Pro-Abortionists are against regulations! Major decisions in Texas.

A 13 year old girl does not have a choice to go to a hospital to have an abortion if her "parents" are lesbians. They will take her to the nearest clinic not even aware of the danger.
I'm not sure what "real world" you live in but is it a place you can just make stuff up? Not only is this statement offensive but I'd wager wildly inaccurate. I'd bet if you looked you'd find lesbians and other parents by choice are at least as devoted to their kids as the average parent, probably even more so since they have to jump through more hoops than the rest of us.

Would you take a 13 year old daughter to a hospital or any old abortion clinic? Me, I would take my daughter to the Hospital for an abortion.

LOL- as if you would take anyone to a hospital for an abortion. Even if there was a 12 year old girl pregnant because of being raped by her step mother you wouldn't take her for an abortion

What hospitals in Texas perform elective abortions?

Please tell me- I haven't been able to find one.

Meanwhile- what is the law doing?

Lester Minto, Susan’s doctor in South Texas, said he no longer practices because a nearby hospital would not grant him privileges. He said some women in his area are now crossing the border to purchase Misoprostol, an abortifacient, in Mexican markets, and that he now sees “six to eight” women a week who have taken the drug and experienced complications.

“It causes the uterus to begin to contract and forces the uterus to expel the contents,” he told me by phone. “Oftentimes it works, but a good many times it doesn't work. What you'll have is a partial miscarriage or incomplete miscarriage. The uterus still has products of conception in it, but no viable fetus.”

Would you take a 13 year old daughter to a hospital or any old abortion clinic? Me, I would take my daughter to the Hospital for an abortion.
I would always do what was best for my daughter. I wouldn't automatically assume a hospital is the best place. Hospitals are dangerous places, filled with drug-resistant microbes. Personally, I avoid them like the plague (so to speak).

Why do the same people who want to let me decide if my child gets vaccinated want to deny me the choice of where I think my child should have a medical procedure? Sounds hypocritical to me.
Okay, you believe a hospital is a dangerous place if you need emergency medical care? Where do you go, then?

I would like to make my own personal choice and not have the government make it for me

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I would like to make my own personal choice and not have the government make it for me

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

It is a shame that 14 year old girls can not make the same choices as adults. Typically they simply do not have the experience, the level of knowledge, nor the capability, for numerous reasons the least being they are still under control of their parents.
LOL- as if you would take anyone to a hospital for an abortion. Even if there was a 12 year old girl pregnant because of being raped by her step mother you wouldn't take her for an abortion
Can a "12 year old girl pregnant" get raped by her "step-mother", and become pregnant, I am not sure I understand what you are trying to say?

I think you might be drinking?
For the children!

It's funny that you only care about medical safety when it involves children.

Abortion may be 'a billion dollar business' but that doesn't mean each clinic owner has access to a billion dollars. ;)
You think it costs a billion dollars for each clinic?


The point is that even if abortion is a billion dollar business, it doesn't mean each clinic owner has massive amounts of money to upgrade their facility or have a completely new one built.

You called the clinic owners cheapskates for not wanting to pay to upgrade or buy a new clinic because abortion is a 'billion dollar business', as though they all have tons of money available because of how much money is made by the industry in total.
For the children!

It's funny that you only care about medical safety when it involves children.

Abortion may be 'a billion dollar business' but that doesn't mean each clinic owner has access to a billion dollars. ;)
You think it costs a billion dollars for each clinic?


The point is that even if abortion is a billion dollar business, it doesn't mean each clinic owner has massive amounts of money to upgrade their facility or have a completely new one built.

You called the clinic owners cheapskates for not wanting to pay to upgrade or buy a new clinic because abortion is a 'billion dollar business', as though they all have tons of money available because of how much money is made by the industry in total.
I guess all the do-gooders ought to step up and put their money towards what they believe in, and make these "clinics", 1st rate medical facilities.

Sure, maybe not all the "clinics" could survive. Which is a good thing, weed out the bad ones, and make what remains better.
Wow is all I can say.
Listening to the News out of Texas today I was surprised that the people who claim to be saving a Women's life and health are protesting against Regulations that will require Doctors to perform abortions in a Hospital type of surgical room instead of a simple office.

Seems to make sense, life saving health procedures need to be performed in Hospitals or Clinics that are designed for surgical/emergency procedures.

