Pro-Abortionists are against regulations! Major decisions in Texas.

A person is 40 times more likely to die from a colonoscopy than from an abortion, yet operating room conditions are not required. The Texas law was only intended to close abortion clinics, and has nothing to do with safety.
Are you saying a 13 year old girl has the same choices as a 65 year old man getting a colonoscopy? In my town, my friends all go to a hospital for a colonoscopy, not abortion offices.

As a woman over 50 with "tummy problems", I've had two colonoscopies...neither of which were performed in a hospital. My wife just had her first, also not in a hospital. My parents have theirs regularly, not in a hospital.
I did not know planned parenthood was giving colonoscopies.

Out here in the real world, many of us go to hospitals. At the very least colonoscopies are done in Ambulatory Surgical centers. That is apparent with even a causal search of the internet.

A 13 year old girl does not have a choice to go to a hospital to have an abortion if her "parents" are lesbians. They will take her to the nearest clinic not even aware of the danger.

And you really believe all that?
A person is 40 times more likely to die from a colonoscopy than from an abortion, yet operating room conditions are not required. The Texas law was only intended to close abortion clinics, and has nothing to do with safety.
Are you saying a 13 year old girl has the same choices as a 65 year old man getting a colonoscopy? In my town, my friends all go to a hospital for a colonoscopy, not abortion offices.

As a woman over 50 with "tummy problems", I've had two colonoscopies...neither of which were performed in a hospital. My wife just had her first, also not in a hospital. My parents have theirs regularly, not in a hospital.
I did not know planned parenthood was giving colonoscopies.

Out here in the real world, many of us go to hospitals. At the very least colonoscopies are done in Ambulatory Surgical centers. That is apparent with even a causal search of the internet.

A 13 year old girl does not have a choice to go to a hospital to have an abortion if her "parents" are lesbians. They will take her to the nearest clinic not even aware of the danger.

You just make shit up in your head don't you? Do you have some weird English to whatever you speak translator that doesn't translate properly? How do you surmise that when I said I did not have a colonoscopy in a hospital, that translated to having a colonoscopy at a Planned Parenthood clinic?

Colonoscopies are performed in the exact same type of environment as liposuctions and abortions, but you only want to restrict and over regulate the environment abortions are performed in, despite the fact that both colonoscopies and liposuction are more dangerous.

The lesbian parents of a 13 year old go to the same place as the straight parents of 13 year olds...for colonoscopies, liposuction and abortions and are required, by law, to receive information on the dangers of each of these three types of procedures.
So, Planned Parenthood only does abortions, not health services for old woman such as you. I was just checking, that is all. I know you are a total supporter of Planned Parenthood so I just assumed you used the services there. I did not think they were only for abortions.

Colonoscopies are done in the same place as abortions? Planned Parenthood is not doing Colonoscopies, we just established that?
A 13 year old girl does not have a choice to go to a hospital to have an abortion if her "parents" are lesbians. They will take her to the nearest clinic not even aware of the danger.

And you really believe all that?
It is not a matter of belief, just simple facts. I have lesbians on this thread arguing that they would take a 13 year old to simple clinics, not hospitals.
A 13 year old girl does not have a choice to go to a hospital to have an abortion if her "parents" are lesbians. They will take her to the nearest clinic not even aware of the danger.
I'm not sure what "real world" you live in but is it a place you can just make stuff up? Not only is this statement offensive but I'd wager wildly inaccurate. I'd bet if you looked you'd find lesbians and other parents by choice are at least as devoted to their kids as the average parent, probably even more so since they have to jump through more hoops than the rest of us.
I use the absurd to make a point, I have lesbians in this thread arguing a hospital is not needed, and at that if complications arise being at a hospital or close makes no difference. If I personalize a statement it gets people thinking of what they are advocating.

Would you take a 13 year old daughter to a hospital or any old abortion clinic? Me, I would take my daughter to the Hospital for an abortion.
A person is 40 times more likely to die from a colonoscopy than from an abortion, yet operating room conditions are not required. The Texas law was only intended to close abortion clinics, and has nothing to do with safety.
Are you saying a 13 year old girl has the same choices as a 65 year old man getting a colonoscopy? In my town, my friends all go to a hospital for a colonoscopy, not abortion offices.

As a woman over 50 with "tummy problems", I've had two colonoscopies...neither of which were performed in a hospital. My wife just had her first, also not in a hospital. My parents have theirs regularly, not in a hospital.
I did not know planned parenthood was giving colonoscopies.

