Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.

murder....Its ok for you to call them murders but we can't use the bombers as evidence you people are fucking nuts.

You want to rig the game. What a worthless loser.

This is why I never get into this issue -- no such thing as honest debate on it.

One side unilaterally decides it's "murder" -- even though obviously the other side doesn't think that definition fits. But rather than come to agreement on the definition of when life begins (which by the way the Church has vacillated over the years, a lot), let's just go with our side's definition, and to hell with theirs.

Both the labels "pro-choice" and "pro-life" are loaded disingenuous terms. Pro-choice indicates the other side must be "anti-choice", but that's inaccurate as to how they see it. And Pro-life implies the other side must be "anti-life", but again it's not the reality of their values. All of this is obstinate failure to consider the other's POV.

As long as that goes on, nobody gets any resolution.


And no one is ‘pro abortion.’

Everyone wishes to see the practice end. The conflict centers on the solution to the problem.

‘Banning’ abortion will do little to end the practice, in addition to being un-Constitutional.

Being opposed to ‘banning’ abortion is not to be ‘pro abortion,’ just as being opposed to aspirin as treatment for a brain tumor is not to be ‘pro cancer.’
murder....Its ok for you to call them murders but we can't use the bombers as evidence you people are fucking nuts.

You want to rig the game. What a worthless loser.

This is why I never get into this issue -- no such thing as honest debate on it.

One side unilaterally decides it's "murder" -- even though obviously the other side doesn't think that definition fits. But rather than come to agreement on the definition of when life begins (which by the way the Church has vacillated over the years, a lot), let's just go with our side's definition, and to hell with theirs.

Both the labels "pro-choice" and "pro-life" are loaded disingenuous terms. Pro-choice indicates the other side must be "anti-choice", but that's inaccurate as to how they see it. And Pro-life implies the other side must be "anti-life", but again it's not the reality of their values. All of this is obstinate failure to consider the other's POV.

As long as that goes on, nobody gets any resolution.


And no one is ‘pro abortion.’

Everyone wishes to see the practice end. The conflict centers on the solution to the problem.

‘Banning’ abortion will do little to end the practice, in addition to being un-Constitutional.

Being opposed to ‘banning’ abortion is not to be ‘pro abortion,’ just as being opposed to aspirin as treatment for a brain tumor is not to be ‘pro cancer.’

Indeed. And the term "pro-abortionist(s)" has been invoked in this thread, including in the title; that's equally dishonest.

And call me crazy but.... haven't I seen some of these same names jumping up and down about 'murder' ..... also jumping up and down about having the right to an arsenal?

Seems a wee bit inconsistent.... :eusa_whistle:
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If there was ever a place where a public brawl should have transpired then it would have been there. I'd have been a willing participant.

Abortion advocates are human filth, and they should be spat on.
If there was ever a place where a public brawl should have transpired then it would have been there. I'd have been a willing participant.

Abortion advocates are human filth, and they should be spat on.

Hey, whoever was calling for examples of violent uterus-control freaks ... ^^ your ride's here.
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I don't care. I'd gladly sacrifice my life for a child. I couldn't give a damn what anyone thinks because there are certain principles that moral men stand upon, and this is one of them.
I don't care. I'd gladly sacrifice my life for a child. I couldn't give a damn what anyone thinks because there are certain principles that moral men stand upon, and this is one of them.

Oh poster please. "For a child" my ass. You've already made clear that your interest isn't in children or life; it's control of women:

Your rights stopped at the point you spread your legs and started acting like a whore.

Ain't no way around that.
This is why I never get into this issue -- no such thing as honest debate on it.

One side unilaterally decides it's "murder" -- even though obviously the other side doesn't think that definition fits. But rather than come to agreement on the definition of when life begins (which by the way the Church has vacillated over the years, a lot), let's just go with our side's definition, and to hell with theirs.

Both the labels "pro-choice" and "pro-life" are loaded disingenuous terms. Pro-choice indicates the other side must be "anti-choice", but that's inaccurate as to how they see it. And Pro-life implies the other side must be "anti-life", but again it's not the reality of their values. All of this is obstinate failure to consider the other's POV.

As long as that goes on, nobody gets any resolution.


And no one is ‘pro abortion.’

Everyone wishes to see the practice end. The conflict centers on the solution to the problem.

‘Banning’ abortion will do little to end the practice, in addition to being un-Constitutional.

Being opposed to ‘banning’ abortion is not to be ‘pro abortion,’ just as being opposed to aspirin as treatment for a brain tumor is not to be ‘pro cancer.’