The advocates argue, this is about Health, in many cases life saving procedures.
So how is it that Democrats who are all about Health and Science are suddenly against REGULATIONS?

Photo: More rallies outside US Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, before abortion case set to be argued Wednesday morning - @oyez

Editor's note: The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this morning in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, a case that could determine how far states may go in regulating abortions without violating a woman’s constitutional rights. Two provisions of a Texas law are being challenged: one that requires abortion clinics to meet standards of ambulatory surgery centers, and one that requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

View attachment 65563
Yeah, this is nothing new. The same people who say an ultrasound is a violation if its used to determine the age of a fetus are perfectly ok with ultrasounds used to facilitate fetal harvest for $$$. These people are culls.
I guess all the do-gooders ought to step up and put their money towards what they believe in, and make these "clinics", 1st rate medical facilities.

Sure, maybe not all the "clinics" could survive. Which is a good thing, weed out the bad ones, and make what remains better.

Why do you assume that just because a clinic is more than 30 miles from a hospital that it can't be first rate.

Remember the Texas law requires three things (only of abortion clinics and not of clinics that have higher complication rates) and those are Ambulatory Surgery Center facilities, Admitting Privileges, and be within 30 miles of hospital.

You can have the best clinic doctors and facilities and if they are 31 miles from a hospital, the law still requires it to close.

Wow is all I can say.
Listening to the News out of Texas today I was surprised that the people who claim to be saving a Women's life and health are protesting against Regulations that will require Doctors to perform abortions in a Hospital type of surgical room instead of a simple office.

Seems to make sense, life saving health procedures need to be performed in Hospitals or Clinics that are designed for surgical/emergency procedures.

The advocates argue, this is about Health, in many cases life saving procedures.
So how is it that Democrats who are all about Health and Science are suddenly against REGULATIONS?

Photo: More rallies outside US Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, before abortion case set to be argued Wednesday morning - @oyez

Editor's note: The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this morning in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, a case that could determine how far states may go in regulating abortions without violating a woman’s constitutional rights. Two provisions of a Texas law are being challenged: one that requires abortion clinics to meet standards of ambulatory surgery centers, and one that requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

View attachment 65563
Yeah, this is nothing new. The same people who say an ultrasound is a violation if its used to determine the age of a fetus are perfectly ok with ultrasounds used to facilitate fetal harvest for $$$. These people are culls.
There's nothing new about the extremism exhibited by you and others on the social right – the arrogance and authoritarianism common to most conservatives, your contempt for the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the privacy rights of women to be free from unwarranted interference from the state.

So you contrive these ridiculous, irrational measures in bad faith in an effort circumvent the Constitution and place an undue burden on the privacy rights of women.

The social right is indeed the bane of the American Nation.
I would like to make my own personal choice and not have the government make it for me

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

It is a shame that 14 year old girls can not make the same choices as adults. Typically they simply do not have the experience, the level of knowledge, nor the capability, for numerous reasons the least being they are still under control of their parents.
So you think the government should be raising children and not their parents? Not a conservative position.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
A phrase I keep hearing from democrats is businesses must be regulated...except for abortion clinics...

The left has fought against a lot of things. They don't think doctors are needed to perform abortions and believe that people can be trained to perform that procedure without benefit of medical school. They don't think clinics need to be close to hospitals. A study last year found that few abortion clinics were inspected regularly and some had gone a very long time with no inspections and they were not operating to current standards. I swear some would prefer no standards and zero regulations for abortion clinics. And yet, the reason we give tax money to Planned Parenthood is because we don't want to go back to back alley abortions. Seems to me that they are getting closer to that each year as they allow abortion clinics to operate how they want with little or no oversight. Regulations are only for every other medical procedure, but they don't want them getting in the way of their population control effort.

They also don't think ultrasounds should be done on women who want abortions. I think the real reason the militant abortion supporters fight against ultrasounds prior to aborting is because they don't want women to know what the "clump of cells" actually looks like. That and the fact that ultrasounds allow doctors to determine the age of the fetus and might stop the abortion if it was too far along. They like women remaining ignorant and believing that the "clump of cells" is just a minor problem that should be dealt with lest it ruin people's lives.

