Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

I find it funny that these people who claim to be non-religious would choose to yell "Hail Satan."

It's called "satire", Gummo.

That is, if it even exists. I played the whole video when this thread started, I didn't hear it. Can anyone actually point it out with a time?
I find it funny that these people who claim to be non-religious would choose to yell "Hail Satan."

It's called "satire", Gummo.

That is, if it even exists. I played the whole video when this thread started, I didn't hear it. Can anyone actually point it out with a time?

There are some thing I take at face value.

--- like the title of the OP? The one that dishonestly calls a single person "pro-abortionists" (plural) even though he has no basis to know what that girl's position is or what the context was? You know, the one we're pretending was a valid premise?

Said it before, saying it again: the concepts of "Satan" and "pro-abortionist" have something in common: neither one exists. Some like to run threads on their own bizarre paranoid fantasies. Others like to join in without a critical eye -- at "face value".
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murder....Its ok for you to call them murders but we can't use the bombers as evidence you people are fucking nuts.

You want to rig the game. What a worthless loser.

This is why I never get into this issue -- no such thing as honest debate on it.

One side unilaterally decides it's "murder" -- even though obviously the other side doesn't think that definition fits. But rather than come to agreement on the definition of when life begins (which by the way the Church has vacillated over the years, a lot), let's just go with our side's definition, and to hell with theirs.

Both the labels "pro-choice" and "pro-life" are loaded disingenuous terms. Pro-choice indicates the other side must be "anti-choice", but that's inaccurate as to how they see it. And Pro-life implies the other side must be "anti-life", but again it's not the reality of their values. All of this is obstinate failure to consider the other's POV.

As long as that goes on, nobody gets any resolution.


And no one is ‘pro abortion.’

Everyone wishes to see the practice end. The conflict centers on the solution to the problem.

‘Banning’ abortion will do little to end the practice, in addition to being un-Constitutional.

Being opposed to ‘banning’ abortion is not to be ‘pro abortion,’ just as being opposed to aspirin as treatment for a brain tumor is not to be ‘pro cancer.’

Stop with the crap, people are pro abortion.

One, people are counseled by planned parenthood and others to have an abortion, but they dont like to counsel about other options.

Ole Kermit was definately pro abortion, that guy was as sick as they come

And the problem is liberals are only pro choice on abortion, if you extended their argument to any other subject, they dont agree.

As for the cancer analogy, it's not the same thing, for one aspirin isnt much of a cancer treatment, second there are other options even when opposed to an aspirin treatment and you bet your ass if aspirin killed people on it's own, it wouldnt be approved by our wonderful govt.
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It's called "satire", Gummo.

That is, if it even exists. I played the whole video when this thread started, I didn't hear it. Can anyone actually point it out with a time?

There are some thing I take at face value.

--- like the title of the OP? The one that dishonestly calls a single person "pro-abortionists" (plural) even though he has no basis to know what that girl's position is or what the context was? You know, the one we're pretending was a valid premise?

Said it before, saying it again: the concepts of "Satan" and "pro-abortionist" have something in common: neither one exists. Some like to run threads on their own bizarre paranoid fantasies. Others like to join in without a critical eye -- at "face value".

I'll state this from a non-religious perspective:

Regardless of the existence of Satan, the theory and ideology of Satan is well established and understood by those of religious conviction and those without.

To quote part of Shakespeare's Rom & Jul:

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.

Thus when one invokes Satan, you could replace Satan in the chant "Hail Satan" with any other word that describes REAL-WORLD practices that are unobjectionably evil. Such as:


"Hail Murder" "Hail Rape" "Hail Robbery" "Hail Chaos" "Hail Deceit"

How would any of these be different than chanting "Hail Satan."

In fact, "Hail Satan" is an even more powerful chant because it embodies


So even a non-religious person should understand the dire implications of chanting "Hail Satan" because whether or not they actually believe in Satan, they most certainly understand the real-world practices that are associated with Satan. There are many Atheists and others of non-religious background who READ THE BIBLE and still consider it a good teacher of morals, even if they don't believe most/any of it in the literal sense.

So be very careful when you say "Satan isn't real, so it doesn't matter."

Corporations aren't real either, they are LEGAL FICTIONs that exist on PAPER, and holy shit ARE THEY POWERFUL, and even the Atheist will admit that even Satan exists on PAPER.

I once had someone attempt to rebutt this argument by saying that "Corporations are composed of real-individuals, who belong to the Corporation as a whole."

So I replied:
"However, this organization to which they belong, titled the "Corporation" is a legal fiction, correct?"

"Yes," he said.

Then I inquired further,
"Do you not see how you have actually defeated your own argument, and, at the very least, strengthened mine?"

Him being a generally honest person (and an atheist), replied:
"Yes, ideas can exist as "Philosophical Fictions," was power is derived from real-individuals who "participate" in the established goal of that organization; therefore, Satanic theory exists as a philosophical fiction on paper, but there are many practitioners and participants of the ideology itself, thus granting power to the organization. It is very much akin to FIAT CURRENCY, the very name itself implies "belief," or "fiat" or "infidelity." The paper currency draws its power from the BELIEF of its value, which is its established purpose, to be a widget with innate value, irrespective of the market."

