Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Do you understand how not having the baby in the first might seem to be a better option to someone than having a baby and giving it away?
Oh sorry, I thought you were implying that someone uses abortion as birth control multiple times.

My bad

Can you say, with any certainty that some women don't? I can't prove it, but common sense tells me that if it were 500 or 1,000 at any given time - and that were it - Planned Parenthood would have gone belly up years ago.

Yet, (as I understand it), they provide thousands and thousands of abortions each year.

as long as there are people there will be stupidity. PP provide abortions and of course sense there are 150 million women and sex happens all the time yeah.

You're conflating two issues: "Abortion used over and over as birth control" and "Abortions"

I'm saying Abortions over and over as birth control happens on such a small scale that it cant be used as being the reason against abortion itself unless someone is already against it and is looking for an excuse.

Abortions do happen, PP handles a lot because, there are a lot of women who are having a lot of sex with guys who aren't all ready at the time to have a child.

Do you understand how not having the baby in the first might seem to be a better option to someone than having a baby and giving it away?

On the one hand, you state that PP does a lot of abortions because there are a lot of women having sex with guys who aren't "ready at the time" to have a child. OK. Is that NOT using abortion as contraceptive? And if it is, those "women" are stupid. There are numerous ways to prevent pregnancy. Hell, the courts just said that the "morning after pill" cannot be DENIED to any woman (or child) REGARDLESS of age and WITHOUT her parents consent.

I admit - I am old. Have been for several years now. However, when I was coming up, there was no pill. No birth control of ANY kind, unless it was to abstain. Well, a young man like myself wasn't about to "abstain" - to hell with that. I had my share of "fun". Never got a girl pregnant. NEVER ONCE.

I understand times have changed. I get it. But failure to take responsibility for one's action is a condition that is becoming all too prevalent in this "enlightened" society that we find ourselves in. You don't want to get pregnant? Here are your choices:

(1) Abstain from sexual relations

(2) Use birth control that is READILY available from a myriad of sources

You get pregnant? It's not MY fault. Don't expect me - the taxpayer - to pay for YOUR mistake in judgement.
Can you say, with any certainty that some women don't? I can't prove it, but common sense tells me that if it were 500 or 1,000 at any given time - and that were it - Planned Parenthood would have gone belly up years ago.

Yet, (as I understand it), they provide thousands and thousands of abortions each year.

as long as there are people there will be stupidity. PP provide abortions and of course sense there are 150 million women and sex happens all the time yeah.

You're conflating two issues: "Abortion used over and over as birth control" and "Abortions"

I'm saying Abortions over and over as birth control happens on such a small scale that it cant be used as being the reason against abortion itself unless someone is already against it and is looking for an excuse.

Abortions do happen, PP handles a lot because, there are a lot of women who are having a lot of sex with guys who aren't all ready at the time to have a child.

Do you understand how not having the baby in the first might seem to be a better option to someone than having a baby and giving it away?

On the one hand, you state that PP does a lot of abortions because there are a lot of women having sex with guys who aren't "ready at the time" to have a child. OK. Is that NOT using abortion as contraceptive?

Yes, I've already acknowledged this.

And if it is, those "women" are stupid. There are numerous ways to prevent pregnancy. Hell, the courts just said that the "morning after pill" cannot be DENIED to any woman (or child) REGARDLESS of age and WITHOUT her parents consent.

Again, not about being stupid. There are plenty of smart people with uterus'. That's one way, the only way, that is acceptable (not to everyone tho) AFTER pregnancy. If they don't know until a week later, then it don't work so good.

I admit - I am old. Have been for several years now. However, when I was coming up, there was no pill. No birth control of ANY kind, unless it was to abstain. Well, a young man like myself wasn't about to "abstain" - to hell with that. I had my share of "fun". Never got a girl pregnant. NEVER ONCE.