Out here in the real world, many of us go to hospitals. At the very least colonoscopies are done in Ambulatory Surgical centers. That is apparent with even a causal search of the internet.

A 13 year old girl does not have a choice to go to a hospital to have an abortion if her "parents" are lesbians. They will take her to the nearest clinic not even aware of the danger.

You just make shit up in your head don't you? Do you have some weird English to whatever you speak translator that doesn't translate properly? How do you surmise that when I said I did not have a colonoscopy in a hospital, that translated to having a colonoscopy at a Planned Parenthood clinic?

Colonoscopies are performed in the exact same type of environment as liposuctions and abortions, but you only want to restrict and over regulate the environment abortions are performed in, despite the fact that both colonoscopies and liposuction are more dangerous.

The lesbian parents of a 13 year old go to the same place as the straight parents of 13 year olds...for colonoscopies, liposuction and abortions and are required, by law, to receive information on the dangers of each of these three types of procedures.
So, Planned Parenthood only does abortions, not health services for old woman such as you. I was just checking, that is all. I know you are a total supporter of Planned Parenthood so I just assumed you used the services there. I did not think they were only for abortions.

Colonoscopies are done in the same place as abortions? Planned Parenthood is not doing Colonoscopies, we just established that?

Playing word games doesn't help your argument. It just makes you look childish and desperate.
A 13 year old girl does not have a choice to go to a hospital to have an abortion if her "parents" are lesbians. They will take her to the nearest clinic not even aware of the danger.

And you really believe all that?
It is not a matter of belief, just simple facts. I have lesbians on this thread arguing that they would take a 13 year old to simple clinics, not hospitals.

No rational discussion with you. For now, I guess you just want to be silly.
(1) No one is "pro-abortion."

(2) The only sane and rational articulation of the imaginary "right to an abortion" is that one cannot be prohibited by law - de jure or de facto - from seeking and obtaining an abortion from a willing practitioner.

(3) People who oppose abortion, and especially "convenience" abortion, seek to deny abortions to people who want them by putting up little roadblocks of inconvenience that, they hope, will result in somewhat fewer abortions than would take place without the roadblocks in place.

(4) The new regulations in Texas are one of the "roadblocks," being effective by reducing the number of legal abortion clinics in the state, thus making it either very inconvenient or effectively impossible for some women who want an abortion to have one.

(5) It is analogous in some minds to placing restrictions on the right to vote (voter ID). If it is a "right," then no restrictions are appropriate.
Yet, it is a simple Regulation requiring immediate access to hospitals and that abortions are no longer performed in a simple office, that they must be in a quality, surgical type of room. After all, much of what Planned Parenthood does, is Emergency type of abortions to save the life of a woman? This is about Health. Certainly you can not be against regulations that require a certain standard of medical care be available when things go wrong?

Pro or against, Abortion can no longer be performed in the back alleys of any old Doctor who calls his office, a "Clinic".

Physically removing a living part of Woman's body, one that literally will fight for life, requires more than a office or clinic as they are called, it requires a real surgical room.
I'd be more inclined to consider the enhanced safety side if it hadn't been taken up by a pro-life group. It is simply a calculated obstruction to what is currently a woman's constitutional right. I hope the SC is smart enough to see that.
This is not about Abortions, it is about a Regulation requiring Medical Care being available where Abortions are performed.

I guess the Democrats are screaming that they do not want the Regulations that other Medical facilities must abide by.

This thread is about the hypocrisy, of Democrats, the are for Regulations that will hurt capitalism, against regulations that will force abortion offices into the 21st century.
Many outpatient procedures are not regulated in that way, including dental surgery which has more risk because it involves anesthesia.
As has been pointed out, it is not just Democrats who support a woman's right to choose an abortion, and it is not ANYONE's place to put a road block in the way of a woman's right to do so. Not by killing the doctors or protesting in front of clinic doors, or coming up with a sneaky regulation that will not enhance safety but will effectively close many clinics that perform abortion.
Would you take a 13 year old daughter to a hospital or any old abortion clinic? Me, I would take my daughter to the Hospital for an abortion.
I would always do what was best for my daughter. I wouldn't automatically assume a hospital is the best place. Hospitals are dangerous places, filled with drug-resistant microbes. Personally, I avoid them like the plague (so to speak).

