Pro-Abortionists are against regulations! Major decisions in Texas.

Yeah, when all other similar service providers are required to meet the same standard as abortion providers, I'll believe that women's health and safety is the real reason for the regulations.

You’re 40 Times More Likely To Die From A Colonoscopy Than From An Abortion
No, your sad little post did not go over my head, the Colonoscopy rates of death have been addressed in this thread, and shown to be false.

Comparing aborting babies in 13 and 14 girls to a colonoscopy performed on 60 year old men is certainly ridiculous, it just shows that lack of education of those who easily fall for simpleton talking points.

Your link does not validate the claim you made, there is no statistics, no source, it simply says, what you said. I followed the links in the opinion piece you think substantiates your opinion. Not one link to the CDC where those types of statistics originate.

ThinkProgress, John Podesta's website. John Podesta is a radical leftist furthering the cause of Progressives, some would say Marxism, but either way a very radical leftest. A member of Bill Clinton's White House, a part of Obama's, and now an aide to Hillary Clinton. Certainly the point man for George Soros.

Would like to discuss John Podesta, the guy is a lying scum, in my opinion. Let us start with his Colonoscopy opinion. First and foremost, 14 year old girls do not get a colonoscopy hence they will never die of one. But if you want to use 60 year old men and colonoscopies, go ahead, the link you gave is to a radical leftist's site and does not contain any factual information. Can you validate your claim with something not related to George Soros and John Podesta?

You typed an awful lot to say nothing.
The comparison is between providers that do similarly invasive procedures and not the patients. There is no reason to apply those standards to abortion providers except to make it nearly impossible to remain compliant. If it were truly about safety, it would apply evenly accross the board. I challenge you to provide evidence that shows this is necessary.

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