Good for you, Me neither except the two times I wanted to to have my children. Unfortunatly if you talk to your guy friends or even some girl friends you'll quickly learn that's not always the case. I should be, but ...humans, yanno

I understand times have changed. I get it. But failure to take responsibility for one's action is a condition that is becoming all too prevalent in this "enlightened" society that we find ourselves in. You don't want to get pregnant? Here are your choices:

(1) Abstain from sexual relations

(2) Use birth control that is READILY available from a myriad of sources

You get pregnant? It's not MY fault. Don't expect me - the taxpayer - to pay for YOUR mistake in judgement.

No one expects anything from you, but no one expects you to stand in their way either. Don't you think for one second that you sound like someone older when you were a child? That's because every generation looks at the next and believes they have it easier.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

They were always there, they are just now admitting it.

Infant sacrifice has always been part of satanism.

Oh come off it. There's no such thing as "Satan". He's an invention of a primitive religion based on anthropomorphizing a deity. "Satanism" is a satirical joke based on that myth. For that matter these "hail Satan" chants seem not to exist either after playing the video recorded with the volume on 11 and no way to turn it down (thanks for that, the OP owes me new speakers). Never heard it.

To the extent that a satirist would play along with the joke of in this case "Satan", it's simply a way of opining via absurd comparison, just as those who compare Obama or Bush with "Hitler" don't literally mean that either president is literally sending Jews to the gas chambers. Plus this does double duty in mocking the primitive paranoia of the religious wackos perceived to be at the base of the issue.

"Satan". Yeah right. :rofl:
Well, try the "thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal", etc. things for starters...

you're an idiot. those aren't based in religion. because a religion codified them at some point doesn't make them religiously based

Yeah, keep telling yourself that...


you cannot possibly believe that before moses brought down the ten commandments there were not laws about stealing or murder. even you aren't that dumb.
and they too would be in need of a life...stop being pussies

Funny you should mention that--If women were more responsible with theirs we wouldn't have this problem.

Another Strawman because womens pussies generate humans autonomously :doubt:

Sounds like a real punk. The kind of guy that lives next door and calls code enforcers to your house every time you grass isn't mowed to his liking.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

They were always there, they are just now admitting it.

Infant sacrifice has always been part of satanism.

Oh come off it. There's no such thing as "Satan". He's an invention of a primitive religion based on anthropomorphizing a deity. "Satanism" is a satirical joke based on that myth. For that matter these "hail Satan" chants seem not to exist either after playing the video recorded with the volume on 11 and no way to turn it down (thanks for that, the OP owes me new speakers). Never heard it.

To the extent that a satirist would play along with the joke of in this case "Satan", it's simply a way of opining via absurd comparison, just as those who compare Obama or Bush with "Hitler" don't literally mean that either president is literally sending Jews to the gas chambers. Plus this does double duty in mocking the primitive paranoia of the religious wackos perceived to be at the base of the issue.

"Satan". Yeah right. :rofl:

The greatest trick the Devil has ever played is making the world believe he doesnt exist.
They were always there, they are just now admitting it.

Infant sacrifice has always been part of satanism.

Oh come off it. There's no such thing as "Satan". He's an invention of a primitive religion based on anthropomorphizing a deity. "Satanism" is a satirical joke based on that myth. For that matter these "hail Satan" chants seem not to exist either after playing the video recorded with the volume on 11 and no way to turn it down (thanks for that, the OP owes me new speakers). Never heard it.

To the extent that a satirist would play along with the joke of in this case "Satan", it's simply a way of opining via absurd comparison, just as those who compare Obama or Bush with "Hitler" don't literally mean that either president is literally sending Jews to the gas chambers. Plus this does double duty in mocking the primitive paranoia of the religious wackos perceived to be at the base of the issue.

"Satan". Yeah right. :rofl:

The greatest trick the Devil has ever played is making the world believe he doesnt exist.