Why do the same people who want to let me decide if my child gets vaccinated want to deny me the choice of where I think my child should have a medical procedure? Sounds hypocritical to me.
A person is 40 times more likely to die from a colonoscopy than from an abortion, yet operating room conditions are not required. The Texas law was only intended to close abortion clinics, and has nothing to do with safety.
Are you saying a 13 year old girl has the same choices as a 65 year old man getting a colonoscopy? In my town, my friends all go to a hospital for a colonoscopy, not abortion offices.

As a woman over 50 with "tummy problems", I've had two colonoscopies...neither of which were performed in a hospital. My wife just had her first, also not in a hospital. My parents have theirs regularly, not in a hospital.
I did not know planned parenthood was giving colonoscopies.

Out here in the real world, many of us go to hospitals. At the very least colonoscopies are done in Ambulatory Surgical centers. That is apparent with even a causal search of the internet.

A 13 year old girl does not have a choice to go to a hospital to have an abortion if her "parents" are lesbians. They will take her to the nearest clinic not even aware of the danger.

You just make shit up in your head don't you? Do you have some weird English to whatever you speak translator that doesn't translate properly? How do you surmise that when I said I did not have a colonoscopy in a hospital, that translated to having a colonoscopy at a Planned Parenthood clinic?

Colonoscopies are performed in the exact same type of environment as liposuctions and abortions, but you only want to restrict and over regulate the environment abortions are performed in, despite the fact that both colonoscopies and liposuction are more dangerous.

The lesbian parents of a 13 year old go to the same place as the straight parents of 13 year olds...for colonoscopies, liposuction and abortions and are required, by law, to receive information on the dangers of each of these three types of procedures.
So, Planned Parenthood only does abortions, not health services for old woman such as you. I was just checking, that is all. I know you are a total supporter of Planned Parenthood so I just assumed you used the services there. I did not think they were only for abortions.

Seriously, WTF are you talking about? Yes, PP performs routine medical services for "old women" like me, much more than they peform abortion services for any women. Abortion comprises 3% of what PP does.

Colonoscopies are done in the same place as abortions? Planned Parenthood is not doing Colonoscopies, we just established that?

I realize that you don't just play stupid on the internet, but your word games aren't going to work. Even you know this is about restricting abortions services, not about caring for women's health.

And PP does perform colon and prostrate screenings, BTW.
Are you saying a 13 year old girl has the same choices as a 65 year old man getting a colonoscopy? In my town, my friends all go to a hospital for a colonoscopy, not abortion offices.

As a woman over 50 with "tummy problems", I've had two colonoscopies...neither of which were performed in a hospital. My wife just had her first, also not in a hospital. My parents have theirs regularly, not in a hospital.
I did not know planned parenthood was giving colonoscopies.

Out here in the real world, many of us go to hospitals. At the very least colonoscopies are done in Ambulatory Surgical centers. That is apparent with even a causal search of the internet.

A 13 year old girl does not have a choice to go to a hospital to have an abortion if her "parents" are lesbians. They will take her to the nearest clinic not even aware of the danger.

You just make shit up in your head don't you? Do you have some weird English to whatever you speak translator that doesn't translate properly? How do you surmise that when I said I did not have a colonoscopy in a hospital, that translated to having a colonoscopy at a Planned Parenthood clinic?

Colonoscopies are performed in the exact same type of environment as liposuctions and abortions, but you only want to restrict and over regulate the environment abortions are performed in, despite the fact that both colonoscopies and liposuction are more dangerous.

The lesbian parents of a 13 year old go to the same place as the straight parents of 13 year olds...for colonoscopies, liposuction and abortions and are required, by law, to receive information on the dangers of each of these three types of procedures.
So, Planned Parenthood only does abortions, not health services for old woman such as you. I was just checking, that is all. I know you are a total supporter of Planned Parenthood so I just assumed you used the services there. I did not think they were only for abortions.

Seriously, WTF are you talking about? Yes, PP performs routine medical services for "old women" like me, much more than they peform abortion services for any women. Abortion comprises 3% of what PP does.

Colonoscopies are done in the same place as abortions? Planned Parenthood is not doing Colonoscopies, we just established that?

I realize that you don't just play stupid on the internet, but your word games aren't going to work. Even you know this is about restricting abortions services, not about caring for women's health.

And PP does perform colon and prostrate screenings, BTW.
You said they did not perform your colonoscopy, and I can not find any search results stating that Planned Parenthood does Colonoscopies? If Abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does, why do they shutdown over one regulation that only addresses 3% of their business?

