Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Satanists require the blood of children, innocents. Liberalism is nothing more than satanic culture personified. Liberals demand the right to sacrifice children.. It doesn't get any sicker than that, all for convenience.
This issue may set a record for the number of strawmen created.
It's about women who want to have sex but don't want babies. They have choices galore--they just make the wrong ones and want a free ticket out of pregnancy.

What choices are there once you're pregnant, oh forbidder of strawmen?
I'm assuming somone chanting "Hail AIDS" at an event that has something to do with gay rights would upset some people, people from your side of the aisle.

and they too would be in need of a life...stop being pussies

Funny you should mention that--If women were more responsible with theirs we wouldn't have this problem.

Another Strawman because womens pussies generate humans autonomously :doubt:
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or it happens when someone is trying to ruffle some peoples feathers, it worked

They would need to sacrifice a live chicken to really get to the feather ruffling (literally) level.

Still things like this don't exactly make the protesters look good.

Maybe they will get thier salaries docked due to it.

Actually it makes the people hurt by it look small. They know what is going to get them all butthurt, then it worked. Then Avatar picked up the butthurt baton

lol. You seem to misunderstand. Im not hurt by this at all. I find it ironically revealing. Even if only in attempting to mock they have revealed truth about themselves.
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Another Strawman because womens pussies generate humans autonomously :doubt:

Considering the arguments of the pro abortionists that a baby is somehow part of her body despite unique DNA and no man should have any right to said baby or to decide whether it comes to term, isn't that essentially what you guys are arguing?
lol. You seem to misunderstand. Im not hurt by this at all. I find it ironically revealing. Even if only in attempting to mock they have revealed truth about themselves.

just because someone doesn't cater to your particular sky pixie does not, by default, make them Satanists :rolleyes:
They would need to sacrifice a live chicken to really get to the feather ruffling (literally) level.

Still things like this don't exactly make the protesters look good.

Maybe they will get thier salaries docked due to it.

Actually it makes the people hurt by it look small. They know what is going to get them all butthurt, then it worked. Then Avatar picked up the butthurt baton

lol. You seem to misunderstand. Im not hurt by this at all. I find it ironically revealing. Even if only in attempting to mock they have revealed truth about themselves.

You consider it revealing either because you're butthurt and think they are serious to justify your butthurt or you consider it revealing because if you didn't your OP would be exposed as lying tying to group everyone with satan.

In essence, you're trolling using the story about others trolling while pretending to hate trolling. and no one believes you
Liberalism is filled with the Occult from witchcraft to child sacrifice. This should come as no surprise to anyone. Satan has a willing tool in liberalism. If it defiles God's word, liberals swarm to it and embrace it as their own.
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lol. You seem to misunderstand. Im not hurt by this at all. I find it ironically revealing. Even if only in attempting to mock they have revealed truth about themselves.

just because someone doesn't cater to your particular sky pixie does not, by default, make them Satanists :rolleyes:

Lol. No them hailing satan does though:)
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Actually it makes the people hurt by it look small. They know what is going to get them all butthurt, then it worked. Then Avatar picked up the butthurt baton

lol. You seem to misunderstand. Im not hurt by this at all. I find it ironically revealing. Even if only in attempting to mock they have revealed truth about themselves.

You consider it revealing either because you're butthurt and think they are serious to justify your butthurt or you consider it revealing because if you didn't your OP would be exposed as lying tying to group everyone with satan.

In essence, you're trolling using the story about others trolling while pretending to hate trolling. and no one believes you

Talk about mental gymnastics. You could just admit you are wrong.

I have no desire to group everyone with Satan. I just find it telling that this group of proabortionists is revealing something about themselves.
lol. You seem to misunderstand. Im not hurt by this at all. I find it ironically revealing. Even if only in attempting to mock they have revealed truth about themselves.

You consider it revealing either because you're butthurt and think they are serious to justify your butthurt or you consider it revealing because if you didn't your OP would be exposed as lying tying to group everyone with satan.

In essence, you're trolling using the story about others trolling while pretending to hate trolling. and no one believes you

Talk about mental gymnastics. You could just admit you are wrong.

I have no desire to group everyone with Satan. I just find it telling that this group of proabortionists is revealing something about themselves.

So you have no desire to group everyone with Satan and then groups everyone in with Satan just like I said you would. I said
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You consider it revealing either because you're butthurt and think they are serious to justify your butthurt or you consider it revealing because if you didn't your OP would be exposed as lying tying to group everyone with satan.

In essence, you're trolling using the story about others trolling while pretending to hate trolling. and no one believes you

Talk about mental gymnastics. You could just admit you are wrong.

I have no desire to group everyone with Satan. I just find it telling that this group of proabortionists is revealing something about themselves.

So you have no desire to group everyone with Satan and then groups everyone in with Satan just like I said you would. I said

How does that group of proabortionists revealing something about themselves group everyone into anything?
it shouldn't. if you can't make your argument without reliance on an invisible deity you can't make your argument.

According to you, which means jack squat.

So an argument based on "because I think so based on my own ideas" is different than an argument based on "Because I think so based on a religion"?

what you're asking people to do when you rely on your god to make your argument is believe in that deity as you do. if they don't believe in the same higher power, or in that deity in the same ways, you won't be able to make your argument.

however, science, logic, evidence, real tangible things, these are things you can argue.

but again, if your argument rests on how an unspeaking invisible deity that may or may not exist may or may not feel on a subject then your argument is inherently weak.

That pretty well depends on what the argument is about. If the debate is over morality, then the reason for a belief is immaterial. Whether one believes that the unborn is entitled to life because of religion, or just common sense, is immaterial to their desire to argue for that life.

How anyone could morally justify the concept that a human being that is minutes old is entitled to the right to life, while a human being that is minutes from being born, is not entitled to the right to life, is unclear to me. What is the moral dividing point?

Unless one can delineate and justify that moral dividing point, the argument ceases to be a moral argument and becomes a political one.
Abortionist are in alliance with satan whether they realize it or not. The chants of praise are a DEAD give away!

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