Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

The pro lifers would be doing the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot. They can't complain.

Nope. How can you say such a thing? Since when do you see us raiding a State Capitol building all for the right to commit murder? Yes, we can complain, and will continue doing so.
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The pro lifers would be doing the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot. They can't complain.

Nope. How can you say such a thing? Since when do you see us raiding a State Capitol building all for the right to commit murder? Yes, we can complain, and will continue doing so.

Lifers can be disrespectful, as can the other side. Both sides need to learn to protest peacefully.
The pro lifers would be doing the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot. They can't complain.

Nope. How can you say such a thing? Since when do you see us raiding a State Capitol building all for the right to commit murder? Yes, we can complain, and will continue doing so.

Lifers can be disrespectful, as can the other side. Both sides need to learn to protest peacefully.

Lets not try to justify the behavior of one side by criticizing the other. There's a verse in the Bible that says to clean up around one's own front door before he can criticize someone else. First, Wild Wendy filibusters an abortion bill whilst her army of women raid the Texas State Capitol to interrupt the internal processes of their government. Now, we have similar people heckling someone who is simply singing a hymn.

Can you show me examples of pro-lifers acting in such a fashion? And no, the abortion clinic bombers are idiots, who don't count. I'm referring to people in their right minds doing this crap.
control freak is obvious.

Control freaks are those who want the right to kill innocent children, namely you pro abortionists.

not really. I prefer choice, i believe adults have that right to choose. You do not think this. You rather choose for people. you are Anti freedom.

"I prefer choice"

Thank you for proving my point. Choice in this instance infers control, not freedom. Yes, choosing for someone is telling them its favorable to kill your child rather than raise him/her.

You really are a warped soul, aren't you?
Nope. How can you say such a thing? Since when do you see us raiding a State Capitol building all for the right to commit murder? Yes, we can complain, and will continue doing so.

Lifers can be disrespectful, as can the other side. Both sides need to learn to protest peacefully.

Lets not try to justify the behavior of one side by criticizing the other. There's a verse in the Bible that says to clean up around one's own front door before he can criticize someone else. First, Wild Wendy filibusters an abortion bill whilst her army of women raid the Texas State Capitol to interrupt the internal processes of their government. Now, we have similar people heckling someone who is simply singing a hymn.

Can you show me examples of pro-lifers acting in such a fashion? And no, the abortion clinic bombers are idiots, who don't count. I'm referring to people in their right minds doing this crap.

but they do count. Deal with it. You can't handicap the game.
Control freaks are those who want the right to kill innocent children, namely you pro abortionists.

not really. I prefer choice, i believe adults have that right to choose. You do not think this. You rather choose for people. you are Anti freedom.

"I prefer choice"

Thank you for proving my point. Choice in this instance infers control, not freedom. Yes, choosing for someone is telling them its favorable to kill your child rather than raise him/her.

You really are a warped soul, aren't you?

No one says its favorable - just that there is a CHOICE that every woman deserves.
not really. I prefer choice, i believe adults have that right to choose. You do not think this. You rather choose for people. you are Anti freedom.

"I prefer choice"

Thank you for proving my point. Choice in this instance infers control, not freedom. Yes, choosing for someone is telling them its favorable to kill your child rather than raise him/her.

You really are a warped soul, aren't you?

No one says its favorable - just that there is a CHOICE that every woman deserves.

Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.
Nope. How can you say such a thing? Since when do you see us raiding a State Capitol building all for the right to commit murder? Yes, we can complain, and will continue doing so.

Lifers can be disrespectful, as can the other side. Both sides need to learn to protest peacefully.

Lets not try to justify the behavior of one side by criticizing the other. There's a verse in the Bible that says to clean up around one's own front door before he can criticize someone else. First, Wild Wendy filibusters an abortion bill whilst her army of women raid the Texas State Capitol to interrupt the internal processes of their government. Now, we have similar people heckling someone who is simply singing a hymn.

Can you show me examples of pro-lifers acting in such a fashion? And no, the abortion clinic bombers are idiots, who don't count. I'm referring to people in their right minds doing this crap.

Abortion clinic bombers are idiots? But they are saving babies - they are doing Gods work!

But since you asked...I can think of an occasion a couple of years back, I believe this was a march on women's rights, celebrating the anniversary of our abortion reforms (abortion is on demand up til 24 weeks in my State). There was a pro choice march, very peaceful, and about 100 lifers turned up and turned the march violent, causing it to be disbanded.

On the other hand, there was a small pro life march some time ago, and the pro choicers turned up and the march again became violent.

So you can see that both sides can act like idiots.
Control freaks are those who want the right to kill innocent children, namely you pro abortionists.

not really. I prefer choice, i believe adults have that right to choose. You do not think this. You rather choose for people. you are Anti freedom.

