Press #1 For English?

If following the law to the is assimilation, I agree. I was born in america but my heritage tells me I am a Swedish american, not vice versa. I speak English and have learned swede, which I love to use in stores just to aggravate the workers.
You are unqualified to make the determination.

I'm unqualified to notice foreigners who's English didn't improve one iota? ...

That's correct.

Wow, you really are desperate to try and support your points. HTF can anybody not notice if somebody's English didn't improve? A deaf person could almost tell.

How many hours did you spend evaluating them? By what measures? What rubric did you use to compare the data you carefully collected previously with the next evaluation? What training in language acquisition do you have that informed your findings? What control group did you compare the findings with? Who reviewed your research and results?
I could ask YOU the same Question?. ...

Go ahead.
But didn't they take jobs away? There's got to be an income.

And you're attitudes are exactly like those of your American predecessors. Did they complain about Yiddish theater and newspapers? Did they say that the knife wielding Italian or the rowdy drunken Irishman or the swarthy Greek were ruining American culture?

You bet they complained! And they were as wrong as you are today. It's amazing how the behavior stays consistent given all the other changes.

C'est le guerre!

The Italians nor the Irish tried to turn our country into a bilingual nation. You didn't see signs written in Italian, you didn't have ballots printed in Italian or any other language. Today, thanks to these invaders, that has all changed.

Italian Media in the United States: A Two-Century-Long History

So what's the point of this link? How is this relevant to Spanish speaking people changing our language or culture? Show me how this is related to anybody having to press anything on their phone to speak Italian.

Immigrants from "the good old days" did NOT instantly abandon their language and culture the second they set foot on American soil. They assimilated individually at varying rates and generationally at about 100%. Many immigrants gravitated to poor neighborhoods with enthically-similar support systems. They were often poor, and crowded into dense, unhealthy, unsafe tenements. The weak, insecure, myopic, and un-American of those days whined, cried, and sometimes resorted to violence because "they are taking our jobs!" Some of those immigrants of yesteryear who experienced such prejudice are the ancestors of many of those whining today. Those who don't learn from history...
The neighborhood I was born into was Polish, but the Polish didn't expect this country to cater to them. They cherished the opportunity to come here and be part of America.

Kind of, kind of not.

My family came from Poland around WW1, and we still eat Polish food sometimes like Kielbasa, Pierogies, or Golabki, and most importantly I still feel more Polish than American.

I don't agree with America's lenient immigration policies, abortion policies, war policies, or lack of healthcare.

I do however agree much more in step with Polish PiS (Law and Justice) which has cracked down strongly on immigration, and has kept abortion in Poland strict, while providing healthcare to Polish citizens.
If following the law to the is assimilation, I agree. I was born in america but my heritage tells me I am a Swedish american, not vice versa. I speak English and have learned swede, which I love to use in stores just to aggravate the workers.

Learning a different language is fine provided it's something you want to do.
I probably wouldn't be as blunt as the OP, but this is one of the big problems with Illegal Immigration. There's no required assimilation. That's why we need to end Illegal Immigration and return to Legal Immigration.

There is a system currently in place that requires potential Immigrants to assimilate. It's called 'Legal Immigration.' Non-Assimilation is why Europe is such a mess. They didn't require assimilation. Therefore, many of their Immigrants didn't. And they're paying a hefty price for that right now. The only logical and just way to move forward, is to end Illegal Immigration period. It is what it is.
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Immigrants from many parts of Europe in the 1800s and early 1900s printed newspapers in their home languages, established nation-of-origin social clubs, spoke their heritage languages, ate their ethnic foods with those similar to themselves, and supported each other as per their own customs. Inevitably, their children grew up bilingual and their grandchildren grew up exclusive speakers of English and fully assimilated. Just like today.

I live in a heavily Italian, and Irish Catholic area, and it's not uncommon to see Italian, or Irish flags being flown, or stickers on people's cars here, and there's lots of Italian restaurants / pizzerias, and quite a few Irish pubs.

On Route 22 in Brewster, NY, we have within 1 mile we have 3 Italian restaurants.

These are mostly from Ellis Island era immigrants.

So, actually no I don't think White Catholics have assimilated extremely well, even after all these years.

But, they are often quite successful, law abiding, and speak very good English.
Kind of, kind of not.

My family came from Poland around WW1, and we still eat Polish food sometimes like Kielbasa, Pierogies, or Golabki, and most importantly I still feel more Polish than American.

We still eat the same at family doings all the time. My father and his brothers still sing Polka music. But celebrations among family, friends, and even an entire community is different than trying to change the country to your ways.