A doctor who used to believe in abortions changed his mind when he observed the procedure for the first time. When a needle was inserted, he noticed that the fetus started kicking and struggling because it felt it. He realized that it was a living thing fighting to stay alive. The "clump of cells" has a heart that is beating and apparently feels pain. And it's shaped exactly like a tiny baby. No wonder some would rather that women not be aware of what they are carrying.

Do what you want, but at least be honest and understand what you are doing. Doctors need ultrasounds, not only to calculate an accurate gestational age, but to ensure there are not other problems that might pose a danger to the mother during the procedure. It's stupid to proceed with any medical procedure without prior tests that reveal potential problems, but the left claims they are invasive and unnecessary. They are not invasive since the apparatus is merely placed on top of the belly. And most doctors feel they are necessary to detect problems. It's only the abortionists who find them a pain. They call themselves pro-choice. Not because they believe people should have choices, but because it sounds more noble to use that term when, and only when, it's something they believe in. They are not pro-choice with buying health insurance and other things. While we should have say over our bodies, we should also have say over our earnings, our homes and many other things. Some people are pro-population control. Period. Obama's science czar wanted to put sterilization agents in our drinking water to prevent people from having more kids. And that asshole would cite freedom of choice as the best reason for abortions. He just doesn't think people who want to have babies should have freedom of choice.
The left's primary objection is, and always has been, that if abortion is recognized as the human rights violation that it is, then their whole ideological stance that all sex is good sex, and a woman's primary purpose on this earth isn't to bear children, but to provide consequence free sex to any man that demands it, crumbles.
The left's primary objection is, and always has been, that if abortion is recognized as the human rights violation that it is, then their whole ideological stance that all sex is good sex, and a woman's primary purpose on this earth isn't to bear children, but to provide consequence free sex to any man that demands it, crumbles.

Oh, that is the primary objection of 'the left', is it?

Obama's science czar wanted to put sterilization agents in our drinking water to prevent people from having more kids. And that asshole would cite freedom of choice as the best reason for abortions. He just doesn't think people who want to have babies should have freedom of choice.
This is quite a claim and sounds like complete BS to me. Are you sure he wasn't talking about sterilization agents in our drinking water to make the water safe to drink. Do you have a link?
Obama's science czar wanted to put sterilization agents in our drinking water to prevent people from having more kids. And that asshole would cite freedom of choice as the best reason for abortions. He just doesn't think people who want to have babies should have freedom of choice.
This is quite a claim and sounds like complete BS to me. Are you sure he wasn't talking about sterilization agents in our drinking water to make the water safe to drink. Do you have a link?

It's not just BS, it's "pants on fire" BS...from Glen Beck no less...

Glenn Beck claims science czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population
Wow is all I can say.
Listening to the News out of Texas today I was surprised that the people who claim to be saving a Women's life and health are protesting against Regulations that will require Doctors to perform abortions in a Hospital type of surgical room instead of a simple office.

Seems to make sense, life saving health procedures need to be performed in Hospitals or Clinics that are designed for surgical/emergency procedures.

The advocates argue, this is about Health, in many cases life saving procedures.
So how is it that Democrats who are all about Health and Science are suddenly against REGULATIONS?

Photo: More rallies outside US Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, before abortion case set to be argued Wednesday morning - @oyez

Editor's note: The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this morning in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, a case that could determine how far states may go in regulating abortions without violating a woman’s constitutional rights. Two provisions of a Texas law are being challenged: one that requires abortion clinics to meet standards of ambulatory surgery centers, and one that requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

View attachment 65563

Yeah, when all other similar service providers are required to meet the same standard as abortion providers, I'll believe that women's health and safety is the real reason for the regulations.

You’re 40 Times More Likely To Die From A Colonoscopy Than From An Abortion
Wow is all I can say.
Listening to the News out of Texas today I was surprised that the people who claim to be saving a Women's life and health are protesting against Regulations that will require Doctors to perform abortions in a Hospital type of surgical room instead of a simple office.

Seems to make sense, life saving health procedures need to be performed in Hospitals or Clinics that are designed for surgical/emergency procedures.

The advocates argue, this is about Health, in many cases life saving procedures.
So how is it that Democrats who are all about Health and Science are suddenly against REGULATIONS?

