinese to place an order. They struggle with English to understand what I'm trying to order, and that's the way it should be.

I live up north so Mexicans are few and far between. But from what I understand, in Texas, there are places that won't serve you unless you speak Spanish. They don't understand you and you don't understand them.

That's not to say there were some Polish who did take credit, but .....

But, but, but. Are you ready to admit you are just spewing what you want to believe rather than what is true?

What I'm "spewing" is my actual experience living in the culture itself. Remember that my grandparents followed European tradition and beliefs. In fact, the bar my grandfather used to frequent carried warm beer just for him and a few others. Europeans didn't believe in cold alcohol beverages. They drink (or drank at the time) warm beer. Yuk!

The European culture was if you don't have to have it, don't borrow to get it. ....

Bull. Shit.

Private lending in Europe goes back to at least the 13th century, and Europe is the birthplace of public debt. You are making shit up to fit your imagination.

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