Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Uh, satan is an imaginary creature.


Impossible! Liberals are Logical! And Liberals claim that Bush is Satan incarnate! Obviously Satan must exist; or Bush never existed to begin with... this is what Liberal Logic dictates!

Uh no ... Bush is evil and very real.

And unless its YOU who is pregnant, its still none of your business.


So I am supposed to care about people and give them government handouts so your politicians can get more votes, but I am not supposed to care about babies that are being killed by their parents?

You can believe Bush is evil all you want, but until you are less evil than he is, you really have no reason to complain. He at least didn't advocate the murder of children.
When you work for the death of an infant, do you believe that you absorb it's soul? Do you think that killing makes you more powerful?

Pro-lifers must feel that way.

They are responsible for the death and suffering of every unwanted child forced to be born.

Pro-choice = saving the soul the from being born into the body of an unwanted child or deformed and sick body.

Abortion is not murder. That's the law of the land. Suck it "christian" devils.

All murder can be eliminated simply by making killing other people legal.

QFT all we need to do is redefine murder as a right to choose.

Who would deny us the right to choose?
You ignore the fact that most abortions are done for health reasons.


By "most," you mean "less than 1%." :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Nonetheless, birth control DOES fail and its still the business of the owner of the body that is pregnant. ONLY.

Birth control only fails in the blood lust frenzy of pro-aborts. BUT on that 1 in a million situation that it legitimately failed, RU-486 can stop the pregnancy before life, before the brain and heart develop.

There is ZERO legitimate reason for abortion.

Its simply none of your business.

A woman who is an illegal that I've never met is raped. Is that "none of my business?" Let's say you Communists assassinate Clarence Thomas, and Obama appoints another Marxist to the court. Then the court rules that rape is actually a right found in some undisclosed portion of the the Constitution. Chief Justice Ginsburg declares a right to gratification that was never found, so SCOTUS creates law mandating rape.

Is it "none of my business?" If our Dear Leader mandates that employers must provide knives and handcuffs so that employees can rape, is it none of my business? If the Khmer Rouge attempts to force churches and religious businesses to fund rape, is it none of my business?

What this boils down to is that you believe people are property of the government, that the government decides and we obey. I say "no," that we are a free people and that WE have the authority over the government. This is a divide where no middle ground will be found, you totalitarians and we libertarians will not compromise. You will advocate for dictatorship and I will advocate for liberty, that's just the way it is.

As a free man, it is my business what our society does. There is no rational reason for abortion. You of Khmer Rouge promote abortion mostly from a standpoint of greed. Hundreds of billions go into the pockets of abortionists and their support staff each year. The primary motive is simply money. A $10 dose of Plan B stops a $1,200 abortion, so naturally you work against the rational use of birth control, there is no money in it for you.

And as others have pointed out, its legal.


Lots of things are legal that you attack. Even Christianity is legal, yet you do all you can to end it.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

The pro-lifers are like an evil satanic cult -- if you think about it.

They support the lifelong abuse of unwanted children.

They support the suffering of deformed and sick children.

They support rape victims being forced to carry to term.

They support forced vaginal probes on women.

They are about as evil as you can get.

I completely forgot about this thread.

You have to know your position isn't strong when you have to lie as blatantly as you do here.

The solution to abused and unwanted children is to abort (kill) them. Very effective if actually carried out.
Maybe that's because the prochoice crowd is intelligent enough not to believe in Christian mythology. Bedsides, which fictional character killed more people in the Bible God or Satan?
Maybe that's because the prochoice crowd is intelligent enough not to believe in Christian mythology. Bedsides, which fictional character killed more people in the Bible God or Satan?

The Bible is the Word of God, not the Word of Satan, so naturally it only contains God's acts of vengeance, and not Satan's.

Also, godless dictators like Stalin and Mao killed hundreds of millions more than religious leaders ever have.
When you use religion to take away peoples rights some are going to be angry.

Yep you libtards are all about choice right?

