Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

People are seriously arguing about this? Who fucking cares?

You have to wonder what kind of mental midget takes three syllables from a girl playing to a YouTube camera and thinks it's a whole freaking pseudoreligious movement. You have to wonder even more when the attention whore dredges it up yet again a year later with nothing new to add whatsoever.

Said it many times -- this board needs a resident shrink.
You still don't get it.

I get it just fine, you are a ghoul with bloodlust for the most defenseless in society.

A infant is living independent of it's biological mother regardless if it is being breastfed or not.

Ghuouls are not well versed in biology or human physiology. One of the more amusing of the ghoul myths is that of the magic vagina. That it is the vagina which confers "personhood." Somehow in the damaged brains of ghouls, there is this idea that a baby is a "blob" that instantly transforms into a "person" by passing through the vagina. I guess ghouls don't manage to consider caesarian delivery, but then, we are not talking the best and brightest here.

Ghouls have no grasp of gestation, they don't have the intellect to understand the development of the child as a gradual progression. Ghouls seem to be little more than rabid hyenas, frenzied by the prospect of killing their prey.

Woman die in childbirth and the infant still survives because it is now biologically independent. It isn't a difficult concept.

Women die independant of child birth and premature babies survive.

What you ghouls preach is voodoo, in direct contradiction to medical fact.
Sometimes a post just writes its own rebuttal. :thup:

Pretty funny too. "Somewhere along the line" huh...

I first heard "progressive" popping up in the 90's. It seemed pretty absurd that those seeking to recreate 1917 claim to be "progressive." :dunno:
okay, I have watched your tape and yes, there are a few people singing, Hail Satan in the back ground....

BUT on the chanting tape that this op began with was NOT CHANTING of hail Satan, period.

While the Christians are singing Amazing Grace, the other group is chanting,

not the church, not the State, women must, decide our fate.

The uploader of the video posted the 2 parts in the wrong order.

The video you watched actually comes first chronologically. The crowd around them keeps chanting Hail Satan, the Pro-Lifers then start singing Amazing Grace to drown them out. The Pro-Satan crowd then encircles them and SHOUTS "HAIL SATAN."

It ends when they're done singing amazing grace, the Pro-Satan crowd stops and the girl sticks her tongue out and jeers "Hail Satan" one last time.

TY, makes sense why we were disagreeing on what we were hearing, I was using the video provided by Avatar in his first link and you were using this youtube video....
Funny that you should say that. There have been examples of tumors that contain teeth, hair and yep, even beating hearts. Fetiform Teratoma (Homunculus)

Herr Mengele, please post an example of a tumor that has measurable heart and brain activity - as EVERY last one of your prey do?

Oh, and your own article states {The majority are composed of disorganized, neoplastic, mature tissues of 1 or more of the embryonic germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.} - meaning that it is a failed zygote. AND I note NOTHING in there about hearts, beating or otherwise.

As I said, you offer ghoul bullshit, nothing more.
As you know, in 1968 the shameful democratic party was taken over by the Bolshevik wing of radicals. The disaster that was Hubert Humphrey allowed the Bolsheviks, led by George McGovern, to wrest control of the party away from the remaining Jacksonian democrats. Somewhere along the line, the party decided to co-opt the term used for Teddy Roosevelt's old Bull Moose party, and glommed on to "progressive," though it is highly inappropriate.

democrats are a little dog on a leash held by the greater Bolshevik movement.

Sometimes a post just writes its own rebuttal. :thup:

Pretty funny too. "Somewhere along the line" huh...

I first heard "progressive" popping up in the 90's. It seemed pretty absurd that those seeking to recreate 1917 claim to be "progressive." :dunno:

Do you just not understand the difference between progressive (small P, the adjective) and Progressive (capital P, the noun)?

What do you think the Progressive Insurance company is about then? Or progressive lenses on eyeglasses?

And who the hell's "recreating 1917"?

Oh, you forgot to own your own quote - somehow it got overlooked. I put it back. It's that funny.
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You tell me -- YOU are the one who morphed the latter into the former. Try reading your own words above.