Seriously, why are they shutting down over a regulation that effects only 3% of their business?
Would you take a 13 year old daughter to a hospital or any old abortion clinic? Me, I would take my daughter to the Hospital for an abortion.
I would always do what was best for my daughter. I wouldn't automatically assume a hospital is the best place. Hospitals are dangerous places, filled with drug-resistant microbes. Personally, I avoid them like the plague (so to speak).

Why do the same people who want to let me decide if my child gets vaccinated want to deny me the choice of where I think my child should have a medical procedure? Sounds hypocritical to me.
Okay, you believe a hospital is a dangerous place if you need emergency medical care? Where do you go, then?
This is not about Abortions, it is about a Regulation requiring Medical Care being available where Abortions are performed.

I guess the Democrats are screaming that they do not want the Regulations that other Medical facilities must abide by.

This thread is about the hypocrisy, of Democrats, the are for Regulations that will hurt capitalism, against regulations that will force abortion offices into the 21st century.
Many outpatient procedures are not regulated in that way, including dental surgery which has more risk because it involves anesthesia.
As has been pointed out, it is not just Democrats who support a woman's right to choose an abortion, and it is not ANYONE's place to put a road block in the way of a woman's right to do so. Not by killing the doctors or protesting in front of clinic doors, or coming up with a sneaky regulation that will not enhance safety but will effectively close many clinics that perform abortion.
Sneaky? It is in the Courts? Planned Parenthood is investing millions of dollars in fighting a Medical Regulation. And the larger issue within this, is this is not simply for Women, it is also about 13 year old children who have no choice where they get an abortion.

If abortion was simply an operation for adults I could care less. But now you are deciding what is the proper level of Medical Emergency services that children under the age of 15 will have access to when major complications arise from Abortions.

There is no Roadblock here, any Abortion office can improve their medical facilities to comply with the law.

Talk about cheapskates, a billion dollar business refusing basic Ambulatory Medical Care where it is needed.
No rational discussion with you. For now, I guess you just want to be silly.
Yes, I know, we are talking about the health of 13 year old girls that do not have a choice like an adult does, that is fact, but for you it is "silly"?

And I was directly addressing a post by a Lesbian, a fact, which is again "silly"?
I realize that you don't just play stupid on the internet, but your word games aren't going to work. Even you know this is about restricting abortions services, not about caring for women's health.

And PP does perform colon and prostrate screenings, BTW.

Then why would they shutdown over a regulation that effects 3% of their business?
This is not about Abortions, it is about a Regulation requiring Medical Care being available where Abortions are performed.

I guess the Democrats are screaming that they do not want the Regulations that other Medical facilities must abide by.

This thread is about the hypocrisy, of Democrats, the are for Regulations that will hurt capitalism, against regulations that will force abortion offices into the 21st century.
Many outpatient procedures are not regulated in that way, including dental surgery which has more risk because it involves anesthesia.
As has been pointed out, it is not just Democrats who support a woman's right to choose an abortion, and it is not ANYONE's place to put a road block in the way of a woman's right to do so. Not by killing the doctors or protesting in front of clinic doors, or coming up with a sneaky regulation that will not enhance safety but will effectively close many clinics that perform abortion.
Sneaky? It is in the Courts? Planned Parenthood is investing millions of dollars in fighting a Medical Regulation. And the larger issue within this, is this is not simply for Women, it is also about 13 year old children who have no choice where they get an abortion.

If abortion was simply an operation for adults I could care less. But now you are deciding what is the proper level of Medical Emergency services that children under the age of 15 will have access to when major complications arise from Abortions.

There is no Roadblock here, any Abortion office can improve their medical facilities to comply with the law.

Talk about cheapskates, a billion dollar business refusing basic Ambulatory Medical Care where it is needed.

For the children!

It's funny that you only care about medical safety when it involves children.

Abortion may be 'a billion dollar business' but that doesn't mean each clinic owner has access to a billion dollars. ;)
For the children!

It's funny that you only care about medical safety when it involves children.

Abortion may be 'a billion dollar business' but that doesn't mean each clinic owner has access to a billion dollars. ;)
You think it costs a billion dollars for each clinic?
From the period of 1966 to 2001, which is how many millions?

1. Who cares? You said the link didn't provide information on death rates and it did, you were wrong.

2. Second, I didn't spend a lot of time researching it, but the link below cites 14,200,000 colonoscopies in 2002. Call it 10,000,000 (just be conservative) per year that's about 350,000,000 over the 35 year period. The second link below shows abortion statistics, that about 900,000 per year (but we'll round to the high side and call it 1,000,000). Over the same 35 year period that would be 35,000,000 abortions.

