Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

They should have been singing, "They only care about them before they are born".

Actually you folks don't care about them on either side of the vaginal orifice. Shut your mouth.

We care about people who are born. Why do you think liberals are fine with welfare for single mothers? Because they need it - we don't see women are dirty slags who should have kept their legs closed.
Is that a threat?

Why would it be considered one?

"so easy to say so safe behind your keyboard and monitor, isn't it."

You must have been enraged by his comment. The tone is there. Are you suggesting that people with your particular mindset are violent?

Not at all....but you will have to do a better job trying to clarify that what I said was any kind of threat.

Try again.

Edited to ask how you pick up "tone" in typed words? That's a new one.
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No one says its favorable - just that there is a CHOICE that every woman deserves.

Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.

murder....Its ok for you to call them murders but we can't use the bombers as evidence you people are fucking nuts.

You want to rig the game. What a worthless loser.

This is why I never get into this issue -- no such thing as honest debate on it.

One side unilaterally decides it's "murder" -- even though obviously the other side doesn't think that definition fits. But rather than come to agreement on the definition of when life begins (which by the way the Church has vacillated over the years, a lot), let's just go with our side's definition, and to hell with theirs.

Both the labels "pro-choice" and "pro-life" are loaded disingenuous terms. Pro-choice indicates the other side must be "anti-choice", but that's inaccurate as to how they see it. And Pro-life implies the other side must be "anti-life", but again it's not the reality of their values. All of this is obstinate failure to consider the other's POV.

As long as that goes on, nobody gets any resolution.
They should have been singing, "They only care about them before they are born".

Actually you folks don't care about them on either side of the vaginal orifice. Shut your mouth.

We care about people who are born. Why do you think liberals are fine with welfare for single mothers? Because they need it - we don't see women are dirty slags who should have kept their legs closed.

How can you pay for welfare for single mothers, then turn around and tell those pregnant single mothers to abort their children? How can you pay for the welfare of a woman, who according to you, has more right to undergo a dangerous procedure than she does to have a child? Isn't that a conflict of interest? Nobody needs anything from liberals, not their welfare, and not their "choice." Maybe women should be allowed to think for themselves, rather than to be coached. Oh? So now you're telling women how to conduct their sex lives? Let's try staying out of their lives for a change.

Stuff like this pisses me off.
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Did someone ask for an instance where pro-life people are being dispicable? Cheer up, though. The abortion protestor took time off of her yelling at people in the street to call the cops about the pro-chioce person who was yelling at HER!

[ame=]Dad Confronts Abortion Protesters At Clinic - YouTube[/ame]
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No one says its favorable - just that there is a CHOICE that every woman deserves.

Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.

Every pregnant woman has the right to decide what she does with her body. I know you don't like that, but she has the right to control her body.

Your rights stopped at the point you spread your legs and started acting like a whore.
This thread should have ended the moment it was discovered that the baby killing maggots praised Lucifer.

I have to say, I wish I'd have been at that event. Stomping pro choice commie faggots guts out would have been an honor even though their numbers would have surely overwhelmed me.

Dying for something is an honor. Living for nothing is a waste.

Yeah, yeah. Thank you Captain Klingon.
No more comic books for you.
Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.

Every pregnant woman has the right to decide what she does with her body. I know you don't like that, but she has the right to control her body.

Your rights stopped at the point you spread your legs and started acting like a whore.

Of consequences for any males. :D If men got pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
Nothing pisses a progressive off more then if you try to make it harder to kill innocent babies

Welcome to my nightmare

Well, yeah, it does piss us off when you try to control women's lady parts because you can't deal with their sexuality

You dumb ass, if they could control their own lady parts there would be no need for abortion mills. Preventing pregnancies is easy and cheap now days, all it takes is a small bit of personal responsibility.
Using the word "choice" to veil acts of murder. If she has a right to choose life as well as an abortio, I would believe this statement. But "choice" in this regard is a license to kill.

Every pregnant woman has the right to decide what she does with her body. I know you don't like that, but she has the right to control her body.

Your rights stopped at the point you spread your legs and started acting like a whore.

Another sanctimonious control freak asshole negged.
Women have been dealing with this asinine shit for centuries, having men tell them what their morals are. It's a wonder they don't just kill boys off at birth with this gynophobic shit going on.
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This thread should have ended the moment it was discovered that the baby killing maggots praised Lucifer.

I have to say, I wish I'd have been at that event. Stomping pro choice commie faggots guts out would have been an honor even though their numbers would have surely overwhelmed me.

Dying for something is an honor. Living for nothing is a waste.

Yeah, yeah. Thank you Captain Klingon.
No more comic books for you.

Pogo, You and I MUST get together and have a couple of longnecks and some laughs!
or it happens when someone is trying to ruffle some peoples feathers, it worked

They would need to sacrifice a live chicken to really get to the feather ruffling (literally) level.

Still things like this don't exactly make the protesters look good.

Maybe they will get thier salaries docked due to it.

Actually it makes the people hurt by it look small. They know what is going to get them all butthurt, then it worked. Then Avatar picked up the butthurt baton

No ones hurt, in fact it goes to prove the point about this subject...

There is Good and there is Evil, this only helps to define Evil...
This thread should have ended the moment it was discovered that the baby killing maggots praised Lucifer.

I have to say, I wish I'd have been at that event. Stomping pro choice commie faggots guts out would have been an honor even though their numbers would have surely overwhelmed me.

Dying for something is an honor. Living for nothing is a waste.

Yeah, yeah. Thank you Captain Klingon.
No more comic books for you.

Oh dear...your tone, Pogo, your tone. :D
This thread should have ended the moment it was discovered that the baby killing maggots praised Lucifer.

I have to say, I wish I'd have been at that event. Stomping pro choice commie faggots guts out would have been an honor even though their numbers would have surely overwhelmed me.

Dying for something is an honor. Living for nothing is a waste.

Yeah, yeah. Thank you Captain Klingon.
No more comic books for you.

Pogo, You and I MUST get together and have a couple of longnecks and some laughs!

What a great idea. I'm getting one out right now :beer:

Here's to this country on its birthday, and the Founders thereof, the so-called "classical" Liberals who would be appalled at the idea of the state stepping in to dictate what women can do with their own bodies. Cheers. ::clink::
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This thread should have ended the moment it was discovered that the baby killing maggots praised Lucifer.

I have to say, I wish I'd have been at that event. Stomping pro choice commie faggots guts out would have been an honor even though their numbers would have surely overwhelmed me.

Dying for something is an honor. Living for nothing is a waste.

Yeah, yeah. Thank you Captain Klingon.
No more comic books for you.

Oh dear...your tone, Pogo, your tone. :D

I have perfect pitch - just sayin' :eusa_whistle: hear it?

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