My words were very clear, apparently you have difficulties with the English language. Perhaps this is your only defense however, obfuscate to the point where the people trying to deal with your bullshit just give up and move on. I understand that you can't address my question in either an open or honest way, because you're wrong, and you know you're wrong. :lol: Anyone finding it worth their time can link back thru the posts to see who 'morphed' what, and it most definitely wasn't me. But then, you already know that, obfuscation is you're only 'weapon'. Unfortunately it doesn't work with me. :D

Once again, you wiped out the evidence and then claim it isn't there.

Fortunately it's on the record, to wit:

... the only person stupid enough to try to make the argument that communism and atheism don't typically go together. Well, you and Pogo, now there's a relationshp!

I mirrored exactly what you typed, yet you have to morph it into something else because you're not equipped to deal with the original.

Dishonest hackery.

--- and I'm the one who can't read English...


Still having comprehension issues I see? Seriously, who do you think you're fooling with all the bullshit? If you think anyone's buying it, you're only fooling yourself, chump.
Funny that you should say that. There have been examples of tumors that contain teeth, hair and yep, even beating hearts. Fetiform Teratoma (Homunculus)

Herr Mengele, please post an example of a tumor that has measurable heart and brain activity - as EVERY last one of your prey do?

Oh, and your own article states {The majority are composed of disorganized, neoplastic, mature tissues of 1 or more of the embryonic germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.} - meaning that it is a failed zygote. AND I note NOTHING in there about hearts, beating or otherwise.

As I said, you offer ghoul bullshit, nothing more.

This is a pro-life lie.
Funny that you should say that. There have been examples of tumors that contain teeth, hair and yep, even beating hearts. Fetiform Teratoma (Homunculus)

Herr Mengele, please post an example of a tumor that has measurable heart and brain activity - as EVERY last one of your prey do?

Oh, and your own article states {The majority are composed of disorganized, neoplastic, mature tissues of 1 or more of the embryonic germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.} - meaning that it is a failed zygote. AND I note NOTHING in there about hearts, beating or otherwise.

As I said, you offer ghoul bullshit, nothing more.

This is a pro-life lie.


So, you attempted to post bullshit that you didn't grasp, and the best you can do is scream "pro-life lie?"

What a fucking moron.

Ghouls are some stupid motherfuckers. Did you finish grade school? Serious question.
You still don't get it.

I get it just fine, you are a ghoul with bloodlust for the most defenseless in society.

A infant is living independent of it's biological mother regardless if it is being breastfed or not.

Ghuouls are not well versed in biology or human physiology. One of the more amusing of the ghoul myths is that of the magic vagina. That it is the vagina which confers "personhood." Somehow in the damaged brains of ghouls, there is this idea that a baby is a "blob" that instantly transforms into a "person" by passing through the vagina. I guess ghouls don't manage to consider caesarian delivery, but then, we are not talking the best and brightest here.

Ghouls have no grasp of gestation, they don't have the intellect to understand the development of the child as a gradual progression. Ghouls seem to be little more than rabid hyenas, frenzied by the prospect of killing their prey.

Woman die in childbirth and the infant still survives because it is now biologically independent. It isn't a difficult concept.

Women die independant of child birth and premature babies survive.

What you ghouls preach is voodoo, in direct contradiction to medical fact.

Your right, the vagina has nothing to do with person-hood. It is the lack of reliance on a womb for survival that determines person-hood.
Herr Mengele, please post an example of a tumor that has measurable heart and brain activity - as EVERY last one of your prey do?

Oh, and your own article states {The majority are composed of disorganized, neoplastic, mature tissues of 1 or more of the embryonic germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.} - meaning that it is a failed zygote. AND I note NOTHING in there about hearts, beating or otherwise.

As I said, you offer ghoul bullshit, nothing more.

This is a pro-life lie.


So, you attempted to post bullshit that you didn't grasp, and the best you can do is scream "pro-life lie?"

What a fucking moron.

Ghouls are some stupid motherfuckers. Did you finish grade school? Serious question.

