Priest says decades of molesting kids a sin, not a crime

Homosexuality is NOT child molestation. Further, molesters rarely care about the sex of the child. It is not related to homosexuality in any real sense of the term. they prey on CHILDREN, period. That is a sick individual.

Men who sexually abuse boys are homosexual. The least society can do is give parents the option of whether to put their sons in jeopardy by being supervised by an overt homosexual man. Why do they hate the Boy Scouts for having that option?

No, they are not. There is a massive difference between this:

and this:

A sexual attraction to one does not equate to a sexual attraction to the other. Simply put, a sexual attraction to children has nothing to do with the sex of the child and everything to do with the age. All the predator cares about is the fact that they are dealing with a CHILD, not that the child is a boy or girl.

Most young children can be dressed up as the opposing sex and you would not have a single clue that they were really a boy/girl. That illness is unrelated to being gay.

Would any mother in her right mind allow a man to supervise a girl scout troop? Homosexual men are sexually attracted to boys. You can't change that fact by pretending it isn't true. The BSA isn't advocating stoning homosexuals to death. They just want the option to hire or not hire an overt homosexual and gay bigots hate them for it.
I didn't have anything to do with what happened, so you are asking the wrong person. Only God can tell you why it had to happen.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Because God gets off on the sexual abuse of young children. Its the only explanation.
Just because its the only explanation that you can come up with doesn't mean that it is the only explanation that is out there.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Why else would God allow children to be raped?
Would any mother in her right mind allow a man to supervise a girl scout troop? Homosexual men are sexually attracted to boys. You can't change that fact by pretending it isn't true. The BSA isn't advocating stoning homosexuals to death. They just want the option to hire or not hire an overt homosexual and gay bigots hate them for it.

Gay man does not equal pedophile. Get that through your head.
It's interesting that the radical left (rightfully) condemns child abuse by homosexual priests but yet condemns the Boy Scouts of America for the Supreme Court decision that allowed them to discriminate against homosexuals as scout leaders.

Homosexuality is NOT child molestation. Further, molesters rarely care about the sex of the child. It is not related to homosexuality in any real sense of the term. they prey on CHILDREN, period. That is a sick individual.

Men who sexually abuse boys are homosexual. The least society can do is give parents the option of whether to put their sons in jeopardy by being supervised by an overt homosexual man. Why do they hate the Boy Scouts for having that option?

How about men who sexually abuse girls? 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they reach 18. Will you be blaming that on the gays too?
He's a former priest. Why did you leave that out?

And other than his word, what evidence do we have that he confessed it to anyone? You think he is telling the truth? Maybe. But he could just as easily be using his superiors as a scapegoat. "They didn't stop me so it's their fault"

He has alot to account for when he stands before God on the day of judgment. Thankfully the Lord can heal all the wounds of sin for his victims.

i doubt it..last thing they want to hear is this crap
He's a former priest. Why did you leave that out?

And other than his word, what evidence do we have that he confessed it to anyone? You think he is telling the truth? Maybe. But he could just as easily be using his superiors as a scapegoat. "They didn't stop me so it's their fault"

He has alot to account for when he stands before God on the day of judgment. Thankfully the Lord can heal all the wounds of sin for his victims.

Oh, no. Oh, you poor misguided human being. There is no lord to "heal all the wounds of sin for his victims." That kind of attitude just help support what the child molester thinks, that whatever he does, God will forgive and the children he molests can find healing through God. This was a 'man of God,' who did this to them: doesn't that tell you what hypocrites religious people are? The 'Church' over looked what he and hundres, if not thousands, of other priests did to children. That is the face of religion: use and abuse those who are most vulnerable. To dismiss what those children went through and to assume they will be 'healed' because of God is low, very low. You don't know what they went through, how the suffered and still do, or if they will ever heal.

he is about as much a man of god as you are a kind human being. The fact that there is healing doesn't dismiss anything. And it sickens me that you guys care more about attacking God and religion than you do about what actually happened to these people or for their healing.

stay away.
^^^ If you don't want such a thing said to you, saying it to anyone else only makes you a hypocrite.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

^^^ What do you mean 'what'? How can you not understand what it is that I said to you there?

God bless you always!!!

Would any mother in her right mind allow a man to supervise a girl scout troop? Homosexual men are sexually attracted to boys. You can't change that fact by pretending it isn't true. The BSA isn't advocating stoning homosexuals to death. They just want the option to hire or not hire an overt homosexual and gay bigots hate them for it.

The BSA has nothing to do with my position.

The statement that homosexual men are attracted to boys (as in children boys) is blatantly false. That is the exact same thing as stating heterosexual men are attracted to girls (as in children).

That is blatantly false. I am no more attracted to an 8 year old girl than I am a rock. Even less so - the rock would not disgust me in a sexual manner.

Sexual attraction (and acting on it) to children has nothing to do hetero or homo behavior.
Priest says decades of molesting kids a sin, not a crime

It's a crime so serious that every priest in a diocese should be required to attend execution of pedophile priests by hanging in front of the cathedral.

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