Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96% Under Obama

Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96% Under Obama

You ain't seen nothing yet. This SOB, Owe Bama, will have the price of gas up over $5.00 a gallon before the 4th of July.

Tell us, what heretofore unknown secret underground transmogrifier machine does the White House possess that can set the price of gas despite the international marketplace?
Do you people really genuinely not know how a marketplace works?

We did all this back here btw. If we're going to rehash the same old tired myths, the site may as well combine the threads.
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You have a problem with the free market?
hey where is all this drilling he was going to do? why arent all these renewable companies producing the energy like Solyndra and ect....I thought oild use and prices would go down...what ever happend????????
links in article at site

February 4, 2013
U.S. household expenditures for gasoline account for nearly 4% of pretax income

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates, based on data from EIA, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and U.S. Census Bureau.

Gasoline expenditures in 2012 for the average U.S. household reached $2,912, or just under 4% of income before taxes, according to EIA estimates. This was the highest estimated percentage of household income spent on gasoline in nearly three decades, with the exception of 2008, when the average household spent a similar amount. Although overall gasoline consumption has decreased in recent years, a rise in average gasoline prices has led to higher overall household gasoline expenditures. However, these expenditures as a percentage of overall household income are still low when compared to the early 1980s, when the estimated portion of household income spent on gasoline surpassed 5%. Although travel per household has increased significantly since the early 1980s, vehicle efficiency has also risen significantly, reducing the amount of gasoline used per mile.

all of it here
U.S. household expenditures for gasoline account for nearly 4% of pretax income - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Tell us, what heretofore unknown secret underground transmogrifier machine does the White House possess that can set the price of gas despite the international marketplace?
Do you people really genuinely not know how a marketplace works?

We did all this back here btw. If we're going to rehash the same old tired myths, the site may as well combine the threads.

Tell us, what heretofore unknown secret underground transmogrifier machine does the White House possess that can set the price of gas despite the international marketplace?
Do you people really genuinely not know how a marketplace works?

We did all this back here btw. If we're going to rehash the same old tired myths, the site may as well combine the threads.


:rofl: Very good :clap2:
I knew it had to be something just like that. Thanks for the insight.
Obama is inflating the dollar.
Obama won't support the Keystone Pipeline and make us energy independent.


Those being two different things of course -- all the pipeline does is get Canadian crude to Texas refineries so that it can be readily shipped to India -- not Indiana.

What you guys keep missing is that the oil industry is private enterprise and its actions will be based on what's profitable, not what's best for the country. Unless of course you want to nationalize the oil companies. From some of the sediments expressed here I suspect that's what some of you want. OK then.
Obama is inflating the dollar.
Obama won't support the Keystone Pipeline and make us energy independent.


It's not just Obama, it's the entire Liberal ideology at work. They think if people pay $10.00/ gallon, then they wont drive around in big SUV's. That's how their minds work.
Obama is inflating the dollar.
Obama won't support the Keystone Pipeline and make us energy independent.


Those being two different things of course -- all the pipeline does is get Canadian crude to Texas refineries so that it can be readily shipped to India -- not Indiana.

What you guys keep missing is that the oil industry is private enterprise and its actions will be based on what's profitable, not what's best for the country. Unless of course you want to nationalize the oil companies. From some of the sediments expressed here I suspect that's what some of you want. OK then.

This doesn't help: American Energy Roadblocks by the Obama Administration - House Committee on Natural Resources

You have a problem with the free market?
hey where is all this drilling he was going to do? why arent all these renewable companies producing the energy like Solyndra and ect....I thought oild use and prices would go down...what ever happend????????

Again, two things: (a) it's not up to the gummint what gets drilled and what doesn't -- oil companies are already sitting on millions of acres of land they have leased and are not developing; it's all about profit. So opening up this or that new area in no way guarantees it's going to be exploited -- unless, again, you want to nationalize the oil industry.

