Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Most abjectly wrongheaded song Dylan ever wrote. Once again it presumes an anthropomorphized dichotomy of deities (or "ADD"), which is a childish idea. The religio-philosophical equivalent of monsters under the bed.

And a hopelessly slavish theme, to believe that to be alive means to be condemned to some kind of impotent "servitude". :cuckoo:
FUCK that.

I see that symbols, archetypes and poetry are beyond your presently meager interpretive skills. Perhaps they will improve some day, but I doubt it. You can't sell an encyclopedia to someone who things they already know everything.
Getting preggo has nothing to do with stupidity its biology first.

Second, Do you understand how not having the baby in the first might seem to be a better option to someone than having a baby and giving it away?

If you don't, that would explain a lot

A woman's biology does not her pregnant.

Neither does go ahead and explain yourself and they stupid shit you said

Pay attention now cuz this is pretty simple. A women wanting to have intercourse and giving her consent is the primary reason for her pregnancy. She's responsible for creating the scenario for it to even occur.

Most abjectly wrongheaded song Dylan ever wrote. Once again it presumes an anthropomorphized dichotomy of deities (or "ADD"), which is a childish idea. The religio-philosophical equivalent of monsters under the bed.

And a hopelessly slavish theme, to believe that to be alive means to be condemned to some kind of impotent "servitude". :cuckoo:
FUCK that.

I see that symbols, archetypes and poetry are beyond your presently meager interpretive skills. Perhaps they will improve some day, but I doubt it. You can't sell an encyclopedia to someone who things they already know everything.

"Symbols"? How the fuck is a statement like 'you gotta serve somebody' a "symbol"?

More like a sentence. In the penal sense.
I think it might help you to ask me some questions about my thoughts on abortion if you want to know if I am a pro-abortion zealot.

My thoughts on school vouchers have nothing to do with the subject.

Try harder.

So, we've established that you are NOT "pro-choice."
See saying stuff like this really hurts yourself. Makes you look foolish

I beg to differ. It make YOU look foolish. You see sonny - I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He died for MY sins and I believe that there is "power in the blood".

What if I'm wrong?? No harm no foul. I enter an eternity of nothingness - I won't know the difference.

However, what if YOU ARE WRONG? You're going to miss out on paradise. Tough choice! But, it's yours and yours alone. Good luck with your pseudo-intellectual take on life.

You see Sonny.....God doesn't care if you believe in Him. HE believes in YOU. The rest is up to you.

.... And we're right back to this again ... O... kay...


Isn't that cute. Sort of like the circular firing squad that the left engages in - day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.....

Why is it that any talk of a "Higher Power" drives you people so damned crazy?????
Most abjectly wrongheaded song Dylan ever wrote. Once again it presumes an anthropomorphized dichotomy of deities (or "ADD"), which is a childish idea. The religio-philosophical equivalent of monsters under the bed.

And a hopelessly slavish theme, to believe that to be alive means to be condemned to some kind of impotent "servitude". :cuckoo:
FUCK that.

I see that symbols, archetypes and poetry are beyond your presently meager interpretive skills. Perhaps they will improve some day, but I doubt it. You can't sell an encyclopedia to someone who things they already know everything.

"Symbols"? How the fuck is a statement like 'you gotta serve somebody' a "symbol"?

More like a sentence. In the penal sense.

Can't follow a line of thought, either, can you? You're in worse shape than I originally thought. I'm sure you're capable of simple, repetitive tasks, though. So there is hope for you. Unfortunately, there aren't many jobs left for people to tighten bolts or button buttons. Maybe you could stock shelves with proper supervision.
I see that symbols, archetypes and poetry are beyond your presently meager interpretive skills. Perhaps they will improve some day, but I doubt it. You can't sell an encyclopedia to someone who things they already know everything.

"Symbols"? How the fuck is a statement like 'you gotta serve somebody' a "symbol"?

More like a sentence. In the penal sense.

Can't follow a line of thought, either, can you? You're in worse shape than I originally thought. I'm sure you're capable of simple, repetitive tasks, though. So there is hope for you. Unfortunately, there aren't many jobs left for people to tighten bolts or button buttons. Maybe you could stock shelves with proper supervision.

So you have no rational response whatsoever, just childish ad hominem.

Kinda figures.

Next slide, please...
I beg to differ. It make YOU look foolish. You see sonny - I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He died for MY sins and I believe that there is "power in the blood".

What if I'm wrong?? No harm no foul. I enter an eternity of nothingness - I won't know the difference.

However, what if YOU ARE WRONG? You're going to miss out on paradise. Tough choice! But, it's yours and yours alone. Good luck with your pseudo-intellectual take on life.

You see Sonny.....God doesn't care if you believe in Him. HE believes in YOU. The rest is up to you.

.... And we're right back to this again ... O... kay...


Isn't that cute. Sort of like the circular firing squad that the left engages in - day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.....

Oh good, the old "I know you are but what am I" game.
Thank you Pee Wee Herman.

Why is it that any talk of a "Higher Power" drives you people so damned crazy?????

Don't know. No one brought one up. Bad logic is what drives me bats.
We have done no such thing. Please try harder. This is kind of boring.