Logical Statements:
a. There are 10 times MORE colonoscopies per year than abortions.
b. Colonoscopies have a higher mortality rate than abortions.
c. Using Montrovant's previously supplied reference you get .7 per 100,000 or 2450 deaths from 35,000,000 abortions over that period.
d. Using Montrovant's previously supplied reference you get 3.3 per 100,000 to 33.3 per 100,000 you have between 11,550 to 116,550 deaths from 350,000,000 colonoscopies for that period.

Colonoscopies are 4.7 to 47.5 times MORE dangerous than abortions with abortions being safer in early stages of pregnancies (refer to oral arguments at the SCOTUS), and yet some are trying to convince us the Texas law is about improving medical care for women. Horse shit, if it was about improving medical care then the admitting privileges, 30 mile limit, and surgery facilities would be required for all doctors and clinics that perform out of hospital surgery procedures. Yet they are not, the law targets only abortion providers.​

How many endoscopies are performed for colorectal cancer screening? Results from CDC's survey of endoscopic capacity. - PubMed - NCBI
Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Abortions are performed on Children, I think a regulation that protects a child is pretty important. It is Glaringly Sick and Demented that you could care less.

Not according to Texas law.

But I am glad that you have stopped all pretense that Texas law was actually supposed to be regarding women's health.
Abortions are performed on Children,


Abortions are not performed on "children", 99+% are performed on adult women.

According to your scientific colored picture they are, 18% are performed on children.

And colonoscopies are performed on Children

When do Children Need Colonoscopies? | LIVESTRONG.COM

Of course the Texas regulations could have been put in place for children undergoing abortions or colonoscopies- but of course it wasn't.

Texas doesn't care how many children undergo colonoscopies or abortions outside of hospitals- but they want to require that all women face restrictions that no one- children or adults- men or women- have to face when having the far riskier colonoscopy.

Abortions are not performed on "children", 99+% are performed on adult women.

According to your scientific colored picture they are, 18% are performed on children.

Sorry, I don't consider 15+ to be "children" 15-17 might be minors, but if they are having sex - which is kind of a requirement for getting pregnant - then they are not acting like "children".

It's sad though that you think that those over 18 don't deserve these same high medical standards for procedures which have been proven to be more dangerous than taking a pill and other early stage abortion procedures. The lives of those people don't seem to matter to you.

Why don't all people deserve these same high standards?

Of course you don't consider somebody that is 15 a child, not for this argument.
But it is funny how if it was a black man of 15 killed by white policeman, that is a child.
Or for Obamacare they are children all the way up to 25?
Yes, it is sad, that you will allow over 12,000 children a year to have abortions in a facility that is no more than an office. That is the 1% under the age 15 according to your scientific picture.

People over 18? You think 18 year old adults are getting colonoscopies? Now that is really rich. You have failed your argument in so many ways.

Besides, most colonoscopies are already performed in surgical centers or hospitals. I will have mine done in a hospital, you know why, cause I am not a 13 year old girl that does not have a choice.

In Worldwatcher's world, an adult does not have a choice where to get a colonoscopy? And it is the simple christian or conservative that should feel shame, that we do not pass laws to protect people from colonoscopies? Yet I know of no place that is doing a colonoscopy outside of a hospital? I know they exist but everybody I know actually goes to a hospital?

Still, a 13 year old pregnant girl is not going to have much of choice where to get an abortion, and she will most likely believe the idiots when they say its safe, and when she dies, the Liberals will scream, but more old men die of colonoscopies, as if that makes it okay?

More old people die because of colonoscopies so it is okay if a few children die of abortion? What difference does it make? Is the argument!

Actually, I think the argument is more, "Why, if these regulations are required for patient safety in abortions, are they only required for abortions?". In other words, if there are other procedures with similar degrees of risk for complications/death, should they not also be similarly regulated?
Doing a simple search where I am, the first place that comes to have a colonoscopy done is a hospital, the first search result for an abortion is a clinic.

Abortions are done on 14 year old girls, children. Colonoscopies are done on Old Men who can choose where they go.

14 year old girls have no choice, they are pressured or forced to have sex, they are pressured and literally forced to have an abortion, with no choice as to where.

Who are they forced or pressured to have abortions by?

The same people forcing them to have colonoscopies?

Because yes- 14 year old girls get colonoscopies- because yes- 14 year old girls can have colorectal cancer- or be screened for it

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