Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

They should have been singing, "They only care about them before they are born".

Actually you folks don't care about them on either side of the vaginal orifice. Shut your mouth.

Telling people to shut their mouth? Tsk, tsk.

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It's funny because they seek to make this group representative of the left but it's unfair to seek to make the abortion bombers, who explicitly say they are working for god, representative of the right. That's unfair!
When you use religion to take away peoples rights some are going to be angry.

Yep you libtards are all about choice right?

Soda - no
Types of Alcoholic Drink Mixes - no
Light blubs -no
Right to Work (right not to join a Union) - no
School Choice - no
Right to Choose one's healthcare - no
Right to carry guns provided by the constitution - no

Yep you are all about choice!
[ame=]How 'Pro-Choice' are Democrats? - YouTube[/ame]

Right to life (of a fetus) - no
Right to choose how you get your health care (mandated Obama care) - no
Right to choose how to fund your retirement (mandated SS/Medicare) - no
Toilets - no
Right to be a slave to the state (indentured servitude through "progressive" personal taxation) - YES don't seem to understand the differences between a political vote to include god in a party platform and worshipping Satan. Just stop the bullshitting.

There are tons of bible refs that can be used for anything.
Are libs ever going to realize they are on the wrong side of history? They accuse others, like being against SS marriage. That's not nearly as bad as thinking you have a fundamental right to kill your oppsring will you voluntarily had sex despite knowing the risks, merely becaucse your offspring is inconvenient to you. One day they will look back and wonder why people were so heartless and the people who were abortion advocates will be reviled by history.
Are libs ever going to realize they are on the wrong side of history? They accuse others, like being against SS marriage. That's not nearly as bad as thinking you have a fundamental right to kill your oppsring will you voluntarily had sex despite knowing the risks, merely becaucse your offspring is inconvenient to you. One day they will look back and wonder why people were so heartless and the people who were abortion advocates will be reviled by history.

One day?

Every time the late term abortionists get caught, or the practice is explained those people are reviled. The only thing that give them cover is masking the practice with obscure phrases like planned parenthood and pro choice and then performing the acts in secrecy. Shine a light on what it is and house of cards comes tumbling down.
Nice bait and switch Randall. You said its obvious most of the left serves Satan. Then when I say don't make statements like that because it makes you look foolish. You change the subject to life, religion and the existence of god.

Nice job, now, stop saying the left serves Satan and the right serves God. It makes you look foolish.

Is it not the platform of the right to accept God, while the left rejects Him? Did we forget that "vote" to include God into the Democrat platform already, and the response from that crowd at the convention?

"He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him [God] who sent Me" (Luke 10:16)

"Whoever is not with Me is against Me" (Matthew 12:30)

Those scriptures don't leave any wiggle room and is very clear, cut, and to the point. Whenever a battle is being waged throughout history, there is only two sides to be found. I'd say that makes the case between choosing God or Satan very evident, there is no way around it, as much of a smoke screen as you'd prefer to use to try and satisfy your conscience.

Angry Democratic delegates boo rigged vote to include Jerusalem and God in the party platform | Mobile Washington Examiner

The concepts "God" and "Satan" have nothing to do with politics. Get the fuck over it.
Nice bait and switch Randall. You said its obvious most of the left serves Satan. Then when I say don't make statements like that because it makes you look foolish. You change the subject to life, religion and the existence of god.

Nice job, now, stop saying the left serves Satan and the right serves God. It makes you look foolish.

Is it not the platform of the right to accept God, while the left rejects Him? Did we forget that "vote" to include God into the Democrat platform already, and the response from that crowd at the convention?

"He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him [God] who sent Me" (Luke 10:16)

"Whoever is not with Me is against Me" (Matthew 12:30)

Those scriptures don't leave any wiggle room and is very clear, cut, and to the point. Whenever a battle is being waged throughout history, there is only two sides to be found. I'd say that makes the case between choosing God or Satan very evident, there is no way around it, as much of a smoke screen as you'd prefer to use to try and satisfy your conscience.

Angry Democratic delegates boo rigged vote to include Jerusalem and God in the party platform | Mobile Washington Examiner

The concepts "God" and "Satan" have nothing to do with politics. Get the fuck over it.
The Continental Congress as well as George Washington's copious body of papers and from-the-heart speeches beg to differ with your assessment. Just sayin'. :eusa_whistle:
Is it not the platform of the right to accept God, while the left rejects Him? Did we forget that "vote" to include God into the Democrat platform already, and the response from that crowd at the convention?