And (b) even when those areas are developed, just as the sources being tapped in the present, they go to an international marketplace. There's no such thing as a direct pipeline from our shores to our streets. Doesn't work that way. Never did.
Again, two things: (a) it's not up to the gummint what gets drilled and what doesn't -- oil companies are already sitting on millions of acres of land they have leased and are not developing; it's all about profit. So opening up this or that new area in no way guarantees it's going to be exploited -- unless, again, you want to nationalize the oil industry.

And (b) even when those areas are developed, just as the sources being tapped in the present, they go to an international marketplace. There's no such thing as a direct pipeline from our shores to our streets. Doesn't work that way. Never did.

See, that is what I don't get ^^ The retarded righties actually think oil drilled here is refined and then sold here. Pipeline, smipeline... that has NO bearing on oil prices - all the oil goes into the international market. But you talk about nationalizing, and they go all apoplectic. What I also find amusing is that oil consumption is lower than any time in recent history. The supply is higher than the demand, so shouldn't the prices go LOWER? No? Of course, this would have NOTHING to do with the thieves that are speculators.
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Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96% Under Obama

By Matt Cover
February 12, 2013 |

The average price of a gallon of gas has increased 96 percent since Barack Obama first took office in 2009, according to figures from the Energy Information Agency (EIA).

According to EIA data, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the United States was $1.838 on Jan. 19, 2009--the day before Obama took office. As of Monday, Feb. 11, 2013, the per-gallon price had risen to an average of $3.611--an increase of 96 percent.


Gas prices have never been this high in early February in American history


Read more:
Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96% Under Obama | CNS News

2008 U.S. Gas Price Year in Review : TreeHugger

I love how the Right manipulated statistics.
Just another sign of the rebounding economy, since, as I'm sure you're well aware, the price of gas in the summer of 2008 was even higher than it is now and only dropped because of the economic meltdown at the end of 2008. Right?

BTWS keep posting these stats all the way into 2014, the Dems want a supermajority in the Congress, then you can proudly say "And I helped!"
Again, two things: (a) it's not up to the gummint what gets drilled and what doesn't -- oil companies are already sitting on millions of acres of land they have leased and are not developing; it's all about profit.

It's good that you can recite the mewling points so well...

And it's true that oil companies have exploration permits for vast tracts of land, mostly granted under the Bush administration. Despite your chicanery, these are not "leases" but rather exploratory permits.

So why don't they drill? Simple, they don't know where the oil is, which is why they're exploratory. Of course in SOME cases we know exactly where the oil is, such as in ANWR, where the far left, which includes the administration, blocks production of known reserves.

In addition, 72% of the permits are for off-shore wells, which Obama has placed a ban on.

Did Obama Really Take Away Those Oil Leases? - Forbes

So Obama and sheep like you condemn the Oil companies for not drilling when they are prohibited from drilling, by Obama....

So opening up this or that new area in no way guarantees it's going to be exploited -- unless, again, you want to nationalize the oil industry.

And the agenda pops it's head up - SURPRISE, guess what the Obamunists want?

From each according to his ability, to each according the diktats of faceless apparatchiks. (Obamunist Maxim)

And (b) even when those areas are developed, just as the sources being tapped in the present, they go to an international marketplace. There's no such thing as a direct pipeline from our shores to our streets. Doesn't work that way. Never did.

Of course this isn't even close to true.

Crude oil is not generic. The "light sweet" that American refineries are tuned for is significantly different than the heavier crude favored in China.

Sweet crude oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But hey, you just spew the Soros line Pogo, reality has no place in the debate....
Just another sign of the rebounding economy, since, as I'm sure you're well aware, the price of gas in the summer of 2008 was even higher than it is now and only dropped because of the economic meltdown at the end of 2008. Right?

BTWS keep posting these stats all the way into 2014, the Dems want a supermajority in the Congress, then you can proudly say "And I helped!"

The Economic meltdown was triggered by the fuel prices.

Fuel is an inflation spur and a bubble like 2008, or now, can bring the whole economy down. Coupled with the DOW bubble, we well may be on the verge of an economic collapse that will make 08 seem like a day in the park.

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