Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Rational people know that circular logic often expresses truth. Some things are self-evident.

Freud was right, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Many truths do not lend themselves to the subject/object dichotomy. Some truths are achieved through inspiration, meditation, self-examination, insight, intuition. That does not make them less true.

Doesn't make them "less" or "more" true. Only facts can be "true".

This deserves a reprise, not to let it get away:
Rational people know that circular logic often expresses truth. Some things are self-evident.

Circular reasoning as a basis to defend circular reasoning!?

Can't make this stuff up.
Booker T!! I always loved the guy (and the band). Indeed, the song is correct. "You gotta serve somebody"

I think it's rather obvious who the majority of the "left" serves. There cannot be good without evil. There cannot be right without wrong. There cannot be light without darkness. There cannot be a ying without a yang.

As for me and mine - we will serve the Lord!

See saying stuff like this really hurts yourself. Makes you look foolish

I beg to differ. It make YOU look foolish. You see sonny - I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He died for MY sins and I believe that there is "power in the blood".

What if I'm wrong?? No harm no foul. I enter an eternity of nothingness - I won't know the difference.

However, what if YOU ARE WRONG? You're going to miss out on paradise. Tough choice! But, it's yours and yours alone. Good luck with your pseudo-intellectual take on life.

You see Sonny.....God doesn't care if you believe in Him. HE believes in YOU. The rest is up to you.

Nice bait and switch Randall. You said its obvious most of the left serves Satan. Then when I say don't make statements like that because it makes you look foolish. You change the subject to life, religion and the existence of god.

Nice job, now, stop saying the left serves Satan and the right serves God. It makes you look foolish.
You said its obvious most of the left serves Satan[/B]. Then when I say don't make statements like that because it makes you look foolish. You change the subject to life, religion and the existence of god.

Nice job, now, stop saying the left serves Satan and the right serves God. It makes you look foolish.

well, they themselves did in Austin, didn't they?

and if one is ardently arguing for an infanticide anywhere anytime at any term - they are serving the Satan - because murder is his area of expertise.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route? freaks deserve it.

Austin doesn't deserve any of these assholes being bussed in to bitch.
Bussed in? Oh, good grief. First the Democrats bus people around who just arrived here to vote on ballots they cannot read, tell them who to vote for as they "assist" them, then who knows where all else they bus them on voting day. But they bus in phony supporters of abortion and tell them to Hail Satan (opposite of God who is all that is good)? And make an atheistic mockery party of the Democrat National Convention in which a top party official grabs a microphone and tells America they did not just witness a takeover of the DNC Party Convention by a majority of atheists in the party pushing for more changes to get rid of Christianity.

A real atheist has no issues with Satan worship if it takes power away from believers in God. None. He's already ditched his family's belief system and thrown the baby out with the bathwater for America's future generation.

At least, now the public knows for sure.

So Texas is getting people bussed in to do Hail Satan in a land God has blessed so Americans in Texas will split off from faith and kill their unborn. What a bunch of sick pukes.
You said its obvious most of the left serves Satan[/B]. Then when I say don't make statements like that because it makes you look foolish. You change the subject to life, religion and the existence of god.

Nice job, now, stop saying the left serves Satan and the right serves God. It makes you look foolish.

well, they themselves did in Austin, didn't they?

and if one is ardently arguing for an infanticide anywhere anytime at any term - they are serving the Satan - because murder is his area of expertise.

So sin means that you serve satan and humans never ever sin.:doubt:

Smart guy this one. freaks deserve it.

Austin doesn't deserve any of these assholes being bussed in to bitch.
Bussed in? Oh, good grief. First the Democrats bus people around who just arrived here to vote on ballots they cannot read, tell them who to vote for as they "assist" them, then who knows where all else they bus them on voting day. But they bus in phony supporters of abortion and tell them to Hail Satan (opposite of God who is all that is good)? And make an atheistic mockery party of the Democrat National Convention in which a top party official grabs a microphone and tells America they did not just witness a takeover of the DNC Party Convention by a majority of atheists in the party pushing for more changes to get rid of Christianity.

