Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Next you'll say abortion is 'human sacrifice' to cause a good year for the crops.

You're nutz and you're a liar.

One of us promotes the slaughter of the most vulnerable humans in society - that one is you. My question is what you get out of the slaughter?

There is no rational purpose for it. We have virtually 100% effective birth control, and Plan B plus RU-486 for those "oops" situation. Yet you promote abortion. What need does the killing of innocents meet? What void does the slaughter fill in you?
When you work for the death of an infant, do you believe that you absorb it's soul? Do you think that killing makes you more powerful?

Pro-lifers must feel that way.

They are responsible for the death and suffering of every unwanted child forced to be born.

Pro-choice = saving the soul the from being born into the body of an unwanted child or deformed and sick body.

Abortion is not murder. That's the law of the land. Suck it "christian" devils.

All murder can be eliminated simply by making killing other people legal.
like someone else said....

childish, but funny

More sick then funny.

Imagine if it was a group of Conservatives chanting "Hail Satan" ???

Imagine if one person meant a "group" or even "an entire philosophy".

Oh wait, I forgot --- for the shallower 'thinkers' here ... it does.
Single person is entire group; war is peace, freedom is slavery and most a propos here: ignorance is strength.

Incredible that you fools call the responsible decision of when to have a child "escaping responsibility".


Unless of course, you never "escape responsibility" aka never use birth control.

How is it that some women can completely control when they get pregnant by responsibly using birth control, or abstaining from sex if pregnancy could occur as the result, and other women are just helpless little victims? What's the significant difference between the two groups?

How can some "women" ...???

Don't you mean, "... some COUPLES"???

Yeah, that's right. It takes two and both are responsible.

There is no form of birth control that is 100% effective.

And, it takes two to abstain.

None of this matters though because, unless its YOU who is pregnant, its none of your business.

No, I mean women, women are utltimately responsible for what takes place with their body, including sex resulting in pregnancy. It only takes ONE to abstain and there is no sex, regardless if it's male or female. If one says 'no', there is no sex, isn't that right? Or is what you are saying is that as long as one wants too, then the other has no say? Your comments are not based in logic.

The number of abortions that occur in the US is not due to the small percentage of the time that birth control is not 100%, who are you trying to kid? It's being used AS birth control.
More sick then funny.

Imagine if it was a group of Conservatives chanting "Hail Satan" ???

Imagine if one person meant a "group" or even "an entire philosophy".

Oh wait, I forgot --- for the shallower 'thinkers' here ... it does.
Single person is entire group; war is peace, freedom is slavery and most a propos here: ignorance is strength.


Woah, are you really claiming that any of the Hail Satan chanters were not liberal pro-baby-spinal-cord-snipping+vacuum-baby-annihilators?

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Again, one person with a quip for the camera.

Here's another phrase that also makes no grammatical sense in English and yet is used to express exactly the same thing -- it goes like this:

""Fuck you".


What's next, the Libtards are going to round up Pro-lifers and set lions on them, like the Romans did to the early Christians? It almost looks just like that.


Yyyyyeeeaah..... it looks just like that. :cuckoo:

And good show, bringing a thread back from the dead after a year with the same video it started with. Seconds of thought went into this post I can see...
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Imagine if it was a group of Conservatives chanting "Hail Satan" ???

Imagine if one person meant a "group" or even "an entire philosophy".

Oh wait, I forgot --- for the shallower 'thinkers' here ... it does.
Single person is entire group; war is peace, freedom is slavery and most a propos here: ignorance is strength.


Woah, are you really claiming that any of the Hail Satan chanters were not liberal pro-baby-spinal-cord-snipping+vacuum-baby-annihilators?

I don't know the person (<<< NOTE: SINGULAR) who played to the camera or what her philosophies are. I'm not stupid enough to extend all that bullshit to a stranger I've never met on the basis of a two-word quip for the camera.

Can you get me into Dumbshit Simplemind Moron School so I can learn how to make these specious connections?

I think it's the fact that it makes you look really really really really stupid that gives me pause.
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Woah, are you really claiming that any of the Hail Satan chanters were not liberal pro-baby-spinal-cord-snipping+vacuum-baby-annihilators?

I don't know the person (<<< NOTE: SINGULAR) who played to the camera or what her philosophies are. I'm not stupid enough to extend all that bullshit to a stranger I've never met on the basis of a two-word quip for the camera.

Can you get me into Simplemind School so I can learn how to make these specious connections?

I think it's the fact that it makes you look really really really really stupid that gives me pause.

You forgot that it's time to perform your weekly ritual dedicated to Dr. Gosnell.

Pro-lifers must feel that way.

What I think is that you are insane.

But my curiosity is at the blood lust you have. What do you gain when a stranger kills an infant? Yet you invest time and effort to promote as many killings as possible.