So be very aware of what you mean when you say "lulz s4t4n d03sn't exi$t n00b"
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"Stop with the crap, people are pro abortion."

On my days off, I stand in the street, asking people to "Please get an abortion!". I have nothing but contempt for those that opt for adoption or keeping the child. These people are sissies, and need to be educated. If everyone would just get an abortion, it would change the world. For one thing, we would not have to deal with teenagers....
It's called "satire", Gummo.

That is, if it even exists. I played the whole video when this thread started, I didn't hear it. Can anyone actually point it out with a time?

There are some thing I take at face value.

--- like the title of the OP? The one that dishonestly calls a single person "pro-abortionists" (plural) even though he has no basis to know what that girl's position is or what the context was? You know, the one we're pretending was a valid premise?

Said it before, saying it again: the concepts of "Satan" and "pro-abortionist" have something in common: neither one exists. Some like to run threads on their own bizarre paranoid fantasies. Others like to join in without a critical eye -- at "face value".

well that happens in racism from the guy says ******, all of sudden he's wearing sheets and any of his friends are fuck off

And wow, she had a lip ring......nice......that is classy!
There are some thing I take at face value.

--- like the title of the OP? The one that dishonestly calls a single person "pro-abortionists" (plural) even though he has no basis to know what that girl's position is or what the context was? You know, the one we're pretending was a valid premise?

Said it before, saying it again: the concepts of "Satan" and "pro-abortionist" have something in common: neither one exists. Some like to run threads on their own bizarre paranoid fantasies. Others like to join in without a critical eye -- at "face value".

well that happens in racism from the guy says ******, all of sudden he's wearing sheets and any of his friends are fuck off

And wow, she had a lip ring......nice......that is classy!

Read the non-partisan response to this (my post above yours).
I find it funny that these people who claim to be non-religious would choose to yell "Hail Satan."

It's called "satire", Gummo.

That is, if it even exists. I played the whole video when this thread started, I didn't hear it. Can anyone actually point it out with a time?

There are some thing I take at face value.

Since Satan is an imaginary character ( as are God and Jesus) I really can't take anything like that at face value.

C'Thulhu is totally real, though.

There are some thing I take at face value.

--- like the title of the OP? The one that dishonestly calls a single person "pro-abortionists" (plural) even though he has no basis to know what that girl's position is or what the context was? You know, the one we're pretending was a valid premise?

Said it before, saying it again: the concepts of "Satan" and "pro-abortionist" have something in common: neither one exists. Some like to run threads on their own bizarre paranoid fantasies. Others like to join in without a critical eye -- at "face value".

well that happens in racism from the guy says ******, all of sudden he's wearing sheets and any of his friends are fuck off

And wow, she had a lip ring......nice......that is classy!
im sure all your friends wear sheets. You seem the type.
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--- like the title of the OP? The one that dishonestly calls a single person "pro-abortionists" (plural) even though he has no basis to know what that girl's position is or what the context was? You know, the one we're pretending was a valid premise?

Said it before, saying it again: the concepts of "Satan" and "pro-abortionist" have something in common: neither one exists. Some like to run threads on their own bizarre paranoid fantasies. Others like to join in without a critical eye -- at "face value".

well that happens in racism from the guy says ******, all of sudden he's wearing sheets and any of his friends are fuck off

And wow, she had a lip ring......nice......that is classy!
im sure all your friends where sheets. You seem the type.
He doesn't seem like a democrat to me.
Satan exists. It is a concept. It embodiesall the concepts of evil that liberals hold so dear. Infanticide, drug addiction, the normalization of homosexuality are all concepts of evil properly called satanic.
This sums liberals for me

Liberals founded this country, Bub. And your avatar sums up your attitude toward it.
On its birthday no less. SMH...

Just because I dont like the government right now doesnt mean I hate my country. Just hate the people running it right now and the man on top is the one i hate the most

And that's the problem, isn't it?

Hating Obama has been an objective to itself for a lot on the right.
Satan exists. It is a concept. It embodiesall the concepts of evil that liberals hold so dear. Infanticide, drug addiction, the normalization of homosexuality are all concepts of evil properly called satanic.

Wait a minute.

Is Satan an actual being or is he a "Concept"?

As a concept, I find greed and destroying the environment to be "Satanic", but I don't think that there's a guy with horns and a pitchfork running about.
Satan exists. It is a concept. It embodiesall the concepts of evil that liberals hold so dear. Infanticide, drug addiction, the normalization of homosexuality are all concepts of evil properly called satanic.

Wait a minute.

Is Satan an actual being or is he a "Concept"?

As a concept, I find greed and destroying the environment to be "Satanic", but I don't think that there's a guy with horns and a pitchfork running about.

there is some sort of cosmic play of good and evil taking place and these words and symbols have power
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