Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Anti abortion protesters are no better than the Westboro Church people who picket soldiers funerals. They are scum and it should be illegal.

Are you equating an abortion to a that a person has died.


someone always dies in a abortion.

I don't want to have a baby. I had an accident. It should be legal for me to go have an abortion. No one should be forced to be a parent.

Oh, and notice it takes a license to do just about anything, except have children. Think about the stupid 16 year old hick boys and girls in alabama or mississippi. Any of those broke ass retards could get knocked up. WHat does it require to have a baby? A hard penis and easy girl?

We need less poor people breeding, not more. Sorry. Sad fact.
Pro-Life vs Pro-Satan.

Who wins?

There is no Satan.

HEre's the real contest.

A parasitic fetus vs. the woman it is in, whose whole life will hinge on what she does next.

I have yet to hear one of you wingnuts tell me how you are going to prevent a woman from having an abortion if she really wants one.

That is simple Lil' Joe.

Abortion is murder. When someone commits murder, what happens? One is tried in court and if found guilty, faces punishment.

It is just that simple Lil' Joe.

Parasitic Lil' Joe you really are a sick GUY.

And you call those who want to protect the truly innocent unborn, wingnuts. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Pro-Life vs Pro-Satan.

Who wins?

There's a head scratcher, innit?

The obvious biological force in ourselves and every living thing around us...
...a contrived bogeyman concocted by psychotic religious wacknuts thousands of years ago to instill fear and scare the gullible into submission...

Gee whiz, hard to decide. Nope, no idea.

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Pro-Life vs Pro-Satan.

Who wins?

There is no Satan.

HEre's the real contest.

A parasitic fetus vs. the woman it is in, whose whole life will hinge on what she does next.

I have yet to hear one of you wingnuts tell me how you are going to prevent a woman from having an abortion if she really wants one.

That is simple Lil' Joe.

Abortion is murder. When someone commits murder, what happens? One is tried in court and if found guilty, faces punishment.

It is just that simple Lil' Joe.

Parasitic Lil' Joe you really are a sick GUY.

And you call those who want to protect the truly innocent unborn, wingnuts. :

Even when abortion was "illegal", they didn't prosecute women who had them. Nope, in them Oldy days, they claimed the women were victims.

Also, I don't think you'd ever find a jury that would convict a woman for having an abortion. You have had 40 million abortions since Roe v. Wade, I doubt you could exclude all those ladies from the jury pool.
Are you equating an abortion to a that a person has died.


someone always dies in a abortion.

We pro-lifers agree.

Everyone is pro-life.

The conflict is between those who seek to end the practice without undermining citizens' civil liberties and whose who seek to end the practice by increasing the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Are you equating an abortion to a that a person has died.


someone always dies in a abortion.


An embryo/fetus isn't a 'person.'

So when you see this baby you just see a piece of flesh that does not deserve to live, right?
someone always dies in a abortion.

We pro-lifers agree.

Everyone is pro-life.

The conflict is between those who seek to end the practice without undermining citizens' civil liberties and whose who seek to end the practice by increasing the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
How many babies have you shoved a high power vacuum pump to, so you could suck the baby's brains through it?

Baby killers ... wow. Be a man and pick on someone your own size why don't you.
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someone always dies in a abortion.


An embryo/fetus isn't a 'person.'

So when you see this baby you just see a piece of flesh that does not deserve to live, right?


What one sees is demagoguery, an appeal to emotion fallacy, ignorance of the Constitution and its case law, contempt for individual liberty, and a false 'solution' that will in no way end the practice of abortion.
someone always dies in a abortion.


An embryo/fetus isn't a 'person.'

You liberals said the same thing about blacks


Also wrong.

It is a fact of Constitutional law that an embryo/fetus is not a 'person,' it is also a fact that conservatives have been traditionally hostile to the civil liberties of African-Americans, other minorities, and women; where liberals have always sought to defend the civil liberties of all Americans, including women their right to privacy.

An embryo/fetus isn't a 'person.'

So when you see this baby you just see a piece of flesh that does not deserve to live, right?


What one sees is demagoguery, an appeal to emotion fallacy, ignorance of the Constitution and its case law, contempt for individual liberty, and a false 'solution' that will in no way end the practice of abortion.

Speaking of fallacies.....

Do laws against stealing end the practice of stealing? no!
Do laws against prostitution end the practice of prostitution? no!
Do laws agains child pornography end the practice of child porn? No!
Do laws against killing end the practice of murder? No?

Should laws against all these things be repealed because they don't completely eliminate the problem?

Take your fallacies and............

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