Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

According to you, which means jack squat.

So an argument based on "because I think so based on my own ideas" is different than an argument based on "Because I think so based on a religion"?

what you're asking people to do when you rely on your god to make your argument is believe in that deity as you do. if they don't believe in the same higher power, or in that deity in the same ways, you won't be able to make your argument.

however, science, logic, evidence, real tangible things, these are things you can argue.

but again, if your argument rests on how an unspeaking invisible deity that may or may not exist may or may not feel on a subject then your argument is inherently weak.

Logic, science and evidence all tell you that a fetus is a living thing. That argument doesn't convince murderers either.

Using logic, science and evidence... A living thing? yes. A baby? no, absolutely not.
Logic, science and evidence all tell you that a fetus is a living thing. That argument doesn't convince murderers either.

Using logic, science and evidence... A living thing? yes. A baby? no, absolutely not.

So you admit that it is a "living thing." Thus, when terminated, it is no longer living, therefore it is dead. Thus you have admitted that murdered has occurred.
Abortion is not 'murder,' to maintain otherwise is idiocy.

Why was abortion considered murder earlier in American history?

The first known conviction for the "intention to abort" was handed down in Maryland in the year 1652.1 Four years later, also in Maryland, a woman was arrested for murder after procuring an abortion, but the case was thrown out when she married the only witness, who then refused to testify.2 A 1710 Virginia law made it a capital crime to conceal a pregnancy and then be found with a dead baby.3 Likewise, a 1719 Delaware law made anyone who counseled abortion or infanticide an accessory to murder.

Just because it's legal now (not considered murder after Roe v Wade), doesn't mean it's moral or correct. That's like saying the Jim Crow Laws were just since they were legal...

Don't forget that everything Hitler did was legal.
- Martin Luther King.

Because it was the intent of the Framers that the American people have the ability to realize their comprehensive civil liberties by ending laws realized to be repugnant to the Constitution:

*Had those who drew and ratified the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment known the components of liberty in its manifold possibilities, they might have been more specific. They did not presume to have this insight. They knew times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.

According to you, which means jack squat.

So an argument based on "because I think so based on my own ideas" is different than an argument based on "Because I think so based on a religion"?

what you're asking people to do when you rely on your god to make your argument is believe in that deity as you do. if they don't believe in the same higher power, or in that deity in the same ways, you won't be able to make your argument.

however, science, logic, evidence, real tangible things, these are things you can argue.

but again, if your argument rests on how an unspeaking invisible deity that may or may not exist may or may not feel on a subject then your argument is inherently weak.

Logic, science and evidence all tell you that a fetus is a living thing. That argument doesn't convince murderers either.

This also fails as a false comparison fallacy.

It is a fact of Constitutional law that abortion is not 'murder,' as the embryo/fetus is not a 'person.' That it is life is not at issue – at issue is the limit placed on the state's authority to interfere in the private lives of citizens by the Constitution:

In Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey[](1992), the Court reaffirmed the substantive force of the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause. The Casey decision again confirmed that our laws and tradition afford constitutional protection to personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, child rearing, and education. Id., at 851. In explaining the respect the Constitution demands for the autonomy of the person in making these choices, we stated as follows:

“These matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.” Ibid.
“It is a promise of the Constitution that there is a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.” Casey, supra, at 847
It's naïve and ignorant to believe that to 'ban' abortion the practice will come to an end.

Women have been having abortions for millennia, and will continue to do so regardless its legal status.

Women have also been murdering their husbands for millennia, and will continue to do so regardless of its legal status.

Um, we are talking about frequency and the ability to enforce sanctions.

Most women who kill their husbands go to jail, which is why few of them do it.

When Abortion was illegal, women were never sent to prison for having them.
So again Clayton, why was it considered murder between the 17th and 19th centuries (and the first half of the 20th).

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, as abortion isn't 'murder.'

Holy fuck but you're stupid, Saul.

Legal status has no bearing. Your argument is IF abortion is outlawed.

Now listen stupid, listen like you failed to do in your Philippine law school - IF abortion is outlawed, then it WILL be murder - get it stupid?

So the comparative is precise and pertains.

You're confusing criminal law and procedural due process (murder) with civil law and substantive due process (the right to privacy), which forbids the state from interfering with citizens' private lives.

The one has nothing to do with the other.

Saul, you are a moron.

Oh, and Saul, IF there were an actual right to privacy, the federal 1040 form would be unconstitutional.

But there is no such right, and never has been. SCOTUS created a law permitting abortion - end of story. Fabricated support of the law is and was a farce - we ALL know it.
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So again Clayton, why was it considered murder between the 17th and 19th centuries (and the first half of the 20th).


It wasn't.