"I prefer choice"

Thank you for proving my point. Choice in this instance infers control, not freedom. Yes, choosing for someone is telling them its favorable to kill your child rather than raise him/her.

You really are a warped soul, aren't you?

No you dipshit. Choice is theirs to make. I dont give a shit, its not my body and not my place to tell them.
It would be like if I told you that you couldnt read the bible and only the koran. See the thing is that people like you there is no reasonable solution. You are all of nothing. You are a fanatic.
"I prefer choice"

Thank you for proving my point. Choice in this instance infers control, not freedom. Yes, choosing for someone is telling them its favorable to kill your child rather than raise him/her.

You really are a warped soul, aren't you?

No one says its favorable - just that there is a CHOICE that every woman deserves.

Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.

Every pregnant woman has the right to decide what she does with her body. I know you don't like that, but she has the right to control her body.
They should have been singing, "They only care about them before they are born".
"I prefer choice"

Thank you for proving my point. Choice in this instance infers control, not freedom. Yes, choosing for someone is telling them its favorable to kill your child rather than raise him/her.

You really are a warped soul, aren't you?

No one says its favorable - just that there is a CHOICE that every woman deserves.

Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.

murder....Its ok for you to call them murders but we can't use the bombers as evidence you people are fucking nuts.

You want to rig the game. What a worthless loser.
No one says its favorable - just that there is a CHOICE that every woman deserves.

Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.

murder....Its ok for you to call them murders but we can't use the bombers as evidence you people are fucking nuts.

You want to rig the game. What a worthless loser.

The clinic bombers are the real murderers here.
This thread should have ended the moment it was discovered that the baby killing maggots praised Lucifer.

I have to say, I wish I'd have been at that event. Stomping pro choice commie faggots guts out would have been an honor even though their numbers would have surely overwhelmed me.

Dying for something is an honor. Living for nothing is a waste.
Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.

murder....Its ok for you to call them murders but we can't use the bombers as evidence you people are fucking nuts.

You want to rig the game. What a worthless loser.

The clinic bombers are the real murderers here.

and people like Temp cheer them.
This thread should have ended the moment it was discovered that the baby killing maggots praised Lucifer.

I have to say, I wish I'd have been at that event. Stomping pro choice commie faggots guts out would have been an honor even though their numbers would have surely overwhelmed me.

Dying for something is an honor. Living for nothing is a waste.

So easy to say so safe behind your keyboard and monitor, isn't it?
Lifers can be disrespectful, as can the other side. Both sides need to learn to protest peacefully.

Lets not try to justify the behavior of one side by criticizing the other. There's a verse in the Bible that says to clean up around one's own front door before he can criticize someone else. First, Wild Wendy filibusters an abortion bill whilst her army of women raid the Texas State Capitol to interrupt the internal processes of their government. Now, we have similar people heckling someone who is simply singing a hymn.

Can you show me examples of pro-lifers acting in such a fashion? And no, the abortion clinic bombers are idiots, who don't count. I'm referring to people in their right minds doing this crap.

Abortion clinic bombers are idiots? But they are saving babies - they are doing Gods work!

But since you asked...I can think of an occasion a couple of years back, I believe this was a march on women's rights, celebrating the anniversary of our abortion reforms (abortion is on demand up til 24 weeks in my State). There was a pro choice march, very peaceful, and about 100 lifers turned up and turned the march violent, causing it to be disbanded.

On the other hand, there was a small pro life march some time ago, and the pro choicers turned up and the march again became violent.

So you can see that both sides can act like idiots.

I don't support taking life of any kind, unless it is strictly warranted, either by abortion or acts of terrorism. Men who kill needlessly in God's name are not God's soldiers. You pulled these examples out of your head, you did not link to these events in any way. So when have you seen pro-lifers raid a State Capitol building to "protect their right to choose"?

I am taken aback by how some of you label this as "freedom to make a choice", but vilify those who make one that creates life instead of taking it.
This thread should have ended the moment it was discovered that the baby killing maggots praised Lucifer.

I have to say, I wish I'd have been at that event. Stomping pro choice commie faggots guts out would have been an honor even though their numbers would have surely overwhelmed me.

Dying for something is an honor. Living for nothing is a waste.

So easy to say so safe behind your keyboard and monitor, isn't it?

Is that a threat?
This thread should have ended the moment it was discovered that the baby killing maggots praised Lucifer.

I have to say, I wish I'd have been at that event. Stomping pro choice commie faggots guts out would have been an honor even though their numbers would have surely overwhelmed me.

Dying for something is an honor. Living for nothing is a waste.

So easy to say so safe behind your keyboard and monitor, isn't it?

Is that a threat?

Why would it be considered one?

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