Pro-Abortion Cult Extremists Just Proved They Are Terrorists

Which is State sponsored. Law enforcement cannot legally 'turn a blind eye' to criminal activity and still be considered as upholding or enforcing the laws of the land.
No it isn't and under most state's laws anyone including a cop can turn a blind eye to any crime as long as it's not a felony.

The police have no affirmative duty under the law to protect either people or property unfortunately.
I'm positive you are completely full of shit and have no basis at all for such a statement other than your own hate.
I'm positive none of you have considered the aftermath of actually achieving a setback of anyone's rights. Kind of gets them just a little upset.
Which is State sponsored. Law enforcement cannot legally 'turn a blind eye' to criminal activity and still be considered as upholding or enforcing the laws of the land.
No, unless they are somehow providing them help using state resources it's not "state sponsorship".
Turing a blind eye is not sanction. It's doing nothing.
Bullshit. The agencies responsible for preventing this shit and arresting the terrorists / criminals sitting back and allowing them to get away with it instead is flat-out facilitation, snowflake.
Bullshit. The agencies responsible for preventing this shit and arresting the terrorists / criminals sitting back and allowing them to get away with it instead is flat-out facilitation, snowflake.
Facilitation is not state sponsorship. Huddle up with a dictionary and a few law books.
Doing it wilfully is tantamount to sanctioning it.

To turn a blind eye to something, you must first acknowledge its existence.

In this case, the crap you see going on in front of the Justices' homes, and Alito having to be moved to a secure location.
And no matter how much you rant unless you can show where state resources are being used to help them it's not, "State Sponsorship".

Facilitation through inaction yes, state sponsorship no.
. The agencies responsible for preventing this
There are no agencies responsible for preventing protests. That would be a violation of The Constitution.

Since pro abortion groups are not considered terrorist organizations under the law, it's a matter for local/state LEO's and at most you might get some convictions for conspiracy where unlawful violence is planned amongst them.

The fed's concocted jurisdiction under the interstate commerce clause and civil rights laws to protect abortion clinics but there's no law, statutory or bench law requiring or even empowering them to do the same for anti abortion groups.

This is all new ground and the ruling isn't even official yet so hang on, get some rest because we're looking at an even more violent summer this year than 2020.

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