Pro-Abortion Cult Extremists Just Proved They Are Terrorists

I have. It's not as simple to get as you might think. Apparently some people have mischaracterized it as an abortion pill and it too is on the list to get banned.
Bullshit. Always an excuse to butcher innocent life. You're demon possessed. The morning after pill is free at Planned Parenthood, any family clinic or the Health Department. You're full of shit.
Ever hear of 100% effective birth control?
Modern birth control is over 99% effective.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe with Abortion on Demand no longer an option in many states a good many women might even choose to spend less time screwing around for sport and insist their male partners also use condoms?

If you're using two forms of birth control that are 99% or more effective the odds of getting pregnant are astronomically low.

Combine that with the application of common sense and it shouldn't be much of a problem.
I have. It's not as simple to get as you might think. Apparently some people have mischaracterized it as an abortion pill and it too is on the list to get banned.
Where has it been banned? Where is there an actual outcry to get it banned sufficient as to get the legislatures to do so?
bigbend texas said:
]Where has it been banned? Where is there an actual outcry to get it banned sufficient as to get the legislatures to do so?

Won't have to be no legislature to say anything. The lawless left does as they please. Some AG somewhere said if SC 'bans' abortion which they would only be sending it to states to decide, then he will continue allowing abortion. The State AG. Wouldn't the governor have more authority.....if he is any better?

They banned the life saving drug ivermectin for covid.....and killed americans. hell. they don't care......they'lldo as they damn well please.
I have. It's not as simple to get as you might think. Apparently some people have mischaracterized it as an abortion pill and it too is on the list to get banned.
Pretty sure the right would prefer women just lay back and accept getting dry fucked out of their rights.
When you can show the part of the Constitution that mentions abortion I will agree. It's strange how you loons think a shit load of things not in the Constitution are rights but the things that are specifically mentioned are not.
Pretty sure the right would prefer women just lay back and accept getting dry fucked out of their rights.
So why hasn’t Pelosi put a Bill on Joes desk legalizing abortions up to 2 months after birth like California is doing?

Terrorist extremists just attacked an anti-abortion HQ with motov cocktails, firebombing the location.

Ummm,where is Biden's DOJ?
Where is Garland?
Where is Homeland Security?

They are all sitting back letting the terrorists threaten, intimidate, and engage in terrorist firebombings ... the same way they gave BLM and Antifa a pass while they were looting, burning, and trying to burn Federal Marshalls alive.

Biden called Conservatives the biggest threat group. I was actually about to say BLM and Antifa deserved that title, but I was wrong.

There is 1 group that incited an assassination of federal politicians and got 1 individual critically shot...

There is 1 group who now again calls for violence again against federal government employees - USSC Justces.

This group has demonstrated it is protecting and facilitating terrorist attacks against opposition groups, the firebombing of an anti-abortion HQ, destruction of property and intimidation through violence.

This group has attempted to undermine the US government / USSC by calling them illegitimate while calling for an Insurection against the federal govt.

This group is responsible for the deaths of millions, who after assumed defeat is trying to make abortions / killing babies through all 9 months of a pregnancy.

That group's leader is a corrupt, criminal traitor who betrayed this nation by compromising himself by selling out to our nation's enemies, Putin and Xi.

This group, of course, is the Democrat Partyand the extremists who have hijacked the party!
Volunteer brownshirts
Pretty sure the right would prefer women just lay back and accept getting dry fucked out of their rights.
Yawn. Abortion doesnt end if it gets repealled. Some Red States maybe, but a trip out of state still gets the abortions.

Abortion has been used as birth control too long.

Most of the Moonbats protesting know it vhanges nothing in their blue states. They are just good little zombies.
Yawn. Abortion doesnt end if it gets repealled. Some Red States maybe, but a trip out of state still gets the abortions.

Abortion has been used as birth control too long.

Most of the Moonbats protesting know it vhanges nothing in their blue states. They are just good little zombies.
The elite on the left know this, their mouth breather base does not.

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