You said you don't support choice.

Pro-aborts use the term choice, but virtually never support choice.

But you support abortion, doncha?

Pro-aborts offer people the choice of the following;

A.) Abortion

Please choose one....
"Symbols"? How the fuck is a statement like 'you gotta serve somebody' a "symbol"?

More like a sentence. In the penal sense.

Can't follow a line of thought, either, can you? You're in worse shape than I originally thought. I'm sure you're capable of simple, repetitive tasks, though. So there is hope for you. Unfortunately, there aren't many jobs left for people to tighten bolts or button buttons. Maybe you could stock shelves with proper supervision.

So you have no rational response whatsoever, just childish ad hominem.

Kinda figures.

Next slide, please...

What can you say to someone who fails to grasp that a sentence is a symbol?

Rationality is beyond you, I'm afraid.

While concrete thinking can be rational, rationality is not concrete thinking.

Get back to me if you ever manage to understand that.
Why aren't pro-choicers advocating the Choice of the Child? If the child grows up and believes they were wrongfully born, they can commit suicide.
I beg to differ. It make YOU look foolish. You see sonny - I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He died for MY sins and I believe that there is "power in the blood".

What if I'm wrong?? No harm no foul. I enter an eternity of nothingness - I won't know the difference.

However, what if YOU ARE WRONG? You're going to miss out on paradise. Tough choice! But, it's yours and yours alone. Good luck with your pseudo-intellectual take on life.

You see Sonny.....God doesn't care if you believe in Him. HE believes in YOU. The rest is up to you.

.... And we're right back to this again ... O... kay...


Isn't that cute. Sort of like the circular firing squad that the left engages in - day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.....

Why is it that any talk of a "Higher Power" drives you people so damned crazy?????

It deals with authority and power they cannot control.
Can't follow a line of thought, either, can you? You're in worse shape than I originally thought. I'm sure you're capable of simple, repetitive tasks, though. So there is hope for you. Unfortunately, there aren't many jobs left for people to tighten bolts or button buttons. Maybe you could stock shelves with proper supervision.

So you have no rational response whatsoever, just childish ad hominem.

Kinda figures.

Next slide, please...

What can you say to someone who fails to grasp that a sentence is a symbol?

Rationality is beyond you, I'm afraid.

While concrete thinking can be rational, rationality is not concrete thinking.

Get back to me if you ever manage to understand that.

You didn't say anything about a "sentence", Einstein. I did.
Not only can't you fathom my posts, you can't even read your own. :cuckoo:
George wasn't quite the stuffed shirt that he appeared to be. First of all, he understood the concept of taking advantage of situations, in order to make a buck. For example, while employed for others as a surveyor, he spotted and bought the best parcels of land for himself as the wilderness was pushed back. He had a torrid affair with a married woman who lived on a nieghboring plantation, until her husband took her to England and didn't come back. He became the wealthiest man in Virginia, and probably in the colonies, by marrying Martha Washington, the richest widow in the colonies (have you ever seen a picture of Martha Washington?).He basicly confessed to treasous acts, when he signed the surrender document giving up Fort Necessity to the French, but later claimed that he did not know that, because he could not read French. Though he had been out of military service for years, when he found out that the Continental Congress was looking for a commander in chief, he dug out his old uniform, and marched around for weeks, trying to make himself noticed. Mount Vernon was the largest distillary in all the colonies, and probably half of his product ended up being bought by Indians, who even then had a predisposition for alcoholism. On the other hand, I think that he did free his slaves when he died, unlike Jeffereson, who didn't even free his own children slaves when he died, much less their mother.
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.... And we're right back to this again ... O... kay...


Isn't that cute. Sort of like the circular firing squad that the left engages in - day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.....

Why is it that any talk of a "Higher Power" drives you people so damned crazy?????

It deals with authority and power they cannot control.

Actually it deals with a conceptual fabrication that no one can define. You can't "control" something that cannot be shown to exist. But that point is moot anyway; nobody brought up the question of a "higher power". What I noted was the circular reasoning used as a basis to explain that which is not a given -- same as on the previous post about Satan:
The greatest trick the Devil has ever played is making the world believe he doesnt exist.

Circular reasoning is circular reasoning (is...). That kind of fallacy can definitely be controlled. But the first thing the fallacier has to do is admit he has a rationality problem. :eusa_think:
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Quote: Originally Posted by martybegan
"The greatest trick the Devil has ever played is making the world believe he doesnt exist."

Damned clever of him! He sure fooled me...I think...or something....?
Rational people know that circular logic often expresses truth. Some things are self-evident.

Freud was right, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Many truths do not lend themselves to the subject/object dichotomy. Some truths are achieved through inspiration, meditation, self-examination, insight, intuition. That does not make them less true.
Rational people know that circular logic often expresses truth. Some things are self-evident.

Freud was right, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Many truths do not lend themselves to the subject/object dichotomy. Some truths are achieved through inspiration, meditation, self-examination, insight, intuition. That does not make them less true.

I have always believed that circular people know that rational logic never expresses truth. Some things are evidently self delusions.

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