Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

I have always been a "fence straddler" when it comes to abortion - in that I (frankly) don't know enough about the "why's and wherefore's" to make a heavy argument one way or another. I DO know this, however. Using abortion as contraceptive in this day and age is not only stupid - it's insane.
The other thing about all this that bothers me greatly is that, as a people, we seem to get FAR more upset over a cop shooting a dog in California than we do about a woman killing a baby out of "convenience".

No one does that, don't worry. The number Is so small that the same number of people will die from falling anvils
Hey, I'm sure Satan is loving this little display. I'm sure he's looking forward to seeing each and every one of them in hell soon, if that is indeed the route they wish to take.

How moronic.

I really outta go down to the Capitol and take pictures of these idiots praising Satan.
What choices are there once you're pregnant, oh forbidder of strawmen?

don't get pregnant if you do not want a baby.
put a baby for adoption even during your pregnancy, or after the delivery, if you were stupid and got pregnant.

Start with the father of the baby - you might be surprised how many dads-to be will be thrilled

So none then?

I've listed the options. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
I have always been a "fence straddler" when it comes to abortion - in that I (frankly) don't know enough about the "why's and wherefore's" to make a heavy argument one way or another. I DO know this, however. Using abortion as contraceptive in this day and age is not only stupid - it's insane.
The other thing about all this that bothers me greatly is that, as a people, we seem to get FAR more upset over a cop shooting a dog in California than we do about a woman killing a baby out of "convenience".

No one does that, don't worry. The number Is so small that the same number of people will die from falling anvils

Then what's with all pregnancies?
It's not an exact comparison but put yourself back in time to the late 30's in Germany. Everybody knew they were slaughtering Jews but nobody wanted to talk about it and the true believers even supported the Holocaust.
don't get pregnant if you do not want a baby.
put a baby for adoption even during your pregnancy, or after the delivery, if you were stupid and got pregnant.

Start with the father of the baby - you might be surprised how many dads-to be will be thrilled

So none then?

are you blind ?

Do you have a condition preventing you from answering questions? It was directed at you quoting something you said. I thought it would be pretty easy to explain the words that came out your own mouth...?
I have always been a "fence straddler" when it comes to abortion - in that I (frankly) don't know enough about the "why's and wherefore's" to make a heavy argument one way or another. I DO know this, however. Using abortion as contraceptive in this day and age is not only stupid - it's insane.
The other thing about all this that bothers me greatly is that, as a people, we seem to get FAR more upset over a cop shooting a dog in California than we do about a woman killing a baby out of "convenience".

No one does that, don't worry. The number Is so small that the same number of people will die from falling anvils

Then what's with all pregnancies?

Yeah, I'm calling BS on that one, too. If "no one does that" - why the hell the need for abortions??
It's not an exact comparison but put yourself back in time to the late 30's in Germany. Everybody knew they were slaughtering Jews but nobody wanted to talk about it and the true believers even supported the Holocaust.

actually it is not true. The average Joachim had no clue about the slaughtering.
don't get pregnant if you do not want a baby.
put a baby for adoption even during your pregnancy, or after the delivery, if you were stupid and got pregnant.

Start with the father of the baby - you might be surprised how many dads-to be will be thrilled

So none then?

I've listed the options. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

Getting preggo has nothing to do with stupidity its biology first.

Second, Do you understand how not having the baby in the first might seem to be a better option to someone than having a baby and giving it away?

If you don't, that would explain a lot
well they are right though... Abortion is evil and if your going to syupport it you might as well support the entity in charge of evil.
I've listed the options. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

Getting preggo has nothing to do with stupidity its biology first.

Second, Do you understand how not having the baby in the first might seem to be a better option to someone than having a baby and giving it away?

If you don't, that would explain a lot

A woman's biology does not her pregnant.

Neither does go ahead and explain yourself and they stupid shit you said
Then what's with all pregnancies?

Yeah, I'm calling BS on that one, too. If "no one does that" - why the hell the need for abortions??

Oh sorry, I thought you were implying that someone uses abortion as birth control multiple times.

My bad

Can you say, with any certainty that some women don't? I can't prove it, but common sense tells me that if it were 500 or 1,000 at any given time - and that were it - Planned Parenthood would have gone belly up years ago.

Yet, (as I understand it), they provide thousands and thousands of abortions each year.
Getting preggo has nothing to do with stupidity its biology first.

Second, Do you understand how not having the baby in the first might seem to be a better option to someone than having a baby and giving it away?

If you don't, that would explain a lot

A woman's biology does not her pregnant.

Neither does go ahead and explain yourself and they stupid shit you said

Then what is causing all the pregnancies that these women want aborted ?
They were mearly getting impatientent for the concert to begin. "Hail Satan" is the name of a band, whose leader used to be the lead singer for 'Deathtongue"
I have proof:

[ame=]Bloom County's Gonna Rock The World Tonight - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, I'm calling BS on that one, too. If "no one does that" - why the hell the need for abortions??

Oh sorry, I thought you were implying that someone uses abortion as birth control multiple times.

My bad

Can you say, with any certainty that some women don't? I can't prove it, but common sense tells me that if it were 500 or 1,000 at any given time - and that were it - Planned Parenthood would have gone belly up years ago.

Yet, (as I understand it), they provide thousands and thousands of abortions each year.

as long as there are people there will be stupidity. PP provide abortions and of course sense there are 150 million women and sex happens all the time yeah.

You're conflating two issues: "Abortion used over and over as birth control" and "Abortions"

I'm saying Abortions over and over as birth control happens on such a small scale that it cant be used as being the reason against abortion itself unless someone is already against it and is looking for an excuse.

Abortions do happen, PP handles a lot because, there are a lot of women who are having a lot of sex with guys who aren't all ready at the time to have a child.

Do you understand how not having the baby in the first might seem to be a better option to someone than having a baby and giving it away?
Oh sorry, I thought you were implying that someone uses abortion as birth control multiple times.

My bad

Can you say, with any certainty that some women don't? I can't prove it, but common sense tells me that if it were 500 or 1,000 at any given time - and that were it - Planned Parenthood would have gone belly up years ago.

Yet, (as I understand it), they provide thousands and thousands of abortions each year.

as long as there are people there will be stupidity. PP provide abortions and of course sense there are 150 million women and sex happens all the time yeah.

You're conflating two issues: "Abortion used over and over as birth control" and "Abortions"

I'm saying Abortions over and over as birth control happens on such a small scale that it cant be used as being the reason against abortion itself unless someone is already against it and is looking for an excuse.

Abortions do happen, PP handles a lot because, there are a lot of women who are having a lot of sex with guys who aren't all ready at the time to have a child.

Do you understand how not having the baby in the first might seem to be a better option to someone than having a baby and giving it away?

Do you understand that a woman can say no ?

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