Indeed. And the term "pro-abortionist(s)" has been invoked in this thread, including in the title; that's equally dishonest.

And call me crazy but.... haven't I seen some of these same names jumping up and down about 'murder' ..... also jumping up and down about having the right to an arsenal?

Seems a wee bit inconsistent.... :eusa_whistle:

Yes, the Heller ruling has put many conservatives into a rhetorical bind in this regard.

Conservative advocacy of ‘banning’ abortion is of course predicated on opposition to privacy rights jurisprudence. Many conservatives ‘reason’ that because the word privacy is not in the Constitution, no such right exists.

The problem with that, however, is nowhere in the Second Amendment do we find the words ‘self-defense’ or ‘individual.’ To be consistent, therefore, conservatives must also reject Second Amendment jurisprudence as well.


If they agree with the reasoning in Heller they’re compelled to also agree with the reasoning in Griswold/Roe/Casey concerning the right to privacy.
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If there was ever a place where a public brawl should have transpired then it would have been there. I'd have been a willing participant.

Abortion advocates are human filth, and they should be spat on.

Works for me. I have cleaned the front of my monitor with Windex, but I can't seem to get the dust out from behind it. Would you mind wiping it down when you are through?
There is no right to kill someone else, even if you do it in the privacy of your own home.

And no one is ‘pro abortion.’

Everyone wishes to see the practice end. The conflict centers on the solution to the problem.

‘Banning’ abortion will do little to end the practice, in addition to being un-Constitutional.

Being opposed to ‘banning’ abortion is not to be ‘pro abortion,’ just as being opposed to aspirin as treatment for a brain tumor is not to be ‘pro cancer.’

Indeed. And the term "pro-abortionist(s)" has been invoked in this thread, including in the title; that's equally dishonest.

And call me crazy but.... haven't I seen some of these same names jumping up and down about 'murder' ..... also jumping up and down about having the right to an arsenal?

Seems a wee bit inconsistent.... :eusa_whistle:

Yes, the Heller ruling has put many conservatives into a rhetorical bind in this regard.

Conservative advocacy of ‘banning’ abortion is of course predicated on opposition to privacy rights jurisprudence. Many conservatives ‘reason’ that because the word privacy is not in the Constitution, no such right exists.

The problem with that, however, is nowhere in the Second Amendment do we find the words ‘self-defense’ or ‘individual.’ To be consistent, therefore, conservatives must also reject Second Amendment jurisprudence as well.


If they agree with the reasoning in Heller they’re compelled to also agree with the reasoning in Griswold/Roe/Casey concerning the right to privacy.

I love this argument here is the second amendment

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It's pretty clear, I can own guns get the fuck over it, now where is your abortion or privacy again?
Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.

Every pregnant woman has the right to decide what she does with her body. I know you don't like that, but she has the right to control her body.

Your rights stopped at the point you spread your legs and started acting like a whore.

Are you really this ignorant?
Nothing pisses a progressive off more then if you try to make it harder to kill innocent babies

Welcome to my nightmare

Well, yeah, it does piss us off when you try to control women's lady parts because you can't deal with their sexuality

You dumb ass, if they could control their own lady parts there would be no need for abortion mills. Preventing pregnancies is easy and cheap now days, all it takes is a small bit of personal responsibility.

So by that logic, we need to close down ALL the emergency rooms, as avoiding accidents is really easy and cheap, and clearly if you get into a motorcycle crash or fall off a ladder at home, you have no one to blame but yourself.

All it takes is a little responsibility.

See how that works?
It was one woman who sarcastically said it. There was no chant.

Dudes, all liberals are dying laughing about this. You wingnuts are at fever pitch in your boggle-eyed craziness.
Nice bait and switch Randall. You said its obvious most of the left serves Satan. Then when I say don't make statements like that because it makes you look foolish. You change the subject to life, religion and the existence of god.

Nice job, now, stop saying the left serves Satan and the right serves God. It makes you look foolish.

Is it not the platform of the right to accept God, while the left rejects Him? Did we forget that "vote" to include God into the Democrat platform already, and the response from that crowd at the convention?

"He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him [God] who sent Me" (Luke 10:16)

"Whoever is not with Me is against Me" (Matthew 12:30)

Those scriptures don't leave any wiggle room and is very clear, cut, and to the point. Whenever a battle is being waged throughout history, there is only two sides to be found. I'd say that makes the case between choosing God or Satan very evident, there is no way around it, as much of a smoke screen as you'd prefer to use to try and satisfy your conscience.

Angry Democratic delegates boo rigged vote to include Jerusalem and God in the party platform | Mobile Washington Examiner

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