In our community (now called Slavic Village) the store signs were in Polish, half of the church masses were in Polish, the store owners spoke Polish even though some of them were Jewish, the people in bars spoke Polish, but again, that was isolated to that particular community.
I did already. Mexican illegals aren't acclimating. I thought I made that clear already. Which is why we have this schism. They want this , AND WE DON'T want that ...clearly an artificial divisive issue Mexicans created, that didn't exist 25 years ago.
...... They cherished the opportunity to come here and be part of America.....

Just like immigrants today. And like immigrants today, they did NOT abandon their sense of being Polish.

Outside of our community, they did abandon their language and culture.

Wrong. In fact, immigrants today are assimilating to English and American culture faster than those of yesteryear.

Then why no bilingual signs on doors in yesteryear? Why no options except English in yesteryear that we have today?

In the Polish neighborhood there were many signs in Polish on shops and restaurants, just like in the Italian neighborhood or the Portuguese neighborhood or Chinatown, or Germantown, etc. There were newspapers and magazines and information on important matters to the community in many languages.




No, as per the topic, nobody had to press 1 to speak their own language. You either learned English or you didn't. Nobody in the country catered to their native tongue.
They came here and left everything behind to find the American dream;............

Not everything. Not, often, family in great need back in the homeland; family that may have loaned them the money to make the passage here in the first place.

Apples and oranges. ...

Not at all. I proved your claim wrong, and you moved the goalposts - of course.

You did? How did I miss that? I don't recall you giving anything other than opinion.
We have about 20,000 people in the Brewster School district zone, and we have literally a dozen places that serve Pizza within our Brewster school district.

When I went to Sarasota Florida, the whole suburbs of maybe 300,000 didn't even have this many places that served Pizza.

Could it have some thing to do with Brewster being about 30% Italian, and Sarasota's suburbs being less than 5% Italian?
I don't? You mean I don't talk to them????
I don't? You mean I don't talk to them????

You are unqualified to make the determination.

I'm unqualified to notice foreigners who's English didn't improve one iota? ...

That's correct.

Wow, you really are desperate to try and support your points. HTF can anybody not notice if somebody's English didn't improve? A deaf person could almost tell.

How many hours did you spend evaluating them? By what measures? What rubric did you use to compare the data you carefully collected previously with the next evaluation? What training in language acquisition do you have that informed your findings? What control group did you compare the findings with? Who reviewed your research and results?

Let me ask: do you know not to cross the street in front of a moving bus? What metrics do you use; what training do you have; did you compare the results of what might happen differently than if you walked in front of a non-moving bus?

Noticing somebody didn't improve on their language skills is like not being able to smell a cake being baked in an oven. You don't need a computer to figure that one out.
We have about 20,000 people in the Brewster School district zone, and we have literally a dozen places that serve Pizza within our Brewster school district.

When I went to Sarasota Florida, the whole suburbs of maybe 300,000 didn't even have this many places that served Pizza.

Could it have some thing to do with Brewster being about 30% Italian, and Sarasota's suburbs being less than 5% Italian?

Please. Pizza places are everywhere in the US. You don't have to be Italian to enjoy a good pizza. Chinese restaurants are also very popular. We have dozens of them in our area, but I don't know of any Chinese that live here.
the store owners spoke Polish even though some of them were Jewish, .

In Poland by the 20th century, Jews had lived in Poland for many hundreds of years, and still about 80% of Jews spoke Yiddish first, rather than Polish first.

So, to say all immigrants will assimilate is a bunch of crock.

As is I've read about 1/4th of Texas speaks Spanish as their first language
How many hours did you spend evaluating them? By what measures? What rubric did you use to compare the data you carefully collected previously with the next evaluation? What training in language acquisition do you have that informed your findings? What control group did you compare the findings with? Who reviewed your research and results?

The simple answer is if we don't press #1, we still get the message in Spanish, dumbass. If they were assimilating like you say, that wouldn't be necessary.
We have about 20,000 people in the Brewster School district zone, and we have literally a dozen places that serve Pizza within our Brewster school district.

When I went to Sarasota Florida, the whole suburbs of maybe 300,000 didn't even have this many places that served Pizza.

Could it have some thing to do with Brewster being about 30% Italian, and Sarasota's suburbs being less than 5% Italian?

Please. Pizza places are everywhere in the US. You don't have to be Italian to enjoy a good pizza. Chinese restaurants are also very popular. We have dozens of them in our area, but I don't know of any Chinese that live here.

I haven't seen so many Pizza places per person in other parts of the country I've been to.

Besides, If Italians never came to the USA, it's very unlikely Pizza would have taken off much.

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