Pro-Abortion Cult Extremists Just Proved They Are Terrorists

I'm positive none of you have considered the aftermath of actually achieving a setback of anyone's rights. Kind of gets them just a little upset.
I'm sure you are full of shit.

Leftists have lost NOTHING. No final decision has been made. Even if the draft becomes final the left still gets their abortions - abortion legislative power just returns to the state.

These terrorists and federal Democrat politicians are engaging in threats, intimidation, violence, terrorist bombings, undermining and attempting to de-legitimize the USSC, and openly calling for insurrection against the United States when no official decision has been declared.

The only thing that has changed at this point is they have not gotten their way ... and when that happens, as demonstrated, they turn to calling for insurrection, engaging in terrorism and violence.

These acts are not those of emotional children throwing a tantrum. These are acts if terrorists and enemies of the state.

Schumer and Warren should be perp-walked from the floor of the Senate to their own cell in DC Gitmo for their crimes to await their charges / trial in a year.
And you are talking out of your ass with absolutely no clue as to our discussions over the last five decades.
I know the anti-abortion crowd is not done, not by a long shot. They have big plans for their Christofascist court. They will get around to criminalizing something you like sooner or later.
There is no telling what it will take. The deaths of ordinary citizens are shrugged off. Look at the number of violent crime in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and the Queen of mean, New York. It's nothing. Children are killed, ho hum.

I'm afraid of that happening. Either the congregants shoot back or the protesters shoot first.
I expect both since most churches now either allow all members to carry or have designated members carrying and acting as security for the rest.

Not long ago, a few years back some nut started shooting up a church in Ft. Worth. He was quickly put down but, in a still taken from the video before he hit the ground I could count 17 members of the congregation all standing there with weapons drawn and trained on him.

Any of these pro abortion terrorists planning to assault churches during services had better think of that before kicking in the doors.
I know the anti-abortion crowd is not done, not by a long shot. They have big plans for their Christofascist court. They will get around to criminalizing something you like sooner or later.
If you ever had a functional mind, you have completely lost it over the last few days.
I know the anti-abortion crowd is not done, not by a long shot. They have big plans for their Christofascist court. They will get around to criminalizing something you like sooner or later.

Here pal, you dropped this.

Facilitation is not state sponsorship. Huddle up with a dictionary and a few law books.
Here ya go, 'Bill Clinton':

- the action of facilitating something.... in the on-going liberal extremist violence and terrorism
Look at the number of violent crime in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and the Queen of mean, New York.
That which is common is not newsworthy.

We we expect that kind of crime in blue cities. The democrats have no intention of stopping it because chaos and mayhem is what they are relying on to get reelected on anti gun platforms.

It's never the criminal that is responsible, it's the gun so it is the law abiding gun owners that must pay for their incompetence and refusal to act.
Terrorism, genius. That would be Homeland Security, even the FBI. Educate yourself before you embarrass yourself further.
Pro abortion groups have not been deemed terrorist organizations so it remains state purview unless and until someone files a federal civil rights lawsuit over these attacks and the DOJ is forced to then get involved by the courts.
Here ya go, 'Bill Clinton':

- the action of facilitating something.... in the on-going liberal extremist violence and terrorism
Take a deep breath and get a grip.

I said it is facilitation, just not state sponsorship.
Roberts will do everything he can to prevent Roe v Wade from being reconsidered. he's looking more and more like the leaker.
IF they change it now, they will GUARANTEE more of these tactics in the future. They need to publish it on June first with an additional comment about the illegality of the chaos being used against the court. Any of them who come at a SCOTUS Justice OR a member of their family needs to be shot so they're DRT baby! DEAD RIGHT THERE...
If you ever had a functional mind, you have completely lost it over the last few days.
People have made careers out of fighting the abortion battle. Do you think they will just go home now? If they manage to ban abortion there's any number of "sins" they could try to rally you spiteful jerks around next. In short order a plethora of formerly unconstitutional bullshit will be placed before these judges who can apparently be counted on to upset "settled law".

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