"He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him [God] who sent Me" (Luke 10:16)

"Whoever is not with Me is against Me" (Matthew 12:30)

Those scriptures don't leave any wiggle room and is very clear, cut, and to the point. Whenever a battle is being waged throughout history, there is only two sides to be found. I'd say that makes the case between choosing God or Satan very evident, there is no way around it, as much of a smoke screen as you'd prefer to use to try and satisfy your conscience.

Angry Democratic delegates boo rigged vote to include Jerusalem and God in the party platform | Mobile Washington Examiner

The concepts "God" and "Satan" have nothing to do with politics. Get the fuck over it.
The Continental Congress as well as George Washington's copious body of papers and from-the-heart speeches beg to differ with your assessment. Just sayin'. :eusa_whistle:

And those references would be ensuring that they are kept separate -- which is the meaning of what I just posted.
The poster I was answering had, until I called him on it, a fabricated George Washington quote in his sig, so I don't think he has a clue what we're talking about anyway.
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When you use religion to take away peoples rights some are going to be angry.

What about the right of the unborn child . After 20 weeks it should be murder Plan and simple.. Unless the life of the mother is in danger or the baby is going do die due to illness or deformity. If you cant decide in 20 weeks there is something wrong with you .
When you use religion to take away peoples rights some are going to be angry.

What about the right of the unborn child . After 20 weeks it should be murder Plan and simple.. Unless the life of the mother is in danger or the baby is going do die due to illness or deformity. If you cant decide in 20 weeks there is something wrong with you .

Against abortion? Don't have one. don't seem to understand the differences between a political vote to include god in a party platform and worshipping Satan. Just stop the bullshitting.

There are tons of bible refs that can be used for anything.

For those who don't make a habit of actually studying the bible, I suppose it can be rather easy to twist scripture to condone your own worldly positions. I have seen many scriptures that are taken out of context, simply because their worldly position they are seeking to justify was more important than seeking an "accurate" interpretation of the bible.

For example - Anyone can think themselves to be an electrician, until they become "schooled" in the trade.
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When you use religion to take away peoples rights some are going to be angry.

What about the right of the unborn child . After 20 weeks it should be murder Plan and simple.. Unless the life of the mother is in danger or the baby is going do die due to illness or deformity. If you cant decide in 20 weeks there is something wrong with you .

Against abortion? Don't have one.

'Zackly. Against guns? Don't own one. Against gay marriage? Don't enter into one. Not that much of a leap.
Have a giant-sized soft drink and think about it.
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I have a family member who is a big believer in Satan. As long as there is a Satan,Ggd is not responsible for any evil. This is impirtant to him, because there is a LOT of evil in the world, and if Satan wasn't around, he would have to blame it on God. Now, God is the creator, so it stands to reason that he also created Satan, and could uncreate him anytime he wanted. At this pont in the decussion, he gets a little twisted, because he says that God allows Satan to exist, so that we will have a freedom of choice. When pressed to explain this freedom of choice, he says that we have the freedom of whether to follow God and live in pardise for eternaty, or live in everlasting fiery pits for eternity. When asked why God would put us, who he loves, into a position like that, without even revealing his existance directly to us, he mumbles something like, "God works in mysterious ways", and goes back to reading the Watchtower, or whatever his source is for all this. As for me, I am inclined to feel that if my creator who loves me is prepared to send me to live in a fiery pit for eternity, then I don't think I need any enemies....
This sums liberals for me


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I have a family member who is a big believer in Satan. As long as there is a Satan,Ggd is not responsible for any evil. This is impirtant to him, because there is a LOT of evil in the world, and if Satan wasn't around, he would have to blame it on God. Now, God is the creator, so it stands to reason that he also created Satan, and could uncreate him anytime he wanted. At this pont in the decussion, he gets a little twisted, because he says that God allows Satan to exist, so that we will have a freedom of choice. When pressed to explain this freedom of choice, he says that we have the freedom of whether to follow God and live in pardise for eternaty, or live in everlasting fiery pits for eternity. When asked why God would put us, who he loves, into a position like that, without even revealing his existance directly to us, he mumbles something like, "God works in mysterious ways", and goes back to reading the Watchtower, or whatever his source is for all this. As for me, I am inclined to feel that if my creator who loves me is prepared to send me to live in a fiery pit for eternity, then I don't think I need any enemies....

Bravo :clap2:
Catholics know this lesson well...

[ame=]George Carlin - God loves you! - YouTube[/ame]

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