Burden of proof rest on those making a claim. Show me peer reviewed evidence of organized brain activity in a fetus.
Your right, the vagina has nothing to do with person-hood. It is the lack of reliance on a womb for survival that determines person-hood.

And you base this on what? More ghoul voodoo?

What is life? To a ghoul I'm sure it is one who can run faster than the pack of feral beasts who seek to kill them.

But from the stand point of medical science, what is life? Well, according the American Medical Association, it is the presence of heart and brain activity. We sign a death certificate, once these are no longer present.

So, when in the gestation process do brain and heart activity manifest? No, your ghoul voodoo myth that these are instituted by the magic vagina are not correct, as virtually nothing in ghoul mythology is correct.

{Week 3 – Gestational Age (Fetal Development – Week 1):

The embryo is going through lots of basic growth at this time, with the beginning development of the brain, spinal cord, heart, and gastrointestinal tract.
Week 4 & 5 – Gestational Age (Fetal Development – Weeks 2 & 3):

Arm and leg buds are visible, but not clearly distinguishable. The heart is now beating at a steady rhythm. The placenta has begun to form and is producing some important hormones including hCG. There is movement of rudimentary blood through the main vessels. The early structures that will become the eyes and ears are forming. The embryo is ¼ inch long by the end of these weeks.}

Fetal Development: First Trimester | American Pregnancy Association

So, 4 to 5 weeks gestational, we have a living human.

Yes, you want to dehumanize your prey, but you are an ignorant fool, so we will defer to scientific fact instead of ghoul voodoo.

DNA confirms this is human, heart and brain confirm life. Your ghoul idiocy does not alter reality.

Ghouls are ignorant creatures.
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Burden of proof rest on those making a claim. Show me peer reviewed evidence of organized brain activity in a fetus.

You posted a link to a journal that does not confirm your claim, and in fact refutes it. While the presence of a failed zygote presenting as a cyst will by definition contain cells that have markers to organs, your claim of "beating heart" was an absurd lie, a fabrication on your part.

So again I ask you, did you complete grade school?
"Hey honey! Look, I just called this guy on the internet a ghoul! That'll show him!"

Bah. You haven't arrived until he's equated you with Pol Pot. :eusa_snooty:

Pothead is to rational debate as Shanghai is to clean air. QED.
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Ghouls are some stupid motherfuckers. Did you finish grade school? Serious question.

Let's get back to what you're running from, which is how you lied about a zygote having brain activity.

Serious question, are you just a complete dumbshit, or it just another example of your "The ends always justify the means for my cult!" deviant lifestyle?

I just ask because I don't think even you can be stupid enough to equate "has some brain tissue" with "brain activity." You can feed yourself, so you can't actually be that dumb. Therefore, you must be faking your stupid routine, right?

Or maybe not. Just let us know. Are you a dumbshit or a liar? Mind you, I'm not precluding the possibility that both categories apply.
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Let's get back to what you're running from, which is how you lied about a zygote having brain activity.

Excuse me?

You might want to check the credentials of the journal I posted. I realize you ghouls are stupid, but check, then spew...

Serious question, are you just a complete dumbshit, or it just another example of your "The ends always justify the means for my cult!" deviant lifestyle?

What are you babbling about, moron?

I just ask because I don't think even you can be stupid enough to equate "has some brain tissue" with "brain activity." You can feed yourself, so you can't actually be that dumb. Therefore, you must be faking your stupid routine, right?

Or maybe not. Just let us know. Are you a dumbshit or a liar? Mind you, I'm not precluding the possibility that both categories apply.

You have shit for brains, and you have an agenda; bummer that you have no facts or intellect to go along with it....
Burden of proof rest on those making a claim. Show me peer reviewed evidence of organized brain activity in a fetus.

You posted a link to a journal that does not confirm your claim, and in fact refutes it. While the presence of a failed zygote presenting as a cyst will by definition contain cells that have markers to organs, your claim of "beating heart" was an absurd lie, a fabrication on your part.

So again I ask you, did you complete grade school?

Here is a tumor with a heart.
Sacrococcygeal heart: a very rare differe... [Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2002] - PubMed - NCBI

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