Soda - no
Types of Alcoholic Drink Mixes - no
Light blubs -no
Right to Work (right not to join a Union) - no
School Choice - no
Right to Choose one's healthcare - no
Right to carry guns provided by the constitution - no

Yep you are all about choice!
[ame=]How 'Pro-Choice' are Democrats? - YouTube[/ame]

Loved that video. So funny seeing people try to justify denying people their choice in so many areas.
Maybe that's because the prochoice crowd is intelligent enough not to believe in Christian mythology. Bedsides, which fictional character killed more people in the Bible God or Satan?

The Bible is the Word of God, not the Word of Satan, so naturally it only contains God's acts of vengeance, and not Satan's.
And yet you choose to worship such a petty and vile creature.
Also, godless dictators like Stalin and Mao killed hundreds of millions more than religious leaders ever have.

Not this horseshit again. If you add up all the death caused by people believing in supernatural entities it wouldn't be even close to the famines caused by central planning. Swing and a miss!
When you use religion to take away peoples rights some are going to be angry.

Yep you libtards are all about choice right?

Soda - no
Types of Alcoholic Drink Mixes - no
Light blubs -no
Right to Work (right not to join a Union) - no
School Choice - no
Right to Choose one's healthcare - no
Right to carry guns provided by the constitution - no

Yep you are all about choice!
[ame=]How 'Pro-Choice' are Democrats? - YouTube[/ame]

Loved that video. So funny seeing people try to justify denying people their choice in so many areas.

"Seven Strawmen for Seven Dolts". Held over by popular ignorance. Brought to you by Fallacies-R-Us.
Impossible! Liberals are Logical! And Liberals claim that Bush is Satan incarnate! Obviously Satan must exist; or Bush never existed to begin with... this is what Liberal Logic dictates!

He goes from resurrecting a year-old thread that was bullshit when it started, to more blanket genitalizations, to strawman arguments ... all with such aplomb...


You gonna do all the fallacies today then?

So they weren't chanting Hail Satan?

Where do you see a "they"? You do know they is plural, do you not?

Did you even watch the video?

Nope, didn't think so.
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Incredible that you fools call the responsible decision of when to have a child "escaping responsibility".

You are an example of the evil I speak of, you don't seek a way for women to avoid having a child, you seek to promote death. There is a blood lust to you.

So, so you believe that you absorb the life force of every infant you help slaughter? Do you think that you are serving some dark lord? Quetzalcoatl or some other god who devours the souls of babies?

What is it that the death of infants does for you?

I never swore an oath to infant sacrifice - there is no hypocrisy on my part. Hypocrisy would be if you felt a pang of guilt and were to save an infant from death - but that would never happen.

Unless of course, you never "escape responsibility" aka never use birth control.

Birth control is not abortion. You of the pro-death movement generally promote abortion - the later term the better - as the preferred form of birth control, but they are vastly different propositions.

He serves Moloch. Ironically, like most of Moloch's servants, he doesn't realize it.

As I said, I don't believe in gods or devils, but I believe in human life, and human dignity. I believe life is worth protecting, that the least among us are our greatest responsibility to protect.
Maybe that's because the prochoice crowd is intelligent enough not to believe in Christian mythology. Bedsides, which fictional character killed more people in the Bible God or Satan?

The Bible is the Word of God, not the Word of Satan, so naturally it only contains God's acts of vengeance, and not Satan's.

Also, godless dictators like Stalin and Mao killed hundreds of millions more than religious leaders ever have.

Those were really bad people, but the religious fundamentalists (like the Muslim terrorists), the Zionists and the Christian crusades and the powerful Church in the European Middle Ages plus cult leaders etc. Have killed at least the same amount of people. It was the cause for a lot of conflicts in history and still nowadays.

Where do you see a "they"? You do know they is plural, do you not?

Did you even watch the video?

Nope, didn't think so.

I can clearly here them chanting Hail Satan. If not, what is it that they are chanting?

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