Pretending to be gay to get benefits


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

"Hey, if they fvck with us will slam a hate crime law on them"

Georgia Republican: Straight people will game gay marriage system to get benefits

April 1, 2013
Joel Gehrke

If the Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage, straight couples will pretend to be homosexuals in order to get government benefits, a Georgia Republican predicts.

“You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have a friend that is as straight as an arrow,” Georgia Republican Party chairwoman Sue Everhart told the Marietta Daily Journal over the weekend. “Say you had a great job with the government where you had this wonderful health plan. I mean, what would prohibit you from saying that you’re gay, and y’all get married and still live as separate, but you get all the benefits? I just see so much abuse in this it’s unreal.”


Georgia Republican: Straight people will game gay marriage system to get benefits |
The fertile mind of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood will always try figure out a way to cheat rather than actually earn an honest living.
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For fucks sake. What is stopping gay people from getting married to claim benefits? A gay man can marry a gay woman right now and claim the tax benefits, yet I bet you don't have an issue with that.
Sure, just like straights do...WHAT?? Pure Pubcrappe...

Good way to bankrupt the big gubment and union pensions...

What happened to you're greece trip, don't you want to donate 40% to yo comrades...:eusa_angel:

"Hey, if they fvck with us will slam a hate crime law on them"

Georgia Republican: Straight people will game gay marriage system to get benefits

April 1, 2013
Joel Gehrke

If the Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage, straight couples will pretend to be homosexuals in order to get government benefits, a Georgia Republican predicts.

“You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have a friend that is as straight as an arrow,” Georgia Republican Party chairwoman Sue Everhart told the Marietta Daily Journal over the weekend. “Say you had a great job with the government where you had this wonderful health plan. I mean, what would prohibit you from saying that you’re gay, and y’all get married and still live as separate, but you get all the benefits? I just see so much abuse in this it’s unreal.”


Georgia Republican: Straight people will game gay marriage system to get benefits |

I dunno, There have been quite a few military members getting married only to receive the extra pay associated with off base housing. What? The woman? She gets a green card.
People pretend to be sick, disabled, and unemployed for the same reason.
For fucks sake. What is stopping gay people from getting married to claim benefits? A gay man can marry a gay woman right now and claim the tax benefits, yet I bet you don't have an issue with that.

That's stupid. STFU.
I'm actually relieved at reading about this. My nephew just recently revealed that he was gay and that his best friend is actually his gay lover. :eek:
Yes, they'll need to send inspectors out to make sure the home has flowers on the table and a collection of Judy Garland albums.

Fair is fair.
But being a loyal Conservative, this puts me in a real quandary. I don't know which should upset me more - him 'coming out' or gaming the system to get gov't bennies. :confused:
I met a couple that did that, years ago. It was a man in his late 40s that had me notarize a civil union for him and a boy of 18. The boy was actually his son's best friend and they wanted to put him on the family insurance policy through the father's employer. The employer gave benefits to civil union partners.
I love that ya'll are whining about this...especially when your argument against a gays right to marry is that they can already marry someone of the same sex to get the benefits. You don't want friends marrying to get the benefits, but you want gays to marry members of the opposite sex to get benefits.

You've lost. Marriage is happening, get over it.
Heterosexuals have never married for the benefits?
I love that ya'll are whining about this...especially when your argument against a gays right to marry is that they can already marry someone of the same sex to get the benefits. You don't want friends marrying to get the benefits, but you want gays to marry members of the opposite sex to get benefits.

You've lost. Marriage is happening, get over it.

Eactly, and well said.

By the end of this year same-sex marriage will be legal in 20 countries around the world, from Spain to the UK to South Africa to Argentina.

There's little doubt that the US will be last (again!), but it will happen sooner or later.

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