They are responsible for the death and suffering of every unwanted child forced to be born.

ROFL; you may be completely insane, and stupid as a lump of dog shit, but at least you're really evil to boot!

Birth control works, shit fer brains. There is ZERO reason for abortion. Even if a woman has sex without protection, Plan B makes sure she does not conceive. Conception is a choice.

Pro-choice = saving the soul the from being born into the body of an unwanted child or deformed and sick body.

Pro-abortion = a lust for death to satiate a degeneracy inside of the troll promoting it.

Abortion is not murder. That's the law of the land. Suck it "christian" devils.

Murder is a legal term. Abortion is the killing of a human. Among civilized people, judicial review is required before a human is killed by the state or with the blessing of the state.

You are a feral beast, you lack the empathy and intellect of evolved humans. You seek to kill others so that your own misery is visited upon them.

You ignore the fact that most abortions are done for health reasons.

Nonetheless, birth control DOES fail and its still the business of the owner of the body that is pregnant. ONLY.

Its simply none of your business.

And as others have pointed out, its legal.

" Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace " THAT SAYS A LOT ABOUT THE KIND OF PEOPLE THEY ARE=TOOLS,FOOLS,PUPPETS OF SATAN ON THE ROOAD TO HELL!!
Incredible that you fools call the responsible decision of when to have a child "escaping responsibility".


Unless of course, you never "escape responsibility" aka never use birth control.

How is it that some women can completely control when they get pregnant by responsibly using birth control, or abstaining from sex if pregnancy could occur as the result, and other women are just helpless little victims? What's the significant difference between the two groups?

How can some "women" ...???

Don't you mean, "... some COUPLES"???

Yeah, that's right. It takes two and both are responsible.

There is no form of birth control that is 100% effective.

And, it takes two to abstain.

None of this matters though because, unless its YOU who is pregnant, its none of your business.

And you never did say what distinguishes the women who never get pregnant except for when they want it to happen and the ones who are helpless victims and have a baby 'forced' on them by the fates?
How is it that some women can completely control when they get pregnant by responsibly using birth control, or abstaining from sex if pregnancy could occur as the result, and other women are just helpless little victims? What's the significant difference between the two groups?

How can some "women" ...???

Don't you mean, "... some COUPLES"???

Yeah, that's right. It takes two and both are responsible.

There is no form of birth control that is 100% effective.

And, it takes two to abstain.

None of this matters though because, unless its YOU who is pregnant, its none of your business.

No, I mean women, women are utltimately responsible for what takes place with their body, including sex resulting in pregnancy. It only takes ONE to abstain and there is no sex, regardless if it's male or female. If one says 'no', there is no sex, isn't that right? Or is what you are saying is that as long as one wants too, then the other has no say? Your comments are not based in logic.

The number of abortions that occur in the US is not due to the small percentage of the time that birth control is not 100%, who are you trying to kid? It's being used AS birth control.

That's your opinion.

Not to be confused with fact.

And, its still none of your business.
Next you'll say abortion is 'human sacrifice' to cause a good year for the crops.

You're nutz and you're a liar.

One of us promotes the slaughter of the most vulnerable humans in society - that one is you. My question is what you get out of the slaughter?

There is no rational purpose for it. We have virtually 100% effective birth control, and Plan B plus RU-486 for those "oops" situation. Yet you promote abortion. What need does the killing of innocents meet? What void does the slaughter fill in you?

You're lying. I have never "promoted" abortion.

You're wrong. No birth control is 100% effective.

and, its STILL none of your business.

Pro-lifers must feel that way.

What I think is that you are insane.

But my curiosity is at the blood lust you have. What do you gain when a stranger kills an infant? Yet you invest time and effort to promote as many killings as possible.

ROFL; you may be completely insane, and stupid as a lump of dog shit, but at least you're really evil to boot!

Birth control works, shit fer brains. There is ZERO reason for abortion. Even if a woman has sex without protection, Plan B makes sure she does not conceive. Conception is a choice.

Pro-abortion = a lust for death to satiate a degeneracy inside of the troll promoting it.

Abortion is not murder. That's the law of the land. Suck it "christian" devils.

Murder is a legal term. Abortion is the killing of a human. Among civilized people, judicial review is required before a human is killed by the state or with the blessing of the state.

You are a feral beast, you lack the empathy and intellect of evolved humans. You seek to kill others so that your own misery is visited upon them.

You ignore the fact that most abortions are done for health reasons.

Nonetheless, birth control DOES fail and its still the business of the owner of the body that is pregnant. ONLY.

Its simply none of your business.

And as others have pointed out, its legal.


If you really believe what I bolded above, then you're a completely naive dumbass. :cuckoo:

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