Pretending to be gay to get benefits


"Hey, if they fvck with us will slam a hate crime law on them"

Georgia Republican: Straight people will game gay marriage system to get benefits

April 1, 2013
Joel Gehrke

If the Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage, straight couples will pretend to be homosexuals in order to get government benefits, a Georgia Republican predicts.

“You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have a friend that is as straight as an arrow,” Georgia Republican Party chairwoman Sue Everhart told the Marietta Daily Journal over the weekend. “Say you had a great job with the government where you had this wonderful health plan. I mean, what would prohibit you from saying that you’re gay, and y’all get married and still live as separate, but you get all the benefits? I just see so much abuse in this it’s unreal.”


Georgia Republican: Straight people will game gay marriage system to get benefits |

How asinine. Straight couples already get the benefits of marriage, when they marry, you dodo.
Name what benefits gay couples receive that are not married or united by civil union????????????????????????? I'll wait. Republicans are the stupidest group on the planet. I swear.
AJ -

Let's try and make it a little simpler for you -

1) Straight people get benefits from being married. Why should gay people not receive the same benefits?

2) Straight people can also fake being married to get benefits. How is it different if gay people fake being married to get benefits?
AJ -

Let's try and make it a little simpler for you -

1) Straight people get benefits from being married. Why should gay people not receive the same benefits?

2) Straight people can also fake being married to get benefits. How is it different if gay people fake being married to get benefits?

Well obviously, you can't trust a deviate as much as you can regular people...
Well obviously, you can't trust a deviate as much as you can regular people...

If I meet a Catholic priest or Republican senator or any other likely "deviate", I'll keep that in mind, but perhaps we can stick with the two questions for now.
"I mean taxwise, it’s an interesting one because, you see, could a father not marry his son? … It’s not incest between men. Incest is there to protect us from inbreeding, but men don’t breed so incest wouldn’t cover that. So if that were so, then if I wanted to pass on my estate without death duties, I could marry my son and pass on my estate to him.”

More: Jeremy Irons' strange anti-gay rant -

HILARIOUS: Colbert Bashes Jeremy Irons' Gay Marriage Comments (VIDEO)

"Hey, if they fvck with us will slam a hate crime law on them"

Georgia Republican: Straight people will game gay marriage system to get benefits

April 1, 2013
Joel Gehrke

If the Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage, straight couples will pretend to be homosexuals in order to get government benefits, a Georgia Republican predicts.

“You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have a friend that is as straight as an arrow,” Georgia Republican Party chairwoman Sue Everhart told the Marietta Daily Journal over the weekend. “Say you had a great job with the government where you had this wonderful health plan. I mean, what would prohibit you from saying that you’re gay, and y’all get married and still live as separate, but you get all the benefits? I just see so much abuse in this it’s unreal.”


Georgia Republican: Straight people will game gay marriage system to get benefits |

It sure would suck explaining to a future girlfriend why you are in a gay marriage. I'm sure it would work wonders on her parents. "Sure honey, we can get married as soon as I divorce my husband".
AJ -

Let's try and make it a little simpler for you -

1) Straight people get benefits from being married. Why should gay people not receive the same benefits?

2) Straight people can also fake being married to get benefits. How is it different if gay people fake being married to get benefits?

I thought you were a europeeon journalist from Hellstinki. You still can't figure out the angle I'M coming from. I'll give you a hint, all the things you brought up have nothing to do with it. Come on take a shot at it...:cool:

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