Photo: More rallies outside US Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, before abortion case set to be argued Wednesday morning - @oyez

Editor's note: The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this morning in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, a case that could determine how far states may go in regulating abortions without violating a woman’s constitutional rights. Two provisions of a Texas law are being challenged: one that requires abortion clinics to meet standards of ambulatory surgery centers, and one that requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

View attachment 65563

Yeah, when all other similar service providers are required to meet the same standard as abortion providers, I'll believe that women's health and safety is the real reason for the regulations.

You’re 40 Times More Likely To Die From A Colonoscopy Than From An Abortion

Here's how the response will go;

Hutch: "The sky is blue today"
Elektra: "So you say the sky is orange..."
Wow is all I can say.
Listening to the News out of Texas today I was surprised that the people who claim to be saving a Women's life and health are protesting against Regulations that will require Doctors to perform abortions in a Hospital type of surgical room instead of a simple office.

Seems to make sense, life saving health procedures need to be performed in Hospitals or Clinics that are designed for surgical/emergency procedures.

The advocates argue, this is about Health, in many cases life saving procedures.
So how is it that Democrats who are all about Health and Science are suddenly against REGULATIONS?

Photo: More rallies outside US Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, before abortion case set to be argued Wednesday morning - @oyez

Editor's note: The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this morning in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, a case that could determine how far states may go in regulating abortions without violating a woman’s constitutional rights. Two provisions of a Texas law are being challenged: one that requires abortion clinics to meet standards of ambulatory surgery centers, and one that requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

View attachment 65563

Yeah, when all other similar service providers are required to meet the same standard as abortion providers, I'll believe that women's health and safety is the real reason for the regulations.

You’re 40 Times More Likely To Die From A Colonoscopy Than From An Abortion
Ha,ha, a colonoscopy is performed on 60 year old men, abortions terminate the life attached inside the uterus of 13 and 14 year old girls, how are they similiar?
Wow is all I can say.
Listening to the News out of Texas today I was surprised that the people who claim to be saving a Women's life and health are protesting against Regulations that will require Doctors to perform abortions in a Hospital type of surgical room instead of a simple office.

Seems to make sense, life saving health procedures need to be performed in Hospitals or Clinics that are designed for surgical/emergency procedures.

The advocates argue, this is about Health, in many cases life saving procedures.
So how is it that Democrats who are all about Health and Science are suddenly against REGULATIONS?

Photo: More rallies outside US Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, before abortion case set to be argued Wednesday morning - @oyez

Editor's note: The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this morning in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, a case that could determine how far states may go in regulating abortions without violating a woman’s constitutional rights. Two provisions of a Texas law are being challenged: one that requires abortion clinics to meet standards of ambulatory surgery centers, and one that requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

View attachment 65563

Yeah, when all other similar service providers are required to meet the same standard as abortion providers, I'll believe that women's health and safety is the real reason for the regulations.

You’re 40 Times More Likely To Die From A Colonoscopy Than From An Abortion
Ha,ha, a colonoscopy is performed on 60 year old men, abortions terminate the life attached inside the uterus of 13 and 14 year old girls, how are they similiar?

Right over your head.
Yeah, when all other similar service providers are required to meet the same standard as abortion providers, I'll believe that women's health and safety is the real reason for the regulations.

You’re 40 Times More Likely To Die From A Colonoscopy Than From An Abortion
No, your sad little post did not go over my head, the Colonoscopy rates of death have been addressed in this thread, and shown to be false.

Comparing aborting babies in 13 and 14 girls to a colonoscopy performed on 60 year old men is certainly ridiculous, it just shows that lack of education of those who easily fall for simpleton talking points.

Your link does not validate the claim you made, there is no statistics, no source, it simply says, what you said. I followed the links in the opinion piece you think substantiates your opinion. Not one link to the CDC where those types of statistics originate.

ThinkProgress, John Podesta's website. John Podesta is a radical leftist furthering the cause of Progressives, some would say Marxism, but either way a very radical leftest. A member of Bill Clinton's White House, a part of Obama's, and now an aide to Hillary Clinton. Certainly the point man for George Soros.

Would like to discuss John Podesta, the guy is a lying scum, in my opinion. Let us start with his Colonoscopy opinion. First and foremost, 14 year old girls do not get a colonoscopy hence they will never die of one. But if you want to use 60 year old men and colonoscopies, go ahead, the link you gave is to a radical leftist's site and does not contain any factual information. Can you validate your claim with something not related to George Soros and John Podesta?

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