A real atheist has no issues with Satan worship if it takes power away from believers in God. None. He's already ditched his family's belief system and thrown the baby out with the bathwater for America's future generation.

At least, now the public knows for sure.

So Texas is getting people bussed in to do Hail Satan in a land God has blessed so Americans in Texas will split off from faith and kill their unborn. What a bunch of sick pukes.

why you so fucking stupid? You dont need to believe in god to have morals. I can't stand you low rent posters sometimes. Its like you literally only exist to make the world that much more stupid.
You said its obvious most of the left serves Satan[/B]. Then when I say don't make statements like that because it makes you look foolish. You change the subject to life, religion and the existence of god.

Nice job, now, stop saying the left serves Satan and the right serves God. It makes you look foolish.

well, they themselves did in Austin, didn't they?

and if one is ardently arguing for an infanticide anywhere anytime at any term - they are serving the Satan - because murder is his area of expertise.

So sin means that you serve satan and humans never ever sin.:doubt:

Smart guy this one.


what does this blabbing on your part mean?
that murdering a baby is serving the Satan?
Of course, it is
See saying stuff like this really hurts yourself. Makes you look foolish

I beg to differ. It make YOU look foolish. You see sonny - I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He died for MY sins and I believe that there is "power in the blood".

What if I'm wrong?? No harm no foul. I enter an eternity of nothingness - I won't know the difference.

However, what if YOU ARE WRONG? You're going to miss out on paradise. Tough choice! But, it's yours and yours alone. Good luck with your pseudo-intellectual take on life.

You see Sonny.....God doesn't care if you believe in Him. HE believes in YOU. The rest is up to you.

Nice bait and switch Randall. You said its obvious most of the left serves Satan. Then when I say don't make statements like that because it makes you look foolish. You change the subject to life, religion and the existence of god.

Nice job, now, stop saying the left serves Satan and the right serves God. It makes you look foolish.

I didn't "bait and switch" anything. It IS obvious who the left serves. The left expresses a deep seated hatred for religion (in general) and they belittle anyone who does believe. The left serves a secular humanist version of the world that leaves nothing open to even the idea that there might be a "Deity" of higher purpose.

The left believes that knowledge comes from man and man alone. Vanity - thy name is liberals.

I never said that the right serves God. I said that I serve God. Get your facts straight while you engage in your vain denigration of my Christian beliefs.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

Kind of tells you all you need to know about the two sides on this issue, doesn't it.

Sure does, since "pro abortion groups" and "Satan" have in common that neither one exists.

Kind of sad when your strawman needs its own strawman :(

Really, I guess all that noise made at the end of the last special session, that prevented the vote then, was a figment of our collective imaginations.
Right because no democrat goes to church or believes in god. Surre Randall. And you totally didn't mean anything by saying "the left is on the side of Satan".

It's like having a discussion about me and you on pedophilia. I say "it's obvious what side Randall is on he loves pedophilia". What side do you think I'm on?

Noo, Randall isn't implying anything at all. The better question is "what side is the right on then?"

You'll type 3 paragraphs "clarifying" (backtracking). My point is you make yourself look foolish pretending (unconvincingly) that the entire left follows Satan. Remember how silky it is to lumP everyone together next time a discussion on blacks occur. Don't say anything about being not like the others because obviously saying all of one group does "x" is level headed rational thinking.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

again, I'm still trying to figure out which one in the bible was the "bad guy" again.

God kills everyone in the world, vaporizes sodom and gomorrah, kills every first born child in Egypt, kills David's baby to teach David a lesson.

Satan kills 10 people in the Book of Job. On a bet with God.

[ame=]The Evolution of Satan in the Bible - YouTube[/ame]

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