Pro-Abortion Cult Extremists Just Proved They Are Terrorists

I'm positive none of you have considered the aftermath of actually achieving a setback of anyone's rights. Kind of gets them just a little upset.
An den? An what? The only "setback" that may occur is the lack of convenience of abortion in about half of the states. We keep hearing about the majority - by far - supporting Roe to be maintained, but at the same time we hear you panicking over there being enough votes to ban it nationwide. There is no logic in that, it's just fearmongering.
But yet you don't deny that you want to see children die in the womb.

Like you care. It advances a narrative.
It actually is a matter of Rights.

In every other circumstance in this country we can only take the life of another legally to protect ourselves or others from grave bodily harm or death.

Of course, these are the same people who are apoplectic every time the subject of the death penalty for those convicted of the most heinous murders.

Without the Right to Life of the innocent being respected we lose the foundation for all rights.
An den? An what? The only "setback" that may occur is the lack of convenience of abortion in about half of the states. We keep hearing about the majority - by far - supporting Roe to be maintained, but at the same time we hear you panicking over there being enough votes to ban it nationwide. There is no logic in that, it's just fearmongering.
It's because they're gaslighting useful idiots.
One should not expect accuracy from hyperemotional histrionic idiots.
A truth perpetuated here daily.
I'm actually dealing with some clown in another thread who considers a fetus to be a non-consensual invader/squatter. These people are morons..
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This is all new ground and the ruling isn't even official yet so hang on, get some rest because we're looking at an even more violent summer this year than 2020.
On THIS we can certainly agree. At this point, it is guaranteed, even if Roberts manages to intimidate one of the five on record.
the lack of convenience of abortion in about half of the states.
Well god forbid killing for convenience should become less convenient... .:(

These people are truly sick. Notice how "it" can't even call the unborn babies, "you don't really care about fetuses".

They learned long ago that dehumanization of the unborn was the fastest way to eliminate any sense of guilt for those who kill their unborn children simply because they are inconvenient.
It actually is a matter of Rights.

In every other circumstance in this country we can only take the life of another legally to protect ourselves or others from grave bodily harm or death.

Of course, these are the same people who are apoplectic every time the subject of the death penalty for those convicted of the most heinous murders.

Without the Right to Life of the innocent being respected we lose the foundation for all rights.

Moreover, there is an appropriate use for death. Convenience-based abortion is not one of them.
There is no telling what it will take. The deaths of ordinary citizens are shrugged off. Look at the number of violent crime in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and the Queen of mean, New York. It's nothing. Children are killed, ho hum.
If it occurs in a Dem-controlled state, there will be little or no sanction for it. IF they try it elsewhere, they may well pay on the spot, no trial needed and at that point, all hell will break loose between that state and the Feds. Just a matter of time, now.
Moreover, there is an appropriate use for death. Convenience-based abortion is not one of them.
To me the death penalty is perfect symmetry, or near perfect. To be truly prefect we'd kill them in the same manner they used to kill their victims.

Personally I favor placing tourniquets at each pressure point so they don't die too quickly and thence feeding them feet first through a wood chipper.

At least then they'd truly pay for their crimes and we could simply then compost the remains so they'd end up contributing something to society.
And yet it's your hypocrisy on display here, not ours.

Someone has to speak up for and protect those with no voice and no vote and I'm happy to be among them.
Of course you are. You get to be a spiteful prick with no possibility it could have a negative impact on your life.
Of course you are. You get to be a spiteful prick with no possibility it could have a negative impact on your life.
You need to buy a dictionary. Nothing I've had to say on the subject of abortion is remotely spiteful.

How is it "spiteful" to protect the lives of the most innocent of all human beings from those that would kill them out of convenience?

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