Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Again, according to you. People may get the basis for a given belief from religion, but it still thier moral compass that takes that beleif and makes it thiers.

By your logic the prohibition of murder based on the commandments and a prohibition on murder based on the logic that murder hurts society are either valid or invalid based on the source of said belief.

Silly if you ask me.

what i'm saying is if you want to convince others your personal religious beliefs are unimportant - in the sense that if they aren't shared by your opponents they have absolutely no weight.

And from what authoritative source does the pro choice belief come from ?

Excellent question, never answered which is not surprising at all.
religion should play no part in the argument.

Now that's funny....


it shouldn't. if you can't make your argument without reliance on an invisible deity you can't make your argument.

Very well, the unborn child is nothing but human. It is not just a clump of tissue it is a living being that is capable of feeling pain, of hearing their mother's voice as she sing to them, and there is absolutely no difference between a new born child then one in the womb 1 week from birth. The unborn child is the most innocent of society, they are not weeds, thus they should command the most protection.

Now what is your counter based only on science?
i know, thats why i made the comment

Except the KKK were and are democrats....

If a white pasty male is a librul- he's allowed to call Obama a Negro with a good dialect or say, "This guy would have been serving us just a couple of years ago." LIBRULS are the true racists... JUST about every racist statement comes out of the LIBRUL community.. See Alec-- but it's allowed because the blacks on the democratic plantation have been brainwashed now for decades using welfare and all kinds of socialist goodies. It's gotten them NO WHERE.

Careful LGS they will put ya all back in chains. (color doesn't matter)
Except the KKK were and are democrats....

If a white pasty male is a librul- he's allowed to call Obama a Negro with a good dialect or say, "This guy would have been serving us just a couple of years ago." LIBRULS are the true racists... JUST about every racist statement comes out of the LIBRUL community.. See Alec-- but it's allowed because the blacks on the democratic plantation have been brainwashed now for decades using welfare and all kinds of socialist goodies. It's gotten them NO WHERE.

Careful LGS they will put ya all back in chains. (color doesn't matter)

didn't know they let us out of them.....Income taxes are a forum of slavery.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

The pro-lifers are like an evil satanic cult -- if you think about it.

They support the lifelong abuse of unwanted children.

They support the suffering of deformed and sick children.

They support rape victims being forced to carry to term.

They support forced vaginal probes on women.

They are about as evil as you can get.
what i'm saying is if you want to convince others your personal religious beliefs are unimportant - in the sense that if they aren't shared by your opponents they have absolutely no weight.

And from what authoritative source does the pro choice belief come from ?

Excellent question, never answered which is not surprising at all.

Why is that question "excellent?"

By what authoritative source does the pro-"choice" come from?

Let's imagine you read the writing of Gandhi, Mao, Aristotle, Plato and whomever. Certainly you derive your belief system from some form of information, maybe from those guys or because of those guys. But you obviously have a belief system because you make comparative judgments. Or is your life just so totally random that the choices you make are decided as a roll of the dice? If so then why would you argue any point either way?

Those of religion use their religious text to form their walk through life, some better then others. But needless to say everyone has based their belief system on something. Even if you believe that God and Jesus are fictitious characters that does not mean that it demeans the words written contributed to them. Those of religion use religion to form their belief system, you do not, there is no difference.
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Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

The pro-lifers are like an evil satanic cult -- if you think about it.

They support the lifelong abuse of unwanted children.

They support the suffering of deformed and sick children.

They support rape victims being forced to carry to term.

They support forced vaginal probes on women.

They are about as evil as you can get.

Your absurdity proves nothing except you are absurd.
This entire thread is a frickin' lie, no one is "chanting" anything.

Except a bunch of pious hollier than thou assholes.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

The pro-lifers are like an evil satanic cult -- if you think about it.

They support the lifelong abuse of unwanted children.

They support the suffering of deformed and sick children.

They support rape victims being forced to carry to term.

They support forced vaginal probes on women.

They are about as evil as you can get.

Your absurdity proves nothing except you are absurd.

You support live children being dumped in trash cans.
What's so funny about this stupid thread is that the so-called "Christians" don't get that they are being mocked.
The pro-lifers are like an evil satanic cult -- if you think about it.

They support the lifelong abuse of unwanted children.

They support the suffering of deformed and sick children.

They support rape victims being forced to carry to term.

They support forced vaginal probes on women.

They are about as evil as you can get.

Your absurdity proves nothing except you are absurd.

You support live children being dumped in trash cans.

Right now I can only think of one time I might have supported that action.

No gradual decent into the cess pool for you.
It makes sense that a satanic cult would stand on the side of the road with grotesque pictures of aborted fetuses -- trying to cause accidents.

Evil incarnate = pro-life "christians"...
You support live children being dumped in trash cans.

Right now I can only think of one time I might have supported that action.

No gradual decent into the cess pool for you.

With that comment, we now know you're no "christian".... just a fake like all your pro-life devil friends.

Who doesn't know when they are being mocked??? LOL you are really too absurd for words.
And from what authoritative source does the pro choice belief come from ?

Excellent question, never answered which is not surprising at all.

Why is that question "excellent?"

By what authoritative source does the pro-"choice" come from?

Let's imagine you read the writing of Gandhi, Mao, Aristotle, Plato and whomever. Certainly you derive your belief system from some form of information, maybe from those guys or because of those guys. But you obviously have a belief system because you make comparative judgments. Or is your life just so totally random that the choices you make are decided as a roll of the dice? If so then why would you argue any point either way?

Those of religion use their religious text to form their walk through life, some better then others. But needless to say everyone has based their belief system on something. Even if you believe that God and Jesus are fictitious characters that does not mean that it demeans the words written contributed to them. Those of religion use religion to form their belief system, you do not, there is no difference.

It's excellent because the pro abortion crowd can't answer it, or refuse to address it. They'd just rather to continue spewing their old tired line, 'Don't force your religion on me' and insisting that any laws passed can't be based on religious morals. Yet, as you pointed out in your post, morals have to be based in some belief, so why is what their supposed morals are based on any different or any better than those based on religious beliefs.

Bottom line is that our society has deemed murder immoral, regardless of where that concept originiated from. You don't have to be 'religious' to be opposed to murder, and abortion is murder.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

The pro-lifers are like an evil satanic cult -- if you think about it.

They support the lifelong abuse of unwanted children.

They support the suffering of deformed and sick children.

They support rape victims being forced to carry to term.

They support forced vaginal probes on women.

They are about as evil as you can get.

Forcing women to reproduce - its right out of a horror movie.


Surely the RWs are defending these people's right to worship their own phony god?

After all, they all get to worship their phony god.

What's the difference?
Of course they would hail Satan....The whole act of abortion is evil.

I understand the need of a woman to escape the responsibility of raising a child, I really do. I support the use of early term abortificants like Plan B and RU-486, before the heart and brain form, I can't get worked up over it.

However, there is a contingent of the pro-abortion that is radical, who's lives revolve around promoting abortion. I cannot help but think that the views of these people heralds back to infant sacrifice.

I don't believe in god, I don't believe in the devil, but I do believe in evil, and there is a thread of evil in the radical pro-abortion movement. There is something religious to the zeal with which they seek to kill.
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