Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

According to you, which means jack squat.

So an argument based on "because I think so based on my own ideas" is different than an argument based on "Because I think so based on a religion"?

what you're asking people to do when you rely on your god to make your argument is believe in that deity as you do. if they don't believe in the same higher power, or in that deity in the same ways, you won't be able to make your argument.

however, science, logic, evidence, real tangible things, these are things you can argue.

but again, if your argument rests on how an unspeaking invisible deity that may or may not exist may or may not feel on a subject then your argument is inherently weak.

That pretty well depends on what the argument is about. If the debate is over morality, then the reason for a belief is immaterial. Whether one believes that the unborn is entitled to life because of religion, or just common sense, is immaterial to their desire to argue for that life.

How anyone could morally justify the concept that a human being that is minutes old is entitled to the right to life, while a human being that is minutes from being born, is not entitled to the right to life, is unclear to me. What is the moral dividing point?

Unless one can delineate and justify that moral dividing point, the argument ceases to be a moral argument and becomes a political one.

Unfortunately it has been political. If there is to be a decision regarding the killing of any human fetus for the convenience of the mother it would be a legal one.
Talk about mental gymnastics. You could just admit you are wrong.

I have no desire to group everyone with Satan. I just find it telling that this group of proabortionists is revealing something about themselves.

So you have no desire to group everyone with Satan and then groups everyone in with Satan just like I said you would. I said

How does that group of proabortionists revealing something about themselves group everyone into anything?

Because youre pretending they are genuine and represents more than the group that is there saying it.
So you have no desire to group everyone with Satan and then groups everyone in with Satan just like I said you would. I said

How does that group of proabortionists revealing something about themselves group everyone into anything?

Because youre pretending they are genuine and represents more than the group that is there saying it.

Christianity does not represent the entire pro life side of the debate either.
So you have no desire to group everyone with Satan and then groups everyone in with Satan just like I said you would. I said

How does that group of proabortionists revealing something about themselves group everyone into anything?

Because youre pretending they are genuine and represents more than the group that is there saying it.


Translation: "I've totally run out of gas"
Weren't people paying attention to Gosnell's house of horrors? It didn't happen in podunk Texas, it occurred in the City of Brotherly Love, Phily, Pa. The abortion killers had the politicians on both sides of the isle afraid to inspect abortion clinics for years for fear of left wing claims of harassment. Nobody investigated until a woman died and then they found evidence that Gosnell and his monsters were slaughtering live babies. It's possible that Gosnell's slaughter house was the tip of the abortion iceberg but the powerful abortion lobby still has politicians too scared to do anything.
This issue may set a record for the number of strawmen created.
It's about women who want to have sex but don't want babies. They have choices galore--they just make the wrong ones and want a free ticket out of pregnancy.

What choices are there once you're pregnant, oh forbidder of strawmen?

Dillo missed this or she cant really explain what the fuck she's saying
This issue may set a record for the number of strawmen created.
It's about women who want to have sex but don't want babies. They have choices galore--they just make the wrong ones and want a free ticket out of pregnancy.

What choices are there once you're pregnant, oh forbidder of strawmen?

don't get pregnant if you do not want a baby.
put a baby for adoption even during your pregnancy, or after the delivery, if you were stupid and got pregnant.

Start with the father of the baby - you might be surprised how many dads-to be will be thrilled
When you use religion to take away peoples rights some are going to be angry.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I have always been a "fence straddler" when it comes to abortion - in that I (frankly) don't know enough about the "why's and wherefore's" to make a heavy argument one way or another. I DO know this, however. Using abortion as contraceptive in this day and age is not only stupid - it's insane.

The other thing about all this that bothers me greatly is that, as a people, we seem to get FAR more upset over a cop shooting a dog in California than we do about a woman killing a baby out of "convenience".
Hey, I'm sure Satan is loving this little display. I'm sure he's looking forward to seeing each and every one of them in hell soon, if that is indeed the route they wish to take.

How moronic.
This issue may set a record for the number of strawmen created.
It's about women who want to have sex but don't want babies. They have choices galore--they just make the wrong ones and want a free ticket out of pregnancy.

What choices are there once you're pregnant, oh forbidder of strawmen?

don't get pregnant if you do not want a baby.
put a baby for adoption even during your pregnancy, or after the delivery, if you were stupid and got pregnant.

Start with the father of the baby - you might be surprised how many dads-to be will be thrilled

So none then?

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