Pro-Abortion Cult Extremists Just Proved They Are Terrorists

Anyone notice the pro abortionists are almost exclusively white? Not just the protest in the OP, but in all the protests in general.
Actually, my daughter was born in Beijing and left at the "Beijing Children's Welfare Institute". She was six when we adopted her. However, your premise is based on demanding that others take responsibility for the actions of men and women who don't even TRY to use contraception. MOST abortions are about convenience and they amount to retroactive "birth control". Anyone who supports that is evil, IMO.

You lied for years about "safe, legal, and RARE". Today you proudly demand "anywhere, anytime, any situation - including late-term. It should be up to the population of the states to determine which of those scenarios is acceptable. Far from being an overreach by Red states, it's YOUR party that demands the obedience of everyone to their sick ideologies. Looks like you WILL be resisted now. No backing up, and no apologies.
Buying a Chinese kid does not do anything for all the precious fetuses you don't give two shits about after they are born.
The cops aren't making those decisions, they have to follow the orders of their superiors.
In an America where their "superiors" have sold out to a political ideology rather than obeying the Constitution, (as in the current FBI), that will not constrain resistance for much longer. People will begin to fight back against a government or its illegitimate representatives who have strayed too far from "the consent of the governed".

I am not calling for violence or criminal actions against cops. I have ALWAYS supported law enforcement. What I'm doing is stating my belief that lawlessness is increasing to the extent that there will be a righteous rebellion at some point. To do less is to kneel to open tyranny.
Buying a Chinese kid does not do anything for all the precious fetuses you don't give two shits about after they are born.
How many unwanted children have YOU adopted? You are so hate-filled that you don't actually give a damn about saving lives. It's all about pushing your agenda. Pushback giving you a hysterical fit, is it?
How many unwanted children have YOU adopted? You are so hate-filled that you don't actually give a damn about saving lives. It's all about pushing your agenda. Pushback giving you a hysterical fit, is it?
I'm a man. I don't get to adopt kids and don't want to. You're the one trying to act like you care about kids when your party has no intention of ever increasing funding to care for all these children they are fighting to bring into the world. After a poor parentless kid is born you people do not care if they immediately die of neglect.
It didn't exist at the state level either. No state's constitution includes a right to abortion.
No, but quite a few allowed them, anyway. That's part of the cost of being a representative Republic. The problem with the Left is they've had their way for so long, in so many situations that they've become arrogant and entitled. Frankly, if the ruling stands, I expect things will get VERY ugly and out of hand before November.
I'm a man. I don't get to adopt kids and don't want to. You're the one trying to act like you care about kids when your party has no intention of ever increasing funding to care for all these children they are fighting to bring into the world. After a poor parentless kid is born you people do not care if they immediately die of neglect.
Does it occur to you AT ALL, that these unwanted children are NOT the responsibility of the nation when they are being created out of sheer, mindless kind of apathy by the couple who created them? There are huge numbers of Americans who refrain from having children or they limit the number they have because they understand the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with creating that life.

Your worldview is that these people have ZERO RESPONSIBILITY to even attempt self-control or at a minimum, to practice basic contraception. Proof of this is going to be seen in states where the ability to run downtown and take care of their "little problem" begins to entail buying or begging for bus tickets or airfare to another state so they can flush the problem away. It will be reflected in much lower numbers of abortions (even out of state) from the Red states due to these people finally grasping that it's actually more "convenient" to just practice basic contraception. Remember, most of this is all about their convenience. They are quite capable of learning how to save themselves the headache in most cases. Watch it happen...
I'm a man. I don't get to adopt kids and don't want to. You're the one trying to act like you care about kids when your party has no intention of ever increasing funding to care for all these children they are fighting to bring into the world. After a poor parentless kid is born you people do not care if they immediately die of neglect.
Peddling such baseless lies may play well in your eco chamber of democrats but honest people see it for what it is.
I'm a man. I don't get to adopt kids and don't want to. You're the one trying to act like you care about kids when your party has no intention of ever increasing funding to care for all these children they are fighting to bring into the world. After a poor parentless kid is born you people do not care if they immediately die of neglect.
Oh bullshit. Ever hear of birth control?
Does it occur to you AT ALL, that these unwanted children are NOT the responsibility of the nation when they are being created out of sheer, mindless kind of apathy by the couple who created them? There are huge numbers of Americans who refrain from having children or they limit the number they have because they understand the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with creating that life.

Your worldview is that these people have ZERO RESPONSIBILITY to even attempt self-control or at a minimum, to practice basic contraception. Proof of this is going to be seen in states where the ability to run downtown and take care of their "little problem" begins to entail buying or begging for bus tickets or airfare to another state so they can flush the problem away. It will be reflected in much lower numbers of abortions (even out of state) from the Red states due to these people finally grasping that it's actually more "convenient" to just practice basic contraception. Remember, most of this is all about their convenience. They are quite capable of learning how to save themselves the headache in most cases. Watch it happen...
They have spent most of the last sixty years or so working overtime to eliminate even the concept of personal responsibility.
Does it occur to you AT ALL, that these unwanted children are NOT the responsibility of the nation when they are being created out of sheer, mindless kind of apathy by the couple who created them? There are huge numbers of Americans who refrain from having children or they limit the number they have because they understand the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with creating that life.

Your worldview is that these people have ZERO RESPONSIBILITY to even attempt self-control or at a minimum, to practice basic contraception. Proof of this is going to be seen in states where the ability to run downtown and take care of their "little problem" begins to entail buying or begging for bus tickets or airfare to another state so they can flush the problem away. It will be reflected in much lower numbers of abortions (even out of state) from the Red states due to these people finally grasping that it's actually more "convenient" to just practice basic contraception. Remember, most of this is all about their convenience. They are quite capable of learning how to save themselves the headache in most cases. Watch it happen...
Has it ever occurred to you that a woman who could just casually and without regret have an abortion as you callously assert would probably not be a good mother? For most it's an impossible choice between two very shitty options. Were the world not so cold and unfeeling towards single moms we would not be having this conversation.
Has it ever occurred to you that a woman who could just casually and without regret have an abortion as you callously assert would probably not be a good mother? For most it's an impossible choice between two very shitty options. Were the world not so cold and unfeeling towards single moms we would not be having this conversation.
Dumb shit, abortion is not the only alternative to either pregnancy or raising a child.
Has it ever occurred to you that a woman who could just casually and without regret have an abortion as you callously assert would probably not be a good mother? For most it's an impossible choice between two very shitty options. Were the world not so cold and unfeeling towards single moms we would not be having this conversation.
Ever hear of birth control?

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