Pro-Abortion Cult Extremists Just Proved They Are Terrorists

IF they change it now, they will GUARANTEE more of these tactics in the future. They need to publish it on June first with an additional comment about the illegality of the chaos being used against the court. Any of them who come at a SCOTUS Justice OR a member of their family needs to be shot so they're DRT baby! DEAD RIGHT THERE...
Exactly, caving into these tactics would do nothing but enable and empower them in the future.
Pretty sure the right would prefer women just lay back and accept getting dry fucked out of their rights.
Yeah? Why can't you join an effort to help all those poor victims by paying for them to travel out of state for their "rights"?
"blood-bellied land whale"

I'll have to remember that one.
People have made careers out of fighting the abortion battle. Do you think they will just go home now? If they manage to ban abortion there's any number of "sins" they could try to rally you spiteful jerks around next. In short order a plethora of formerly unconstitutional bullshit will be placed before these judges who can apparently be counted on to upset "settled law".
All the spitefulness I'm seeing is coming from you and yours.

I swear I've never seen so many democrats running around with their hair on fire and flames shooting out of both their mouths and asses as I have in the last week.

You are comedy gold for cartoonists.
By the same argument I could ask you how many unwanted babies you have adopted?
I never adopted any because I was single most of my life but I donated a little over 2 million dollars to Boys Ranches and Foster's Home for Children.

What have you done to help all those unwanted children besides promote them being killed?
All the spitefulness I'm seeing is coming from you and yours.

I swear I've never seen so many democrats running around with their hair on fire and flames shooting out of both their mouths and asses as I have in the last week.

You are comedy gold for cartoonists.
More spite? Most of you never cared about the fetuses. You just wanted to see the feminists cry.
The police have no affirmative duty under the law to protect either people or property unfortunately.
True enough, but there is a flipside to that. Let them demonstrate that for long enough or let them prove they are bent to the Left and suddenly, their badge is going to offer them far less protection than their side arm. Ultimately, law enforcement relies on the willingness of the people to obey. That is going to be badly compromised if LEOs keep giving in to the Left.
I never adopted any because I was single most of my life but I donated a little over 2 million dollars to Boys Ranches and Foster's Home for Children.

What have you done to help all those unwanted children besides promote them being killed?
Was I talking to you? All anyone ever had to do on this issue was to mind their own damned business.
True enough, but there is a flipside to that. Let them demonstrate that for long enough or let them prove they are bent to the Left and suddenly, their badge is going to offer them far less protection than their side arm. Ultimately, law enforcement relies on the willingness of the people to obey. That is going to be badly compromised if LEOs keep giving in to the Left.
The cops aren't making those decisions, they have to follow the orders of their superiors.

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