Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

At last, the issue is becoming clear.

[ame=]Booker T and the M.G.s - "Gotta Serve Somebody" - YouTube[/ame]

Most abjectly wrongheaded song Dylan ever wrote. Once again it presumes an anthropomorphized dichotomy of deities (or "ADD"), which is a childish idea. The religio-philosophical equivalent of monsters under the bed.

And a hopelessly slavish theme, to believe that to be alive means to be condemned to some kind of impotent "servitude". :cuckoo:
FUCK that.
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Booker T!! I always loved the guy (and the band). Indeed, the song is correct. "You gotta serve somebody"

I think it's rather obvious who the majority of the "left" serves. There cannot be good without evil. There cannot be right without wrong. There cannot be light without darkness. There cannot be a ying without a yang.

As for me and mine - we will serve the Lord!
you're an idiot. those aren't based in religion. because a religion codified them at some point doesn't make them religiously based

Yeah, keep telling yourself that...


you cannot possibly believe that before moses brought down the ten commandments there were not laws about stealing or murder. even you aren't that dumb.

You'd better do some reading on the origins of western law... especially the part about Canon Law and Roman Law...
I guess George Washington was a far right zealot too, hmm?


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On the one hand, you state that PP does a lot of abortions because there are a lot of women having sex with guys who aren't "ready at the time" to have a child. OK. Is that NOT using abortion as contraceptive?

Yes, I've already acknowledged this.

Again, not about being stupid. There are plenty of smart people with uterus'. That's one way, the only way, that is acceptable (not to everyone tho) AFTER pregnancy. If they don't know until a week later, then it don't work so good.

Good for you, Me neither except the two times I wanted to to have my children. Unfortunatly if you talk to your guy friends or even some girl friends you'll quickly learn that's not always the case. I should be, but ...humans, yanno

I understand times have changed. I get it. But failure to take responsibility for one's action is a condition that is becoming all too prevalent in this "enlightened" society that we find ourselves in. You don't want to get pregnant? Here are your choices:

(1) Abstain from sexual relations

(2) Use birth control that is READILY available from a myriad of sources

You get pregnant? It's not MY fault. Don't expect me - the taxpayer - to pay for YOUR mistake in judgement.

No one expects anything from you, but no one expects you to stand in their way either. Don't you think for one second that you sound like someone older when you were a child? That's because every generation looks at the next and believes they have it easier.

See, here's the thing. If "every generation looks at the next and believes that they have it easier" - then why don't they? Medical technology as advanced to the point that women can choose WHEN to have a baby. I'm sure that most women might look at that as a positive - but I don't know. However, if that's the case - then what purpose does Planned Parenthood provide except for a convenient "excuse" when women (and men) are just too damned lazy to take responsibility for their inaction?

See, where I come from - that's victimhood. And that's the "new" generation's "better" idea.

As far as "not standing in their way" - I'm not. I couldn't care less what they do. However, to expect the taxpayer to help "foot the bill" for their irresponsibility is insane. I don't give a damn if they have 500 abortions - I don't want to pay for them. Period. End of story.

First, I don't understand you question at the beginning
Women can always choose when to have a that's the same
Caring for a child has nothing to do with being lazy or not, there are plenty of lazy fathers and mothers. I noticed a pattern. The only way you are able to talk about positions you don't understand is to label them as "nefarious"

too LAZY to be a Parent - STUPID enough to get Pregnant etc etc.

You foot the bill for irresponsibility everyday. So please stop with that or expand your argument to include Prisons, Guard Rails, Red Lights, the list is LITTERALLY endless. So lets be real, that's not why you're against it or you'd be crying about your taxes being used to put locks on public pools too.

Booker T!! I always loved the guy (and the band). Indeed, the song is correct. "You gotta serve somebody"

I think it's rather obvious who the majority of the "left" serves. There cannot be good without evil. There cannot be right without wrong. There cannot be light without darkness. There cannot be a ying without a yang.

As for me and mine - we will serve the Lord!

See saying stuff like this really hurts yourself. Makes you look foolish
I guess George Washington was a far right zealot too, hmm?

YET ANOTHER bogus Washington quote? Put this on the "liberty's teeth" scrap heap. And it stands out all the more since Washington was known to be substantially irreligious.

Why do you people make shit up?
To paraphrase Voltaire, "if a Washington quote does not exist, it is necessary for man to invent one"?

Gullible's Travels...
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Yes everyone who is pro choice is also pro satan....As well as anti-you


i'm pleased you agree....funny how they went to Satan, but it reinforces my beliefs of these people. So when is the pro abortion movement going to adopt the Swatiska and pentagram?

Booker T!! I always loved the guy (and the band). Indeed, the song is correct. "You gotta serve somebody"

I think it's rather obvious who the majority of the "left" serves. There cannot be good without evil. There cannot be right without wrong. There cannot be light without darkness. There cannot be a ying without a yang.

As for me and mine - we will serve the Lord!

See saying stuff like this really hurts yourself. Makes you look foolish

I beg to differ. It make YOU look foolish. You see sonny - I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He died for MY sins and I believe that there is "power in the blood".

What if I'm wrong?? No harm no foul. I enter an eternity of nothingness - I won't know the difference.

However, what if YOU ARE WRONG? You're going to miss out on paradise. Tough choice! But, it's yours and yours alone. Good luck with your pseudo-intellectual take on life.

You see Sonny.....God doesn't care if you believe in Him. HE believes in YOU. The rest is up to you.
I guess George Washington was a far right zealot too, hmm?

The answer to George Washington by the left??

He was a rich, slave owner who came to this country to further his holdings and wealth. Basically, he was a thief. That's the way they re-write history.

There is no "answer" from anyone when the quote is a fabrication to begin with.

DUH. :banghead:

So much for any shred of honesty here...
Booker T!! I always loved the guy (and the band). Indeed, the song is correct. "You gotta serve somebody"

I think it's rather obvious who the majority of the "left" serves. There cannot be good without evil. There cannot be right without wrong. There cannot be light without darkness. There cannot be a ying without a yang.

As for me and mine - we will serve the Lord!

See saying stuff like this really hurts yourself. Makes you look foolish

I beg to differ. It make YOU look foolish. You see sonny - I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He died for MY sins and I believe that there is "power in the blood".

What if I'm wrong?? No harm no foul. I enter an eternity of nothingness - I won't know the difference.

However, what if YOU ARE WRONG? You're going to miss out on paradise. Tough choice! But, it's yours and yours alone. Good luck with your pseudo-intellectual take on life.

You see Sonny.....God doesn't care if you believe in Him. HE believes in YOU. The rest is up to you.

.... And we're right back to this again ... O... kay...


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