Article 1191 set forth a punishment of two to five years' imprisonment for "any person" who would "procure an abortion" for a pregnant woman by:
1."designedly administer[ing] ... any drug or medicine"
2."knowingly procur[ing] to be administered ... any drug or medicine"
3.using "towards her any violence or means whatever externally or internally applied"

The penalty would double "if it be done without her consent".

At no point did they call it murder nor was it treated as seriously as murder.
Logic, science and evidence all tell you that a fetus is a living thing. That argument doesn't convince murderers either.

Using logic, science and evidence... A living thing? yes. A baby? no, absolutely not.

So you admit that it is a "living thing." Thus, when terminated, it is no longer living, therefore it is dead. Thus you have admitted that murdered has occurred.

Things get killed all the time. Things die, sometimes we do it on purpose. Murder is a charge for killing human beings. A fetus is not a human being.
Using logic, science and evidence... A living thing? yes. A baby? no, absolutely not.

So you admit that it is a "living thing." Thus, when terminated, it is no longer living, therefore it is dead. Thus you have admitted that murdered has occurred.

Things get killed all the time. Things die, sometimes we do it on purpose. Murder is a charge for killing human beings. A fetus is not a human being.

Murder is a legal term. It is an unlawful killing. You can murder a dog.

Dehumanizing ones victim is an old technique. You claim the unborn are not human, what would you claim they are? Rats? Cockroaches? I believe these were terms others used when they killed those they found inconvenient.

A fetus is human - only a ghoul claims otherwise - DNA makes it irrefutable that they are human. A fetus is alive, a living human with distinct and measurable brain and heart activity - the definition of life by the AMA.

The desire of ghouls to kill, does not alter medical fact. Each year the support for abortion declines. As Americans learn more about medical and scientific fact, the support for abortion declines, as well it should. The lies told by ghouls are in glaring contrast to scientific fact.

Because you ghouls cannot offer a rational and factual argument to support taking life, you find support for you decline.
So you admit that it is a "living thing." Thus, when terminated, it is no longer living, therefore it is dead. Thus you have admitted that murdered has occurred.

Things get killed all the time. Things die, sometimes we do it on purpose. Murder is a charge for killing human beings. A fetus is not a human being.

Murder is a legal term. It is an unlawful killing. You can murder a dog.

Dehumanizing ones victim is an old technique. You claim the unborn are not human, what would you claim they are? Rats? Cockroaches? I believe these were terms others used when they killed those they found inconvenient.

A fetus is human - only a ghoul claims otherwise - DNA makes it irrefutable that they are human. A fetus is alive, a living human with distinct and measurable brain and heart activity - the definition of life by the AMA.

The desire of ghouls to kill, does not alter medical fact. Each year the support for abortion declines. As Americans learn more about medical and scientific fact, the support for abortion declines, as well it should. The lies told by ghouls are in glaring contrast to scientific fact.

Because you ghouls cannot offer a rational and factual argument to support taking life, you find support for you decline.

My independent research is mixed. I have some sources that say over 8 weeks and some that say 28 weeks for brain activity. Either way the vast majority of abortions happen before this stage.
So you admit that it is a "living thing." Thus, when terminated, it is no longer living, therefore it is dead. Thus you have admitted that murdered has occurred.

Things get killed all the time. Things die, sometimes we do it on purpose. Murder is a charge for killing human beings. A fetus is not a human being.

Murder is a legal term. It is an unlawful killing. You can murder a dog.

Dehumanizing ones victim is an old technique. You claim the unborn are not human, what would you claim they are? Rats? Cockroaches? I believe these were terms others used when they killed those they found inconvenient.

A fetus is human - only a ghoul claims otherwise - DNA makes it irrefutable that they are human. A fetus is alive, a living human with distinct and measurable brain and heart activity - the definition of life by the AMA.

The desire of ghouls to kill, does not alter medical fact. Each year the support for abortion declines. As Americans learn more about medical and scientific fact, the support for abortion declines, as well it should. The lies told by ghouls are in glaring contrast to scientific fact.

Because you ghouls cannot offer a rational and factual argument to support taking life, you find support for you decline.

How ignorant must one be to claim the HUMAN fetus is not HUMAN?

And how is it a right to privacy, to murder your unborn child? The act of abortion is hardly private.

These pro-abort people have been so effectively brainwashed by the elite left, that they are incapable of reason.

This from a crazed SC Justice:
Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

She is one sick baby killing eugenicist.

Preventing pregnancy is one of the easiest and cheapest things one can EVER do. Yet we are told women and men can't do the easy thing, so...the women is granted the right to murder her child should she become pregnant...and the father has no rights in the matter.
religion should play no part in the argument.

You could not be more correct.

Everyone knows that the birth fairy waves her magic wand over the "fetus" when it is born, thus making it human.


These idiots talking about religion should be laughed to scorn. :lol:

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