Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

How can some "women" ...???

Don't you mean, "... some COUPLES"???

Yeah, that's right. It takes two and both are responsible.

There is no form of birth control that is 100% effective.

And, it takes two to abstain.

None of this matters though because, unless its YOU who is pregnant, its none of your business.

No, I mean women, women are utltimately responsible for what takes place with their body, including sex resulting in pregnancy. It only takes ONE to abstain and there is no sex, regardless if it's male or female. If one says 'no', there is no sex, isn't that right? Or is what you are saying is that as long as one wants too, then the other has no say? Your comments are not based in logic.

The number of abortions that occur in the US is not due to the small percentage of the time that birth control is not 100%, who are you trying to kid? It's being used AS birth control.

That's your opinion.

Not to be confused with fact.

And, its still none of your business.

No answer, huh?
I think a lot of people that defend abortion have participated in some way or another, they're trying to to convince themselves it was okay to kill their child.

Anyone with a conscience knows in their heart that it's wrong, which is why so many women who have them struggle with depression and other mental issues afterwards.
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Uh, satan is an imaginary creature.


Impossible! Liberals are Logical! And Liberals claim that Bush is Satan incarnate! Obviously Satan must exist; or Bush never existed to begin with... this is what Liberal Logic dictates!

He goes from resurrecting a year-old thread that was bullshit when it started, to more blanket genitalizations, to strawman arguments ... all with such aplomb...


You gonna do all the fallacies today then?
Uh, satan is an imaginary creature.


Impossible! Liberals are Logical! And Liberals claim that Bush is Satan incarnate! Obviously Satan must exist; or Bush never existed to begin with... this is what Liberal Logic dictates!

He goes from resurrecting a year-old thread that was bullshit when it started, to more blanket genitalizations, to strawman arguments ... all with such aplomb...


You gonna do all the fallacies today then?

And invokes imaginary creatures when reality fails.

They're just a bunch of Peeping Toms wanting to trash the constitution.
Woah, are you really claiming that any of the Hail Satan chanters were not liberal pro-baby-spinal-cord-snipping+vacuum-baby-annihilators?

I don't know the person (<<< NOTE: SINGULAR) who played to the camera or what her philosophies are. I'm not stupid enough to extend all that bullshit to a stranger I've never met on the basis of a two-word quip for the camera.

Can you get me into Simplemind School so I can learn how to make these specious connections?

I think it's the fact that it makes you look really really really really stupid that gives me pause.

You forgot that it's time to perform your weekly ritual dedicated to Dr. Gosnell.


What the fuck do either of those guys have to do with me?

Are you retarded? Seriously, have you been, you know, tested and shit?
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

The pro-lifers are like an evil satanic cult -- if you think about it.

They support the lifelong abuse of unwanted children.

They support the suffering of deformed and sick children.

They support rape victims being forced to carry to term.

They support forced vaginal probes on women.

They are about as evil as you can get.

I completely forgot about this thread.

You have to know your position isn't strong when you have to lie as blatantly as you do here.
Of course they would hail Satan....The whole act of abortion is evil.

I understand the need of a woman to escape the responsibility of raising a child, I really do. I support the use of early term abortificants like Plan B and RU-486, before the heart and brain form, I can't get worked up over it.

However, there is a contingent of the pro-abortion that is radical, who's lives revolve around promoting abortion. I cannot help but think that the views of these people heralds back to infant sacrifice.

I don't believe in god, I don't believe in the devil, but I do believe in evil, and there is a thread of evil in the radical pro-abortion movement. There is something religious to zeal with which they seek to kill.

Incredible that you fools call the responsible decision of when to have a child "escaping responsibility".


Unless of course, you never "escape responsibility" aka never use birth control.

Killing a child is a responsible decision? Seriously?

It's tragic that you don't see the darkness surrounding you.
Actions have consequences, and try as you progressives might, you will never ever eliminate those consequences. Ask any number of women who have had abortions how they feel about themselves, if they're honest, they'll have deep regret for having killed their own child and wouldn't do it again if they could go back and change it. The mental effects of abortion are, of course, never talked about, it's a taboo subject.

You have no clue.


So you're saying there are no mental consequences to killing your unborn child? Aren't you a male? Talk about having no damn clue and minding your own business.

As a male, I can tell you that we have mental anguish losing a child too. I couldn't imagine what I'd do if I actually encouraged or caused the death of my child. Just losing one is hard enough.
Forcing women to reproduce - its right out of a horror movie.


Surely the RWs are defending these people's right to worship their own phony god?

After all, they all get to worship their phony god.

What's the difference?

When you work for the death of an infant, do you believe that you absorb it's soul? Do you think that killing makes you more powerful?

Leftists in our society are savages, the expression of devcolution and decay, so it should be no surprise that you embrace infant sacrifice, such is extremely common among primitive and savage people. Clearly leftists lack the intellect of civilized people, so you embrace the most base and banal of the human condition, feral beasts rutting and then eating their offspring.

You really need to get a grip and get laid.

Oh, wait - you can't do that because you don't believe in birth control.

Really though - that's one of the craziest things I've read from you Peeping Toms.


You do realize that you don't need birth control to get laid, people have been doing it for thousands of years.
Incredible that you fools call the responsible decision of when to have a child "escaping responsibility".

You are an example of the evil I speak of, you don't seek a way for women to avoid having a child, you seek to promote death. There is a blood lust to you.

So, so you believe that you absorb the life force of every infant you help slaughter? Do you think that you are serving some dark lord? Quetzalcoatl or some other god who devours the souls of babies?

What is it that the death of infants does for you?


I never swore an oath to infant sacrifice - there is no hypocrisy on my part. Hypocrisy would be if you felt a pang of guilt and were to save an infant from death - but that would never happen.

Unless of course, you never "escape responsibility" aka never use birth control.

Birth control is not abortion. You of the pro-death movement generally promote abortion - the later term the better - as the preferred form of birth control, but they are vastly different propositions.

He serves Moloch. Ironically, like most of Moloch's servants, he doesn't realize it.
Uh, satan is an imaginary creature.


Impossible! Liberals are Logical! And Liberals claim that Bush is Satan incarnate! Obviously Satan must exist; or Bush never existed to begin with... this is what Liberal Logic dictates!

He goes from resurrecting a year-old thread that was bullshit when it started, to more blanket genitalizations, to strawman arguments ... all with such aplomb...


You gonna do all the fallacies today then?

So they weren't chanting Hail Satan?

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