Uh... yeah right.
The fact that the USG has never admitted they staged the 1969 moon landing in New Mexico "proves" they did so.
The fact that Andy Kaufmann faked his own death and still hasn't told us about it "proves" he's running the longest joke in history.
The fact that Paul McCartney insists he didn't die in 1966 "proves" he's an impostor.
The fact that you stick a flashlight under your bed and see nothing but dust bunnies "proves" that the monsters who live there disappear at the sight of a flashlight.


"Satan" is the monster under the bed. Be afraid, be very afraid. :eek:
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To all you pro-choicers here:

Memento Mori

Remember thine own mortality, as you advocate the slaughter of innocents.
Uh... yeah right.
The fact that the USG has never admitted they staged the 1969 moon landing in New Mexico "proves" they did so.
The fact that Andy Kaufmann faked his own death and still hasn't told us about it "proves" he's running the longest joke in history.
The fact that Paul McCartney insists he didn't die in 1966 "proves" he's an impostor.
The fact that you stick a flashlight under your bed and see nothing but dust bunnies "proves" that the monsters who live there disappear at the sight of a flashlight.

"Satan" is the monster under the bed. Be afraid, be very afraid. :eek:

Fact: Planned Parenthood kills millions every year.

Satan is real, here is a picture:

as long as there are people there will be stupidity. PP provide abortions and of course sense there are 150 million women and sex happens all the time yeah.

You're conflating two issues: "Abortion used over and over as birth control" and "Abortions"

I'm saying Abortions over and over as birth control happens on such a small scale that it cant be used as being the reason against abortion itself unless someone is already against it and is looking for an excuse.

Abortions do happen, PP handles a lot because, there are a lot of women who are having a lot of sex with guys who aren't all ready at the time to have a child.

Do you understand how not having the baby in the first might seem to be a better option to someone than having a baby and giving it away?

On the one hand, you state that PP does a lot of abortions because there are a lot of women having sex with guys who aren't "ready at the time" to have a child. OK. Is that NOT using abortion as contraceptive?

Yes, I've already acknowledged this.

Again, not about being stupid. There are plenty of smart people with uterus'. That's one way, the only way, that is acceptable (not to everyone tho) AFTER pregnancy. If they don't know until a week later, then it don't work so good.

I admit - I am old. Have been for several years now. However, when I was coming up, there was no pill. No birth control of ANY kind, unless it was to abstain. Well, a young man like myself wasn't about to "abstain" - to hell with that. I had my share of "fun". Never got a girl pregnant. NEVER ONCE.

Good for you, Me neither except the two times I wanted to to have my children. Unfortunatly if you talk to your guy friends or even some girl friends you'll quickly learn that's not always the case. I should be, but ...humans, yanno

I understand times have changed. I get it. But failure to take responsibility for one's action is a condition that is becoming all too prevalent in this "enlightened" society that we find ourselves in. You don't want to get pregnant? Here are your choices:

(1) Abstain from sexual relations

(2) Use birth control that is READILY available from a myriad of sources

You get pregnant? It's not MY fault. Don't expect me - the taxpayer - to pay for YOUR mistake in judgement.

No one expects anything from you, but no one expects you to stand in their way either. Don't you think for one second that you sound like someone older when you were a child? That's because every generation looks at the next and believes they have it easier.

See, here's the thing. If "every generation looks at the next and believes that they have it easier" - then why don't they? Medical technology as advanced to the point that women can choose WHEN to have a baby. I'm sure that most women might look at that as a positive - but I don't know. However, if that's the case - then what purpose does Planned Parenthood provide except for a convenient "excuse" when women (and men) are just too damned lazy to take responsibility for their inaction?

See, where I come from - that's victimhood. And that's the "new" generation's "better" idea.

As far as "not standing in their way" - I'm not. I couldn't care less what they do. However, to expect the taxpayer to help "foot the bill" for their irresponsibility is insane. I don't give a damn if they have 500 abortions - I don't want to pay for them. Period. End of story.

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